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09-17 投稿


legioned 发音


英:  美:

legioned 中文意思翻译



legioned 词性/词形变化,legioned变形

名词复数: legionaries |

legioned 相似词语短语

1、legionella ─── n.[特医]军团杆菌,军团菌属

2、legions ─── n.罗马军团;军队(legion的复数);万马千军

3、sectioned ─── n.截面;部分;部门;地区;章节;vi.被切割成片;被分成部分;vt.把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分

4、clarioned ─── n.号角;adj.清澈响亮的;n.(Clarion)人名;(法)克拉里翁

5、mentioned ─── v.提及,说起,谈到(mention的过去式和过去分词)

6、legion ─── n.(古罗马)军团;众多;军队;adj.众多的;大量的

7、lessoned ─── n.教训;课;vt.教训;上课

8、legionary ─── adj.军队的;很多的;古罗马军团的;n.军团士兵

9、pensioned ─── n.退休金,抚恤金;津贴;膳宿费;vt.发给养老金或抚恤金

legioned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Felsteeds are the fiery equine servants of the Burning Legion. ─── 地狱战马是燃烧军团燃烧着的仆从。

2、Art Deco Exhibition at the Legion of Honor. ─── 今天去旧金山荣誉军团博物馆看了一场装饰艺术展览。

3、Romano Prodi;and Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur by the French Government. ─── 二零零七年,获法国政府颁发荣誉骑士级勋章。

4、Im Kampf bergauf, die Legion Jiangdu Steele Fluss. ─── 在艰苦的战斗中,该军团强渡斯蒂尔河。

5、The legion was a 4200-man unit at full strength, broken down into 120-man units called maniples. ─── 一个军团是由一个个120人编队的独立“战团”组成的,整个军团配备了4200名全副武装的军人。

6、Jokes about the minister are legion. ─── 关于牧师的笑话数不胜数。

7、The character in the middle of the picture is the Lich King's mightiest Death Knight and also the legion commander. ─── 位于画面中央的是尸巫王手下最强大的死亡骑士也是军团指挥。

8、Of, relating to, or constituting a legion. ─── 军团的,部队的军团的,和部队有关的,或组成军团的

9、The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion , and are only alike in their ineffectuality. ─── 人为的催眠法多不胜举,唯一的相同处是全都无效。

10、Books that make their subjects unhappy are legion. ─── 主题引起不愉快的书籍是不可胜数的。

11、In China, there has long been a custom that the law fails where violators are legion. ─── 在中国,法不责众的思想由来已久。

12、The 501st Legion succeeded in eliminating Apailana, and Naboo's loyalty to the New Order was restored with the next monarch. ─── 501军团成功地完成了任务,在新任傀儡君主的统治下,纳布向帝国新秩序效忠。

13、Legion provides a management service and WPF application that is used to monitor the Legion grid. ─── 它还提供了WPF和系统服务程序监控网格计算机。

14、On New Years Eve, at the Legion Hall, she and Richard would have some drinks. ─── 她只是在除夕和理查德在“军人大厦”喝点酒。

15、There are countless similar cases. or Such instances are legion. ─── 凡此种种,不一而足。

16、In 458 BC, the Roman general Cincinnatus was called away from his farm to rescue a Roman legion that was besieged by an Italian tribe. ─── 公元前四五八年,一个罗马军团遭义大利某部落包围。

17、Minor poets are legion; the majors are few and far between. ─── 二三流的诗人不计其数; 大诗人则寥寥无几, 多少年才出一个。

18、He thinks of Gladys Sweeny who runs the Institute for Psychological Sciences and the many faithful Legion and Regnum Christi members he knows. ─── 如今,我们既然能够本著修和的精神相会,我们就不应该让过去的困难阻碍我们加强彼此的友谊”。

19、Illidan consented to join the fight against the Legion. ─── 伊利丹同意加入抵抗燃烧军团的战斗中。

20、Cabal has gone,Legion is here. ─── 在这里,凯恩与时间并存......

21、He took charge of the surviving sorcerers and directed their combined power to noticeable effect, killing many of the Legion's minions. ─── 他掌管了幸存的法师并将他们的力量集中起来发挥作用,一举杀掉了很多燃烧军团的恶魔。

22、When you lose a Legionary Eagle UNLESS you recapture it, that Legion number is NEVER recruited again. ─── 如果你在战斗中失去了军团鹰旗,除非你夺回来,否则这个军团番号将被取消。

23、He informally presented me with the Legion of Merit. ─── 他非正式的告诉我所谓道德的军队。

24、He founded the Legion of Honor in 1802 to honor soldiers and civilians who had made contributions to France. ─── 他在1802年设立了荣誉勋章,以表彰那些对法国作出贡献的军人和平民。

25、The summer of 2005, Montolivo Ziyi arrived at the Legion. ─── 2005年夏天,蒙托利沃来到了紫衣军团。

26、Balnazzar: This land is ours. The Scourge belongs to the Legion! ─── “这块土地是属于我们的,而不死军团是属于整个燃烧军团的。”

