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09-17 投稿


loomed 发音

英:[lu?md]  美:[lu?md]

英:  美:

loomed 中文意思翻译




loomed 短语词组

1、loomed garments ─── 织布服装

2、loomed out ─── 隐约可见

3、loomed out of the fog ─── 从雾中隐约可见

4、loomed large ─── 显得突出;赫然耸现

5、hand-loomed ─── [网络] 手工纺织

6、loomed on the horizon ─── 隐约出现在地平线上

7、loomed out of ─── 隐约可见

8、loomed up out of ─── 隐约出现在

loomed 词性/词形变化,loomed变形

动词第三人称单数: looms |动词过去式: loomed |动词现在分词: looming |动词过去分词: loomed |

loomed 相似词语短语

1、bloomed ─── adj.模糊的;无反射的;v.盛开;兴旺;把钢锭等轧成坯块;使模糊(bloom的过去分词)

2、boomed ─── n.繁荣;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期;吊杆;隆隆声;水栅;帆桁;v.使兴旺;发隆隆声;急速发展;用低沉的声音讲话;鸣叫;n.(Boom)(美、荷、俄、英、比、德)博姆(人名)

3、sloomed ─── 斯洛姆斯

4、loosed ─── v.释放;解开;松手;开火;放松;(使)自由(loose的过去式及过去分词)

5、looped ─── adj.成圈的;酩酊大醉的;v.成圈;打环(loop的过去式和过去分词)

6、gloomed ─── n.昏暗;阴暗

7、doomed ─── adj.注定的;命定的;v.注定;宣判(doom的过去分词)

8、looked ─── v.看,瞧(look的过去式和过去分词);注意;面向;寻找

9、looed ─── n.厕所,洗手间;赌金;卢牌戏(一种纸牌赌博);vt.使罚赌金;n.(Loo)人名;(德、法)洛

loomed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Problems loom large when men don't. ─── 困难象弹簧,你弱它就强。

2、Both dangers loomed upon Dollfuss during 1933. ─── 在1933年,这两个危险都逐渐呈现在多尔富斯面前。

3、A man loomed up out of the darkness. ─── 一个男人隐隐出现在黑暗中。

4、In the distance loomed a towering mountain. ─── 在远处一座巍峨的高山隐约可见。

5、But fresh trouble loomed last night over reports that at least two women will go public with claims that they had affairs with him. ─── 但昨晚又有报道说至少两位妇女将公开宣布她们与伍兹有婚外情,这下新麻烦又来了。

6、It was Frank who lay closest to her heart, Frank who loomed as the star in her limited heaven. ─── 只有弗兰克与她的感情最接近,他就象一颗隐现在她那小小天地中的星星。

7、Parliamentary and presidential elections loom in the next three months. ─── 在接下来的3个月,台湾将进行“立委”选举和“总统”选举。

8、A colored linen tape woven on a simple, narrow loom and used for trimmings. ─── 亚麻有色织带在简单的窄织机上织出来的有色纱带,用于装饰

9、International lending has often loomed large. ─── 国际贷款往往显得数额庞大。

10、A large iceberg loomed througgh the thick, gray fog. ─── 从厚厚的、灰的雾中隐约可见一座大冰山。

11、The odor of beer cut through the jasmine, and a black figure loomed over them. ─── 一股啤酒的气味冲散了茉莉花香,一个黑影逼近了他们。

12、He awoke from his sleep and pulled up the pin and the loom, with the fabric. ─── 参孙从睡中醒来,将机上的橛子和纬线一齐都拔出来了。

13、In the darkness as he walked, Emilia's face loomed before him. ─── 他在黑暗中走着,埃米莉亚的脸在他眼前浮现出来。

14、The Simon family continues to loom large across the story. ─── 在整个故事中,西蒙一家都扮演着重要角色。

15、But shame was his loom, and the softening of the sinews was his thread. ─── 但北风以羞耻当织机,软弱的肌肉当纱线。

16、The iceberg loomed out of the mist. ─── 冰山在迷雾中忽隐忽现。

17、In an air jet loom, high pressure air carries the filling yarn through the shed. ─── 在喷气织机上,高压气流携带纬纱穿过梭口。

18、The fabric was weaving at her loom. ─── 她的织布机正编织着这些织物。

19、Rotating Unevenness is an important dynamic qulity of a weaving loom. ─── 回转不匀率是纵机的一项重要动态特性指标。

20、As they stepped into the corridor, Filch's face loomed suddenly out of the darkness. ─── 他们一跨进走廊,费尔奇的脸就突然从黑暗里显现出来。

