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09-17 投稿


infracted 发音

英:[?n?fr?kt?d]  美:[?n?fr?kt?d]

英:  美:

infracted 中文意思翻译



infracted 词性/词形变化,infracted变形

infracted 相似词语短语

1、interacted ─── adj.互相作用的;vi.相互作用(interact的过去式和过去分词)

2、inflated ─── adj.通货膨胀的;充了气的;价格飞涨的;(植物)肿胀的;v.膨胀(inflate的过去式和过去分词);使充气;抬高(物价)

3、inflicted ─── 把…强加给;使承受(inflict的过去式和过去分词)

4、fracted ─── adj.破裂的;断裂的

5、inflected ─── adj.屈折的;字尾有变化的;v.弯曲;曲折(inflect的过去式)

6、infarcted ─── adj.(血管)梗塞的

7、infra-red ─── 红外

8、diffracted ─── v.(使光束)衍射(diffract的过去式和过去分词)

9、infected ─── adj.(身体部位或伤口)受感染的;(食品、水等)受细菌污染的;(计算机或磁盘)受病毒感染的;v.(受)传染(infect的过去式和过去分词)

infracted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Over the past years, much progress has been made to replace infracted, non-functioning myocardium by newly formed tissue by means of cell grafting techniques and three-dimensional cardiac grafts. ─── 心肌组织工程的研究有望使这一难题获得解决。

2、second , on the condition of lacking common law and of people" s basic right be infracted, applying constitution criterion to judge. ─── 二是在公民基本权利受到侵害而普通法律缺位的情况下提起宪法诉讼,并在具体案件中适用宪法规范作判决。

3、Effects of rehabilitation training on the expression of GFAP around the cerebral infracted area of rats ─── 康复训练对大脑中动脉闭塞大鼠脑梗死灶周围GFAP表达的影响

4、Police power is legal,compellent, universal,which involved many fields,and if which lose restriction and criterion, human rights can be infracted easily. ─── 警察权具有法定性、强制性、广泛性等特征,涉及面广,对其一旦失去制约和规范,极易造成对公民权利的侵害。

5、1.Shandong merchants are dead set on not breach of faith and not infract friends. ─── 1、山东商人在做生意的时候讲究一不能违背良心,二不能对不起朋友。

6、Thus the coronary heart disease, cerebral infract(apoplexy), miocardial infarction is the result. ─── 从而导致了冠心病、脑梗塞(中风)、心肌梗塞等心脑血管疾病的发生。

7、It can significantly reduce the area of infracted cardiac muscle in dog with coronary artery ligation. ─── 可使冠脉结扎犬的急性心肌缺血的梗死区范围明显缩小。

8、Keywords rhynchophylla total alkaloids;cerebral ischemia reper fusion;neurologic scale;cerebral water content;cerebral infracted area;neuro nal apoptosis; ─── 钩藤总碱;脑缺血/再灌;神经病学评分;脑梗死范围;脑含水量;神经细胞凋亡;

9、The infarct area was significantly larger in rat cerebral ischemia group than in sham operation group.KDZ at different dosages also reduced significantly the infract area in the rat brains. ─── 脑缺血模型组大鼠脑梗死范围显著大于假手术组,不同剂量苦碟子组还缩小了试验性大鼠脑梗死范围。

10、Result: Pueraria Flavonoid could obviously reduce the brain water content and the infract volume in MCAO,increase the activities of SOD,and decrease the content of MDA in the cerebral isch... ─── 结果:葛根黄酮能明显降低大脑中动脉大鼠脑含水量,缩小脑梗死体积,提高SOD的活性,减少缺血再灌大鼠MDA的含量。结论:葛根黄酮具有抗自由基损伤和保护缺血脑组织的作用。

11、As a opening commonality area, the Yangtse river normal function has been disturbed and infracted by various social manufacture and living activities. ─── 作为一个开放性的公共领域,长江河道的正常运行受到各类社会生产和生活活动的干扰与侵害。

12、The system provides the opportunity and way to be protected for the victims when the execution action infract their interests. ─── 当执行行为侵害了当事人、案外人程序或实体上权益时,执行救济制度为受害人提供了救济的机会和方法。

13、The enumerative method should turn into general method. People could go to court when they found their rights had been infracted. ─── 列举式应该改为概括式:只要公众认为侵害了自己的权益都可起诉。

14、This experiment indicates that it is feasible to xenogeneically transplant hEGCs into infracted myocardium. ─── 本实验结果表明:人EG细胞异种异体移植治疗急性心肌梗死是可行的。

15、Ber-PC could improve behavior disorder induced by MCAO and reduce brain infracted area through increasing the activity of SOD and GSH-PX,decreasing the level of MDA in brain tissue. ─── Ber-PC剂量依赖性减轻脑缺血再灌注损伤大鼠的神经功能障碍,减少脑梗死面积,拮抗缺血脑组织MDA含量的增加,提高脑组织SOD、GSH-PX活性。

16、infract neutrality ─── 侵犯中立

17、On the 7th day , many axons myelin sheath degeneration was exacerbated, the infracted areas enlarged . ─── 7天部分轴突髓鞘部分向内向外突起,或板层分离范围扩大,轴突空泡样和均质状,微丝微管消失。

18、Donald O,Jan K,Stefano C,et al.Bone marrow cells regenerate infracted myocardium progenitors[J].Science,1998,279(28):1578. ─── 郑庆元,余伟吉,杜少辉,等.龟板含药血清对骨髓间充质干细胞增殖细胞核抗原表达的影响[J].中华中医药学刊,2008,26(2):268-270.

