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09-17 投稿


legitimacy 发音

英:[l?'d??t?m?s?]  美:[l?'d??t?m?si]

英:  美:

legitimacy 中文意思翻译



legitimacy 同义词

acceptability | legality | genuineness | fairness | sincerity | validity | authenticity | correctness | lawfulness |justice

legitimacy 短语词组

1、legitimacy status ─── 婚生地位

2、legitimacy declaration ─── [法] 婚生宣言

3、questionable legitimacy

4、legitimacy of children ─── [法] 婚生子女, 嫡生子女

5、legitimacy status of children ─── [法] 子女的合法地位

6、principle of legitimacy ─── [法] 正统原则

7、legitimacy myth ─── 合法性神话

8、presumption of legitimacy ─── [法] 合法性的推定

legitimacy 反义词


legitimacy 相似词语短语

1、legitimate ─── adj.合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的;vt.使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize)

2、legitim ─── 特留份

3、illegitimacy ─── n.私生;不法;反常,不合逻辑

4、legitimise ─── vt.使合法化(等于legitimize)

5、legitimately ─── adv.合理地;正当地

6、legitimates ─── adj.合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的;vt.使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize)

7、legitime ─── 阅读

8、legitimated ─── v.使合法;认为正当(legitimate的过去式和过去分词,等于legitimized)

9、legitimator ─── 合法化者

legitimacy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Member States attach fundamental importance to such legitimacy and to the international rule of law. ─── 会员国认为这种合法性和国际法治具有根本的重要性。

2、Losing that mantle of legitimacy meant pushing China into yet another disastrous dynastic cycle. ─── 丢掉执政合法性就意味着中国将又一次进入灾难性的王朝更替。

3、The Appeal Court's ruling on July 30 upheld the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature and put the validity of all laws passed after June 30 firmly beyond doubt. ─── 上诉法院在七月三十日裁定临时立法会的合法地位,所以六月三十日以后通过的法例,全部都具有法律效力。

4、You can deny the legitimacy of politics, but you can't deny its existence. ─── 你可以否定它的合法性,但你不能否认它的存在。

5、The risk is that undermining the instrumentalists' policies will stop the EU earning legitimacy through results. ─── 引发的风险是,削弱工具主义者的政策将阻碍欧盟通过政治成果获得合法性。

6、The Appeal Court's ruling on July 30 upheld the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature and put the validity of all laws passed after June 30 firmly beyond any doubt. ─── 上诉法院在七月三十日裁定临时立法会的合法地位,所以六月三十日以后通过的法例,确实全部都具有法律效力。

7、He has questioned the legitimacy of the victors' Tokyo tribunal that judged war criminals, though he will presumably peddle a softer line now that he is prime minister. ─── 尽管由于身为首相大概要努力宣扬温和的方针政策,但他也质疑由战胜者所主持的东京审判的合法性。

8、Senate on Iran - Democrat Evan Bayh - told the Fox News Sunday television program that the Iranian government is losing legitimacy at home. ─── 他在福克斯周日新闻电视节目中说,伊朗政府在国内正在失去合法性。

9、The characteristics as well as fulfilling methods of publicity determine the legitimacy and limitations of government s intervention. ─── 大学的公共性及其特点与实现方式,决定了政府干预的合法性与限度。

10、Koizumi in glossing over the past.He has questioned the legitimacy of the Tokyo trials that condemned Japan's wartime leaders. ─── 在歪曲日本历史方面他也可能比小泉走得更远。

11、The principles of legitimacy, openness, justice, and combination of punishment and education shall be abided by in the imposition of maritime administrative punishment. ─── 实施海事行政处罚,应当遵循合法、公开、公正,处罚与教育相结合的原则。

12、They gain a touch of intellectual legitimacy from a handful of cranky academics-though of these only Mr Irving has any claim to be a historian. ─── 在互联网上,这种现象尤为泛滥。他们得到了一小撮怪僻的大学教师的些许理性的认可,尽管如此,欧文先生也没权力自称为历史学家。

13、The three opposition parties or the so-called pan-blue army are used to using the appeal of Greater China nationalism, demonstrating the legitimacy of uniting Taiwan with China. ─── 在野三党或所谓的泛蓝军习以大中华民族主义为诉求,论证台湾与中国统一的正当性。

14、Performance legitimacy is constructed by the idea of people-oriented, the rule of law, the performances based on folks acknowledge. ─── 以人为本的执政理念、依法执政的执政规则、民众认同的执政绩效构成政绩合法性的基础;

15、Its legitimacy, normativeness, equity, security are seriously questioned. ─── 反对者对它的合法性、规范性、公平性、安全性等提出了质疑。

16、Official trade associations are inevitable in bureaucratization, because their personnel, resources and legitimacy are much depended on the government. ─── 官办行业协会由于在人员构成、资源来源和合法性上过多地受制于政府,因此难免出现行政化的倾向;

