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09-17 投稿


kneecap 发音

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英:  美:

kneecap 中文意思翻译



kneecap 网络释义

n. 膝盖骨;护膝

kneecap 词性/词形变化,kneecap变形

动词现在分词: kneecapping |动词过去分词: kneecapped |动词第三人称单数: kneecaps |动词过去式: kneecapped |

kneecap 短语词组

1、dislocation kneecap ─── 膝关节脱位

2、dislocated kneecap ─── 膝盖骨脱臼

kneecap 相似词语短语

1、knee-cap ─── 髌;膝盖骨;护膝

2、knee cops ─── 膝盖警察

3、kneepad ─── n.护膝

4、kneepan ─── n.膝盖骨

5、kneecapped ─── 跪着的

6、knee cop ─── 护膝

7、kneecapping ─── (恐怖分子)用枪击穿膝盖骨(或腿部)的报复行为(kneecap的现在分词)

8、kneecaps ─── n.膝盖骨;护膝;vt.枪击某人的膝盖骨;以非常恶劣的方式来破坏一个人的名誉

9、to kneecap ─── 膝盖骨

kneecap 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bynum suffered a dislocated left kneecap on Sunday and will be sidelined for at least eight weeks. ─── 在星期天拜林遭受了左膝盖脱臼,并且至少休养八个星期。

2、kneecap height ─── 膝盖高

3、Bynum, who hasn't played since dislocating his left kneecap on Jan. 13, isn't expected to return until the last week of the regular season at the earliest. ─── 拜纳姆自1月13日左膝盖受伤以来都没有上场打过球,他最早可能到常规赛最后一周才能复出。

4、Roll the leg inward until the kneecap faces the other leg. ─── 卷腿膝盖向内,直至面临另一方面,另一条腿。

5、What should kneecap fracture notice? ─── 髌骨骨折该注意些什么?

6、Last week, I wrote how I had once fractured my kneecap in a fall, trying to keep from spilling a few dollars' worth of dog food. ─── 上周我在一篇文章中写了自己的经历:为了不让几美元的狗粮洒掉,我摔了一跤,并把膝盖摔裂了。

7、near or relating to the patella or kneecap. ─── 靠近、关于膝盖或膝盖骨。

8、It was an almost universal opinion last spring that the Lakers didn't win the NBA title because they weren't physical enough with 7-foot center Andrew Bynum sidelined by a left kneecap injury. ─── 去年六月份,湖人在总决赛兵败波士顿,对于失利,外界普遍认为湖人在身高七尺的中锋拜纳姆因右膝手术缺阵之后在内线缺乏对抗性。

9、I heard a knee slapper once, and skipped my kneecap right across a lake. ─── 我听到我的膝盖响了一下,然后膝盖骨就掉到湖里去了。

10、After all, Bynum has displayed a form not seen since the heady days before he suffered a season-ending left kneecap injury Jan. 13, 2008. ─── 无论如何,自上赛季末的膝伤以来,拜纳姆已经表现出了史无前例的作用。

11、Although Del Piero and Camoranesi have minor niggles, Trezeguet is out for four months after deciding to have right kneecap tendon surgery. ─── 虽然卡莫和皮耶罗只是轻伤,但是大卫要远离赛场多达四个月,因为他决定进行膝盖手术。

12、Bynum has been out since Jan. 13, when he dislocated his left kneecap and bruised a bone landing on a teammate's foot while going for a rebound. ─── 拜纳姆在1月13日不幸左膝盖受伤,原因是抢夺一个篮板的时候踩在队友的脚上。

13、The MRI showed Nowitzki suffered a medial retinacular sprain (ligaments that hold the kneecap in place) of his left knee. The MRI also confirmed there was no other structural damage to his knee. ─── 这次核磁共振告诉诺维斯基的左膝遭受了一次中度韧带扭伤(支持膝盖骨的韧带)。这次核磁共振也证实了他的膝盖没有其他结构上的伤害。

