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09-17 投稿


implicating 发音

英:[??mpl?ke?t??]  美:[??mpl?ke?t??]

英:  美:

implicating 中文意思翻译



implicating 词性/词形变化,implicating变形

动词现在分词: implicating |动词过去式: implicated |动词过去分词: implicated |动词第三人称单数: implicates |

implicating 短语词组

1、implicating principles ─── 隐含原则

implicating 相似词语短语

1、imprecating ─── v.诅咒;祈求

2、implicative ─── adj.含蓄的;连带的

3、implications ─── n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数)

4、duplicating ─── v.复制;重复;复印;使加倍(duplicate的现在分词)

5、complicating ─── 并发;使复杂化

6、implating ─── 暗示

7、implication ─── n.含义;暗示;牵连,卷入;可能的结果,影响

8、explicating ─── 解释;说明(explicate的现在分词)

9、imbricating ─── v.(使)成覆瓦状;交叠(imbricate的现在分词)

implicating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As all nine patients with sufficient data on ictal onset had right-sided seizure onset, the authors suggest that orgasmic aura is an ictal lateralizing sign implicating the right hemisphere. ─── 在具有完整资料的所有9名患者中,在发病开始时,都发现右侧病兆,所以作者揭露,性高潮先驱预感在发病时,症状的病兆出现在大脑右侧半球。

2、The integrity report talks of "triage" : cases implicating bank staff get its full attention, as do cases that put the bank's name at risk. ─── 诚信报告提到了“分类筛选(triage)”:涉及该行职员的案件将得到充分重视,一如那些可能玷污世行名誉的案件一样。

3、He was in the public clock, confessing everything, implicating everybody. ─── 他站在被告席上,什么都招认,什么人都咬。

4、An aggregation of LCMs was observed around the necrosis lesion within a range of 2mm. The density peak appeared on the 10th day after injury, implicating that the affinity for the brain injury area was also highest. ─── LCM主要聚集在脑损伤区周围2mm的范围内,伤后第10天与脑损伤区的靶点结合能力最强,出现密度高峰。

5、” Such an absurd false-logic of lesser of victimization, implicating benignity, simply does not white-wash the brutality of Japanese colonialism. ─── 这是一种屠杀十个人与屠杀八个人的可笑比较逻辑,但是,屠杀数字的多与少,都不能抹灭屠杀本身的滔天罪行!

6、The fundament implic of thi exampl is that the need and desir to commun across differ in cultur and ideolog is not onli felt by the two countri but by mani other nation as well. ─── 这一事件充分标明:不同文化、不同意识形态之间的交流不只仅是两个国家的需要和愿望,也是更多其它国家的心声。

7、The act of implicating or the condition of being implicated. ─── 牵连,涉及牵涉的动作或被牵涉的状态

8、This paper gives a theorem extending usual implic it function theorem.This theorem has larger range of application than usual impl icit function theorem. ─── 对数学分析中的隐函数定理进行了适当的改进,使它的适应范围有所扩大.

9、To build economization society is of implicating in modernization construction process and state security, the people's welfare and basic benefit, the people's existence and long-term development. ─── 摘要建设节约型社会,事关现代化建设进程和国家安全,事关人民群众福祉和根本利益,事关中华民族生存和长远发展。

10、Mr. Maliki said he had plenty of evidence implicating other political leaders and factions, which he didn't name, in acts of violence. ─── 马利基说,自己掌握了大量表明其他政治领导人和派别参与暴力活动的证据,不过没有对他们指名道姓。

11、The dark blue represents sky, implicating the broadness and deepness of the medical Technology. ─── 深蓝色代表天空意寓博大精深的医学科技。

12、The scale efficiency and population of a city are positively correlated, implicating that increasing city scale could be effective. ─── 城市规模效率与城市人口呈正相关关系,增加城市规模能够提高城市效率。

13、No one would have had me get out of the scrape by implicating an old friend. ─── 无论什么人都不能叫我为了自己摆脱困难便把一个老朋友牵累到这案子里去。

14、He was in the public dock, confessing everything, implicating everybody. ─── 他站在被告席上,什么都招认,什么人都咬。

15、With the characters of multi-mechanism,multi-pathways,multi-targets between AD and DNA microarray,this technique will speed up the discovery genes and gene pathways implic... ─── 简要综述DNA微阵列技术应用于阿尔茨海默病发病机制、早期诊断及防治药物等方面的研究进展。

16、The relationship between PTPs and PTKs can be explored by implicating the mechanism of 3BP2. ─── 因此,通过研究3BP2来发现与其结合的PTPs和PTKs有重要意义。

