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09-17 投稿


pawnbroker 发音

英:['p??nbr??k?]  美:['p?nbrok?]

英:  美:

pawnbroker 中文意思翻译



pawnbroker 网络释义

n. 当铺老板;典当商

pawnbroker 短语词组

1、pawnbroker's shop ─── [网络] 当铺商店

pawnbroker 词性/词形变化,pawnbroker变形

名词: pawnbroking |

pawnbroker 相似词语短语

1、powerbroker ─── 政治掮客

2、parbroke ─── 帕布罗克

3、pawnbrokery ─── 典当行

4、power broker ─── 权力掮客(等于powerbroker)

5、pawnbrokers ─── n.当铺老板;典当商

6、pawnbrokerage ─── 孔雀

7、pawnbroking ─── n.典当业

8、parbroken ─── 鹦鹉

9、pawnbroker's ─── 典当行

pawnbroker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He felt a great sympathy for Sonia and promised to tell her who had committed the murders of the old pawnbroker and stepsister. ─── 他对索尼雅寄予极大的同情并答应告诉她是谁杀害了那个老寡妇和她的隔山妹妹。

2、He redeemedhis ring from the pawnbroker. ─── 他从当铺赎回了他的戒指。

3、After all, to borrow from a pawnbroker, you must first own an object of value. ─── 毕竟, 典当行业里,借之前必须先还—一个有价值的实物。

4、They can hardly take any steps until the good pawnbroker is safely in bed ─── 在那个好心肠的当铺老板睡安稳以前,他们是不可能采取任何行动的。

5、"The credit crunch isn't positive for any pawnbroker because we lend money and make money from people repaying credit crunch continues it won't be good for any business." ─── 通常你可以延长赎回期。若你还行最终将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因为他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。

6、All will still be restored at first,a new pawnbroker will come,the demon still masquarade in the crowd,however,people just don't know it. ─── 一切又恢复原样,新的当铺老板又会出现,恶魔依然在人们身边,只是人们感觉不到。

7、Please don't imagine that I've so little taste as to try to use Mephistopheles to commend myself to you and grace the role of pawnbroker. ─── 请您不要设想我的情趣是那么低下,想粉饰我当铺老板的角色,在您面前装成是米菲斯托菲尔。

8、Pawnbroker: I am not here to tell you the time. ─── 当铺老板: 我不是专门告诉你时间的.

9、That reluctance by banks to lend has helped earn the UKs biggest pawnbroker a 47 per cent rise in profits. ─── 正是银行的惜贷使得这个英国最大的典当公司的利润增长了47。

10、and pawned it at the pawnbroker's for sixty francs. ─── 向当店押了六十法郎。

11、Please don't imagine those I've so less taste as to try to use Mephistopheles to commend myself to you and grace the role of pawnbroker. ─── 请您无所不能设想我的情趣是那么低下,想粉饰我当铺老总的角色,在您面前装成是米菲斯托菲尔。

12、Voice over Telephone: Hello, is this the pawnbroker's? Pawnbroker: Yes, sir. ─── 电话传来的声音:喂,是当铺老板吗?当铺老板:是的,先生。

13、He redeemed his ring from the pawnbroker. ─── 他从典当商那儿赎回了他的戒指。

14、Only after much pleading was he able to persuade the pawnbroker to take it in exchange for a load of rice they had pawned before Clear and Bright ─── 说了多少好话,总算把清明前当在那里的一石米换了出来。

15、Only when he got the camera home and began to examine it did he realize that he had been taken down at the pawnbroker's. ─── 当他回家检查买回来的照相机时,才发觉自己在当铺里受骗了。

16、A pawnbroker is a person who carries on the business of accepting goods by way of security for a loan. ─── 当铺老板经营这样一种行业:接受有体动产作为质押来给予借款。

17、"The credit crunch isn't positive for any pawnbroker because we lend moneymake money from people repaying their loans. If the credit crunch continues it won't be good for any business." ─── 通常你延长赎回期。若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。

18、Petersburg, dreamed of committing the perfect crime: With an ax he murdered an old widowed pawnbroker and her stepsister, and stole some jewelry from their flat. ─── 他精心策划一起犯罪行为,用一把斧头砍死了一个经营典当生意的老寡妇及其隔山妹妹,并从她们的寓所里偷走了一些珠宝。

19、Money borrowed from a pawnbroker did not have to be repaid for fifteen months. ─── 从当铺老板那里借的钱不必在15个月内归还.

