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09-17 投稿


jugular 发音

英:['d??gj?l?]  美:['d??ɡj?l?]

英:  美:

jugular 中文意思翻译



jugular 网络释义

adj. 颈静脉的;颈部的;咽喉的n. 颈静脉

jugular 词性/词形变化,jugular变形


jugular 短语词组

1、anterior jugular vein ─── 颈前静脉

2、jugular sign ─── [医] 颈静脉征, 奎肯斯提特氏征

3、external jugular vein ─── 外颈静脉,颈 ─── 外静脉

4、jugular notch of occipital bone ─── [医] 颈静脉切迹(枕骨)

5、jugular embryocardia ─── [医] 心房扑动

6、jugular notch of sternum ─── [医] 颈静脉切迹(胸骨)

7、spurious jugular foramina ─── [医] 假性颈静脉孔(胚)

8、posterior external jugular veins ─── [医] 颈外后静脉

9、jugular undulation ─── [医] 颈静脉波, 静脉搏

10、jugular arch ─── [医] 颈静脉弓

11、jugular pulse ─── [医] 颈静脉脉搏

12、jugular venous pulsation ─── 颈静脉搏动

13、jugular glands ─── [医] 颈静脉淋巴结

14、jugular foramen syndrome ─── [医] 颈静脉孔综合征, 韦内氏综合征

15、bulb of jugular vein ─── [医] 颈静脉球

16、jugular wall ─── 颈静脉壁

17、jugular vein n. ─── 颈静脉

18、jugular notch ─── [医] 颈静脉切迹(胸骨)

19、internal jugular vein ─── 颈内静脉

jugular 相似词语短语

1、gular ─── adj.[解剖]咽喉的,喉部的;外咽的,在咽的

2、jugulars ─── adj.颈静脉的;颈部的;咽喉的;n.颈静脉

3、jocular ─── adj.爱开玩笑的;打趣的;滑稽的

4、angular ─── adj.[生物]有角的;生硬的,笨拙的;瘦削的

5、jugula ─── 朱古拉

6、cupular ─── 有壳斗的;杯状的

7、juggler ─── n.变戏法的人;玩杂耍的人;骗子

8、jugulate ─── vt.刎颈自尽;勒死;用严厉治疗法阻止

9、jugulum ─── n.翅轭;外咽片

jugular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He always goes for the jugular. ─── 他总是直奔要害而去。

2、To introduce a method of placing a catheter into the rat external jugular vein for collecting blood samples and administration of therapeutic drugs in the studies on pharmaceutical toxicokinetics. ─── 为解决药物毒代动力学实验中对大鼠静脉反复给药、取血的操作问题,采用颈外静脉插管的方法在动物体内埋入导管,通过此管来完成给药、取血的工作。

3、Dehiscence of the floor of the hypotympanum with protrusion of the jugular bulb into the middle ear cavity is a rare otological finding. ─── 摘要颈静脉球经下鼓室底部骨层裂隙膨入中耳腔,是一种罕见的中耳腔血管异常。

4、VCUG and Urodynamics the check hints Tupy drainage urine than Crede method urinate obvious jugular appearance in bladder of damage and long-term the function of urethra. ─── VCUG及尿流动力学检查提示持续导尿较C rede法排尿明显损害膀胱颈形态和远期尿道功能。

5、Sometimes, it may have not bone destruction, but the lesion can go through the foramina, fissures and jugular fossa etc. into the intracranial at the skull base. ─── 在此系列,常见到肿瘤直接破坏颅骨底部的中脑窝、蝶骨及枕底骨等,成为一条鼻咽癌颅内侵犯主要的路钱。

6、Methods: Dye injection into superior sagittal sinus after the ligation of bilateral internal jugular veins and then autopsy was done in4 rhesus monkeys. ─── 方法:选用猕猴,在双侧颈内静脉结扎情况下作经上矢状窦的染料灌注和动物尸检。

7、Conclusion: Dacron patch was an ideal material for the reconstruction of internal jugular phlebectasia. ─── 结论:涤纶补片可以作为颈内静脉扩张症人工材料包裹术的理想材料之一。

8、Methods In this study, 37 cases were punctured through peripheral vein in elbow (PICC group), 49 through infraclavicula, internal jugular or external jugular vein (Superiorvena-cava group). ─── 方法37例经肘部PICC(PICC组),49例经颈部锁骨下及颈内、外静脉插管(上腔静脉组)。

