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09-17 投稿


milch 发音

英:[m?lt?]  美:[m?lt?]

英:  美:

milch 中文意思翻译



milch 网络释义

adj. 生乳的;产奶的

milch 短语词组

1、ohne milch ─── 不含牛奶

2、new-milch ─── [网络] 新潮

3、milch cow ─── 奶牛, 摇钱树; 乳牛

milch 相似词语短语

1、mitch ─── v.(非正式)逃学;(非正式)逃课;n.(Mitch)(美、加、澳)米奇(人名)

2、pilch ─── n.尿布垫

3、mulch ─── n.覆盖物,护盖物;护根;vt.做护根;以护盖物覆盖

4、zilch ─── n.零,无;无价值之物;小人物;n.(Zilch)人名;(德)齐尔希

5、milchig ─── adj.乳制品的;乳制的

6、filch ─── vt.窃取;偷窃

7、mich ─── abbr.模块化集成通信头盔(ModularIntegratedCommunicationHelmet);寻呼指示信道

8、hilch ─── v.跛行,蹒跚;n.跛行,蹒跚

9、misch ─── 米施(人名)

milch 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Prediction Methods for Primary Production of a Milch Cow by Improved BP Neural Network Approach ─── 利用改进BP神经网络预测初产奶牛产奶量的方法

2、Die Anlage bearbeitet die Milch und verarbeitet diese zu verschiedenen Produkten. ─── 这里的Bearbeiten:杀菌、去脂、稀释、浓缩等等,大凡奶还是奶状都包括。

3、milch goat ─── 奶山羊

4、The boys are old enough to get a job. They are becoming the milch cow of the family. ─── 孩子们都已长大,该找工作了。他们将成为家庭的财源。

5、The prevention measures of heat stress in milch cow ─── 奶牛热应激的预防措施

6、Breeding management of milch cow ─── 浅谈奶牛的绿色饲养管理

7、Milch smiled and nodded. He had heard this before. ─── 米切尔微笑着点点头。他以前听过这话。

8、This lark is going to turn into a milch cow ─── 这个小百灵鸟快要变成有奶的牛了。

9、Scientific Feeding of Milch Cow ─── 科学饲养奶牛

10、Ich trinke oft Tee mit Milch und Zucker . ─── 我经常喝加牛奶和糖的茶.

11、Man kann nur "Eier" und "Milch" bestellen und keine besonderen Marken. ─── K鋐igeier und die Milch, die man noch aufschneiden muss.

12、Synthesis Necessary Technology on High Yield for the Milch Cow ─── 奶牛高产综合配套技术

13、Thereinto milch cow mastitis and atony of forestomachs are the two important diseases. ─── 其中奶牛乳房炎和前胃弛缓便是其中重要的两种。

14、Two hundred she goats, and twenty he goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty rams, Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals. ─── 母山羊二百只,公山羊二十只,母绵羊二百只,公绵羊二十只,奶崽子的骆驼三十只各带着崽子,母牛四十只,公牛十只,母驴二十匹,驴驹十匹。

15、Feed additive'application in milch cow feeding(1) ─── 饲料添加剂在奶牛饲养中的应用(1)

16、(4)Municipal committee and municipal government have established series of preferential policies on the construction of milch cow and dairy product bases. ─── 4、在奶牛、奶制品基地建设方面,市委、市政府制定了一系列优惠政策。

17、Research on development of domestic meat cattle and milch cow breeding and market foreground of feed grade urea-phosphate ─── 我国肉牛、奶牛饲养业的发展与饲料级尿素磷酸盐的市场前景

18、15.Wir trinken gerne eine Tasse warmen Tee nach dem Essen, und zwar ohne Zucker, ohne Milch, ohne alles. ─── 我们喜欢在饭后喝上一杯热茶,而且不要加糖,也不加奶,什么也不要。

19、The effect of adding oil in milch cow ration to the milk ability and milkfat percentage ─── 日粮中添加油脂对于奶牛产奶量及乳脂率的影响

