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karma 发音

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karma 中文意思翻译




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n. 因果报应,因缘n. (Karma)人名;(芬、法)卡尔马;(中)噶玛(藏语·威妥玛)

karma 短语词组

1、hutong karma ─── 胡同因果

2、parking karma

3、mr karma karma ─── 先生

4、bad karma axel thesleff ─── 邪恶的因果报应

5、bad karma rx ─── 恶业rx

6、bad karma ─── [电影]爱到尽头n.转世情迷(电影名称)

7、bad karma miley cyrus ─── 恶报麦莉赛勒斯

8、shaking up the karma ─── 动摇业力

9、matthias reim karma ─── 马蒂亚斯·雷姆·卡玛

10、bad karma or something ─── 坏业力之类的

11、Karma in Buddhism ─── 佛教的业力

12、fisker karma ─── 捕鱼业

13、karma metal ─── 卡玛金属

14、karma rx ─── 卡玛rx

15、chaplygin-Karma-Tsien relation ─── [化] 恰普雷金-卡曼-钱关系; 恰普雷金-卡曼-钱学琛关系

16、scared of karma ─── 害怕因果报应

17、outrunning karma ─── 超越业力

18、bad karma david safier ─── 邪恶的因果报应david safier

19、karma is a bitch ─── 因果报应是个婊子

karma 词性/词形变化,karma变形

形容词: karmic |

karma 常用词组

bad karma ─── n. 转世情迷(电影名称)

good karma ─── 好运,好命;善因缘

karma 相似词语短语

1、kaama ─── 卡马

2、karaka ─── n.卡拉卡

3、kerma ─── n.[核]比释动能(等于kineticenergyreleasedinmaterial);柯玛(单位:焦耳/公斤,尔格/克)

4、karmic ─── 业力的

5、dharma ─── n.(佛教中的)达摩(指佛的教法、佛法、一切事物和现象);(印度教的)法则;n.(Dharma)人名;(法、印、尼)达尔马

6、karamu ─── n.小型新西兰树

7、karpas ─── 帕斯

8、Parma ─── n.帕尔马(意大利一城市名)

9、korma ─── 皇冠

karma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In2003, the karma for slavery, oppression, power based upon dominion and usury shall be released in full. ─── 在2003年,奴役、迫、力统治、利贷的业力将被完全释放。

2、Before They can cleanse this karma, They will still be affected. They could get ill, be defamed, or even killed. ─── 在祂还没有洗清这些业障以前,仍会受到这些业障的影响,所以祂很可能会生病或者被毁谤,甚至被杀掉。

3、Not surprisingly, karma has been described as memory. ─── 业曾经被描述为记忆,这并不奇怪。

4、When this stage is reached then the hindrances and karma are overcome. ─── 唯此状态达到后,则超越阻碍和因果。

5、There are lots of stories about bad karma. ─── 关于恶业的故事很多。

6、Don"t you know our acquaintance is not by chance, but ... "karma". ─── 可知道"十年修得共船渡",相知相识是修来的,这就是..."缘".

7、Karma is not fatalistic or predetermined. Karma means our ability to create and to change. ─── 业并不是宿命和命定,而是指我们有创造和改变的能力。

8、How does one know when the karma is complete? ─── 人们如何来知道什么时候业力完成呢?

9、Give the bad karma away, and one cannot evolve. ─── 但是,这是一个人此生将要学习的灵性课程的基础,如果将坏业力取走,那么这个人也就无法进化。

10、Well, their karma went unreleased in their respective ascensions. ─── 在他们各自的提升中,业力没被释放。

11、The karma of Buddha must be released to retrieve enough human power to ascend for the collective of the human species. ─── 佛陀的业力必须被释放,好要回足够多人类的力量来进行人类物种的集体提升。

12、Do you know what is the heaviest karma for human beings? ─── 你知道人最大的障碍是什么吗?

13、There are spiritual lessons in the karma playing out in your script for life. ─── 在你生命剧本中演化出来的业力中也存在有灵性课程。

14、Karma must be understood and forgiven. ─── 业力必须被了解和宽恕。

15、Still prostituting at the age of 50 - this is her karma! ─── 50岁仍然在卖淫,这是她的报应!

16、Why is karma erased through the Sound meditation? ─── 为何藉由观音可以消除业障?