14、Lakerscoach Phil Jackson admitted on Saturday that Andrew Bynum (kneecap)won't be able to play for about another month, and that Bynum willlikely fill a reserve role when he first returns. ─── 禅师周六对外宣布说:拜纳姆可能还有一个月的时间不能打球,当他复出后将以替补的身份出场。

15、He missed the rest of the 2007-08 season after dislocating his left kneecap in mid-January, and on Saturday he tore the MCL in his right knee when Bryant crashed into Bynum's leg after a missed shot. ─── 在上赛季1月中旬他因为左膝关节脱臼缺席了接下来的所有比赛,而在上周日他又因与队友科比相撞右膝韧带撕裂。

16、After all, Gasol sat out for only a matter of weeks, but Bynum has been out because of a left kneecap injury since Jan. 13. ─── 毕竟,加索尔仅仅休息了几个礼拜,但小拜因为左膝盖骨已经从1月13号休战到现在。

17、Bynum sustained a bone bruise in his knee and a partial dislocation of his kneecap in a mid-January game against Memphis. ─── 拜纳姆膝盖骨在一月中旬对战灰熊时被撞导致局部错位。

18、Bynum's previous injury, the dislocated kneecap, was more serious and may reflect a tendency toward that type of injury, DiNubile said. ─── 拜纳姆先前的受伤-膝盖骨脱臼,相比今次而言,更加严重,和反映了这类型伤病的趋势。

19、For Bynum, it's a different season, a different knee and a different injury, a torn ligament as opposed to a dislocated kneecap. ─── 再说拜纳姆,这是一个不同的赛季,不同的膝盖和不同的伤病,韧带撕裂和膝盖骨关节错位是不同的。

20、This is a surprise from the gods. It contains a random luxury item (not including the wolf and the kneecap rainfall). ─── 作用:礼宝,随机开出贵重品(除了狼和钱雨)

21、to kneecap somebody ─── 枪击某人腿部

22、Or it's your kneecap next. ─── 不然你的膝盖就完了。

23、There will come a time when Pau Gasol will move from the centerspot to the power forward position.ll happen when Andrew Bynum returnsfrom the injury to his left kneecap, probably sometime inmid-March. ─── 拜纳姆伤愈(左膝受伤)归队后,加索尔极有可能从中锋位转打大前锋。鉴于拜纳姆最快也要在三月中下旬归队,这给加索尔留下了足够的调整时间。

24、Although Del Piero and Camoranesi have minor niggles, Trezeguet is out for four months after deciding to have right kneecap tendon surgery. ─── 虽然卡莫和皮耶罗只是轻伤,但是大卫要远离赛场多达四个月,因为他决定进行膝盖手术。

25、Bynum sustained a bone bruise in his left knee and he briefly dislocated his kneecap in the January game. ─── 拜纳姆在一月份的比赛中膝盖骨被撞,导致膝盖骨脱臼。

26、It’s suitable for moderate kneecap strain, arthritis, fascitis, hydro-articulation and patella loose and slippery etc; ─── 适用:中度膝盖扭伤、关节炎、筋膜炎、关节积水及髌骨松脱等;

27、Bynum has been out since Jan. 13 because of a bone bruise in his left knee and a subluxation of his left kneecap -- a brief dislocation that popped back into place. ─── 1月13号拜纳姆左膝盖骨擦伤,随后被确定为膝盖骨半脱位。

28、Mr. Jones: It hurts just behind my kneecap. ─── 琼斯先生:膝盖骨后面。

29、"Its Bones are the femur (thighbone), the longest Bone in the human Body; patella (kneecap); tibia (shin); and fibula. The Biceps muscle of the thigh Bends the leg; the quadriceps straightens it. " ─── 它的骨骼有股骨(在人体中是最长的)、髌骨(膝盖骨)、胫骨和腓骨。两足动物股部的肌肉使腿弯曲,四头肌则将腿拉直。

30、4.Undead Female -"I heard a knee slapper once, and skipped my kneecap right across a lake." ─── 我听到我的膝盖响了一下,然后膝盖骨就掉到湖里去了。

31、Does kneecap ligament get hurt how recuperate? ─── 髌骨韧带受伤如何疗养?