9、Each patient had an epidural catheter placed for postoperative pain control.A radial artery and internal jugular cannula were placed for assessment of hemodynamics and arterial blood gas (ABG). ─── 每位患者都有一个硬膜外导管可用来控制手术后的疼痛,桡动脉与颈内导管则用来评估血液动力学与动脉血氧分析(ABG)。

10、Objective: To summarize the clinical value of dacron patch for the reconstruction of internal jugular phlebectasia. ─── 摘要目的:探讨涤纶补片在颈内静脉扩张症修复中的临床应用价值。

11、Methods: 11 cases of internal jugular phlebectasia were implanted by dacron patch and the effects were observed after the reconstruction. ─── 方法:11例颈内静脉扩张症患者,采用颈内静脉扩张症涤纶补片包裹术,并对术后效果进行观察。

12、posterior, jugular process of occipital bone of Krause ─── 克劳泽(氏)枕骨颈静脉后突

13、The P-VCFs were implanted into the inferior vena cava (IVC) through healthy side femoral vein or right internal jugular vein under local anesthesia and DSA. ─── 手术在DSA室局麻下进行,经健侧股静脉或右颈内静脉穿刺植入永久性腔静脉滤器于下腔静脉,捕捉血栓和预防肺血栓栓塞症。

14、In 3 ears,high-riding jugular bulb was found. ─── MPR交互重建充分显示了所有重要解剖结构的位置、形态:其中3耳为颈静脉球高位;

15、Why, Moslems argue, should there be mediators between Man and his maker, who has known him before his birth and is "nearer to him than his jugular vein"? ─── 为什么人与其创造者之间应该有中介呢? 有谁会在出生之前知道他呢? 有谁会“比他的颈静脉更靠近他呢?

16、Methods: The effect of shumailing on formation of experimental thrombosis was observed by carotid and jugular bypass. ─── 方法:采用颈动、静脉旁路方法观察舒脉灵对大鼠实验性血栓形成的影响;

17、Where his generals saw the jaws of a trap closing on them, he saw a once-only opportunity to go for the American jugular. ─── 将军们眼中遭罹合围的瓶颈之地,希特勒则看成是扼住美军咽喉的唯一机会。

18、Keywords Photochemistry;Jugular veins;Calcinosis; ─── 光化学;颈静脉;钙质沉着症;

19、In this paper, a case of dehiscent jugular bulb presenting as an asymptomatic retrotympanic bluish mass in the right ear of a 49-year-old male is reported. ─── 本文报告一49岁男性,在例行健康检查时,发现右耳鼓膜后面,鎚骨柄下方有一半球形暗黑色肿块。

20、be likely to do At least they're more likely to go for your big toe than your jugular! ─── 值得庆幸的是蝙蝠比较可能攻击你的脚趾头而不是你的咽喉!

21、After two weeks their extracted and conditioned stem cells were infused into their bloodstream, ia the jugular ein. ─── 两周后,提取出的处理过的干细胞通过颈静脉输回到患者体内。

22、Methods: Anatomic features of the region of sternal jugular notch (SJN) were observed and analyzed on 30 adult cadavers. ─── 方法:在30具尸体标本上,观察胸骨颈静脉切迹(SJN)平面重要结构解剖及毗邻关系。

23、jugular tubercle of occipital bone ─── 枕骨颈静脉结节

24、Keywords Treat;Jugular sex megrims;Clinic realize; ─── 治疗;颈性眩晕症;临床体会;

25、our 3 jugular if we give them the chance. ─── 我们给他们机会,只怕我们连命都保不住。

26、The cuffed femoral and internal jugular vein catheter is supplement of permanent vascular access and the former should be the first choice. ─── 对不能建立动静脉内瘘的患者 ,股静脉及颈内静脉半永久性双腔导管是较好的血管通路 ,颈内静脉优于股静脉。

27、Splenic jugular shunt bridged by artifical vessel is safe,effective and less traumatic for patients with type III and some patients with type II Budd Chiari syndrome. It is currently the best choice for treatment of BCS. ─── 对III型及部分II型B CS患者行脾 -颈架桥术安全、有效、创伤小 ,是目前治疗B CS的一种较好术式。

