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09-17 投稿


keck 发音

英:[kek]  美:[k?k]

英:  美:

keck 中文意思翻译



keck 网络释义

vi. 想吐;作呕;极为讨厌n. (Keck)人名;(英、德)凯克

keck 词性/词形变化,keck变形


keck 短语词组

1、Keck Seng Investments (Hong Kong) Limited ─── 凯克森投资(香港)有限公司

2、Keck Seng Investments (Hong Kong) L Keck Seng Investments( ─── 香港)L

keck 相似词语短语

1、keek ─── v.偷看,偷窥;侦察;n.偷窥,偷看

2、kecks ─── vi.想吐;作呕;极为讨厌;n.(Keck)人名;(英、德)凯克

3、kick ─── v.踢,踢腿;对(自己)生气;(体育中)踢球得分;反冲,朝后座;(非正式)成功戒掉(习惯);n.踢;(一次)踢球(动作);有特定踢球能力的运动员;反冲,后座力;猛烈震动;(台球)球的不规则运动;(非正式)极度刺激;(毒品或酒精的)效力;(古)玻璃瓶底的凹底;n.(Kick)(美、德、英)基克(人名)

4、beck ─── n.招手;点头;(英)小河;n.(Beck)人名;(英、法、德、西、葡、罗、捷、芬、丹、瑞典)贝克

5、feck ─── n.(Feck)人名;(英、德)费克

6、heck ─── int.糟糕,见鬼;n.该死,见鬼;n.(Heck)(美)埃克(人名)

7、geck ─── n.鄙视的表情;卑鄙的人;vi.戏弄;n.(Geck)人名;(德)格克;(匈)盖克;(东南亚国家华语)玉

8、Peck ─── vi.啄食;扔石头;吹毛求疵;vt.啄食;扔;n.许多;配克(容量单位,等于2加仑);啄痕;快速轻吻

9、deck ─── n.甲板;(船或公共汽车的)一层;露天平台;转盘装置;vt.装饰;装甲板;打扮;n.(Deck)人名;(英、法、德)德克

keck 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wait for in the home too long can giddy keck all over unwell, how to do? ─── 出去走走,做个深呼吸!在家里待太久会头晕想吐浑身不适,怎么办?

2、So researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, studied HIV in genital secretions of 311 HIV-positive women enrolled from five U. ─── 同生殖道HIV-1的直接接触可能会导致感染HIV-1。

3、Finally, the Keck telescope was used to confirm that these galaxies were at the same distance and part of the same galactic sprawl. ─── 最后,用凯克望远镜来确认,这些星系距离相同,都属于同一星系扩张的一部分。

4、The scientists studied both chunks using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility and the Keck II telescope, both on Hawaii's Mauna Kea. ─── 科学家们使用了美国航天局的红外线望远镜和其克II望远镜在夏威夷满拿其亚地区观察和研究这两块碎片。

5、Instead, Mr. Keck should have nodded to the older woman and offered her a verbal greeting. ─── 相反,先生,它们应该有点头,以老年妇女,并提出她的口头问候。

6、By creating an artificial guide star in any part of the sky, the Keck Observatory's laser removes that barrier. ─── 通过在天空的任何部位创造一个人造导向星,Keck天文台的激光扫除了这个障碍。

7、Nearly half month, rise in the morning feel to have in throat phlegmy like, often meet keck, is excuse me this how? ─── 近半个月了,早上起来觉得喉咙里有痰似的,老是会想吐,请问这是怎么了?

8、With a high quality management system from Europe, Zhongshan KECK is able to react flexibly to specific Chinese customers request with local knowledgeable service and timely product delivery. ─── 在来自欧洲的完善的管理体系的保证下,中山盖克化工有限公司能够利用公司的资源优势对中国客户的不同要求作出最迅速的反应,能够为客户及时提供货源。

9、Stomach-ache, bilge gas, disgusting but not is keck still how to return a responsibility sorely? ─── 胃疼,胀气,恶心但不想吐还是不是疼痛是怎么回事?

10、Giddy, keck, spit do not come out? ─── 头晕,想吐,吐不出来?

11、Dr Webb first conducted such a study almost a decade ago, using 76 quasars observed with the Keck telescope in Hawaii. ─── 约十年前,Webb博士在夏威夷用Keck望远镜观测76个类星体,首次进行了此类研究。

12、Keck's computers analyze the disortion in the column of air between the telescope mirror and the laser-created star. ─── 只有当望远镜对于恒星或行星瞄得足够精准,而天文学家们被限制在了天空中百分之一的范围内的时候,这个系统才能工作。


14、Even on Mauna Kea, Keck has to deal with the distortion caused by Earth's gaseous atmosphere, which is the greatest enemy to ground-based telescopes. ─── 即使在莫纳克亚山,凯克也必须克服地球大气层的折射,这是地面望远镜最大的敌人。

15、Why I always can feel giddy, faint, have bit of keck. ─── 为什么我总会觉得头晕,无力,有点想吐.

