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09-17 投稿


varnishing 发音

英:[?vɑ?n????]  美:[?vɑ?rn????]

英:  美:

varnishing 中文意思翻译



varnishing 词性/词形变化,varnishing变形

动词现在分词: varnishing |动词过去式: varnished |动词第三人称单数: varnishes |动词过去分词: varnished |名词: varnisher |

varnishing 相似词语短语

1、banishing ─── v.驱逐;消除;摒弃(banish的ing形式)

2、evanishing ─── vi.消失;消灭

3、garnishings ─── n.装饰品;v.装饰;配菜;(为合法扣押钱财)传讯(第三方)(garnish的现在分词)

4、revarnishing ─── 重新学习

5、furnishing ─── n.供给;装备;服饰;家俱;v.供给;装备;陈设(furnish的ing形式)

6、tarnishing ─── n.[化工]锈蚀,[化工]锈污;(印花)白地沾色;v.使生锈,沾污(tarnish的现在分词形式)

7、burnishing ─── n.[机]抛光;v.擦亮(burnish的ing形式)

8、garnishing ─── n.装饰品;v.装饰;配菜;(为合法扣押钱财)传讯(第三方)(garnish的现在分词)

9、vanishing ─── v.消失;突然不见(vanish的现在分词)

varnishing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Be careful or you'll take the varnish off the table! ─── 小心!要不会碰坏桌子的光泽面。

2、It's a versatile and economical clear alkyd varnish. ─── 一种用途广泛的经济型透明醇酸清漆。

3、He tried to varnish over the facts, but it was useless. ─── 他想掩盖事实,但那是徒劳的。

4、Don't tread on that part of the floor-I've just finished varnishing it. ─── 别踩那边的地板,我刚刚涂上了清漆。

5、The painting has yellowed from layers of varnish applied over the centuries, but the Louvre has resisted pressure to touch it up. ─── 历经数百年后画像最外层的光泽面已经发黄,但是罗浮宫一直不同意对画像润色。

6、A new coat of varnish is put on the floor. ─── 地板上新涂了一层清漆。

7、The print process, number of print colours, details of CMYK and or any special colours, type of varnish used. ─── 印刷流程,几色,色卡或其他专用颜色,表面什么处理.

8、He will coat it with varnish. ─── 他会给这玩意涂上清漆。

9、Theses draw to disappear a trace and shadow in the daytime, coming out to use ink and varnishing the whole full city in the evening. ─── 这些涂画者白天不见踪影,晚上就出来用墨水和油漆涂满整个城市。

10、An overcoat, as of varnish or paint. ─── 保护层,护膜一个涂有涂料或亮漆的保护层

11、The floor is coated with varnish. ─── 地板上涂了一层清漆。

12、Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils—all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike—vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA. ─── 化石清洗、刷洗和涂清漆——所有这些许多化石猎人和博物馆馆长都采用的标准保护措施——极大地降低了恢复古代 DNA 的机会。

13、It is covered by a dirty green varnish that obscures the colour and about three inches (7.5 centimetres) have been cut off each side. ─── 它被一层暗绿色的油漆覆盖,油漆遮住了原有的色彩并且每边都被切掉了三英寸(七点五厘米)。

14、If you take a heat gun and warm the varnish, you can get a spatula under it and peel it off in a single sheet. ─── 如果你用一根加热过的铁管然后弄热这种漆,你可以很容易的用一支小刮刀把它像一张纸一样的撕下来。

15、Varnish Dip With Four Black Nylon Ties. ─── 人造纤维沾清漆浸制。

16、Something suggestive of or resembling varnish. ─── 假漆让人联想起清漆或与清漆相似的东西

17、The application of dimethyl carbonate in thermoplasticacrylic varnish, pyroxyline varnish, alkyd varnish and PU vamish are introduced. ─── 介绍了碳酸二甲酯在热塑性丙烯酸清漆、硝基清漆、醇酸清漆和聚氨酯清漆中的应用。

