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09-17 投稿


irate 发音

英:[a?'re?t]  美:[a?'ret]

英:  美:

irate 中文意思翻译



irate 网络释义

adj. 生气的;发怒的

irate 词性/词形变化,irate变形

名词: irateness |副词: irately |

irate 相似词语短语

1、crate ─── n.板条箱;篓;vt.将某物装入大木箱或板条箱中

2、urate ─── n.[生化]尿酸盐

3、pirate ─── n.海盗;盗版;侵犯专利权者;vt.掠夺;翻印;剽窃;vi.做海盗;从事劫掠

4、orate ─── vi.演说,演讲;用演说的腔调说

5、prate ─── vt.瞎扯;n.唠叨;空谈;瞎扯;vi.唠叨;n.(Prate)人名;(法)普拉特

6、rate ─── n.比率,率;速度;价格;等级;vt.认为;估价;责骂;vi.责骂;被评价;n.(Rate)人名;(法、塞)拉特

7、irade ─── n.敕令

8、frate ─── 修道士;n.(Frate)人名;(意)弗拉特

9、grate ─── v.磨碎(食物);(使)烦躁;发出吱吱嘎嘎的摩擦声;粗声粗气地讲话;n.壁炉的炉膛;壁炉的炉栅;格栅;(壁炉的)金属炉架;n.(Grate)(美)格拉特(人名)

irate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、irate protesters; ireful words. ─── 极为生气的抗议者;极为生气的语言。

2、Jones, who maintained again that the trip wasn't intentional, wasn't called for a foul on the play that left Bryant irate and had Lakers Coach Phil Jackson calling it a dirty play. ─── 琼斯坚持认为那个绊脚不是故意的,而这次犯规在当时没有被吹犯规,这使得科比非常的恼火,杰克逊把这样的动作称为安脏的打球动作。

3、It is not a strange thing if you see an irate guy shout out: this bit of pickle is too expensive but maybe the folk is ashamed of himself for barging in a five-star hotel. ─── 你在马路旁的一个餐馆看见一个大怒的家伙正在大声说:这点咸菜太贵了,但这位老兄在五星级酒店里却不好意思讨价还价。

4、The angry diner owner clearly took things very personally, in a way that the locksmith didn't. When an irate customer is complaining, or venting, it's easy to get defensive. ─── 愤怒的餐馆店主显然把事情想得太个人了,而锁匠并没有那样子想。当生气的顾客在抱怨或发洩时,人很容易就会激起防卫心理。

5、Mrs. D'Souza's irate landlady informed Zoe that Mrs. D'Souza's rent was well overdue ─── 德萨扎太太的女房东怒火冲天,她告诉佐伊说,德萨扎太太的租金已拖欠好多日子了。

6、We have received some irate phone calls from customers. ─── 我们接到顾客打来的一些愤怒的电话。

7、Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate customer. ─── 这个问题对于在医疗服务领域工作的人尤为重要。

8、Do you have a better view, you can and those who have been unemployed for the chat, you will find that they begin to complain occur, irate. ─── 不如你对此有看法,你可以和那些已经失业的人聊聊,你就会发现,他们满腹牢骚、天尤人、愤不平。

9、It will prove even tougher to placate irate investors, who have seen the value of their shares fall by over 80% since September, largely thanks to the Merrill misadventure. ─── 这将使得缓和投资者的愤怒变得更加困难,自从九月份以来,这些投资者的股票市值缩水超过80%--很大程度上都是美林惹的祸。

10、And when you hate, en you're bound to get irate ─── 当你心怀憎恨时,你就变得抓狂

11、The irate woman and her now-irate husband followed, cussing me up one side and down the other. ─── 发怒的女人和她现在-发怒的丈夫跟随, 向上乱骂我一边和下另一个置于地面。

12、My customer service position at the telephone company involved dealing occasionally with irate customers. ─── 答:我在电话公司的顾客服务部时经常会接触到一些怒气冲冲的顾客。

13、Don't be an Irate caller yourself. ─── 你自己也不要做发怒的打电话者。

14、In February, an irate police official killed a deputy party secretary in the city of Hohhot. ─── 在2月,一名愤怒的警官杀死呼和浩特市一名党委副书记。

15、This information seemed to have a mollifying effect, and the irate young man favored Martin with a measuring stare. ─── 这番劝告起了缓解的作用,那气冲冲的年轻人瞪大眼睛打量了马丁一会儿。

16、7.The gentleman tore the paper up into many little pieces and with an irate gesture hurled them into the gutter. ─── 这位先生将那张纸撕成了无数的小碎片,愤然地把它们扔进了排水沟。

