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09-17 投稿


lineman 发音

英:['la?nm?n]  美:['la?nm?n]

英:  美:

lineman 中文意思翻译



lineman 同义词

wrinkled |inlaid | crinkled | furrowed | creased | wizened | seamed

lineman 词性/词形变化,lineman变形


lineman 短语词组

1、journeyman lineman jobs idaho ─── 爱达荷州线人

2、head lineman ─── 首席线路员

3、lineman’s detector ─── 线人的探测器

4、lineman's detector ─── 携带式检电器

5、journeyman lineman jobs alaska ─── 阿拉斯加州线路工

lineman 反义词


lineman 相似词语短语

1、linemen ─── n.线务员;线路工人

2、cinemas ─── n.电影院(cinema的复数)

3、Wiseman ─── n.怀斯曼(姓氏)

4、linesmen ─── n.巡边员;边线裁判(linesman的复数)

5、liegeman ─── n.臣下,忠实的部下

6、linesman ─── n.巡线工人;前锋;架线工,线条员;巡边员

7、linkman ─── n.执火把的人;(电视、广播节目)主持人

8、linksman ─── n.高尔夫球员;打高尔夫球的人

9、cinema ─── n.电影;电影院;电影业,电影制作术;n.(Cinema)人名;(意)奇内马

lineman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But a Benfeika lineman unit has not adjusted Wang Gang, perhaps in the middle of this Spanish new Commander Fuluoleisi takes office is a key. ─── 但是本菲卡一线队并未将王刚调上,这当中西班牙新帅弗洛雷斯的上任也许是一个关键。

2、The best defensive lineman Notre Dame's produced in the last 20 years.Maybe ever ─── 是近20年来圣母大学的最好的防守队员.或许是永远最好的

3、lineman was severely burned by the live wire. ─── 电线架设工人被通电的电线严重烧伤。

4、But simultaneously, besides two substitution goalkeeper Huo carat with the even request, all lineman unit players had entered the stage the record. ─── 而同时,除了两名替补门将霍克拉与平托外,所有一线队球员都有了出场纪录。

5、When blocking in football, why does a defending lineman often attempt to get his body under that of his opponent and push upward? ─── 在橄榄球的防守中,为什么一个边线防守队员试图使自己的身体抵在对方的身体下并向前推?

6、Palermo has played a good shot, but we have been robbed clearly, the referee and the lineman has also made the great contribution. ─── 巴勒莫踢了一场好球,但我们清楚地被抢劫了,裁判和巡边员也作出了巨大贡献。

7、Reporter Hua Qun reported each enters a Palestinian Sa lineman unit the young player, the club can design special “the treasure plan” for them. ─── 记者华群报道每一个进入巴萨一线队的年轻球员,俱乐部都会为他们设计专门的“宝贝计划”。

8、Yes, the position of the lineman was ok. ─── 关于与出击门将的身体接触,需要澄清一下。

9、0607 seasons just ended, lie in time him who the great treasure has not entered a Benfeika lineman unit already to become the Portuguese media attention the focal point. ─── 0607赛季刚刚结束,在于大宝还未进入本菲卡一线队的时候他已经成为葡萄牙媒体关注的焦点。

10、lineman rs detector ─── 携带式检电器

11、Electric power lineman ─── 电力线路工

12、As for Looney's signature work, thought generally is when 16 years old kills time the double crown king on behalf of a Everton lineman unit to hang certainly shoots. ─── 至于鲁尼的成名作,普遍认为是16岁时代表埃弗顿一线队绝杀双冠王时的吊射。

13、A lineman is trying to repair the damaged pylon. ─── 线务员正试图修理被损坏的电缆塔。

14、What effect does this have no the friction force between the opposing lineman's feet and the ground? ─── 这对这名边线防守队员的脚与地面之间的摩擦力产生了怎样的影响?

