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09-17 投稿


lampooner 发音

英:[[l?m'pu:n?]]  美:[[l?m'pu:n?]]

英:  美:

lampooner 中文意思翻译



lampooner 词性/词形变化,lampooner变形

动词过去分词: lampooned |动词现在分词: lampooning |动词过去式: lampooned |名词: lampooner |动词第三人称单数: lampoons |

lampooner 相似词语短语

1、lampholder ─── n.灯座;灯架插头

2、lampoonist ─── n.讽刺文作家,讽刺诗文作者

3、lampoons ─── v.公开讽刺,挖苦;n.讽刺文章(或言论)

4、lampoon ─── v.公开讽刺,挖苦;n.讽刺文章(或言论)

5、lampooning ─── v.公开讽刺,挖苦;n.讽刺文章(或言论)

6、lampoonery ─── n.讽刺性质;讽刺诗的写作

7、harpooner ─── n.鱼叉手

8、harpooneer ─── 鱼叉

9、lampooned ─── v.公开讽刺,挖苦;n.讽刺文章(或言论)

lampooner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、5.In this way arose Feudal Socialism: half lamentation, half lampoon; ─── 这样就产生了封建的社会主义,半是挽歌,半是谤文;

2、Northern Enterprise Lampoon Ltd., P. ─── 北企业讽刺文有限公司P。

3、to ridicule or satirize in or as if in a lampoon ─── 用讽刺作品或好像用讽刺作品嘲弄或讽刺

4、Sean_Biggerstaff> Well no but The Simpsons Lampoon everyone especially Americans so I am hardly about to get offended. Anyway it doesn't matter if it is accurate. It's funny! ─── 不。但是辛普森家族讽刺每个人尤其是美国人所以我不觉得被冒犯。它是否正确并不要紧。它非常有趣!

5、a plucky lampooner of the administration. ─── 行政部门的一个有勇气的讽刺作家。

6、His cartoon mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day. ─── 他的讽刺漫画无情地挖苦了当今的政界要人。

7、To ridicule with a pasquinade;satirize or lampoon. ─── 用讽刺文章进行嘲讽;讽刺或挖苦

8、modern lampoon ─── 现代杂文

9、It is one thing to attack the stupidity of others, to draw attention to wrong doings, and to lampoon those deserving of it. ─── 能够攻击别人的愚蠢,对他们错误的言行引起注意,讽刺那些本应该属于那些的。

10、To ridicule with a pasquinade; satirize or lampoon. ─── 用讽刺文章进行嘲讽;讽刺或挖苦。

11、What is lampoon is we have to rush under the reality, although an adult never lose the imagination drew from childhood. ─── 讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。

12、To ridicule or satirize in or as if in a lampoon. ─── 嘲讽用讽刺作品或好象用讽刺作品嘲弄或讽刺

13、All the Luo Yin's poems were lyrici, using the indignant lampoon as basic emotion.Lao Yin's poems got a special status in the poetic history of late Tang Dynasty. ─── 罗隐诗全是抒情性的律诗,情致以激愤不平的讽刺为主调,在晚唐诗史上占有独领风骚的特别地位。

15、Back in 1973, National Lampoon magazine ran a satirical cover image of a very cute, very worried-looking puppy with a gun pointed at its head. ─── 早在1973年,国家讽刺杂志曾讽刺过一个非常可爱的杂志封面,有个人能非常担心的用枪指着狗的脑袋,标题如下:“如果你不买这边杂志,那么我讲杀了这只狗”;

16、Lampoon their collective age ...or their declining bench ...or their inconsistent shooting. ─── 你可能注意到了同样拿了3枚总冠军的帕克和基诺比例。

17、lampoon n. ─── 讽刺文;

18、In this way arose Feudal Socialism: half lamentation, half lampoon; half echo of the past, half menace of the future; ─── 这样就产生了封建的社会主义,半是挽歌,半是谤文,半是过去的回音,半是未来的恫吓;

19、2.Visit Wat Phra Thad Haripoonchai, one of the most magnificent and oldest temple in Lampoon. ─── 参观帕辛寺,是清迈兰普最大最华丽的佛寺。

20、The Lampoon had a great takeoff on Time magazine. ─── 讽刺>杂志登了一篇讽刺周刊的文章。

21、Sean_Biggerstaff> Well no but The Simpsons Lampoon everyone especially Americans so I am hardly about to get offended. ─── 不。但是辛普森家族讽刺每个人尤其是美国人所以我不觉得被冒犯。

22、 双语使用场景

23、His caricature mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day. ─── 他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。

24、I am a man,it is tired and lampoon. ─── 但是每次崩溃却又有那么多的理智羁绊着我,让我纠结,让我虚伪着,人啊,好渺小 ,什么都不是!

25、the Harvard Advocate, a literary review;and a nationally known humor magazine, the Harvard Lampoon. ─── 哈佛倡导者,一名文学审查和全国著名幽默杂志,哈佛讽刺。

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