17、The skin can be an important clue implicating liver disease. ─── 皮肤是暗示肝脏疾病的一条重要线索。

18、The simulated results were in good agreement with the experimentally measured ones, implicating they are helpful for optimization of the vehicle anticollision safety design. ─── 结果表明:模拟结果与实验结果相符,从而可以用来指导汽车的抗撞安全性优化设计。

19、So implicating the TERT gene in a specific cancer can help lead to a better understanding of how cancer develops and boost the design of new drugs to stop tumors, Brennan added. ─── 布伦南还指出TERT在特定癌症中的关联有助于更好的理解癌症产生和推进治疗肿瘤的新药研发。

20、It is not necessary to complicate the case by implicating so many people. ─── 没必要牵涉那么多人使案情复杂化。

21、The Control of the Implicating Degree and the Implicating Quality in English Speech Words ─── 英语演讲词含意化程度和性质的控制

22、On the Four Spirits of Network Implicating ─── 试论网络蕴涵的四种精神

23、Implicating Strategy of Environmental Regulation and Control, Forming the Harmonious and Healthy City ─── 实施环境调控策略塑造和谐健康城市

24、"Problem paradigm", implicating in "philosophical paradigm", is a research orientation and important content of philosophy paradigm. ─── 摘要“问题范式”内含于“哲学范式”中,是哲学范式的一个研究取向和重要内容。

25、This essay analyses the capacity of implicating of Nalan's style of Ci and further the melancholic senses and notions in his Ci poems about frontier and those that depict material things. ─── 本文将着重论证其词风的这种兼容性,并进一步分析其边塞词及咏物词所蕴含的哀愁意蕴。

26、The author of this article attempts to sort out the basic issues in ecological restoration and further reveals the absurdity and implic... ─── 笔者通过勾勒生态恢复的生态学视野和社会科学视野的轮廓及其限度,尝试对上述生态恢复的基本问题进行梳理,进而揭示生态恢复的悖谬性及其启示意义。

27、Abstract: This paper gives a theorem extending usual implic it function theorem.This theorem has larger range of application than usual impl icit function theorem. ─── 摘 要: 对数学分析中的隐函数定理进行了适当的改进,使它的适应范围有所扩大.


29、The interactive effects between the road networks and the topographic factors occurred at most scales, implicating that both of them affected the ecosystem distribution. ─── 在大多数尺度下,道路网络和地形因子对生态系统分布既有独立作用,也有交互作用。

30、They fell over one another to talk about something for implicating that they wanted to stay for dinner. ─── 他们抢着说话,多方暗示人家挽留他们吃晚饭。

31、cloacae were positive for amp C gene , implicating most strains of E. cloacae had the ability to produce the enzyme. ─── 头孢西丁三维试验阳性18株,其中16株amp C基因扩增阳性而amp D扩增阴性,男有2株amp C和amp D均阳性。

32、Results The death rate was obviously higher in patients implicating in acute renal failure concurrent multiple system organ failure than those suffering acute renal failure only. ─── 结果急性肾功能衰竭合并多脏器功能衰竭的患儿病死率明显高于单纯急性肾功能衰竭。

33、She might not be afraid of implicating her sister. ─── 她可能不怕连累了姊姊。

34、In addition, the effective duration of Huei is rather low compared with that of a typical bullet bond, implicating minor price sensitivity than bullet bonds. ─── 和距到期日相同且期末一次偿还本金之债券相比,合会之有效存续期间较小,显示其移转价格对利率的敏感度较低。

35、The integrity report talks of “triage”: cases implicating bank staff get its full attention, as do cases that put the bank's name at risk. ─── 诚信报告提到了“分类筛选(triage)”:涉及该行职员的案件将得到充分重视,一如那些可能玷污世行名誉的案件一样。

36、Ages and ages ago, Fu Xi assigned to the existing patterns emblematic implic ation from two Yi's and four Xiang's of Yin Yang. ─── 远古的伏羲 ,只是将这样的现成图像赋予了阴阳两仪与四象的含义。

37、A Chinese Input Approach Implicating Word Segmentation And its Implementation ─── 隐式分词的中文输入法及其实现

38、In addition, GH administration enhanced alternative complement activity and increased serum lysozyme concentration, implicating the enhancement of the immunity. ─── 此外生长激素可活化替代性补体活性并增加血清溶菌?浓度,具有增强鱼类免疫力之效应。

39、One example of the research implicating NMDA receptors in schizophrenia relates to the way the brain normally processes information. ─── 显示NMDA受体参与了精神分裂的研究当中,有一个例子与大脑处理讯息的方式有关。