18、Scrape the old paint off,sand the surface down,and then varnish over it. ─── 刮掉旧漆,用砂纸将表面打磨光,然后涂漆。

19、Varnishing of company"s financial reports has always been one of the problems perplexing investors in making rational investments in the stock markets. ─── 企业财务报告粉饰一直是困扰投资者在证券市场中理性投资的问题之一。

20、It's a two-component, varnish based on epoxy resin, with low viscosity good adhesion and penetration to porous surface. ─── 以环氧树脂为基料制成的双组份清漆,具有粘度低、对多孔表面的渗透性好和附着力强等特点。

21、You can protect your color washed walls with a coat of clear varnish. ─── 你可以用清漆来保护你的颜色。

22、Guest: Yes. Use a light nail varnish, please. ─── 客人:要的。请用浅色指甲油。

23、He spread varnish on the wood . ─── 他给木头涂上了一层漆。

24、The importance are discussed on varnishing condition in furniture varnishing , and the measure for furniture varnishing are also given. ─── 论述了家具涂饰过程中涂饰环境的重要性,提出油漆涂饰安全操作的技术措施。

25、Using stiring and ultrasonic dispersing,nano-SiO_2 composite coating was obtained by adding nano-SiO_2 into varnish. ─── 在机械搅拌和超声场的共同作用下,将改性纳米二氧化硅分散到醇酸清漆中,获得纳米二氧化硅复合涂料。

26、The application of varnish made the desk shine. ─── 上了清漆桌子发亮了。

27、These graphs show test results using acrylic silicone varnish and epoxy resin on the sensor plates. ─── 以上图表显示,在测量有机硅丙烯酸清漆和环氧树脂的粘度数据。

28、Spread the varnish thin if you don't want it to wrinkle. ─── 如果你不想让它起皱就把油漆涂薄。

29、The applications of the whole-body varnishing process on the surface of the medium and large buses are introduced. ─── 介绍了整车罩光工艺在大中型客车上的应用情况。

30、Easer: Printing ink additive used to reduce tack.Examples are thin varnish,reducing oil,etc. ─── 减黏剂:用来降低油墨黏度的添加剂。例如稀光漆,减韧油。

31、Scrapethe old paint off, sand the surface down, and then varnish over it. ─── 刮掉旧漆,用砂纸将表面打磨光,然后涂漆。

32、Use this paint as a base before you varnish. ─── 在你上清漆前,先用这种漆作为底漆。

33、She was sitting at her desk varnishing her nails. ─── 她坐在书桌旁,涂着指甲油.

34、Install UV varnish or paint or photosensitive varnish PVA in besmear of cementation corky surface namely. ─── 即在胶结软木的表面涂装UV清漆或色漆或光敏清漆PVA。

35、Scrape the floor before applying the varnish . ─── 刷清漆前要把地打净。

36、Box 120X75X160 printed on white/white 400gr 4/0 colors + varnish offset, cutted and clued. ─── 包装类,大虾们:帮我看看这是什么盒子?

37、Once overturned, these rocks are difficult to replace and the lichens and varnish will not grow back within our lifetime. ─── 岩石一旦被翻转,是很难恢复它原来的位置,而青苔和地藓在百年时间里无法再长成。

38、The floors had been stripped and sealed with varnish. ─── 地板上东西挪空,涂上了清漆。

39、Production process: injection moulding, varnishing and metallization.Performance: Resolve main technical problems. ─── 工作职责: Project: quality and production improvement of BMC material reflectors.