20、That milch goat is bagging up well. ─── 那头奶山羊的乳房发育得很好。

21、Diagnosis and control of goatpox in milch goats ─── 奶山羊山羊痘的诊治

22、Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals. ─── 15奶崽子的骆驼三十只各带着崽子,母牛四十只,公牛十只,母驴二十匹,驴驹十匹。

23、Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty ─── 奶崽子的骆驼三十只、各带著崽

24、Advance in prevention and cure milch cow mastitis using Chinese herbal medicine ─── 中草药防治奶牛乳房炎的研究进展

25、The diagnoses an treats of the milch cow's acariasis disease ─── 奶牛疥癣病的诊疗

26、Pathogenesis and Therapy of the Bursitis and the Arthritis of Milch Cow with Spleen Deficiency Symptom ─── 脾虚奶牛黏液囊炎和关节炎发病机理及治疗

27、Milch said. "All I could think of was in the winter of their discontent, he brought an endless summer. " ─── Milch说,“我原本所想的全部是关于他们冬天时对彼此的不满,而他却带来了一个永无止尽的夏天。”

28、The article joins the real case of Beijing cattle farm, to becoming milch cow this one special.. ─── 本文结合北京市奶牛场的实际情况,对成乳牛这一非凡...

29、KJV] Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals. ─── [新译]哺乳的母骆驼三十匹,各带着驹子,母牛四十头、牛十头、驴二十头、驴十头。

30、In this article the procedures are de-scribed for determining free-vortex segment properties.Characteristics method is used to design nozzle Milch produces free-vortex seg-ment. ─── 本文提出了确定气动窗口所需自由旋涡气动特性的过程,讨论了特征线方法在非对称超音速喷管设计中的应用,该喷管被用来产生自由旋涡流动。

31、Consideration of Multigroup Raising Method in Adult Lactating Cows of Large-Scale Milch Cow Farms ─── 规模化奶牛场成母牛分群方法的思考

32、Perhaps at the moment I decided to be a graduate student, my inspiration was not from goshawks in sky, and from the milch cow in a field; ─── 也许在我决定考研的那一刻,不是看着天上的苍鹰而是看着牧场上正在挤奶的奶牛;

33、David Milch, creator of "Deadwood" and other amazing TV shows, has a really good description for this. ─── 大卫·米尔希是“死木”美剧以及其他的精彩电视节目的创造者,对此他有一个很好的描述。

34、Prevention and control of milch cow mastitis and its research progresses ─── 奶牛乳腺炎的防治与研究动态

35、Keywords Large-scale milch cow raising farms;Pollution;Treatment;Countermeasure; ─── 规模化奶牛场;污染;治理;对策;

36、milch cow casein ─── 奶牛酪蛋白

37、a milch cow ─── 乳牛; [喻]财源; 摇钱树

38、His interesting patient, Jos, was a regular milch cow to the doctor ... ─── 他那怪有趣的病人乔斯现在成了这医生最靠得住的摇钱树 ... 。

39、Mothball ox is raised to become milch cow, bring the change of asset value necessarily, derivative the change of a variety of economic benefits. ─── 后备牛饲养为成乳牛,必然带来资产价值的变化,引出种种经济效益的变化。

40、Research on the Scientific Addtion of Gossypol forage for Milch Cow ─── 含棉酚饲料的科学应用

41、It is a black milch cow, though, its milk is white. ─── 别看它是一条黑母牛,牛奶一样是白的。

42、It is a black milch cow, though, its milk is white. ─── 它是一条黑母牛,牛奶一样是白的。

43、At the moment, I refer to myself as "shambling amateur" , "ambulant pacifier" or "milch cow" . ─── 现在我会当自己是“蹒跚的业余人士”、“移动奶嘴”或是“奶牛”。

44、They are becoming the milch cow of the family. ─── 他们将成为家庭的财源。

45、CLA's effect to milch cow's milk production and dairy quality ─── 共轭亚油酸对奶牛产奶量及乳品质的影响

46、Now therefore make a new cart, and take two milch kine, on which there hath come no yoke, and tie the kine to the cart, and bring their calves home from them: ─── 现在你们应当造一辆新车、将两只未曾负轭有乳的母牛、套在车上、使牛犊回家去离开母牛。