17、Office of the Comptroller of the currency also cites a 1902 federal court case to prove it legitimacy. ─── 其次,由于银行能以低成本获得资本,如果允许其直接投资商业资产将催发经济泡沫。

18、Yet this, he recognises, is precisely what gives the system its legitimacy. ─── 他认识到但正是这点赋予了世贸体系以其合理性。

19、The opposition parties do not recognize the political legitimacy of his government. ─── 反对党不承认他的政府的政治合法性。

20、HE Bing : I think that the pricing department of the Nanjing provides no legitimacy, it is operational, will ultimately nothing. ─── 何兵:我认为,南京市物价部门的规定无合法性,也无可操作性,最终将不了了之。

21、While legitimacy provides public administration with the premise of possibility,justice offers it the necessary conditions. ─── 合法性为公共管理提供了可能性前提,公正性构成了公共管理提供了必要性条件。

22、For any political rule, the legitimacy is basic resource for the effective rile. ─── 对于任何政治统治而言,合法性都是有效执政的基本资源。

23、To see the point of the "reliability conception" of legitimacy, we need to step back for a moment. ─── 要厘清“可靠性观念”正当性的要点,我们就需要再次回到上文一经讨论过的问题。

24、The judicial organizations should review the legitimacy and the concrete application principles of the disputes arising from the expropriation of lands. ─── 司法机构应当审查土地征用纠纷的合理性及具体适用原则。

25、Originally “the theory of legitimacy ”was the provision of the convenance institutions,not the political idea. ─── “正统”之义本出于血统,最初为一礼制之规定,而非政治之观念。

26、Why would you lend legitimacy to the argument that Malaysians should steer clear of discussing issues which affect us all as citizens, whether Muslim or non-Muslim? ─── 为什么你要引用宪法来避开我们对作为一个不论是穆斯林或非穆斯林的讨论呢?

27、The prior determinative force of administrative act refers to the ability of being deduced effective before the legitimacy of legal act is finally determined. ─── 先定力是指法律行为在合法性尚未最终确定时被推定为有效的能力,它是法律行为主义调整方式所必需的程序规则。

28、Legitimacy" is an important issue which any political system must deal with. ─── 合法性是所有政治体系都必须面对的一个问题。

29、But the whole question of modernity is the legitimacy and rationality of the implementation and universalization. ─── 但现代性的整个问题却是合法性和理性的贯彻和普遍化。

30、Another gesture towards accepting the legitimacy of the Cypriot government would help. ─── 在承认塞浦路斯政府的合法性方面再作一次积极的姿态将会大有裨益。

31、Because of disagreements in China on the legitimacy of the digital format, opinions have been mixed about whether and how to give legal protection to online patents. ─── 因为中国对于数码形式产品的合法性还存在争议,所以对于是否应该从法律上保护网上专利产品和如何保护意见不一。

32、The legitimacy in power of political party is essential to every political party,because it concerns the persistence in power. ─── 对于执政党来说,执政的合法性基础是关系到能否继续执政的重要因素。

33、It is important to stress the legitimacy of the process and provide them with a number to call to confirm the existence of the research company. ─── 强调程序的合法性并提供给他们一个电话号码以便他们确定研究公司的存在是很重要的。

34、He imagined that Venn and Mrs. Yeobright were in league, and felt that there was a certain legitimacy in combating such a coalition. ─── 他捉摸着,文恩和姚伯太太一定联合起来了,他觉得,他和这样一种联盟一决胜负是应该的。

35、Time, rather than intention, has given them legitimacy. ─── 时间,而不是意图,赋予了他们合法性。

36、A low turnout and significant claims of fraud could bring into question the legitimacy of the election. ─── 参选人数少和诈选指控多可能使得这次选举的可信度产生问题。

37、The core dimension of ideological and political work is basically condensed as the legitimacy of political value. ─── 思想政治工作的核心维度在根本上即浓缩为政治价值的合法性。

38、In northern minds, destabilising the south and mucking up the referendum would undermine the legitimacy of any putative new country. ─── 在北方人眼里,动摇南方的根基并搅乱民意投票能够削弱任何公认新国家的合法性。

39、Second, there is a need to improve the legitimacy of the IMF by realigning the distribution of membership shares, called quotas. ─── 其次,有必要调整成员国的份额,进而提高IMF的正统地位。

40、All private property right has its natural legitimacy and properness, property right of state is only the private property right that the state has. ─── 一切私有财产权具有天然的合法性和正当性,国有财产权也是国家私有财产权。

41、Reeducation-through-labor system is reasonable, therefore legitimacy is being questioned and its abolition has led to heated debate. ─── 劳动教养制度的合理性、合法性因此受到质疑,其存废问题也引起了激烈争论。