17、For karma only skews the dream according to the nature of the karma. ─── 因为根据业力的性质,业力只会歪曲梦想。

18、One might wish to know what karma went unreleased. ─── 你可能希望了解没被释放的业力是什么。

19、Humans have vast karma for over consumption and pollution of the sea. ─── 人类在过于消耗和污染海洋上造下了巨大的业力。

20、Karma often dictates what one can or cannot manifest. ─── 业力经常指示你能显化什么,不能显化什么。

21、Even within the human realm, all of us have our own individual karma. ─── 即使同样出生在人道,每个人的业还是有所不同。

22、Karma is any emotionally traumatic experience that is recorded in time. ─── 业力是任何在时间中被记录的情感创伤体验。

23、Karma is different from soul agreements. ─── 业力不同于灵魂协议。

24、Well karma is karma between ancestors whether you are friends or not. ─── 啊,业力就是祖先之间的业力,不管你们是否是朋友。

25、Well, the human species is transcending karma. ─── 嗯,人类正在超越业力。

26、With each recollection I intended to release the ancestral karma. ─── 在每一次回忆中,我意愿释放我的祖先业力。

27、The Buddhists call this Karma. ─── 佛教徒称之为因果报应。

28、However the karma for warfare and nuclear annihilation has been released. ─── 不过,战争与核毁灭的业力已经被释放。

29、As the karma is complete, change results. ─── 业力结束则变化出现。

30、There are many answers to this, but in summary there are two main purposes that we have karma. ─── 关于业障有很多答案,但可以总结为两个主要的目的。

31、Try to share that dream in our karma. ─── 天龙:尝试分享我们命运的梦想。

32、She too has had to disentwine her grid work, clear karma etc. ─── 她也是不得不来解开她缠绕的晶格层以及清理业力等等。

33、In2004, the karma for homelessness, poverty and hunger shall be released. ─── 在2004年,无家可归、穷和饥饿的业力将被释放。

34、Any walk into nature is an opportunity to bless and clear karma with all species therein. ─── 任一步入自然界都是一个祝福那里的所有物种与清理业力的机会。

35、In 2004, the karma for homelessness, poverty and hunger shall be released. ─── 在2004年,无家可归、贫穷和饥饿的业力将被释放。

36、Karma is memory coming to consciousness again. ─── 业也会出现在显意识中。

37、They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood. ─── 他们不附上因果报应的果实,而只是成佛的一个台阶。

38、If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you. ─── 如果你正确引领你的生活,因缘自有报应,梦想也会成真。

39、If the form is not ascended, the biological karma goes unreleased. ─── 如果形态没有提升,生物化业力也不能被释放。

40、Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma. ─── 素食者认为吃肉食是造恶业。

41、Why would the seeded red race take on karma from Sirius? ─── 为什么播种的红族人会承担来自天狼星的业力?

42、Karma is like a broken record that repeats endlessly until it is forgiven. ─── 业力就象一个断裂的记录无限重复自我直到被原谅为止。

43、If you live your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, and the dreams will come to you. ─── 如果你用正确方式地去度过你的一生,命运会让合适的梦想会来到你身边。

44、He knew that their karma dictated that they would be together in various incarnations. ─── 他知道,他们的缘分会让他们来生来世里都永远在一起。

45、Theft is Bad Karma: Stop Pirating Photoshop! ─── 偷窃即造孽:不要再用盗版photoshop了!

46、The karma for making the environment toxic will be settled in the human deaths. ─── 人类制造有毒环境的业力将以人类的死亡被解决。

47、Does bad karma stop the development of enlightenment in any way? ─── 不好的业障会不会停止一个人的灵性发展?

48、One's karma is simply unfinished business from prior ancestor's lives. ─── 你的业力只是你在前祖先生活中未完成的事务。

49、As all karma was settled, all cords of attachment between Oa and his family were released, allowing him to take a huge leap up in frequency. ─── 当所有业力被解决时,Oa和家庭间的所有连接被解除,允许他的频率获得巨大跃迁。

50、Allow the sun to begin to transmute the patterning and karma. ─── 允许太阳开始转化模式与业力。

51、The Karmapa is leader of a Tibetan Buddhist tradition known as the Karma Kagyu. ─── 噶玛巴是藏传佛教噶玛噶举派的领袖。

52、Karma has the affect of skewing one's dream in a particular direction. ─── 业力具有将梦想偏斜到某特定方向的效果。

53、You have to trust in something- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. ─── 你必须要相信某些东西:你的勇气、的、命、缘。

54、Again you can call upon your ancestors to show you what the karma is. ─── 再一次,你可以召唤你的祖先前来向你展示业力是什么。

55、Therefore, the law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unskillful actions is born by the person who commits them. ─── 因此,因缘的法则教导我们要为不成熟的事件负责,这是人天生都会犯的错误。

56、Certainly you will have brought karma with you, and that in part will have determined the course of your life. ─── 当然你们会带着【业力】随身,它决定了你人世旅程的整体方向。

57、Because of your life and karma, food and what you ingested was an escape. ─── 因为你的生活和业力。你所摄取的食物就是一个逃离。

58、Karma creates all,like an artist. ─── 业,创造万物,如艺术家。

59、Can one change ones predestined karma? ─── 一个人的因果定业可以改变吗?