27、The formation of a foreign legion seemed therefore to be an ideal method of killing these two birds with one stone. ─── 因此,组织一个外籍兵团似乎是一箭双雕的理想办法。

28、But that year won the Legion meeting, they did not become the game's protagonist. ─── 不过当年的夺冠军团聚会,他们却并未成为本场比赛的主角。

29、Frank Taylor joins the "pro-American" Black Legion when he loses his chance at foremanship to a foreign-born man. ─── 弗兰克.泰勒加入了一个“支持美国”黑色军团,因为他把领班的位置丢给了一个外国来的家伙。

30、Another two years of war and we could have had him with us in Cobb`s Legion. ─── 如果再打两年的话,我们可能会把他带到康布军团去.

31、The festival brings together traditional workers in the crafts and a legion of youthful admirers. ─── 传统手工艺艺人和大批爱好手工艺的青年人汇集在一起庆祝这个节日。

32、The Legion of Honour, the country's highest award, was presented to 300 veterans, including 100 Americans, at a June 5 ceremony in Paris. ─── 当天,在巴黎举行的纪念仪式上,还为包括100位美国人在内的300位退伍军人颁发了代表法国最高荣誉的荣誉团勋章。

33、He thought about enlisting-about the Spanish legion -about a profession. ─── 他想去打仗,想参加西班牙军团,想找个职业。

34、After that kingdom's destruction by the Burning Legion the arcane arts spread to the far corners of the world. ─── 在王国被燃烧军团摧毁以后,这种神秘艺术传播到了世界的遥远角落。

35、Confirm the sale target in the agent legion. ─── 双方明确代理区域的销售目标。

36、He was certain that despite the night elves' victory, the Legion would one day return. ─── 他认为尽管暗夜精灵胜利了,但是燃烧军团总有一天会再度入侵。

37、Bush spoke to the nation's largest veterans' group, The American Legion. ─── 布什总统已经对美国最大的退伍军人团体美国军团发表了讲话。

38、One of three demons iln the servic t of Satanachia, comm New ander of the first legion of Hell. ─── 其中三个妖魔在服务satanach aa ,指挥官的第 New 一军团中的地狱。

39、Each rules a legion from each of the layers of Hell, excluding Nessus, where Asmodeus holds his forces for a greater conflict yet to come. ─── 事实上是八魔将好像并不比典型的对这个位置发生兴趣的深狱炼魔更有力量。这些年里面肯定至少有一个八魔将之一丧生在刺客的刀刃下。

40、On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor. ─── 在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。

41、He'll address the American Legion Convention in Salt Lake City. ─── 他将在盐湖城美国退伍军人大会上发表演讲。

42、Changzhou is a water country of the Jiangnan, canals criss-crossing, bridges legion. ─── 常州为江南水乡,河渠纵横,桥梁众多。

43、A member of certain male orders of knighthood or merit, such as the Legion of Honor in France. ─── 士被授予男性的爵位或者勋位的一成员,如法国的荣誉军团

44、Because each spider can eat five or six budworms a day, a legion of spiders can play a major role in preventing an infestation from developing. ─── 因为每只蜘蛛每天能吃掉五、六个芽卷蛾,所以一支蜘蛛大军就能够在防止虫灾蔓延方面起到重要的作用。

45、She told Illidan that his people needed him to help fight the Burning Legion again. ─── 她告诉伊利丹他的人民需要他的力量,再次抵抗燃烧军团。

46、He was made a chevalier in France's Legion of Honor in 2003 and was promoted to officer earlier this year. ─── 2003年,他成为法国荣誉军团的一名骑士,同年早期被提升为军官。

47、Legion plate mimics the forging techniques used in the Nine Hells to armor legion devils. ─── 军团板甲模仿九层地狱中为军团魔锻造护甲的技术。

48、A city that supposedly embraces family values booed like a legion of frauds. ─── 一个本想生活的城市去把他当成一个骗子来嘘。

49、Winged skulls, death masks, screaming faces and other hideous images were painted onto the legion's power armour with the greatest of care. ─── 割开的头盖骨,死亡面具,尖叫的面孔和其他残忍的画面被仔细的绘制到动力装甲上。

50、Books on this subject are legion. ─── 关于这个题目的书籍多得不计其数。

51、The Doomguard Punisher will no longer hit players not involved in the Legion Ring Event. ─── * 末日守卫惩罚者不会再攻击未卷入-军团戒指-这一事件的玩家。

52、He commanded a Roman legion in Judaea under his father, Vespasian. ─── 在其父韦斯巴芗麾下任犹太地区军团司令。

53、Her admirers were legion. His mistakes were legion. ─── 她的崇拜者很多。他的错误很多

54、Kil'jaeden surmised that he needed a new force to weaken Azeroth's defenses before the Legion even set foot upon the world. ─── 基尔加丹认为他需要先派遣一支新的力量去削弱艾泽拉斯的防御力量,然后燃烧军团才能轻松征服这个世界。