42、People wiped out Prohibition at last not only because of the alcohol issue but because scofflawry was seriously undermining the authority and legitimacy of government. ─── 人们终于取消了禁酒令,并非仅仅出于对禁酒的不满,而是因为藐视法令行为已在严重地破坏政府的权威和合法性。

43、Two ethical motivations are key antecedents of compliance: legitimacy and morality. ─── 两种道德动机是遵守法律的关键前提:合法性和道德观。

44、It is the well developed democracy that can resolve the questions of political clash, and provide a perpetual base of legitimacy for political system. ─── 完善的民主制度是解决政治纷争的有效方法,只有它才能为政治体系提供长久的合法性基础。

45、But of course that would have conferred a hint of legitimacy on an appointed institution that Mr. Harper views as illegitimate. ─── 当然,这样任命参议员是否合法将成为一个问题。哈珀一直认为直接任命参议员不合法。

46、Because legitimacy has different senses and is undertheorized, it is very easy to make claims about legitimacy that are ambiguous or theoretically unsound. ─── 因为“正当性”这个概念拥有多个面相,且远未达到高度理论化要求,所以我们一不小心就会使这个概念变得模糊不清,或是论证得不够充分。

47、We should also aggressively revamp quality of community colleges in the pursuit of legitimacy of governmental subsidies and official status. ─── 我们也要积极改善社区大学的体质,这样才有接受政府的补助合理性与正当性。

48、It knows that corruption will eventually erode the legitimacy of any government. ─── 他们也知道,贪污最终会削弱任何政府的合法性。

49、Understandings of the legitimacy vary in different countries and periods. ─── 何谓合理,不同国度、不同时代,有不同理解。

50、The insurable interest should have the characteristics of legitimacy , determinacy and public welfare . ─── 保险利益应具有合法性、确定性和公益性的特征。

51、Behind the depressive statistical figures is the sceptical attitude of European citizens towards the legitimacy of EU. ─── 急剧下降的统计数据背后体现的是民众对联盟合法性的怀疑。

52、Unlike Vietnam, we are joined by a broad coalition of 43 nations that recognizes the legitimacy of our action. ─── 与越战不同的是,我们有一个认同我们行动合法性的、由43个国家组成的广泛同盟。

53、Demonstrators tangle d with supporerts of the government in the streets, arguing over the legitimacy of the prime minister's rule. ─── 反政府人员与政府支持人员在大街上发生冲突,就泰国当前总理的统治是否合法展开争论。

54、Mr Abbott said Labor's failure to win a majority meant it had lost its legitimacy. He added that his own coalition was "ready to govern" . ─── 艾伯特表示,工党未能赢得多数议席意味着,它已失去正当性。他补充称,他自己的联盟已做好“执政准备”。

55、But he will come to power with even less legitimacy than Mr Obasanjo had after his own flawed election victory in 2003. ─── 但是,2003年他那次通过舞弊而赢得的选举,让他的上台比奥巴桑乔更不具合法性。

56、Any Party, who committed heavy mistakes in history, is doomed to exhaust the ruling resources and incite the legitimacy crisis. ─── 凡是在历史上犯有重大历史错误的政党,都会给执政资源带来重大的消耗而引发合法性危机。

57、Dispute on the legitimacy and fairness of debtfor-equities tend to overlook the impact on tax issue. ─── 关于以股抵债的合法性与公平性争论忽略了该交易在税法上的效果。

58、The chosen candidate would, he argues, then have the legitimacy to remodel the party. ─── 他认为,当选者才具有重塑社会党形象的资格。

59、In his eyes, it had lost all legitimacy after it failed to respond to his 1990 warnings. ─── 在他看来,当局由于未能应对他在1990年的警告而失去了所有合法性。

60、It concerns the fundamental legitimacy of governments, which for autocrats can be a matter of life and death. ─── 如果1989年民主阵营的主张得以推行,中国的统治者当时已然被废黜了,对此他们至今记忆犹新。

61、call it a day These findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings. ─── 这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。

62、It includes the risk of borrowing money, the influence on the future of the company indebt and the legitimacy of the money owned by management. ─── 信息披露在管理层收购中具有重要的意义,主要包括融资风险和对公司持续经营的影响,以及自有资金的合法性等方面的披露。

63、We should put emphasis on establishing modern legitimacy structure to preserve political legi timacy. ─── 合法性的维护应致力于创建现代性的合法性结构。

64、One photocopy of building use permit, or documentation which can verify the legitimacy of the building use. ─── 建筑物使用执照影本或实施建筑管理前合法房屋证明文件。

65、Abstract:The legitimacy of state power in the global community is not the same as its rightfulness in its own country. ─── 国家政权在国际间的合法性与它在国内的权力正当性并不是一回事。