40、Responsible for preparation of all surfaces prior to painting or varnishing. ─── 负责所有表面在油漆或上漆之前的准备工作。

41、This paper aims to standardize UV varnishing workflow and build a sort of estimate system about UV varnishing quality. ─── 本论文是对印刷品UV上光工艺规范化和膜层质量评价体系的研究。

42、Traditionally, lac coating,alkyd varnish, nitro-varnish, acrylic coating are used. ─── 传统上采用的仿釉涂料有虫胶漆、醇酸清漆、硝基漆、丙烯酸漆等。

43、Your rifle's finish is varnish and paint. ─── 你的枪表面涂有油光漆和涂料。

44、Stain the table before you varnish it. ─── 先给桌子着色,然后才能上清漆。

45、Josie was sitting at her desk, varnishing her nails. ─── 乔西坐在书桌旁,涂着指甲油。

46、It is one kind does not pollute an environment, varnish of polyurethane of advanced to human body hurtless ability in swimming. ─── 它是一种不污染环境,对人体无害的高级水性聚氨酯清漆。

47、Because they think the harder varnish will add durability to the instrument. ─── 因为他们以为愈硬的漆愈能增加吉他的持久性。

48、This "horseshoe" was coated with varnish and a layer of copper wire was wrapped around it. ─── 他把一根铁棒弯成了马蹄铁型,在马蹄铁上涂了清漆并在上面绕了一层铜导线。

49、Apply the varnish evenly over the whole surface. ─── 在整个表面上均匀地涂上清漆。

50、When applited in enamelled wires in experiments, it performs efficiently and feasibly as an H grade high temperature varnish of enamelled wires. ─── 将其用作漆包线漆,操作工艺性好,且属于H级漆包线漆。

51、A layer of opaque white backs the label’s four color process image, and the label was finished with a full overprinted scuff-resistant varnish. ─── 层不透明的白色背部标签的四色进程形象,标签是完成全面套印磨损耐清漆。

52、In 1970, one gentleman brought me a guitar from Spain, to take off the varnish. ─── 在1970年时,一位先生带一支从西班牙制的琴,希望把塑料漆弄掉。

53、He put varnish on the tabletop to protect it, but somebody has scratched it. ─── 为了保护桌面,他在上刷了清漆,但被人蹭坏了。

54、Liquid lamination: A high-gloss nitrocellulose varnish applied to book covers or jackets. Also called Varnishing. ─── 上光油:施加于书皮或书套上的高光泽硝化纤维清漆。也称vanishing。

55、"Oil of turpentine is favoured over petroleum solvents as an oil-paint thinner, varnish solvent, and Brush cleaner. ─── 在用作油漆、可挥发性溶剂以及油彩刷的清洁剂等方面,松脂比石油效果更好。

56、Scrape the old paint off, sand the surface down, and then varnish over it. ─── 刮掉旧漆, 用砂纸将表面打磨光, 然后涂漆。

57、The varnish protected the table from being damaged. ─── 光泽面保护桌子不受损坏。

58、He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. ─── 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。

59、You can choose stone batten, above brush a varnish, facilitate clear in the future, can increase again bright and clean degree. ─── 你可以选择石板条,在上面刷一层清漆,便于日后清理,又能增加光洁度。

60、He used clear varnish to finish the cabinet. ─── 他最后给厨柜上了一道清漆。

61、You can choose stone batten, above brush a varnish, this facilitates already clear in the future, can increase again bright and clean degree. ─── 你可以选择石板条,在上面刷一层清漆,这既便于日后清理,又能增加光洁度。

62、MAN is meticulously stripping the old paint and varnish by hand, face hidden with goggles and kerchief mask. ─── 一个男人正在仔细的去除旧漆,用手涂漆。他脸上包着毛巾,戴着风镜。

63、On the other past revisions , zooming in on details, renewing decorations with contemporaneous rules (gilding, varnishing, colours worn out by time). ─── 另一方面是放大复古细节,用同时期的规则(金箔、上漆、色彩做旧)重新装饰。

64、Varnish: Thin, transparent coating applied to printed work for gloss or protection. ─── 光油:稀,透明涂剂。施加于印刷品上以增加光泽及作保护层。