60、You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. ─── 你得信任某个东西,直觉也好,命运也好,生命也好,或者业力。

61、Gurus like to take good karma and give it to their favored. ─── 古鲁喜欢将好业力取走而送给自己喜欢的人。

62、Teaching is all about good karma. ─── 教学总是好事。

63、But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you? And everything you stand for, turns on you despite you? ─── 但后来不如你愿,命运背叛了你;

64、If this is so for 9-11, what about crucifixion karma? ─── 如果911事件如此的话,对受难业力又如何呢?

65、The karma for this could not be forgiven in her life but could be in death as it was so far out the field to release otherwise. ─── 这一业力本来无法在她生命中原谅而只有在死亡中原谅,因为否则的话这一业力太远超出她能量场所能触及的范围。

66、Karma will skew dreams in one direction or another. ─── 业力会以这个或那个方向偏斜梦想。

67、Karma is guaranteed to repeat until it is released. ─── 业力保证了它被一直重复到被释放。

68、If you believe in karma, then you believe everything a person does is a cause. ─── 假如您相信因果报应的存在,那麽您就相信人所做的每件事情都是一个起因。

69、Karma composes,like a dancer. ─── 业,构成万物,如舞蹈家。

70、What are the two types of karma? ─── 业障分为哪两种?

71、Is the karma not one's own but was pressed upon oneself by the neighbors? ─── 不是你自己的业力却是邻居压给你的业力吗?

72、So karma and pain are often united, and as the karma comes up to be released, the pain associated comes up to be processed simultaneously. ─── 因此,业力和痛苦经常联系在一起,当业力浮现而被解除时,相关的痛苦就同步出现被处理。

73、Because of karma some things are more probable than others, but so long as there is free will anything is possible. ─── 只有当一个国家以卑谦和谅解来忍受战败,只有当一个国家以正义和仁慈而无须胜利,他们才会摆脱战争的羯磨。

74、KarmaKarmaKarmaKarma. Karma Chameleon. You come and go. You come and go. ─── 命运命运命运命运命运多边。你来了又走。你来了又走。

75、The world and the regional, national and international news is a mirror of one's own ancestral karma. ─── 世界和地区、国和国际新闻就是一个人自身家族业力的镜子。

76、In an incomplete ascension, not all of the karma can be processed. ─── 在不完整提升中,并非所有的业被处理了。

77、Think that it is by the power of your own karma that you have the good fortune to meet the dharma. ─── 你应该思维这是由于你累世修习所积累的功德让你能有如此殊胜的因缘接触佛法。

78、Ms. Stone said the interview in Cannes with her remarks about Tibet and karma came at the end of a media line of 80 to 100 television crews. ─── 斯通说,戛纳采访以及她关于西藏和报应的评论最终来源于媒介的80-100名电视人。

79、Humans must burn off human karma through collective ascension. ─── 人类必须通过集体提升烧掉人类业力。

80、This Ishvara is the soul, untouched by limitation, free from karma, and desire. ─── 上主之灵(宙绝对本体)有界限,超达于因果和欲流。

81、If one cannot forgive, then karma cannot be released and all other attempts to transcend will fail in ascension. ─── 如果你不能宽恕,那么业力不能被释放,则所有其它提升的试图都将失败。

82、While it will not be on Earth, the law of karma still applies to all in the long run and it will catch up with you sooner or later. ─── 尽管将不在地球发生,但长远看来业力法则仍为所有事物运作,它迟早会赶上你。

83、If you fail to love and forgive, you will live your karma to the bitter end. ─── 如果你未能爱与原谅,那么你将在你的业力中一直活到痛苦的尽头。

84、Humanity knows only extremes in karma both with earth and amongst one another. ─── 人类只了解彼此间和与地球间业力中的极端。

85、Earth is in the process of returning all disowned birth karma to each human. ─── 地球正在处理将所有被否认的业力回归到每个人身上之中。

86、Any potential travesty is avoided by choosing to release or return the karma and transmute the thought-form instead. ─── 任何潜在的悲剧都能选择释放或归还业力并转换思想形态而被避免。

87、There's bad karma around the house today. ─── 今天房子四周都笼罩着不好的气氛

88、Karma is generally the reason that humans do not leave behind what makes them miserable. ─── 业力通常是一个人不扔下让他们变得悲惨的事物的原因。

89、The karma of that city, in turn, affects the cell memory karma of that entire region. ─── 全体居民的因果报应依次作用影响整个区域细胞记忆因果报应。





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