40、Pathogenesis Implicating with Oxidative Stress and Prevention of Ascites Syndrome in Broiler ─── 肉鸡腹水综合征发病学的氧应激机制及其防治

41、The gene changes implicating to the susceptibility to noise ─── 基因的改变与噪声性聋的易感性

42、Before the attempted heist, the two villains agreed that, if arrested, they would keep quiet, which would attract the lightest punishment they could get without implicating each other. ─── 两个坏蛋在犯罪前曾订立攻守同盟:假如被捕,他们都将保持沉默,使两人都能得到最轻的惩罚,而不致相互指证对方有罪。

43、'People want to know the truth of the allegations implicating the nation's largest conglomerate,' Mr. Roh said at a news conference. ─── 卢武铉在一场新闻发布会上说,人们希望了解对这家韩国最大企业集团的指控的真相。

44、No one would have had me get out of the scrape by implicating an old friend. ─── 无论什么人都不能叫我为了自己摆脱困难便把一个老朋友牵累到这案子里去。

45、they are all about the past.This time, Li Hongzhi is implicating warnings of impending dangers, prophesizing that the human race is facing new Armageddon. ─── 我说整个人类社会处在这样一种状态,再往前查,影像就不清楚,只能查到八十一次。

46、"One benefit of this work is that it provides a new and unanticipated model implicating a TRAIL pathway deficiency in the chronic toxicity of radiation therapy," he said. ─── 他说“我们这项工作的一个贡献是,提供了一个新的、未知的模型,提示在放疗引起的慢性毒性反应中存在TRAIL通路缺陷。”

47、Dooku received a reprimand for excessive aggression during the exercise.Lorian was expelled from the Jedi Order, not for stealing the Sith Holocron, but for lying and implicating his friend. ─── 杜库因训练中过度伤害,受到警告处分,Lorian则被逐出绝地武士团,不只因为他盗取西斯全息记录,更因为他说谎并试图连累朋友。

48、The findings, reported in The Journal of Pediatrics, add to evidence implicating each of these three habits in promoting weight gain. ─── 这份研究发现发表在《儿科学杂志》上,作为证据证明了这三个习惯中的任何一个都与体重增加有关。

49、A number of reports have appeared implicating neurotoxicity of local anesthetics as a possible cause of neurologic complications after spinal anesthesia. ─── 由于局麻药潜在神经毒性引起的椎管内麻醉后神经系统并发症的相关报道屡见不鲜。

50、Research on Some Issues about Confirming Implicating Crime and Assimilating Crime ─── 认定牵连犯和吸收犯若干问题之研讨

51、There is substantial evidence implicating a chronic vascular inflamm ation process in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic. ─── 越来越多的证据表明动脉粥样硬化是血管壁的慢性炎症性疾病。

52、At the end of this paper, the suggestions of implicating virtual water strategy and shifting consumption patterns are put forward for sustainable utilization of water resources in Shandong Province. ─── 实施虚拟水战略、改变消费模式,已成为保障山东省水资源安全、实现区域可持续发展的有效途径。

53、We all know he is just implicating that China is building too many coal-fired power plants, however, this kind of expression is really misleading. ─── 今天几乎全部中小学都停课,其中很大的原因是很多老师因为交通受阻没能及时赶到学校。主持人说,我83年上学的时候下雪也没见停课。

54、Starr's people had offered to keep her out of jail if she gave them information implicating Hillary or me in some illegal activity. ─── 斯塔尔的人曾答应不会让她蹲监狱,条件是她提供一些牵扯到我和希拉里的某种非法活动的情况。

55、She was ready to warn Sir Henry so far as she could without implicating her husband, and again and again she tried to do so. ─── 只要不把她的丈夫牵连进去,她就准备去警告亨利爵士,而且她也曾一再地确想这样做。

56、Proof Weight of Implicating Others in A Confession ─── 试论共犯攀供的证明力

57、The mesotheliallike epithelium was positive for estrogen receptors, implicating its role in tumor promotion and the almost exclusive occurrence of such tumors in women. ─── 此一现象显示黏液性囊腺瘤的生长系受雌激素调控,并可以解释此一肿瘤好发于女性之原因。

58、A primary study on implicating for the optimization of the ecological environment system in Hubei province ─── 湖北省生态环境系统优化调控初探

59、The integrity report talks of“triage”: cases implicating bank staff get its full attention, as do cases that put the bank's name at risk. ─── 廉政机制部称之为“优先分类法”:当把世行的名字挂在一桩合同上意味着风险时,这就暗示员工要对其更小心。

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