32、These spots can be the throat, diaphram, groin, jaw, kneecap, shin, eyes, and lower ribs. ─── 这些景点可喉咙,墙,丁坝,下巴,膝盖,善,眼睛,下肋骨。

33、The MRI after the match revealed inflammation and fluid behind the kneecap. ─── 赛后的核磁共振显示了炎症和膝盖骨后的积水。

34、The Lakers are banking on the return of Andrew Bynum, who suffered a season-ending kneecap injury Jan. 13, to help them patrol the paint. ─── 上个赛季安猪只从1月13号受伤后,就一直修养到赛季结束,这个赛季湖人随着安猪的回归将有助于我湖更进一步。

35、Bynum injured his left knee on Jan. 13, suffering a bone bruise and briefly dislocated kneecap. ─── 拜纳姆在1月13号比赛中左膝受伤,骨头被撞,膝盖骨暂时脱臼。

36、Bynum's much-anticipated return, delayed several times past the original eight-week estimate for him to recover from a dislocated kneecap, was again pushed back Tuesday by Coach Phil Jackson. ─── 拜纳姆已经超过了预先的回归期,在预定的八周后又过了7场比赛,拜纳姆还是没有从他的膝伤中恢复,在周二,杰克逊又一次推迟了拜纳姆的回归期。

37、While I never saw the two next to each other, judging by the other stuff around them I'd have to say that a Gnome female would probably stand roughly as tall as a Tauren male's kneecap. ─── 虽然我没有看到过这两个种族并排站到一起过,但是通过他们身边的其他参照物,我推测出一个侏儒女性的身高大概可以到一个男性牛头人的膝盖。

38、10.The MRI showed Nowitzki suffered a medial retinacular sprain (ligaments that hold the kneecap in place) of his left knee. ─── 这次核磁共振告诉诺维斯基的左膝遭受了一次中度韧带扭伤(支持膝盖骨的韧带)。

39、The Squat Position and the Prevention of Kneecap Strain ─── 骑马蹲裆式与髌骨劳损的预防

40、The kneecap is designed to stay in the center of this groove and when a dislocation occurs, the kneecap does not slide and maintain its centrality on that groove. ─── 膝盖骨本应处于这个凹槽的正中央,但是如果脱臼,膝盖骨就无法上下滑动,始终处于中间位置。

41、Luxating patella is a medial or lateral displacement of the patella, or kneecap. ─── 髌骨脱位指髌骨向内或侧向位移。

42、If contain the underwear of Chinese traditional medicine, shoe, socks, waist support, kneecap to wait, because have,treat a disease popular with sanitarian function the market. 2. ─── 如含有中药的内衣、鞋、袜、护腰、护膝等,由于具有治病和保健功能而走俏市场。

43、Don't push your knee itself back, even though you are drawing your kneecap inward. ─── 不要推你的膝关节自己回来,即使你正在拉你的膝盖向内。

44、Bynum sat out of the final three months of the regular season plus all of the playoffs because of a partially dislocated left kneecap. ─── 拜纳姆在他扭伤了他的左膝盖之后缺席了最后三个月的常规赛和所有的季后赛。

45、Gasol said he would be comfortable playing either center or power forward, although he's likely to be slotted for the center position until Andrew Bynum returns from his left kneecap injury. ─── 加索尔说不管打中锋还是大前锋,他都很乐意。但是在小拜受伤(左膝)归来之前,他应该会打中锋的位置。

46、A subluxation occurs when the kneecap is pulled toward the outside of the knee. ─── 当膝盖骨被拉到膝部外面发生半脱位。

47、Curative effect observing of the traditional chinese medicine ion channelled method cooperated in massage for treating kneecap osteomalacia ─── 中药离子导入法配合按摩治疗髌骨软骨病疗效观察

48、Do you feel stiffness over the front or inner side of your kneecap, especially after sitting or kneeling? ─── 您是否感到您的膝盖前面或内侧僵硬,特别是在坐下或跪下之后?