19、Keywords Uranium mining with dissolving and saturating;ledge infract;well completion method;dissolving liquid;dissolving passag; ─── 溶浸采铀;矿层侵害;成井方法;溶浸液;溶浸通道;

20、It can significantly reduce the area of infracted cardiac muscle in dog with coronary artery ligation. ─── 可使冠脉结扎犬的急性心肌缺血的梗死区范围明显缩小。

21、Take the responsibility of any legal effect if infract this requirement. ─── 如果违反此条要求,所造成的任何法律后果由品控员本人承担。

22、infract the constitution ─── 违反宪法

23、Relationship between sympathetic remodeling and electrical remodeling at infracted border zone of rabbit with chronic myocardial infarction ─── 家兔心肌梗死慢性期梗死周边区交感神经重构与电重构的相关研究

24、The starting of "Customer post" , particularly, not only destroyed Chinese post sovereignty, but also infracted Chinese customs economy. ─── 特别是“客邮”的开办,不但破坏中国邮政主权,而且侵害中国海关经济。

25、Autologous transplantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells into infracted myocardium induce angiogenesis ─── 骨髓单个核细胞自体移植促进心脏血管再生

26、Barbash IM.Chouraqui P.Baron J Systemic delivery of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells to the infracted myocardium:feasibility,cell migration,and body distribution 2003 ─── 宫立众.孙士红.程天民.粟永萍.冉新泽.罗成基.郭朝华外周血干细胞和骨髓基质细胞联合输注对急性放射病造血重建作用的实验研究[期刊论文]-中华放射医学与防护杂志2002(4

27、Relationship between sympathetic remodeling and electrical remodeling at infracted border zone of rabbit with chronic myocardial infarction ─── 家兔心肌梗死慢性期梗死周边区交感神经重构与电重构的相关研究

28、Compared with the controls,the group of myocardial infracted male group under 60 years old display higher Lp(a) concentration and low molecular weight Apo(a) isoforms. ─── 60岁以下男性心肌梗死患者具有更高的Lp(a)含量和更高比例的相对小分子质量Apo(a)表型;

29、Any activity of invasion informed right could infract patient's person right and should be responsibility for laws. ─── 任何侵害患者知情权并造成损害后果的行为,均可构成对患者人身权利的侵害,依法应承担相应的法律责任。

30、, the police' s legal fights and interests be infracted, and the police how to protect the legal rights and interests. ─── 如何采取有效的对策保护警察的合法权益,已成为一个不可忽视的问题。

31、This is a public website, DO NOT INFRACT THE LAW OF TAIWAN. ─── 本站属于公开领域,请勿违反法律法令规定,请自制。

32、The enumerative method should turn into general method.People could go to court when they found their rights had been infracted. ─── 列举式应该改为概括式:只要公众认为侵害了自己的权益都可起诉。

33、And how can we keep healthy,being away from the infract of bird flu? ─── 人们应该怎样保持健康?远离禽流感的侵害。

34、The development of science and technology makes it easy to collect and use personal information, and also makes it easy to infract it. ─── 科技的发达使对个人信息的收集与利用更加广泛,也使个人信息更易受到侵害。

35、Immunohistochemical staining was used to detect the NCAM expression around the infracted hippocampal area at different time after infarction. ─── 并于不同时间取脑进行免疫组织化学染色,观察其梗死灶海马周围NCAM含量的变化。

36、When the copyright is infracted, DRPC will be able to give an authoritative proof of the copyright for the owner in time. ─── 分析表明,该协议具有很好的安全性和有效性。

37、Ventricular remodeling (VR) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was defined as complex alterations in the ventricular architecture and function involving both the infracted and non-infarcted zone. ─── 急性心肌梗塞(AMI)后整个左心室(包括梗塞区和非梗塞区)心肌结构和形态发生的一系列改变称为心室重构(VR),包括早期的梗塞区伸展和晚期的整体心室扩张两方面。

38、On the other hand, the rights of privacy and invented property of consumer such as personal data and invented equipment are always easily infracted due to the flow of information in E-commerce. ─── 另一方面,以信息流通为特征的电子商务,使得消费者以个人资料为内容的隐私权、以虚拟装备为内容的虚拟财产权极易受到侵害。

39、to infract the law ─── 违反法律

40、Methods:Viable myocardium of infracted myocardium according to the changing of images of color kinesis echocardiography(CK). ─── 方法:应用超声彩色室壁动力学(CK)分析技术,根据超声CK图像的变化诊断梗死区存活心肌。

41、Keywords Huangyangning injection;Coronary heart disease;Myocardial ischemia;Electrocardiogram;Area of infracted cardiac muscle; ─── 冠心病;心肌缺血;心电图;心肌梗死面积;黄杨宁注射液;

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