66、Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative.He asked Congress to call a referendum on the legitimacy of his term. ─── 乌里韦总统的反应是他性格使然的杀气腾腾,他要求国会在他的任期举行合法公投。

67、Legitimacy is an important factor that must be considered to judge the legal effect of die general norm documents. ─── 合法性是判断一般规范性文件的法律效力所必须考虑的重要因素。

68、Originally “the theory of legitimacy”was the provision of the convenance institutions,not the political idea. ─── “正统”之义本出于血统 ,最初为一礼制之规定 ,而非政治之观念。

69、The new government, with its undoubted democratic legitimacy, is the best on offer. ─── 当伊拉克拥有确定的民主法制的新政府时,将是美国撤离的最好时机。

70、Many academicians think that legitimacy is marriage's essential attribute, void marriage and cancelable marriage are not marriages. ─── 很多学者认为合法性是婚姻的本质属性,无效婚姻与可撤销婚姻不是婚姻。

71、Only when the uniform and integral ethic has been founded and agreed by people in a society, the integrality and legitimacy of law can be acquired. ─── 一个社会只有依靠建立起统一的整体性的,并被民众认同的道德规范体系,才有可能获得法律的整体性和正当性。

72、Debates are raging on the legitimacy of online copies, instant links and downloads, and data base copycats. ─── 对于网上复制、快速链接和下载、数据库复制问题的争论愈来愈激烈。

73、To reply such interrogatory, we must detailed research the connotation oflegitimacy and administration legislation"s legitimacy. ─── 为回答这样的质问,首先必须对法的正当性的内涵与标准进行详细的考察。

74、Its media use inverted commas around the names of Taiwanese government bodies to cast doubt upon their legitimacy. ─── 中国媒体在台湾政府机构这些字上加上引号,借此来表示对其合法性的怀疑。

75、How is "legitimacy" different from "justice" or "correctness"? ─── “正当性”又是如何与“正义”和“正确”区分开来的?

76、Integration - the provision of apparent legitimacy to criminally derived wealth. ─── 为犯罪得来的财富提供表面的合法性。

77、The conduct of the rural regime in the quite great degree ralated to the national authority and constructing of legitimacy based architecture. ─── 因此,乡镇政权组织的行为在相当大的程度上关乎国家的权威及其合法性基础的建构。

78、An elected Palestinian Authority ready to renounce violence would claim international legitimacy. ─── 一个经过选举产生、准备放弃暴力的巴勒斯坦权力机构将在国际上获得合法性。

79、Several de facto dictatorships also have compulsory, but not free and fair, voting in order to try to increase the legitimacy of the regime. ─── 一些事实上的专制政府也有强制性的选举,但有失自由公允,为的是试图提高政权的合法性。

80、A veto would rob the action of strict legality, but paradoxically, by exposing the cynicism of the junta's apologists, help to gain it legitimacy. ─── 否决票将取消行动的合法性,同时这可以暴露为军事政府辩护者的虚伪,从而有助于空投的合法化。

81、The legitimacy of pluralist democracy finds a full expression in gaming and consultation. ─── 多元主义民主的合法性在博弈协商的过程中得以展现。

82、If many judgments go against America, Congress would surely question the WTO's legitimacy. ─── 如果很多判决是不利于美国的,国会当然会质疑WTO的合法性。

83、In the words of America's counterinsurgency manual, now akin to a warfighters' bible, “legitimacy is the main objective. ─── 如今已类似于战士圣经的美军镇压叛乱手册中写道:“合法是主要目标。”

84、Before using and installing our products, please read the manual in detail.We still suggest you to know more about the traffic regulations and insure the legitimacy of using. ─── 在使用和安装本产品前,请仔细阅读本手册,以便顺利地安装和安全的使用本产品。我们还建议您去了解相关的交通法规,以确保你使用本产品的合法性。

85、All participants agreed that a government formed by a method of high representativeness, legitimacy and participation would be beneficial to Hong Kong. ─── 嘉宾都同意,以代表性、认受性及参与性高的方法产生的政府,会对香港更好。

86、Russia's reliance on force and repression to pacify the region steadily undermined the legitimacy of its rule. ─── 俄罗斯依靠武力和压制来保持该地区安定的策略使它逐渐丧失了在该地区实施统治的法理正当性。

87、Sampras beat Carl-Uwe Steeb by 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to underline the legitimacy of his challenge for the title. ─── 桑普拉斯以6比1、6比2和6比1战胜了卡尔-尤韦·斯蒂布,证明了他挑战冠军头衔的合理性。

88、Fortunately, legitimacy and success are not invariably linked. ─── 好在,合法与成功并没有必然联系。

89、A tension was thus formed between the sublimity of humanistic cultivation and the legitimacy of historical evolution. ─── 人文教养的崇高性与历史演变的正当性呈现出一种紧张性。








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