49、The 30-minute procedure consisted of removing cartilage debris and smoothing rough spots on the underside of Bynum's left kneecap. ─── 湖人官方发言人说:手术中大概花了30分钟的时间来摘除拜纳姆膝盖下有害的软骨组织和积液,他会很快恢复的。

50、"Its Bones are the femur (thighbone), the longest Bone in the human Body;patella (kneecap);tibia (shin); ─── 它的骨骼有股骨(在人体中是最长的)、髌骨(膝盖骨)、胫骨和腓骨。

51、Kneecapped Execution - Shoot someone in the kneecap so they fall to their knees ─── 射击膝盖执行-射击敌人的膝盖,迫使敌人下跪

52、Still forgot to tell you, the disease that your father contracts calls kneecap bate disease. ─── 父亲的膝盖骨之间的保护层磨没了现在是骨头之间在摩擦!怎么办!

53、He underwent arthroscopic surgery May 21 to remove some cartilage debris and smooth some rough spots on the underside of his kneecap. ─── 他在3月21日接受了内窥镜检查,取掉一些软骨碎片,清理了膝盖骨下的一些碎骨。

54、Research on Mechanism and Treatment of Damage in Adipose Mat Under Kneecap of Kwon Do Athletes ─── 跆拳道运动员髌下脂肪垫损伤发生机制及治疗探讨

55、The Kneecap Strain and the Treatment of It in Basketball Game ─── 篮球运动中的髌骨劳损及处理

56、At his age, the uncertainty of returning from a dislocated and severely bruised kneecap could cause more harm than good at this point. ─── 在他的时代,不确定的留学回国脱臼,并严重受损,髌骨可能导致弊多于利,在这一点上。

57、Last week, I wrote how I had once fractured my kneecap in a fall, trying to keep from spilling a few dollars' worth of dog food. ─── 为了不让几美元的狗粮洒掉,我摔了一跤,并把膝盖摔裂了。

58、Their fears were confirmed on Monday, when an MRI revealed that Bynum had suffered a patellar subluxation, which occurs when the kneecap slides up and down a groove on the thigh bone. ─── 然而他们的担忧却在周一被证实了,核共振检查结果显示拜纳姆的膝盖骨半脱位严重,当膝盖骨上下滑动时,他的大腿骨头部分会形成一个凹槽。

59、Bynum has been out since Jan. 13, when he suffered a bone bruise on the knee and a briefly dislocated kneecap. ─── 自1月13号比赛中膝盖受伤后,拜纳姆就一直未出现在赛场上。

60、He suffered a season-ending left kneecap injury last season and underwent surgery in May. ─── 拜纳姆因左膝盖受伤而错过了上赛季余下的所有比赛,他在五月份接受了膝盖手术。

61、Griffin apparently broke his kneecap during the Clippers' final exhibition game against New Orleans last Friday, perhaps after a dunk that left the power forward wincing in pain. ─── 格里芬实在上周五快船和奥兰多魔术最后一场季前赛中扭伤了膝盖,可能是一次扣篮后,这使得这位强力前锋痛苦地避开。

62、It is unclear who social conservatives would rally around if they wanted to kneecap the front-runner. ─── 如果,保守人士想阻碍朱利亚尼赢得选举,他们会转而助谁一臂之力尚且不明。

63、Countermeasure: At ordinary times besides noticing limbs heat preservation, can use the things such as kneecap, elbow support more. ─── 对策:平时除了注意肢体保暖外,更可利用护膝、护肘等用品。

64、He went down in mid-January and was expected to be sidelined 8 to 12 weeks after bruising a bone in his knee and briefly dislocating his kneecap. ─── 他在1月中旬受伤,原来预计由于扭伤膝盖骨只是膝盖骨脱臼而已,休息8到12周。

65、The bone of knee joint consists of thighbone, shinbone, kneecap and fibula. ─── 摘要膝部的骨由股骨胫骨、骸骨及排骨构成。

66、Injury mechanism and rehabilitation of "kneecap osteomalacia"for basketball players in stop training period ─── 停训篮球运动员"髌骨软骨病"的损伤机制和康复对策探析