28、Methods The model of carotid-jugular fistula (CJF) in 10 rats was constructed by left external jugular vein (EJV) and common carotid artery (CCA) side to end anastomosis. ─── 方法将大鼠左侧颈外静脉与颈总动脉行端侧吻合,测定吻合前后及模型动物饲养16周后的血流动力学改变。

29、Posterior external jugular vein ─── 后颈外静脉

30、Methods The imaging data of 8 giant glomus jugular tumors with definite pathological diagnosis were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法对8例经病理明确诊断的颈静脉球瘤的影像学资料进行回顾性分析。

31、Bilateral internal jugular vein stenting is also a rare procedure. ─── 两侧内颈静脉支架置放术也是少见的技术。

32、Keywords Giant glomus jugular tumor;Imaging study; ─── 巨大型颈静脉球瘤;影像学分析;

33、The other half of rats were administered with 1% Evans blue from external jugular vein at 1 hour before execution, and samples of lungs, hearts and kidneys were remained to detect vasopermeability. ─── 另半数大鼠于处死前1h颈外静脉注入1%伊文思蓝,留取肺脏、心脏及肾脏标本检测脏器血管通透性。

34、When the man was dead an examination disclosed the unmistakable marks of an animal's fangs deeply sunken into the jugular vein. ─── 死者的验尸报告表明确认是有动物的毒牙深深得刺入死者得静脉血管。

35、The resection of occipital condylar and jugular tuber can increase surgical freedom. ─── 枕髁和颈静脉结节的磨除可增加手术视野。

36、Methods:Thrombosis model was produced by putting a silk filament into plastic tube then inserting it between right common carotid artery and left external jugular vein, with hydergine as control. ─── 方法:建立动-静脉旁路血栓形成模型,喜得镇作为阳性对照药,研究聪灵胶囊对大鼠血栓形成的影响。

37、Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is not uncommon, but CVT associated with bilateral internal jugular vein stenosis (BIJVS) is rare. ─── 摘要大脑静脉栓塞在目前并不少见,然而,大脑静脉栓塞合并两侧内颈静脉狭窄却是很罕见的。

38、The computerized tomograpgy showed a right parapharyngeal mass and a right cerebellopontine angle mass with connection through the jugular foramen. ─── 台大医院耳鼻喉科经验一罕见之侧咽脑膜瘤,其临床表现为持续性轻度发烧及咽部不适;

39、Deep cervical abscess, severe airway encroachment and jugular vein thrombophlebitis demanded surgical intervention. ─── 头颈深部脓肿、严重之呼吸道侵犯及颈静脉炎必须以外科手术治疗。

40、There were no signs of Bleeding into the peritoneal cavity nor of pneumothorax, But the head and neck became increasingly cyanosed and the jugular veins considerably distended. ─── 没有迹象表明腹膜腔内有出血,也没有气胸体征,但头颈部越来越变得呈青紫色,颈静脉明显怒张。

41、We report on a patient with CVT associated with BIJVS, who was treated successfully using direct thrombolysis and bilateral internal jugular vein stenting. ─── 我们报告一个罹患大脑静脉栓塞合并两侧内颈静脉狭窄的个案,并且成功的以血栓溶解术和两侧内颈静脉支架置放术治疗此病患。

42、an opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments ─── 在辩论中以犀利有力而有名的对手

43、It is often performed by current, gas or breaking jugular vertebrae. ─── 通常使用电流,气体或击打颈椎的方法来实现。

44、Morse's jugular is exposed. It's time for the kill. ─── 摩斯的咽喉已经露出来了,是下手的时机了。

45、"They'd cut the jugular vein, and I've researched this -- they say the best way is decapitation, " she said. ─── “他们总是要切断颈内静脉,我咨询过这一点-人们说,最好的方法是快速把头剁下来,”她说。

46、one of three jugular venous pulse ─── V波

47、Mr. Black went for the jugular, asking intimate sexual questions. ─── 布莱克先生攻击要害,问起了性方面的隐私问题。

48、Methods Four patients with jugular foramen tumors and collars batton shaped were resected via a posterior sigmoid sinus approach. ─── 方法回顾性分析采用枕下乙状窦后入路切除4例颈静脉孔区哑铃型肿瘤的临床资料。