15、Starts from January 19, a Barcelona lineman unitmoves into the new sports city officially,the farewell accompanies 31 years to pull the La Masia Training base. ─── 从1月19日开始,巴塞罗那一线队正式进入新建的体育城,告别相伴31年的拉玛西亚训练基地。

16、At least they were following the ball.However, when we scored one of the goals that was denied as offside, the flag of the lineman was down. ─── 我触球射门在先,还跳起来躲过倒地的门将,后脚是触到门将,但决不是他后来捂的头部,应该是他举起的手吧。

17、This was also has made the severest penalty in a setting up a business club 15 year history to a lineman unit member. ─── 这也是在建业俱乐部15年历史上对一线队队员做出了最严厉惩罚。

18、NFL apparel is colorful, comfortable and made for just about any age fan from toddlers to guy?s with a lineman?s physique. ─── 婚前他烧菜的水平很高,让我觉得没有安全感。我刻苦钻研厨艺,终于有一天,他心服口服地承认我才是家里真正的大厨。

19、With his left knee sporting a tape job perfected on NFL lineman and with his left ankle supported by a rigid brace, Kwame Brown played for the first time in 20 games Friday. ─── 他的左膝已经恢复到可以去NFL踢球,只是左脚踝却还需要支撑撑着。

20、The ref was at the center of the filed and still thought that he had a better view than the lineman and called the offside. ─── 裁判后来把我们俩叫到一起,说大门是倒地时碰伤的,跑动射门动作没问题,他不希望再看到这种假伤的情况。

21、Brown was the second offensive lineman chosen in the draft. ─── 布朗是选秀中被选中的第二位进攻内锋。

22、lineman center ─── 线路工人中心

23、wireman; lineman ─── 线路工人

24、lineman climbers ─── 脚扣

25、Suddenly the 'Cat was bashed aside as something immense and heavy hit it like a multiton lineman. ─── 突然间大猫被撞到一边,就像被大块头的橄榄球前锋猛烈重击一般。

26、defensive lineman ─── n. 防守前锋

27、Drafting a down lineman will play like a insurance for the Pats. ─── 整间屋子,总共大约二三十人(不好意思,我的家族人超多的,羡慕吧),立刻都动了起来;

28、(football) A play in which a defensive player is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage and then blocked off as the runner goes through the place the lineman vacated. ─── (足球)在比赛中一个防守选手允许去穿过并列争球的防线。

29、Whether it was a receiver running the wrong route, a lineman missing a block or a back fumbling the ball, Brett never singled anyone out. ─── 不管是接球员跑错路线,还是某个线锋疏于保护四分卫,或者后卫漏接球,布莱特从不会把矛头指向特定球员。

30、Electric traction lineman ─── 电力牵引线路工

31、Ghali said: under in 2001, international Milan this organically countersigned the quart race horse, at that time praised the race horse and Weiyana enters a Lisbon athletics lineman unit soon. ─── 加利说:“2001年,国际米兰本有机会签下夸雷斯马,那时候夸雷斯马和维亚纳进入里斯本竞技一线队不久。

32、When blocking in football, why does a defending lineman often attempt to get his body under that of his opponent and push upward? ─── 在橄榄球的防守中,为什么一个边线防守队员试图使自己的身体抵在对方的身体下并向前推?

33、You can throw me like a lineman ─── 你可以像投手一样把我扔掉

34、He cuts Geleg with Germany to grow slowly in a lineman unit. ─── 他和德切格列都应该在一线队慢慢成长。

35、An even more physically astounding feat than the shot, frankly, was how quickly hefty Magic Johnson had his offensive lineman's girth up out of his courtside seat to celebrate Bryant's shot. ─── 而比那投篮更令人吃惊的是,老实说,魔术师约翰逊如此之快的从座位上跳起庆祝这个进球。

36、You Wen a lineman unit has 25 players, the wages sum total achieves 115,000,000, but Milan double male has 120,000,000. ─── 尤文一线队有25名球员,工资总和达到1.15亿,而米兰双雄不过只有1.2亿。

37、When one lineman called a customer to get her exact address, he was told, "I'm at Post Office Box 99. ─── 当一个线路工给一个顾客打电话要确切地址时,他被告之,“我就在99号邮箱那里”。