67、For Bynum, it's a different season, a different knee and a different injury, a torn ligament as opposed to a dislocated kneecap. ─── 再说拜纳姆,这是一个不同的赛季,不同的膝盖和不同的伤病,韧带撕裂和膝盖骨关节错位是不同的。

68、kneecap injury ─── 髌骨损伤

69、Your relatively weak quads aren't strong enough to keep your kneecap moving in its proper groove, which causes pain. ─── 相对较弱的股四头肌不能保持髌骨在正确的轨迹中运动,因此造成了疼痛。

70、Pain around and sometimes behind the kneecap. ─── 膝盖周围疼痛,有时候在膝盖后面。

71、It was more than a year ago he suffered a season-ending injury to his left kneecap during a game against the Grizzlies. ─── 在一年多以前,同样是在对阵灰熊的比赛中,他伤到了自己的左膝并且报销了他上个赛季剩余的比赛.

72、The research of middleaged to a group woman makes clear, fat person the dangerous sex that has arthritis of double kneecap sex is 18 times taller than average woman! ─── 对一组中年妇女的研究表明,肥胖者患双膝骨性关节炎的危险性比普通妇女高18倍之多!

73、A strip of tendon from under the kneecap (patella tendon) or hamstrings may be used. ─── 成功的前交叉韧带重建手术可以使您的膝关节变紧,恢复稳定性。

74、kneecap support ─── 护膝

75、For this, friends of expert proposal female improve body balance and genu ministry force through following kneecap movement. ─── 为此,专家建议女性朋友们通过下列护膝动作来改进身体平衡和膝部力量。

76、“Good old Teddy” enjoyed being a king.He smoked 12 cigars a day and was a fashion leader, starting a fad for Tyrolean hats.He liked shooting.He shot the kneecap off one of his beaters! ─── 当时太上皇沉溺享乐,每天吸十二支雪茄,又带领潮流,热爱戴绅士帽,闲暇时爱打猎,还试过打伤一名助手的膝盖。

77、“meets the pike raising hand, meets kneecap cast's raising hand!” ─── 这个段子立刻让奥运冠军们笑开了花。

78、After kneecap fracture how to do functional sex to take exercise, what take exercise, when to take exercise everyday best, more or less to exercise time to be everyday optimal? ─── 髌骨骨折后怎么样做功能性锻炼,有哪些锻炼,每天什么时间锻炼最好,每天锻炼时间多少为最佳?

79、"Some people are more prone to have a kneecap that slips out.It's just how your body is built.He was probably a little bit predestined to that injury.This one is different.Anyone can have this. ─── DiNubile说:"一些人更倾向于膝盖骨的滑落.这就像是你身体的构造.他仅仅是有点了命中注定而已.这次不同了,任何人都可能会遇到.

80、Bynum's previous injury, the dislocated kneecap, was more serious and may reflect a tendency toward that type of injury, DiNubile said. ─── 拜纳姆先前的受伤-膝盖骨脱臼,相比今次而言,更加严重,和反映了这类型伤病的趋势.

81、Bynum was helping the Lakers do that last season before dislocating his left kneecap in January. ─── 拜纳姆在1月左膝盖扭伤之前,场均13.1分,10.2个篮板,2.1个盖帽。

82、Bynum has missed 39 games since sustaining a briefly dislocated left kneecap and a bone bruise on his knee in a Jan. 13 game against Memphis. ─── 拜纳姆因为在1月13日与灰熊的比赛中左膝盖撕裂及膝盖骨裂已经缺席了39场比赛。

83、Bynum continues his rehabilitation work, but there's no firm date for his return to the practice court. He injured his left kneecap Jan. 13. ─── 拜纳姆则继续进行康复治疗,但目前还没有确定的归期能回到训练场上。他在1月13日伤了左膝盖。

84、Dr.Tom Clanton said Monday that McGrady has a tiny lesion on his knee joint under his kneecap that was first detected in an MRI exam taken after the Rockets were eliminated from the playoffs in April. ─── 汤姆克兰顿医生周一说麦迪在膝关节上的狭小损伤是在去年四月季后赛后的MRI中首次被发现的。

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