49、Method Pregnant ewes were served as animal models.High dose of sodium cholate was infused to pregnant ewes through jugular fistula. ─── 方法以妊娠绵羊为对象,通过给妊娠绵羊安装颈静脉血管瘘并经该静脉多次大剂量灌注胆酸盐。

50、jugular process of occipitla bone, lateral ─── 枕骨颈静脉旁突

51、After the tumor excision, the oral defect was reconstructed with myocutaneous platysma flap which had submandibular pedicle and contained external jugular vein. ─── 方法先形成蒂在颌缘下包含颈外静脉的颈阔肌肌皮瓣,待口腔肿瘤切除后,将肌皮瓣经口底隧道引入口腔修复缺损。

52、Six corriedale pregnant sheep were divided into treated group and control group as well as planted jugular vein fistula. ─── 6只考力代妊娠母羊随机分成试验组和对照组。

53、Another case was an injury of the internal jugular vein (0.3cm near the skull fundus) with shock, we pressed the distal internal jugular vein with a conglomeration of gelatin songe. ─── 另1例为颈内静脉出颅处的不全离断伴休克,远心端在不能结扎和缝合止血的情况下,用明胶海棉揉成团块填塞、压迫,止血疗效肯定。

54、Methods 112 cases accepted the placement of the CVCS at the end of superior vena cava by US-guided punctures through internal jugular. ─── 方法将一次性中心静脉导管在超声引导下经颈内静脉穿刺留置于上腔静脉末端,共112例。

55、Keywords Endoscope;Jugular foramen;Anatomy; ─── 内镜术;颈静脉孔;解剖学;

56、Buck got a frothing adversary by the throat, and was sprayed with blood when his teeth sank through the jugular. ─── 巴克咬住一个口吐白沫的对手的喉咙,用牙一口咬断了静脉,血溅了一身。

57、Abnormal jugular venous pressure ─── 异常颈静脉压

58、Methods:Each dog was rewarmed by extracorporeal circulation through the femoral arterial to external jugular venous exchanger. ─── 方法:浸泡性体温过低症犬经股动脉、颈外静脉插管,连接体外循环机进行复温。

59、"Any time you touch the feed point its kind of like squeezing the jugular vein on your neck like the Vulcan hold from Star Trek" said Banos. ─── “每次你接触到馈点,类似于用手指挤压你脖子上的颈动脉,就像星际迷航里面的Vulcanhold一样,”Banos说道。

60、Keywords bovine;jugular veins;valves; ─── 关键词牛;颈静脉;瓣膜;

61、When they miss the comic jugular、however、skits can be skin-crawlingly pathetic. ─── 但如果它们遗落了喜剧的关键,可能会让人起鸡皮疙瘩。

62、Objective To evaluate the efficacy of interventional therapy for various types of acute iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis (IF-VT) through jugular vein. ─── 摘要目的评价经颈静脉介入治疗不同类型急性髂股静脉血栓形成(IF-VT)的疗效。

63、Instead of farming out their drug-testing project to the world's PCs and Macintoshes, they have gone for the jugular: the world's supercomputers. ─── 他们并没有将药物检测方案分配给世界上的个人电脑和麦克托什机,而是一步到位的争取到了世界上的超级计算机。

64、have a person by the jugular ─── 扼住对方的要害

65、It will harm the internal jugular vein if we cut the nerve over this muscle is cut . The diameter of the accessory nerve under sternocleidomastoid muscle is (2.3 0.5)mm. ─── 在胸锁乳突肌深面的副神经最大横径为(2.3± 0.5)mm。

66、Currently, no randomized trials hae compared the risks of infection for catheter insertions into the subclaian, internal jugular, or femoral eins (1). ─── 最近,有非随机研究比较了不同穿刺置管位置(锁骨下静脉、颈内静脉或股静脉)感染的发生率[1]。

67、If you miss the jugular, it's just going to bleed and bleed and bleed and suffer. ─── 如果你没割到颈静脉,鸡就会不停的流血,流血,流血,非常痛苦。

68、The area surrounding the jugular foramen was explored carefully under microscope and the glossopharyngeal nerve was cut off. ─── 伴有耳痛者同期切断迷走神经上支;