20、If you cannot do this, as a last resort, the pledge will get sold off,it is generally not in the pawnbroker's interest to do so, particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers. ─── 若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。

21、English : Voice over Telephone: Hello, is this the pawnbroker’s? ─── 中文 : 电话传来的声音:喂,是当铺吗?

22、A pawnbroker will still be a pawnbroker. ─── 当铺老板终归还是当铺老板.

23、According to the Fans it was because they had found out that the pawnbroker had falsified his age. ─── 据范家这边说,是因为他们发现当铺老板少报了几岁年纪。

24、Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock. ─── 偿还了当铺老板的债, 我赎回了自己的手表.

25、Pawnbroker: I am not here to tell you the time. ─── 当铺老板:我不是专门告诉你时间的。

26、petty pawnbroker ─── 小押

27、Bass took it, and after much argument with the local pawnbroker, he had been able to bring home ten dollars. ─── 当时巴斯拿了那只表,同当地的当铺老板费了许多唇舌,才当得十块钱回来。

28、Vice over Telephone: Hello, is this the pawnbroker's? ─── 电话传来的声音:喂,是当铺吗?

29、Voice over Telephone: What time is it, please? Pawnbroker: I am not here to tell you the time. Voice over Telephone: But, sir, it's you who have my watch. ─── 电话传来的声音:喂,是当铺吗?当铺老板:是的,先生。电话传来的声音:请问现在几点?当铺老板:我不是专门告诉你时间的。电话穿来的声音:可是,先生,是你拿了我的手表。

30、Pawnbroker Hannuo used a pawn thing--love in order to love his assistant Chenjing. ─── 当铺老板韩诺为了要爱他的助手陈精,私自使用了客人的典当物--爱情。

31、Miss Zhou told Wen confidentially that Miss Fan had been out to dinner with a pawnbroker, chaperoned by members of her family and a lady matchmaker. ─── 密斯周背地里告诉郭,说有人给密斯范做媒,对象是一个开当铺的,相亲那天,在番菜馆同吃过一顿饭。她再三叮嘱郭君守秘密,不许告诉罗。

32、They can hardly take any steps until the good pawnbroker is safely in bed. ─── 在那个好心肠的当铺老板睡安稳以前,他们是不可能采取任何行动的.

33、He redeemed his ring from the pawnBroker ─── 他从当铺赎回了他的戒指

34、If you cannot do this, as a last resort, the pledge will get sold off, but it is generally not in the pawnbroker's interest to do so, particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers. ─── 若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因为他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。

35、Boris calls me down to be introduced.He is rubbing his hands, like a pawnbroker. ─── 鲍里斯叫我下来好介绍我同她们认识,他搓着双手,像个开当铺的。

36、That reluctance by banks to lend has helped earn the UK's biggest pawnbroker a 47 per centrise in profits. ─── 正是银行的惜贷使得这个英国最大的典当公司的利润增长了47%.

37、If you cannot do this, as a last resort, the pledge will get sold off, but it is generally not in the pawnbroker‘s interest to do so, particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers. ─── 若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因为他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。

38、I stood on tiptoe, face upward and back straightened, to hand the cloth-wrapped bundle onto the counter. How strange the pawnbroker should have put up a counter so forbiddingly high. ─── 包袱送到柜台上,我是仰着脸,伸着腰,用脚尖站起来送上去的,真不晓得当铺为什么摆起这么高的柜台!

39、That reluctance by banks to lend has helped earn the UK's biggest pawnbroker a 47 per centrise in profits. ─── 正是银行的惜贷使得这个英国最大的典当公司的利润增长了47%。

40、Voice over Telephone: Hello, is this the pawnbroker's? ─── 电话传来的声音:请问现在几点?