17、Irate passengers swear at the endless queues and inconvenience, while conspiracy theorists mutter darkly that security firms are in cahoots with the duty-free shops on the other side of the barrier. ─── 排队等候的旅客们怒气冲冲地咒骂着那看不到尽头的队伍,抱怨不便的声音此起彼伏。甚至有阴谋论者暗自嘟囔,安检公司和关卡那头的免税店是一伙的。

18、After a dust-up with an irate neighbour who had reason to be annoyed by his awful night time singing imitations, Fabrice awakes in a hospital in a world where Johnny never existed. ─── 一次,法比斯的邻居因不满他常常在晚上学雅莱迪唱歌做成孜扰而与他打架。他在医院醒来后,发现自己处身于一个从来没有尊尼.雅莱迪这号人物的世界中。

19、Irate Quaternary ─── 晚第四纪

20、Working at the post office, I'm used to dealing with a moody public. So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?" ─── 在邮局工作,我经常要面对一些易怒的市民。所以又一次,一个愤怒的客户来到我的服务台钱时,我反应平淡的问:“有什么事吗?”

21、an irate phone call ─── 怒气冲冲的电话

22、So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble? ─── 所以,有一天当一个生气的顾客气冲冲地来到我的工作台时,我还是非常平静地问她,“有什么问题吗?

23、And when you hate, then you're bound to get irate ─── 然后当你怨恨的时候,你被愤怒给困住了

24、An irate phone call. ─── 一个愤怒的电话

25、China Irate as Blacklisted by U.S. For Religious Freedom! ─── 美国公布反宗教自由黑名单,中国勃然大怒!

26、If all your daughter or son ever sees is your irate face and hears your irate voice, they’ll very likely grow into as well. ─── 如果你的儿女看到的都是你生气的面孔听到的都是你发怒时的声音,他们很可能长大后也是如此。

27、Sure, we had safety training pertaining to things like an intoxicated or irate guest who threatens physical harm to us or other guests. ─── 当然,我们接受了安全培训,比如防止醉酒或发怒的客人对我们或其他客人造成身体上的伤害。

28、I went away on holiday and an irate American traveller posted a note on the website to say the co-ordinates were wrong and that he had been chased away by an angry pig. ─── 后来,一位怒气冲冲的美国游客在网站上发表一个帖子,说我提供的地图坐标有误,导致他被一头发狂的猪穷追不舍。

29、Mrs. D' Souza's irate landlady informed Zoe that Mrs. D' Souza's rent was well overdue. She intended putting a lock on the door and requested Zoe to keepCarmen with her till the child's mother returned. ─── 德苏扎太太那发怒的女房东通知她所付的房租已经到期了。她打算在门上装一把锁,要求佐伊照看卡门,直到她妈妈回来。

30、Irate Cretaceous paleostructure ─── 晚白垩世构造运动

31、I heard an irate voice call out ─── 我听到有人以愤怒的声音喊叫。

32、Jennie noticed her account had anoverdraftand she cursed herself for being so careless as she would doubtlessly have to deal with bounced checks and irate retailers. ─── 珍妮发现她的帐户透支,她谴责自己的不小心,因为她无疑将必须面对被银行拒收的支票和愤怒的零售商。

33、I sensed that one Christmas morning when I was 18 being chased across my old school field by my old girlfriend's irate father. ─── 在我18岁的圣诞节清晨,我前任女朋友的父亲怒气冲冲地追着我,一直追遍了整个学校操场。

34、Irate Mesozoic ─── 晚中生代

35、Then they felt provoked and irate, suspecting my hiding fortune deliberately from them. ─── 他们于是激怒起来了,猜疑我是把钱藏在那里,不肯拿出来。

36、irate customers ─── 愤怒的顾客

37、" When Glazer's three sons visited the ManU stadium in June, irate fans blockaded them inside until police came and rescued them under a hail of bottles and bricks. ─── 当6月份,格雷泽的三个儿子参观曼联球场时,愤怒的球迷把他们堵在场内,直到警方介入,从如冰雹般砸来的酒瓶和砖头下救出了他们。

38、Ferguson also needs to placate irate United fans. ─── 弗格森同时需要安抚愤怒的曼联。

39、When an irate customer is complaining, or venting, it's easy to get defensive. ─── 当生气的顾客在抱怨或发洩时,人很容易就会激起防卫心理。

40、Everybody has to deal with Irate callers. ─── 每个人都不得不面对发怒者。

41、a nigerian who confessed to taking part in the ritual murders of three women was beaten to death by an irate mob, police said recently. ─── 一名供称参与三位妇女之仪式谋杀的奈及利亚人,被愤怒的暴民活活打死,警方最近说。

42、Irate Qing Dynasty ─── 晚清

43、8.Jennie noticed her account had an overdraft and she cursed herself for being so careless as she would doubtlessly have to deal with bounced checks and irate retailers. ─── 珍妮发现她的帐户透支,她谴责自己的不小心,因为她无疑将必须面对被银行拒收的支票和愤怒的零售商。