69、METHODS 8 dogs were rewarmed by extracorporeal circulation through the femoral arterial to external jugular venous exchanger. ─── 方法对浸泡性体温过低症犬经股动脉、颈外静脉插管,连接体外循环机进行复温。

70、Differential considerations for a jugular foramen mass include: paraganglioma, meningiomas, lymphoma, or metastatic disease. ─── 颈静脉孔区肿块的鉴别诊断包括:副神经节瘤、脑膜瘤、淋巴瘤或转移瘤。

71、Cavallo thought Faith had exceeded what they were allowed to trade, but he also thought an arguably reckless or “go for the jugular” attitude may have elevated him in Dennis's eyes. ─── 卡瓦洛认为费思交易的仓位超过了规定的仓位大小,但是对于丹尼斯来说,费思的行为既可以理解为鲁莽,也可以理解为“直取咽喉”的交易态度。

72、jugular process of occipital bone, middle ─── 枕骨颈静脉孔内间突

73、Mike was one of them.Olsen failed to completely decapitate the bird, missing the jugular vein and leaving one ear and most of the brain stem intact. ─── 奥逊没有成功砍下麦克的头,没砍中咽喉脉,麦克其中一只耳朵和大部份的脑干还保持完整。

74、Methods Central double-lumen catheters in the jugular or femoral vein for hemodialysis are used in 25 patients with uremia. ─── 方法对25例尿毒症患者使用双腔导管建立颈内静脉或股静脉血管通路。

75、Preemptive Analgesia by Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs. Gramke, Hans-F. MD; Marcus, Marco A. E. MD, PhD Jugular Bulb Oxygen-Desaturation Episodes During Functional Cerebral Hemispherotomies. ─── 功能性大脑半球切除术中颈静脉球氧不饱和阶段。

76、Xephia snipes her target's jugular with a enchanted deadly arrow. Deals quite much damage to the target with a long range. ─── 席菲雅以一只附魔的致命之箭狙击目标的要害。造成目标相当大的伤害,且具有长射程。

77、All children were measured for their sternum's length from the jugular notch until the top of xiphoid process. ─── 所有病例都测定了他们的胸骨长度,从颈静脉切迹至剑突尖。

78、The thymus that twist around the jugular vein are elongated and begin to divide into the cortex and the medulla in the large lobes from E9 to E10.The rudiments of Hassalls Corpuscles are found at E12. ─── 从E9至E10胸腺呈长索状,环绕颈静脉分布,胸腺开始区分出皮质、髓质及大叶,E12出现胸腺小体原基。

79、Right internal jugular vein puncture ─── 右颈内静脉穿刺

80、Vince: I know it. WebTracker is playing for keeps. They'll go for our3) jugular if we give them the chance. ─── 文斯:我知道。“网路搜寻家”这次想要独霸。若我们给他们机会,只怕我们连命都保不住。

81、Bovine jugular vein conduit(BJVC ) ─── RGD

82、Although the normal results of the lung examination and the absence of jugular venous distention and peripheral edema argue against congestive heart failure, I remain concerned about this possibility. ─── 尽管肺检查结果正常,没有颈静脉扩张和反对充血性心衰的周围性水肿。

83、A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. ─── 以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻

84、Venous hum is accentuated by deep inspiration in most patients and may be obliterated by the Valsalva maneuver or by pressure on the internal jugular vein. ─── 多数病人在深吸气时静脉嗡鸣音明显,用瓦尔萨尔瓦手法或按压颈内静脉即或消除。

85、The man's neck was cut wide open.A hook emerged next to the right sternocleidomastoid muscle.The carotid artery and jugular vein were located immediately behind that muscle. ─── 他的脖子豁口张得很大,插进去的钩子正挨着右胸锁乳突肌,紧贴这个肌肉的后面就是颈动脉和颈静脉。

86、posterior external jugular veins ─── [医] 颈外后静脉

87、They run them down and make their kill with a bite to the jugular. ─── 它们会扑倒猎物并咬住咽喉杀死猎物。

88、We describe a rare complication of internal jugular vein catheterization leading to radiculopathy of the right upper arm. ─── 我们描述了一例颈内静脉导管插入术导致的罕见并发症:右侧上肢的神经根病。

89、Cut through the windpipe, the jugular, the epiglottis, the hyoid, the tongue. ─── |她的气管,她的颈静脉 她的会厌,她的舌骨,她的舌头.

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