47、The Bacteriologic Detection and Drug Sensitivity for Recessive Mastitis of Milch Cows ─── 奶牛隐性乳房炎的细菌学检测与药敏试验

48、This lark is going to turn into a milch cow. ─── 这个小百灵鸟快要变成有奶的牛了。

49、Die Kuh gibt Milch. ─── 牛产奶。

50、Construction of Information Management System of Large-scale Milch Cow Farms ─── 规模化奶牛场信息化管理系统的构建

51、Progress on application of ionophore to milch cow for lactation ─── 离子载体对泌乳奶牛影响的应用研究进展

52、Nahrungs Einheit Milch ─── (德)人奶营养单位

53、treat sb. as a milch cow ─── 把某人当作摇钱树

54、Then the men did so, and took two milch cows and hitched them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home. ─── 非利士人就这样行、将两只有乳的母牛套在车上、将牛犊关在家里。

55、Milch disease ─── 坐骨突缺血性坏死

56、Den Kaffee mit Milch? ─── 咖啡里还要加牛奶吗?

57、In the process of succulence's alternant supply filtering forage grass breeds for the milch cow in Yunnan from yield and quality ─── 从产量和品质的角度筛选云南奶牛青饲料轮供的饲草品种

58、"Ja , wir haben frische Milch in Flaschen. ─── 有,我们有瓶装的新鲜牛奶。

59、I refuse to be a milch cow for your family any longer. ─── 我不再做你家的摇钱树了。

60、The first capital investment is 8 million USD, built Huaxia Dairy Farm which occupied nearly 500 mu, imported 1,000 high quality New Zealand milch cows in 2004. ─── 2004年一期投资800万美元,建设占地近500亩的华夏牧场,进口1000头优质新西兰奶牛,2007年已超过3000头,预计叁年达到10000头。

61、Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals. ─── 奶崽子的骆驼三十只各带着崽子,母牛四十只,公牛十只,母驴二十匹,驴驹十匹。

62、Gen 32:15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals. ─── 创32:15奶崽子的骆驼三十只各带着崽子,母牛四十只,公牛十只,母驴二十匹,驴驹十匹。

63、Research on milch cow individual distinction by bar code technology ─── 基于条形码技术的奶牛个体识别系统的研究

64、Too many people regard the Social Security as a milch cow from which they can get an inexhaustible supply of money without having to work for it. ─── 太多的人把社会福利看作是无段为之付出蔻,就可以得到源源不断金钱的财源。

65、milch cow ─── 奶牛摇钱树

66、milch cows ─── 乳牛

67、a milch cow, goat, etc ─── 奶牛、 奶羊.

68、"Now therefore, take and prepare a new cart and two milch cows on which there has never been a yoke;and hitch the cows to the cart and take their calves home, away from them. ─── 现在你们应当造一辆新车,将两只未曾负轭有乳的母牛套在车上,使牛犊回家去,离开母牛。

69、Keywords sulfanilamide;animal feces;chook;milch cow;pig; ─── 磺胺;畜禽粪便;鸡;奶牛;猪;

70、When we mentioned Holland, we may associated with the broad field during dusk time, quiet windmill, bloomy tulips and fresh milk from the best milch cow. ─── 一提起荷兰,让人联想到:黄昏的原野,静静的风车,盛开的郁金香,挤牛奶。

71、I refuse to be a milch cow for your family any longer. ─── 我不再做你家的摇钱树了。

72、Project of milch cow breeding base of Sanyu Industrial Co., Ltd. At Yanji County ─── 焉耆县三宇实业有限责任公司奶牛繁育基地项目

73、a milch cow. ─── 奶牛

74、Perhaps at the moment I decided to be a graduate student, my inspiration was not from goshawks in sky, and from the milch cow in a field; ─── 也许在我决定考研的那一刻,不是看着天上的苍鹰而是看着牧场上正在挤奶的奶牛;

75、The monsters had slit the udder of the finest milch cow, so that she had to be put out of her misery immediately. ─── 魔鬼们把最好的奶牛的乳房割下来,这样它就可以马上解脱。

76、milch cow silage ─── 奶牛青贮饲料

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