44、The manager pacified the irate customer with a smooth apology for the error. ─── 经理就错误向顾客作了彬彬有礼的道歉,从而平息了顾客的怒气。

45、The irate customer calling our newspaper offices loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was. ─── 一位怒不可遏的顾客打电话给我们报社办公室大声要求知道自己的周日版上哪里去了。

46、He dragged the irate fellow to the door, and then he turned again to Miss Martha ─── 他把那愤怒的人拽到门口,然后又回到玛莎小姐面前解释道

47、Sensing that his life was in jeopardy, the hunter played possum until the irate lion disappeared. ─── 当他意识到自己的生命有危险,这个猎手开始装死,一直到发怒的狮子走远。

48、At a busy U.S. airport, those mistakes could mean a thousand passengers a day who would get pulled aside by security - a move that would probably mean lots of missed flights and irate passengers, he says. ─── 他说,在繁忙的美国机场,这种错误将意味着每天有1千名乘客被保安扣压,这一举动可能造成许多航班误点,并激怒乘客

49、irate protesters ─── 愤怒的抗议者

50、Customer support calls from VIPs — Very Irate Persons — are down. ─── 来自VIP(非常生气的人)的客户支持呼叫随之下降。

51、The Chinese government was irate, but the detention of the Rio employees would seem to justify some of Australia’s concerns. ─── 中国政府发火了,但是力拓雇员的被捕似乎证明了澳大利亚的担心是有道理的。

52、Irate passenger: This is the worst-run airline I've ever had the bad luck to travel with. I don't know why you even bother to publish a schedule! ─── 生气的乘客:这是我坐过最差的航线,我不知道为什么你们还那么麻烦公布时刻表。

53、paltering with an irate customer; ─── 搪塞一个愤怒的顾客;

54、Working at the post office, I'm used to dealing with a moody public.So when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble? ─── 我在邮局上班,对于顾客们的各种情绪早已习以为常了.所以,有一天当一个生气的顾客气冲冲地来到我的工作台时,我还是非常平静地问她,"有什么问题吗?

55、An American State Department spokesman deflected reporters' irate questions on the matter with equanimity. ─── 一位美国国务院发言人迂回地避开了记者的有关问题,颇为镇静。

56、They irate the lowest class of men to the perpetration of the darkest deeds against their victims, and as judges and jurymen shield them from the justice due to their crimes. ─── 他们激起社会最底层的人们犯下最不光彩的罪行,而且身为法官和陪审员,他们庇护这些人而使他们免遭他们所犯罪行应得的惩罚。

57、He thanked me, and told me to go take all the pictures I wanted, just no more of the irate woman. ─── 他谢谢了我,而且告诉我去照我的所有照片,发怒的女人仅仅没有更多。

58、The hardest part about it is when you get a guest who’s like, really unruly, really irate, and you have to try and calm them down. ─── 最难办的是遇到不守规则的游客,非常让人生气,但你还要尽力让他平静下来。

59、Media reports suggested one town official became irate after a dog bit him as he strolled along a river.But the official refused to confirm that. ─── 媒体暗示是一位当地的官员沿河散步时被一只狗袭击后非常气愤,但是这位官员拒绝出面证实。

60、Irate Permian Epoch ─── 晚二叠世

61、” A fellow guest became irate and complained. ─── 有位在一起的客人变得忿怒而埋怨说。

62、He dragged the irate fellow to the door, and then he turned again to Miss Martha. ─── 他把那愤怒的人拽到门口,然后又回到玛莎小姐面前解释道:

63、He dragged the irate fellow to the door ─── 他把那个发怒的家伙拖到门口。

64、Galliani has sought to placate irate supporters with a trophy signing this summer, and had stated his intent on signing Ronaldinho or Arsenal's Emmanuel Adebayor. ─── 加利亚尼想签一名巨星来安抚生气的支持者,声明他想签小罗或阿德巴约。

65、In the past decade, he has seen no fewer than eight heads of state come and go, three of them ousted by an irate populace, political intrigue or both. ─── 在最近十年里,他见过不下八个政府首脑被换来换去,其中三个被愤怒的群众或是政治阴谋所罢黜。

66、The owner was so irate he almost threw me out of the place. ─── 主人那么生气,他差点儿把我从那个地方赶出去。

67、4.That is what an irate Euro-establishment in Brussels is asking as it watches the Gallic debate. ─── 这就是被激怒了的欧盟布鲁塞尔总部看到法国人的争论时所发出的疑问。

68、Then the good samaritan got to thinking that maybe he didn't want to face the man's irate and tired wife because she may think he was the one who got the man drunk. ─── 这位好心人暗自琢磨,他不想让那个醉鬼的夫人回来看见自己,因为她也许会误以为自己把那个醉鬼灌醉成这个德行。

69、Had to deal with an irate customer. ─── 必须应付一个发怒的顾客。

70、2. The irate husband seized his wife's lover and kicked him downstairs. ─── 恼怒的丈夫抓住妻子的情夫,把他踢下楼去。

71、So when one irate customer stomp3ed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble? ─── 所以,有一天当一个生气的顾客气冲冲地来到我的工作台时,我还是非常平静地问她,“有什么问题吗?”