65、The optimum UV varnishing oil quantity in full format UV coating on coated paper used in textbook cover was studied. ─── 研究了用铜版纸印刷的中小学课本封面进行UV上光时,上光油的最佳用量。

66、Engine parts, particularly the piston, must be kept free of varnish to ensure performance and proper cooling. ─── 发动机零件尤其是活塞,必须保持光泽以确保性能和正确的冷却。

67、A MAN is meticulously stripping the old paint and varnish by hand, face hidden with goggles and kerchief mask. ─── 一个男人正在仔细的去除旧漆,用手涂漆。他脸上包着毛巾,戴着风镜。

68、He applied varnish to the table. ─── 他给那张桌子涂上清漆。

69、You can buy brushes, paint, varnish and suchlike there. ─── 你在那儿能买到刷子、油漆、清漆之类的东西。

70、Investment focus on paints and varnishing , rubber processing, ornamental stone, digital printing, precision parts and metal protection. ─── 主要投资如下行业:油漆和上漆、橡胶加工、装饰性宝石、数字印刷、精密分离和金属保护。

71、The applications of the whole-body varnishing process on the surface of the medium and large buses are introduced. ─── 介绍了整车罩光工艺在大中型客车上的应用情况。

72、The performance of UV curable varnish film has a great effect on the quality of package printing products,especially the flexibility. ─── UV光油的成膜性质对包装印刷的质量影响很大,特别是UV光油固化膜层的柔韧性。

73、Do you see what that coffin varnish you serve here has done to some of those guys? ─── 你把劣质酒卖给那些人,你知道他们喝了后发生了什么事吗?

74、The auther presents the typical protential hazards in automobile spray painting and baking varnish mills. ─── 介绍了汽车喷漆、烤漆修理厂的事故隐患,采取的整改措施。

75、If you adopt spot varnishing,the print works will be more artistic and aesthetic feeling. ─── 局部上光时,印刷品更有艺术感。

76、They painted the underside of their planes with a black varnish. ─── 他们在飞机的底部涂上了一层黑漆。

77、Varnish preparation and coating production. ─── 吸入物:在涂覆生产过程时,会有很少量化学溶剂挥发出来。

78、Inferior smooth lacquer is a kind of special lacquer, it and common varnish, paint differs somewhat on property. ─── 亚光漆是一种专门的漆,它与普通清漆、油漆在性质上有所不同。

79、Finish your project with one or two coats of varnish to protect your wood. ─── 完成您的项目与油漆一两件外套保护您的木头。

80、She covers her selfishness with a varnish of good manners. ─── 她用一种表面上很有礼貌的态度来掩饰她的自私。

81、He tends to varnish the truth to make a more interesting story. ─── 他想要在真实情况上添油加醋,把它编成一个更有趣的故事。

82、It is normal to rely upon paint or varnish to protect the exposed wood surfaces. ─── 一般是用油漆或清漆来保护暴露的木材表面。

83、She tends to varnish the truth to make a more interesting story. ─── 她添油加醋,想编出一个更有趣的故事来。

84、Brush bottom oil. Brush alcoholic acid varnish equably go up in metope, ply moderate. ─── 刷底油。将醇酸清漆均匀刷在墙面上,厚度适中。

85、Curing: The rapid solidification of ink or varnish by means of chemical action. ─── 固化:用化学方法使油墨或光油速变成固体。

86、Stain the table before you varnish it . ─── 先给桌子着色,然后才能上清漆。

87、It is by transparent propylene varnish, phenolphthalein indicator is mixed catch pink alkalescent medium to mix make. ─── 它是由透明丙烯清漆、酚酞指示剂和染成粉红色的碱性介质混合制成。

88、A process for plating Sn on metal fasteners was introduced, including degreasing, halide Sn plating, oxidative blackening, polishing and varnishing. ─── 介绍了一种金属钮扣电镀古锡的工艺,其主要工序包括除油、卤化物镀锡、氧化发黑、抛光、罩清漆等。

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