38、Since a Booth gram tribulus already became a Palestinian Sa lineman unit main force, that club behavior he starts out this New Testament to be very obviously difficult to let it be satisfied. ─── 既然布斯克茨已经成为巴萨一线队主力,那俱乐部所为他开出这份新约显然很难让其感到满意。

39、While crow-barring my6'1" frame into a middle seat, jostling for the armrests with who looked like ex-defensive lineman on either side of me in the window and aisle seats, my name was called on the plane's intercom to come to the front. ─── 当6尺1寸的我吃力地找到一个中间座位坐下,好不容易地跟坐在我两边(个靠窗,一个靠过道)长得像防卫型跑锋的家伙共用到了座位扶手。

40、Campbell's hits include "Gentle On My Mind", "By the Time I Get to Phoenix", "Wichita Lineman", "Southern Nights" and "Rhinestone Cowboy". ─── 当我有菲尼斯”,“惠科塔架线工",“南部的夜”和“假钻石牛仔”的时候,格兰金宝的命中在我的头脑包括“轻拍",“。

41、Spencer, a linebacker taken 26th overall, and Marten, an offensive lineman, missed the first practice July 25 and a workout the next morning. ─── 在第26顺位被选中的线卫斯宾塞,以及进攻内锋马丁,均缺席了球队7月25日的第一次训练和第二天的晨练。

42、“Palermo has played a good shot, but we have been robbed clearly, the referee and the lineman has also made the great contribution. ─── “巴勒莫踢了一场好球,但我们清楚地被抢劫了,裁判和巡边员也作出了巨大贡献。

43、a five-footer will never be an NFL lineman, and a seven-footer will never be an Olympic gymnast. ─── 一个五英尺高的人绝对不会成为国家足球队的前锋的,一个七英尺高的人绝对不会成为奥运体操冠军的。

44、This was also has made the severest penalty in a setting up a business club 15 year history to a lineman unit member. ─── 这也是在建业俱乐部15年历史上对一线队队员做出了最严厉惩罚。

45、Some students like to melt anonymously into the back wall or hide behind the football lineman so that they don't have to feel involved in your communication. ─── 有些学生喜欢不参与课堂活动(匿名如后墙一般或躲在足球场巡道员身后),这样你的信息交流与他们无关。

46、Whether it was a receiver running the wrong route, a lineman missing a block or a back fumbling the ball, Brett never singled anyone out. ─── 不管是接球员跑错路线,还是某个线锋疏于保护四分卫,或者后卫漏接球,布莱特从不会把矛头指向特定球员,

47、lineman is trying to repair the damaged pylon. ─── 线务员正试图修理被损坏的电缆塔。

48、The lineman was severely burned by the live wire. ─── 线路工人被通电的电线严重烧伤。

49、4. The lineman blocked the defense and provided tremendous protection. ─── 锋线的球员阻挡了防守的球员,并且提供了(四分卫)良好的保护。

50、signal lineman ─── 信号线务员

51、The lineman must be isolated from the ground by using an insulated bucket truck or other method. ─── 接线员一定是通过使用绝缘斗卡车或其它方法才与地面绝缘。

52、The best defensive lineman Notre Dame's produced in the last 20 years.Maybe ever. ─── 是近20年来圣母大学的最好的防守队员.或许是永远最好的.

53、lineman robot ─── 巡线机器人

54、The New York Jets' first-team offense ran through drills while the veteran offensive lineman barely appeared to be a part of the team. ─── 在纽约喷气机队一线进攻组练习时,这位进攻内锋没有出现在其中。

55、Much like a lineman measures himself against the opponent's match for himself. ─── 很象前锋掂量对手。

56、Green is a defensive lineman for the Atlanta Falcons. ─── 格林是亚特兰大猎鹰球队的防守前锋队员。

57、a five-footer will never be an NFL lineman, and a seven-footer will never be an Olympic gymnast. ─── 一个五英尺高的人绝对不会成为国家足球队的前锋的,一个七英尺高的人绝对不会成为奥运体操冠军的。

58、I enjoy this competition very much, may participate in a lineman unit the competition to make me feel that is very excited. ─── 我很享受这场比赛,可以参加一线队的比赛令我感到很兴奋。”

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