72、An irate housewife chased a census taker down the street with an ax, yelling that it was "none of the government's damn business" how old she was or how many bathrooms she had. ─── 有位怒不可遏的家庭主妇拿着一把斧头把人口普查员追到了街上,还大叫大嚷道,她有多大年纪、有几间盥洗室,“这关政府的屁事”。

73、Irate leaf spot (LLS) AFLP ─── 晚斑病

74、When an irate customer is complaining, or venting, it's easy to get defensive. ─── 当生气的顾客在抱怨或发洩时,人很容易就会激起防卫心理。

75、Bavarian authorities have given farmers, who are irate about the pillaging of their sheep, permission to shoot the bear on sight. ─── 据路透社5月23日报道,上周末,当这只棕熊穿越德国与奥地利的边境线进入该地区时,还曾受到过人们的欢迎,但没过多久,它就变成了一位不受欢迎的客人。

76、The speech was designed to pacify the irate crowd. ─── 讲话的目的是安抚愤怒的群众。

77、And if you hating you're bound to get irate ─── 若你憎恨你就会发怒

78、To placate Italy's irate local mayors and governors, Mr Berlusconi lightened the burden of savings they were supposed to have made. ─── 为了安抚意大利愤怒的地方官员,贝卢斯科尼(Berlusconi)减轻了地方官员需要制定的节省负担。

79、Having already paid for yet-to-be-completed Vanke apartments, they were irate that the company was now offering discounts of up to 25 per cent on similar properties. ─── 这些人已经为尚未完工的万科公寓支付了房款,万科现在为类似房产提供高达25%折扣的做法激怒了他们。

80、I was flicking through a newspaper when one very irate owner stormed over, snatched it from my hand and shoved it back into its slot. Very rude indeed! ─── 我正在浏览一份报纸,这时候一位很是愤怒的店主猛冲过来,从我手上抓过报纸又将它塞回原来的槽内,的确很是粗鲁!

81、Internet newsgroups were jammed with irate customers demanding that Intel fix the problem. ─── 英特网新闻组塞满了愤怒的客户,要求英特尔公司修正这个问题。

82、Describe to me a situation where you have had to deal with an irate customer. ─── 请描述一个情形,在其中你面对一个盛怒的顾客。

83、Paltering with an irate customer ─── 搪塞一个愤怒的顾客

84、This information seemed to have a mollifying effect, and the irate young man favored Martin with a measuring stare. ─── 这番劝告起了缓解的作用,那气冲冲的年轻人瞪大眼睛打量了马丁一会儿。

85、FOR most people, “role-playing” conjures up dreary afternoons at management retreats, pretending to be an irate customer or a difficult employee. ─── 对大多数人来讲,“角色扮演”让人想起在沉闷的下午里举行的经营策略讨论会,与会人员假装成愤怒的顾客或者是难以相处的雇员。

86、I become irate when I am tailgated while driving, because what if that person were to hit me? ─── 当我开车时我变得暴躁,我想“要是有人撞到我怎么办”?

87、How Do You Know? Irate Diner: Hey, waiter. This soup tastes like dish water! Waiter: How do you know? ─── 你怎么知道?愤怒的就餐者:喂,服务员。这汤怎么尝着象洗碗水?服务员:你怎么知道的?

88、The security agent at the door reportedly turned away at least 200 people, some of whom were understandably irate at not being able to attend the talks they wanted. ─── 据报道,安全人员至少拒绝了200位人员入内,其中一些人为不能出席他们希望参加的会议感到愤怒,这是可以理解的。

89、It can also nod or shake its head, helping to improve the mood of irate or glum drivers. ─── 它还能点头、摇头来帮助改善一位怒气冲天或一脸阴沉的司机的心情。


如何培养?----在我看来只需要接纳孩子的负面情绪。多让孩子表达心中的不满,允许并接纳他。自然而然负面情绪有发泄出去就会滋生出健康、相上的情绪。作为父母,只需要给孩子提供一个和谐、接纳的家。 家庭教育,以接纳为本,接纳孩子也接纳自己

那么 ,接纳孩子的负面情绪,家长可以这样做: 1. 拥抱孩子让孩子有安全感。2. 允许孩子自由地表达情绪。3. 倾听,用心倾听,读懂孩子的情绪 。4.先处理情绪,后处理事情,不急于下判断。 5. 与孩子一起讨论解决问题的方法,鼓励和引导他自己想办法。









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