16、Like Keck, the GCT uses adaptive optics to correct for the distortion caused when light passes through Earth's atmosphere. ─── 和凯克类似,大加纳利望远镜也采用一些光学补偿方法抵消地球大气对到达地球的宇宙射线的影响。

17、Giddy when keck, the symptom of what disease be? ─── 头晕的时候想吐,是什么病的症状?

18、Martin Pera, from the Keck School of Medicine, envisages that this “will offer a straightforward route to development of banks of embryonic stem cell lines of a desired phenotype. ─── 来自Keck医学院的MartinPera指出这将为建立特定表现型胚胎干细胞库提供直接的方法。

19、Mauna Kea in Hawaii, the site of the Keck and Subaru telescopes, was among five candidate sites selected based on a global satellite assessment of atmosphere and climate variables. ─── 位于夏威夷的莫纳克亚山,凯克和昴星团望远镜所在地,成为了五个基于全球卫星大气评估和气候变化的后选点之一。

20、But a team of researchers at Hawaii's Keck observatory cast their eyes on stars similar to our sun. ─── 但夏威夷的凯克天文台的一个研究小队却将他们的目光投在了类似太阳的恒星上。

21、Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences ─── 凯克应用生命科学研究院

22、My gastric mucous membrane is washed-up, have a meal with respect to keck, bit of what drug should take? ? ─── 我的胃粘膜不行了,一吃饭就想吐,该吃点什么药呀??

23、Old recently keck, thing of not feel like eating, return a responsibility how? ? ? ─── 最近老想吐,吃不下东西,咋回事呀???

24、Have the calcic beauty that brings profit piece is with nest tall fine tall calcic milk powder met what reason is giddy keck? ─── 吃安利的钙美片和雀巢高纤高钙奶粉会头晕想吐是什么原因呢?

25、My left head sometimes very dizzy, and particularly fierce, serious when return keck, but my right head what feeling is done not have, what reason is this? ─── 我的左脑有时很晕,而且特别厉害,严重的时候还想吐,可我的右脑又什么感觉都没有,这是什么原因呢?

26、Why to bend over to sleep on the table, after waking, giddy, keck? What symptom be? The idea that what treatment there is? ─── 为什么趴在桌子上睡,醒了后,头晕,想吐?是什么症状啊?有什么治疗的办法吗?

27、Keck Observatory to take a closer look at the areas surrounding the black hole at the center of our galaxy. ─── 天文台实验室采取仔细看看周边的黑洞在我们星系的中心。

28、However, the age stipulation is new and surprising, says David Penson, MD, associate professor of urology and preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. ─── 然而,对年龄的规定是新出现的,这是令人吃惊的,DavidPenson博士说。他是南加利福尼亚大学Keck医学院泌尿外科及预防医学的副教授。

29、Appear dazed, retch, thing of not feel like eating, see fat thing is met what pathology is keck? ─── 出现头昏,干呕,吃不下东西,看见油腻的东西就会想吐是什么病状呢?

30、The astronomers observing HR8799, which is located 130 light-years from the earth, used the Keck and Gemini telescopes in Hawaii to capture the images. ─── 天文学家们利用夏威夷的凯克望远镜和双子望远镜观察了恒星HR8799,并拍摄到图像。恒星HR8799距地球130光年。

31、Joe McNally/Getty ImagesThe dome shutters of Keck I and II top the summit of the dormant volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii. ─── 凯克I和凯克II的穹顶是夏威夷的休眠火山莫纳克亚山的制高点。

32、Always feel the stomach is uncomfortable these days, keck, have a headache. Have a fever. But doing not have cold symptom is how to return a responsibility ─── 这几天总感觉胃不舒服,想吐,头痛.发烧.但没有感冒症状是怎么回事

33、Why I see computer is giddy now, keck? ─── 为什么现在我看到电脑就头晕,想吐?

34、Now, however, scientists have directly observed planets outside our solar system for the first time, using incredibly powerful telescopes at the Keck and Gemini Observatories in Hawaii. ─── 现在,科学家自夏威夷的凯克天文台和双子宫天文台,使用异常强大的望远镜,首次直接观测到太阳系以外的行星。

35、findings come from 11 years of observations at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. ─── 位于夏威夷的W·M·凯克天文台(W. M. Keck Observatory)在进行了11年的观测以后,终于发现了这颗行星。

36、Eris is shown above in an image taken by a 10-meter Keck Telescope from Hawaii, USA. ─── 上面图片中显示的厄里斯是由美国 夏威夷上的10米凯克望远镜拍摄的。

37、Why do you keck at our cookery? ─── 你为何嫌恶我们的饪?

38、Keck Observatory to take a closer look at the areas surrounding the black hole at the center of our galaxy. ─── 天文台实验室采取仔细看看周边的黑洞在我们星系的中心。

39、" the teacher did not manage again he, can be abdomen hold back is really afflictive, situation is urgent under, arrive aloud: "Teacher, my buttock keck!My buttock keck!! ─── 老师没再理他,可是肚子憋的实在难受,情急之下,大声到:“老师,我的屁股想吐!”