41、He redeemed his ring from the pawnbroker. ─── 他从当铺赎回了他的戒指。

42、A pawnbroker will still be a pawnbroker. ─── 当铺老板终归还是当铺老板。

43、Maybe the pawnbroker had his doubts about modern girls and had heard something of Miss Fan's long attachment to Luo. ─── 也许那当铺老板到底还是不大信任新女性,又听见说密斯范曾经有过男友,而且关系匪浅。

44、She was an old, garrulous woman, a pawnbroker's widow, who collected used stamps for some pious purpose. ─── 她上了年纪,好唠叨,她故去的丈夫是典当商,为了某种虔诚的原因收集邮票。

45、She could get fifty dollars for those if she went to a pawnbroker. ─── 要是她去当铺当了这些东西,她是可以筹出50块钱的.

46、pawnbroker's shop ─── 当铺

47、A hint at the pawnbroker's shop. ─── 这是暗示我开了个当铺。

48、A pawnbroker believed to be the first one in the City of London for the best part of a century has opened, in the shadow of the financial crisis. ─── 金融危机笼罩下的伦敦金融城如今出现了近百年来首家典当行。

49、"The credit crunch isn't positive for any pawnbroker because we lend money and make money from people repaying their loans. ─── “信贷紧缩并非对所有的典当商都有利,因为典当行的利润来自于典当赎金和利息。

50、Pawnbroker also has magic. ─── 当铺老板还具有魔力。

51、Each time I was hungry and heading for the pawnbroker. ─── 那两次我都在挨饿,在上当铺。

52、He shook his head again, when Gertrude offered him money, though he knew that within the day he would have to make a trip to the pawnbroker. ─── “他昨天晚上也全是靠脑子记的,”布里森登可不是沉默主义的信徒。他突然改变了态度。“马丁,你要是不揍他,我就自己动手了,哪怕会叫我马上摔死在地上。”

53、A pawnbroker is a on the business of accepting goods by way security for a loan. ─── 当铺老板经营这样一种行业:接受有体动产作为质押来给予借款.

54、Pawnbroker operates in the mortgage of real estate, which becomes a new point of economic growth in the development of pawnbroking. ─── 典当行经营不动产抵押业务,已成为典当业发展的一个新的经济增长点。

55、A pawnbroker will yet be a pawnbroker. ─── 当铺老总终归还得当铺老总。

56、No sooner is the exploitation of the labourer by the manufacturer, so far, at an end, that he receives his wages in cash, than he is set upon by the other portions of the bourgeoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawnbroker, etc. ─── 当厂主对工人的剥削告一段落,工人领到了用现钱支付的工资的时候,马上就有资产阶级中的另一部分人----房东、小店主、当铺老板等等向他们扑来。

57、2. Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock. ─── 偿还了当铺老板的债,我赎回了自己的手表。

58、Instead of a credit risk, the risk assumed by a pawnbroker is that the value of the collateral will be insufficient to cover the loan plus unpaid interest if the borrower defaults. ─── 如果借款人违约的情况下,当押商承担的将不是信用风险,而是担保品价值将不足以支付贷款加上未付利息的风险。

59、They can hardly take any steps until the good pawnbroker is safely in bed. ─── 在那个好心肠的当铺老板睡安稳以前,他们是不可能采取任何行动的。

60、I'm greedy and I hope to become a pawnbroker. ─── 我是贪婪的,我希望成为当铺老板。

61、Voice through Telephone: What time is it, please? Pawnbroker: I am not here to tell you the time. Voice through Telephone: But, sir, it's you who have my watch. ─── 电话传来的声音:喂,是当铺老板吗?当铺老板:是的,先生。电话传来的声音:请问几点了?当铺老板:我不是专门告诉你时间的。电话传来的声音:可是,先生,是你拿了我的手表。

62、He redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker's. ─── 他从当铺赎回手表。

63、The shop of a pawnbroker ─── 当铺开当铺者的店

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