55、He sought out Sargeras, creator of the Burning Legion. ─── 他去寻找萨格拉斯,燃烧军团的创始人。

56、Balanlar was one of the elite Dreadlords before the Burning Legion fell. ─── 在灼焰军团尚未崩解之前,巴拉那曾是一名杰出的魔将。

57、One of th cree demons in the service of Satanachia, pcommander of the first legion of Hell. ─── 其中三个妖魔在服务satanachia ,指挥官的第一个军团的地狱。

58、He was an old non-commissioned officer of the old guard, a member of the Legion of Honor at Austerlitz, as much of a Bonapartist as the eagle. ─── 他原是旧羽林军里的一名下级军官,奥斯特里茨战役勋章的获得者,一个象鹰那样精悍的拿破仑信徒。

59、Late May 1939: Admiral Graf Spee in Hamburg, Germany welcoming troops of the Condor Legion home from Spain. ─── 1939年5月底,格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号在汉堡,德国人在此欢迎从西班牙回国的秃鹰军团。

60、The president told the American Legion that it is a fight the United States will win. ─── 布什总统向美国退伍军人团体美国军团说,这是一场美国一定会赢的战争。

61、He looked on his worldly interests as a legion of foes. ─── 他把自己在人世间的利益看作是一大批敌人。

62、A soldier who is a member of a legion. ─── 古罗马军团中的士兵。

63、She was made a dame,the equivalent of a knight17 in 1951,and France made her a chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur in 1950. ─── 1951年,她被授予女爵士头衔,这是与骑士同级的爵位,1950年法国授予她法国勋级会荣誉军团骑士勋位。

64、Sergeant Axmann tricks them into joining the Foreign Legion, after which they discover Axmann?s collaboration with the nasty Sheik Hamud El Khalid. ─── 剧情讲述两傻参加外籍兵团前往沙漠作战,卑鄙的军官故意把他们整得半死,但结果却因祸得福成为英雄。

65、The survivors of Crassus's legion became a mystery, walking ghosts in Roman legends. ─── 克拉苏的军团的幸存者成了一个谜,罗马历史上不散的幽灵.

66、A legion of rivers converge at Fu and Wan/Dashing for the one and only gate at Qutang. ─── “众水会涪万/瞿塘争一门。”

67、My physical condition is not strong, is that mean I cannot join the legion? ─── 你在基础训练的成绩够好就可以先选你要去的单位。

68、If the Azorius are the lawmakers of Ravnica, then the Boros Legion are the law's enforcers. ─── 如果说俄佐立人是拉尼卡的立法者, 那么波洛斯教团就是法律的执行者。

69、Conflicts of interest would be legion, so the investments will be made slowly and conservatively. ─── 利益冲突会有很多,所以这样的投资举动会很慢而且很保守。

70、But somebody from the Underworld woke up to justice and stood up against this legion, alone. ─── 但是,来自魔界的一个人(魔?)了正义挺身而出,独自对抗自己的族人。

71、And they came to Jesus and saw the demon possessed man sitting down, clothed, and sane, the man who had had the legion, and they became frightened. ─── 他们来到耶稣那里,看见那鬼附的人,就是从前被群鬼所附的,坐着,身穿衣服,神志清醒,他们就害怕。

72、Last week federal legion says the release final version of statement on subprime lending. ─── 上周联绑地区次级贷款最终版本已经发布。

73、How many diseases we are liable to! Their name is legion. ─── 人的疾病有多少?多得不计其数。

74、He was dressed in a blue frock-coat, buttoned up to the chin, and wore at his button-hole the rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor. ─── 他身穿蓝色披风,钮孔上挂着荣誉团军官的玫瑰花形徽章。

75、If you are considering a Star Wars hero, Jedi, or Rebel costume, we recommend you visit our sister organization, the Rebel Legion. ─── 如果你考虑成为一个星战的英雄人物,比如绝地或者起义军,我们建议你访问我们的姐妹组织,起义军部队。

76、Sporting a legion of high profile musical enablers,Destiny's Child featured a hit single," No,No,No," . ─── 一群张扬鲜明的音乐人,"命运之子"的主打歌为《不,不,不》。

77、The Legion Annual Fellowship is an annual gathering of Chinese-speaking Legionaries. ─── 圣母军交流会是华文圣母军年度集会。

78、At that time, more over, the legion of Arabia was reported to have defected to Albinus. ─── 将阿尔比努斯一族杀光;

79、a day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity. ─── 白天在十字架上,周末就去地狱,可那些天使的赞歌却永远不停。

80、The orcs of Outland were not the only ones to suffer the Burning Legion's demonic corruption. ─── 外域的兽人并不是唯一饱受燃烧军团堕落力量欺凌的种族。

81、After the Legion came to Outland, however, it was Magtheridon who ruled from the brooding fortress. ─── 在军团来临之后,麦戈瑟里登顺理成章的成为了这阴暗堡垒的主人。

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