21、High speed automatic needle loom is our main equipment. ─── 主要设备是无梭织带机。

22、In a water jet loom, the filling yarn is carried by a high pressure jet of water. ─── 在喷水织机上,纬纱被高压水流携带前进。

23、Cord and lip were weaved together by reconstructive K251 type silk loom. ─── 在改造的K251丝织机上,同时织造出绳编花边的“绳”和“边”。

24、He turned away from the messenger to work at his loom again. ─── 他撇下那两个捎口信的来者,又去织布。

25、Barbara looked increasingly downcast as defeat loomed. ─── 失败越临近,芭芭拉的情绪看上去越为低落。

26、A great battleship, forging silent and unlighted through the dark night, loomed close astern. ─── 在漆黑的夜中一轮巨大战舰一声不响地熄灯前进,逼近船尾。

27、The great Rock of Gibraltar finally loomed out of its concealing haze. ─── 伟大之直布罗陀堡垒最后从隐蔽的霞雾中出现。

28、A colored linen tape woven on a simple,narrow loom and used for trimmings. ─── 亚麻有色织带在简单的窄织机上织出来的有色纱带,用于装饰。

29、She loomed as a titan in my masturbatory dreams. ─── |在我的春梦里她占有很崇高的地位。

30、In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom. ─── 在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。

31、"Boys peer through a carpet loom in India. ─── 几个男孩子正透过地毯织机向外面窥视。

32、Vincent loomed over me, as pale and grey as a tombstone. ─── 文森特赫然出现在我面前,脸色苍白阴沉得像块墓碑。

33、A dark shape loomed up ahead of us. ─── 一个黑糊糊的影子隐隐出现在我们的前面。

34、of war loomed large. ─── 战争的阴影在逼近,令人忧虑。

35、And it loomed as one of the fiercest struggles of all! ─── 一场白热化的争夺即将爆发!

36、The hull of a ship loomed up suddenly through the fog. ─── 一条船的船体突然黑压压地在雾中出现。

37、Double chainstitching applicable to knitied goods in general,loomed fabrics,shitrs,and pants. ─── 双链缝适用于一般针织品、平织布、短裤压线针。

38、A huge shape loomed up through the fog. ─── 一个巨大的影像在雾中隐约出现。

39、The dark outline of a jet loomed through the mist. ─── 喷射机的黑色轮廓在雾中隐隐显现。

40、They pretend to make the cloth on the loom every day. ─── 他们假装整日的在空织布机上织布。

41、A huge shape loomed up out of the fog. ─── 在雾中隐约出现一个巨大的影像。

42、So the Island loomed large and timely in Soapy's mind. ─── 因此,在他的脑袋里,岛子的影象又即时而鲜明地浮现出来。

43、A great battleship, forging silent and unlighted through the dark night, loom close astern. ─── 在漆黑的夜中一轮巨大战舰一声不响地熄灯前进,逼近船尾。

44、THANKS to a mix of luck and good decisions, the economic apocalypse that loomed over central and eastern Europe seems to have been averted. ─── 凭借一点运气和一些正确的决策,中欧及东欧似乎已避免了金融崩溃。

45、A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom. ─── 一匹有一定长度的,尤指当其从织机上卸下来时的一卷布

46、Named after an attachment on a loom used in weaving small geometric or floral patterns. ─── 因该类织机上有用于制造小几何图案或花形图案的附加装置而得名。

47、Plastic circular loom braids the pp flat silk into a plastic truckfest cloth. ─── 塑料圆织机是将聚丙烯塑料扁丝编织成塑料筒布。

48、In the dark night it loomed like an old monk in meditation. ─── 在暗夜中,它的形状隐然如老僧入定一般。

49、Progress Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? ─── 为什么进步这个概念在现代世界显得如此突出?

50、In the dark night it loomed like an old monk in meditation. ─── 在暗夜中,它的形状隐然如老僧入定一般。

51、A flagpole loomed up through the mist. ─── 在薄雾中隐隐可见一根旗杆。

52、Another air plane loomed into the sky. ─── 另一架飞机隐现在空中。

53、Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? ─── 为什么进步这个概念在现代这个世界如此受人重视?