40、Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere. ─── 涡流是一种波及范围较广的天气形态,类似于地球高层大气中的急流。

41、Why can I feel I am giddy keck? ─── 为什么我会觉得我头晕想吐呢?

42、The closest bosom frowsty, flustered, giddy, keck, be how ah? ─── 最近胸闷、心慌、头晕、想吐,是怎么了啊?

43、In the morning frequent micturition, anorexia, want to have hot thing only, keck, and often upset stomach is what reason ─── 早上尿频,厌食,只想吃辣东西,想吐,而且经常肚子痛是什么原因

44、The researchers confirmed many of the estimated redshifts by obtaining very deep spectra of the galaxies with the powerful 10-meter Keck telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. ─── 研究人员利用夏威夷茂纳开亚火山上威力强大的10米凯克望远镜(Kecktelescope),取得这些星系的极深光谱,确认了其中许多量测到的红移值。

45、stomach-ache rises in the morning keck ah! ─── 胃疼早上起来想吐啊!

46、Two of the competing proposals would scale up the Keck's segmented mirror design. ─── 其中的两组提案要将凯克天文台的分节镜加大;

47、Ground-based instruments such as the giant Keck telescopes have amassed statistics on distant (and therefore ancient) galaxies. ─── 地面望远镜,如巨大的凯克望远镜,已经累积了远处(所以是古老的)星系的大量统计资料。

48、Kennedy, J. F., 1961, Stationary waves and anti-dunes in alluvial channels, Rep. KH-R-2, Keck Lab. Hyd. And Water Resources, Calif. Inst. Tech., p146. ─── 作者简介:梁志勇(1962-),男,山西晋城人,博士,高工,主要从事水力学、河流动力学、泥石流灾害与防治研究。

49、The ring and the moon were only discovered in 2005 by the Hubble Space Telescope. Now de Pater's team have reported their observations using the Keck telescope on Hawaii. ─── 这圈光环以及这颗卫星都是哈博太空望远镜2005年发现的。如今,皮特小组报告说,他们采用夏威夷Keck望远镜对其进行观测。

50、Giddy, is the symptom of keck bromatoxism? ─── 头晕,想吐的症状是食物中毒吗?

51、Using a technique known as interferometry, the Keck will study dust clouds around stars where planets may be forming. ─── 运用一项被称作干涉测量法的技术,Keck将研究可能形成行星的恒星周围的气体尘埃。

52、Some Vestian surface features have been resolved using the Hubble Space Telescope and ground based telescopes, e.g. the Keck Telescope. ─── 使用哈柏太空望远镜和地基的望远镜,例如凯克望远镜,一些灶神星的表面特徵已经被辨认出来。

53、to keck at one's behaviour ─── 厌恶某人的行为

54、Until the 10-meter Keck 1 was built in 1993, the Hale telescope had the best resolving power in the world. ─── 在1993年10米的凯克望远镜建成之前,海耳望远镜一直是世界上分辨能力最强的望远镜。

55、Keck Seng Investments (Hong Kong) Limited ─── 激成投资(香港)有限公司,简称激成投资

56、Meet for long to computer giddy keck? ? ─── 长时间对着电脑会头晕想吐嘛??

57、This shocked the older woman, yet Mr. Keck was totally unaware that he had committed a social blunder. ─── 这震惊了老女人,然而,它们是完全不知道自己曾犯下一个社会的错误。

58、Because the dwarf galaxy is so faint, this type of analysis could only be achieved with a large telescope like the Keck, Brodie said. ─── 但为了证明这一点,我们必须证明它们的确是在一起的而不是由于光学透视效应。

59、"They get exactly the same degree. Employers don't differentiate between the two, " says Kay Keck, vice-president for full-time programmes. ─── 全日制MBA项目的副院长凯-凯克(KayKeck)表示:“他们的学位完全一样。雇主们不会区别对待这两种MBA。”

60、Giddy, cough, snorty, breath is difficult, the whole body is faint, do not want to have a meal, ate with respect to keck, how? ─── 头晕,咳嗽,流鼻涕,呼吸困难,全身无力,不想吃饭,吃了就想吐,怎么了?

61、Images taken with a ground-based Keck telescope, when combined with existing images taken by Hubble Space Telescope, show that Dysnomia has a nearly circular orbit lasting about 16 days. ─── 地面凯克望远镜拍摄到的影像,与哈勃太空望远镜已经拍摄得到的影像结合,显示了戴丝诺米娅有一个近似圆形轨道,运行轨道一周需要16天。

62、Two of the competing proposals would scale up the Keck's segmented mirror design. ─── 其中的两组提案要将凯克天文台的分节镜加大;

63、Recently the Ten-meter Keck telescope began to operate on Mauna Kea (Hawaii),where the diameter of stellar images may be as small as 0".3. Can you evaluate the ─── 译文:最近口径10米的凯克望远镜已经在夏维夷的莫纳克亚投入运行,那里的星像直径可以小到0."3,请你估算一下用凯克望远镜进行目视观测的极限星等

64、Is serious Morpheus inadequacy very hurt the body? Giddy, how does keck do? ─── 严重睡眠不足是不是很伤身体?头晕,想吐怎么办?

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