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09-17 投稿


kinswoman 发音

英:[?k?nzw?m?n]  美:[?k?nzw?m?n]

英:  美:

kinswoman 中文意思翻译



kinswoman 词性/词形变化,kinswoman变形


kinswoman 相似词语短语

1、gildswoman ─── 镀金女

2、bandswoman ─── 班德斯沃曼

3、clanswoman ─── n.同氏族的女人

4、bondswoman ─── n.女保证人,女担保人

5、huntswoman ─── 女猎人

6、kinsman ─── n.男性亲戚;同族者;n.(Kinsman)人名;(英、法)金斯曼

7、foilswoman ─── 女箔

8、lineswoman ─── 线人

9、kinswomen ─── n.女性亲戚

kinswoman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But behold one day Mary heard from Elisabeth. There was to be a baby in the family and could Mary come and take care of her kinswoman? ─── 一天,玛丽收到伊丽莎白的一封信,她家要有一个孩子了,玛丽能不能来照顾她的堂姐呢?

2、A kinsman or kinswoman. ─── 亲戚男亲戚或女亲戚

3、"Nay, not altogether alone, but with the old Countess, her kinswoman, who hath yielded to her cousin's wishes in this matter. ─── “愿上帝给他一个难堪的回答!”古特里说道,“不过,他到底要抗议什么?”

4、Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman ─── 对智慧说,你是我的姊妹。称呼聪明为你的亲人。

5、In the New Testament, the mother of John the Baptist and a kinswoman of Mary. ─── 以利沙伯新约全书记载的施洗约翰的母亲,是圣母玛丽亚的亲戚

6、Prince Vassily began impatiently, “I have come to you not to provoke you, but to talk to you as a kinswoman, a good, kind-hearted, true kinswoman, of your own interests. ─── 瓦西里公爵急躁地说道,“我到你这里来不是要和你争吵,而是要和一个亲人、一个善良、诚挚的亲人谈谈你的切身利益问题。

7、And behold, Elisabeth thy kinswoman, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that was called barren. ─── 看你的亲戚伊利莎白,她虽然年老,人家说她不能生育,可是她现在已经有了六个月的身孕。

8、Yet never did I dream she could have proceeded so far as to have caused my once affectionate kinswoman to have left me behind in the perils of Schonwaldt, while she made her own escape. ─── 即使国王有心给我撑腰,他也不敢为了替一个可怜的年轻人主持公道而得罪一个有五百人马的酋长。”

9、A relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman. ─── 亲戚因血缘关系或婚姻关系而成的亲戚;男亲戚或女亲戚

10、"Thou shalt have it, fair kinswoman, were it against a host -- always excepting my liege lord, of Burgundy.But there is little time to talk of it. ─── 尽管他对她的前途不抱什么希望,他还是尽量使她不要丧失信心,便回答说,这伙人最强烈的欲望就是贪财;

11、A kinswoman of ours was reading a copy, but no entreaties of mine could induce her to lend it to me. ─── 我们的一位女亲属手里头正看着一份,但不管我如何恳求,她就是不肯借给我看。

12、A relative by blood or marriage;a kinsman or kinswoman. ─── 亲戚因血缘关系或婚姻关系而成的亲戚;男亲戚或女亲戚

13、and all the spoils you divided among your favored sons, who burned with zeal for you, and in their abhorrence of the defilement of their kinswoman, called on you for help. ─── 你的子民为了你的嫉愤而嫉愤,憎恨自己的血液所受的玷污,而哀求了你的援助。

14、In the New Testament, the mother of John the Baptist and a kinswoman of Mary. ─── 以利沙伯新约全书记载的施洗约翰的母亲,是圣母玛丽亚的亲戚

15、When they had bathed and reclined to eat, Tobiah said to Raphael, "Brother Azariah, ask Raguel to let me marry my kinswoman Sarah. ─── 沐浴洁身以后当入席用饭时,多俾亚对辣法耳说:"阿匝黎雅兄!请你向辣古耳请求,把我的妹妹撒辣许配给我!

16、blood relation; kinsman; kinswoman; member of the family; relative. ─── 亲属;亲属关系;亲戚;亲属;亲属关系。

17、Thus the reception of Tess by her fancied kinswoman terminated, and the birds were taken back to their quarters. ─── 苔丝想象中的亲戚对她的接见就这样结束了,那些鸡也被送回到它们的院子里。

18、in the New Testament,the mother of John the Baptist and a kinswoman of Mary ─── 新约全书记载的施洗约翰的母亲,是圣母玛丽亚的亲戚

19、My kinswoman was fond of pan, [31] and I hastened to place some before her. ─── 我这位女亲属很喜爱嚼“班”,我就赶紧去给她弄了点放在她面前。

20、and one of these, in the old New York code, was the tribal rally around a kinswoman about to be eliminated from the tribe. ─── 一对住在纽约的富家年轻夫妇理应有大量的非正式招待活动,一位姓韦兰的嫁给一位姓阿切尔的之后,恪守这一传统就更是义不容辞了。

21、or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman. ─── 或婚姻关系而成的亲戚;男亲戚或女亲戚。

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