54、A warship loomed up through the heavy fog. ─── 大雾中隐隐出现了一艘军舰。

55、She broke the shuttle from the loom. ─── 她毁了织布的梭子。

56、A figure loomed up out of the mist. ─── 一个人影在晨雾中隐约出现。

57、In my loom I have a half-finished web of soft linen. ─── 在我的织布机上有一块细软麻布,已经织了一半。

58、Several large deer loomed in front of him. ─── 只见好几只大鹿赫然耸现在他面前。

59、The shadow of a greater economic crisis loom large in most of the developed countries in the world. ─── 一场更大的经济危机的阴影笼罩着世界上大多数发达国家。

60、A dark cloud loomed up over the horizon. ─── 一片乌云突然出现在天际。

61、Buying Shuttle Change Weaving Loom Machine. ─── 信息主题:印度求购织布机。

62、Greater danger loomed, but Moya's crew proudly and affectionately realized that they were now ready to face it together, as family. ─── 巨大的危机迫近,但是摩亚的船员们骄傲而亲密地意识到,他们现在真的要共同面对危机了,就像一家人一样。

63、Never have a pair of quotation marks loomed so ominously. ─── 从来没有一对引号能让人有如此不祥的预感。

64、A steel tube or wooden roller on which the warp is wound in a loom. ─── 卷轴织机上的铁管或木轮,供经线缠绕之用

65、As helicopters loomed overhead and scores of police were on standby, the atmosphere was that of expectation. ─── 直升飞机在上空盘旋,几十名警察就地待命,气氛十分凝重。

66、Iron foundries, smelting plants, and cement factories loomed in and out of the haze as I traveled along the roads leading into Linfen. ─── 在我前往临汾的路上,铸铁厂、冶炼厂、水泥厂在阴霾中隐隐出现。

67、The square tower of a church loomed through the gloaming . ─── 在薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。

68、The iceberg loomed out of the fog. ─── 冰山从雾中隐约地出现。

69、A ship in the heavy fog loomed. ─── 一艘船在大雾中隐隐出现。

70、This loomed as a project of no small dimensions. ─── 在苦难中,重返故国的念头始终在他心头萦绕着。

71、But just as she reached the kitchen,a shadow loomed in the curtained glass of the back door. ─── 但是就在她到厨房时,有一个影子隐隐约约出现在后门挂了窗帘的玻璃上。

72、Behind the presumptuous General loomed the illustrious Marshal Petain. ─── 在这位跋扈的将军背后隐然可见很有名气的贝当元帅的身影。

73、He gazed and gazed at the empty loom and he ,too, could see nothing at all. ─── 他注视着空织机看了又看,他仍然是什么也看不见。

74、Overmars followed braces against Leeds and West Ham with a vital strike at Barnsley as silverware loomed large. ─── 奥维马斯在接连缴获利兹联和西汉姆,在巴恩斯利打进一个重要进球,奖杯已经触手可及。

75、A ship loomed (up) through the fog. ─── 一只船在雾中隐隐出现。

76、Out of the mist, another ship loomed ahead, and they had to take quick action to avoid striking her. ─── 另一艘船突然在前面破雾而出,他们只有迅速采取行动才能避免与该船相撞。

77、A ship loomed out of the fog. ─── 一艘船在雾中隐约出现。

78、Exports loom very important in many developing nations. ─── 出口在许多发展中国家显得非常重要。

79、To the north loom the Cretan mountains. ─── 北边隐隐约约勾勒出的是克里特岛的群山。

80、A large, darker shadow loomed. ─── 一个大黑影晃来晃去。

81、A dark bank of cloud loomed on the horizon. ─── 地平线上隐约出现一团乌云。

82、In order to better withstand the mechanical strain of the weaving operation on the loom. ─── 以便更好地抵抗在织布机上织造时所遇到的机械拉力。

83、Another consideration loomed up during our discussion. ─── 在我们讨论的过程中出现了另一件亟需考虑的事。

84、She was curious of the thick detail of London, which had always loomed large and rich to her. ─── 伦敦的风土人情使她向往,在她的心目中它始终是一个繁华热闹的都市。

85、A ship loomed up through the fog. ─── 一艘船突然从雾中出现。

86、While murders loom large, other categories of campus crime are raising concern, too. ─── 在谋杀的威胁日益突出的同时,其他类型的犯罪也吸引了人们的关注。

87、Fear of failure loomed large in his mind. ─── (喻)害怕失败的情绪沉重地压在他的心头

88、A large iceberg loomed through the thick, gray fog. ─── 一座巨大的冰山在灰白色的浓雾笼罩下若隐若现。

89、To overcome some of the speed limitations, the double rigid rapier loom was developed. ─── 为了克服对速度的限制,开发了双剑杆织机

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