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09-17 投稿


incongruent 发音

英:[?n'k??gr??nt]  美:[?n'kɑ?gr??nt]

英:  美:

incongruent 中文意思翻译



incongruent 网络释义

adj. 不一致的;不协调的;不和谐的;不合适的(名词incongruence,副词incongruently)

incongruent 短语词组

1、incongruent reaction ─── 不一致的反应

2、incongruent dissolution ─── 不谐溶

3、incongruent melting point ─── [化] 异元熔点; 异成分熔点; 固液异成分熔点

4、incongruent compound ─── 不一致化合物

5、mood-incongruent ─── [医]心境不协调的

6、incongruent articulation ─── [医] 不等面关节(关节面大小形式不等者)

7、incongruent melting ─── 异成分熔融

8、mood-incongruent delusion ─── [医]心境不协调妄想

incongruent 词性/词形变化,incongruent变形

副词: incongruently |名词: incongruence |

incongruent 相似词语短语

1、congruent ─── adj.适合的,一致的;全等的;和谐的

2、incoherent ─── adj.语无伦次的;不连贯的;不合逻辑的

3、noncongruent ─── 不一致

4、incongruity ─── n.不协调;不一致;不适宜

5、incongruous ─── adj.不协调的;不一致的;不和谐的

6、incongruently ─── 不一致

7、inconsequent ─── adj.不合理的,矛盾的

8、incongruence ─── n.不一致;不协调

9、inconscient ─── adj.无意识的;感觉迟钝的

incongruent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Incongruent dissolution of calcite and dolomite ─── 方解石与白云石的非全等溶解

2、Interject incongruent words within a conversation and act like you didn't just say anything out of context. ─── 在谈话中插入不相关的言词并且表现的像你并没有说任何无关的话。

3、incongruent melting compound ─── 不一致熔融化合物

4、Keywords incongruent compound;peritectic temperature;phase transition;microstructure; ─── 异成分熔融化合物;转熔温度;相转变;显微结构;

5、Many guys seem to have trouble using SOIs because they feel incongruent with themselves. ─── 很多朋友看起来在使用SOI时存在困难,因为他们感到这样做和自己不一致。

6、An Analysis of the Incongruent Language Units in Poetry Translation ─── 古诗英译中的语言单位非一致现象

7、An equilateral triangle cannot be dissected into finitely many incongruent equilateral triangles ─── 等边三角形不能分成有限多个不全等的等边三角形。

8、Nominalization, a salient feature of human languages, refers to the incongruent realization of a process or attribute as a thing. ─── 名物化做为人类语言的显著特征之一,是指将过程或性质隐喻性地实现为事物。

9、Combine and recombine ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. ─── 结合和重组思想,图象,用不同的方式去组合和思想,无论它有多失调或者奇怪。

10、Things like evolution, because of religion, are simply dismissed on the grounds that it is incongruent with such and such doctrine, so and so's teachings. ─── 像进化演变一类的理论,由于宗教的缘故都被轻易地置之一旁,仅仅因为它与某某宗教教义,某某神学学说不符。

11、Science and spirit seemed so incongruent, and yet they both appeared to be two windows looking into the same house. ─── 科学和精神看似不统一,它们就像两扇窗户,让人们从不同角度看同一个房子。

12、They are congruent and incongruent pattern, indirect without direct effect pattern, indirect greater than direct effect pattern and regression analysis strategy pattern. ─── 在阈下语义启动研究中主要有一致和不一致模式、无直接效应的间接效应模式、大于直接效应的间接效应模式和回归分析模式等4种研究模式。

13、Constitutionalism is the ultimate realization of the constitutional rely on the three steps to reach the incongruent. ─── 宪政的最终实现乃是靠宪政三步骤中的护宪来达成的。

14、4。Make novel combinations. Combine, and recombine, ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. ─── 整合资源。整合,重新组合想法,印象,以及思考不同层次的合并而不管他们有多不一致或者不寻常。

15、incongruent crossing ─── 不适宜交配

16、incongruent melting ─── 异成分熔融

17、When encounters are incongruent with prior expectations, individuals put in more effort to resolve the incongruency. ─── 当新情况与事先的期望不一致时,人们会努力去解决这种不一致。

18、4. Make novel combinations. Combine, and recombine, ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. ─── 尝试新的组合。用不同的方式去组合和重组思想,图象,无论它有多失调或者奇怪。

19、on the other hand, the modularities are interactive when the context is highly incongruent with the target word, i.e. different contexts have different effects on lexical identification. ─── 当启动词与目标词间有较强的语义联结时,语境效应主要来源于词与词之间的联结启动,这时的语境作用机制符合模块化理论;

20、Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is used to stage superficial BE-related neoplasms, yet endoscopic staging can be incongruent to that obtained after pathologic examination. ─── 内镜下超声(EUS)被用于给浅表性BE相关肿瘤进行分期,而这个内镜下的分期结果往往与之后的病理检查结果不相符。

21、Falls are incongruent in the normal course of life in that they are unexpected. ─── 摔倒事件在通常的生活中是不够协调的,它们显得出乎人们的意料。

22、The amplitudes of incongruent stimuli were smaller than the congruent ones in word task. ─── 单字判断任务不一致条件的幅值也显著小于一致条件的。

23、In the incongruent auditory-visual condition, a stronger McGurk effect was found for the normal language group compared with the children with SLI. ─── 在不相一致的听-视觉条件下,语言能力正常组比SLI组表现出更强的麦格克效应。

24、incongruent nystagmus ─── 分离性眼球震颤

25、Changes where one field is incongruent with another causes inconsistent results when you refresh the project plan in Microsoft Project and the scheduling engine adjusts the task fields. ─── 当您在Microsoft Project中刷新项目计划而计划引擎也调整任务字段时,一个字段与另一个字段不一致的更改将导致不一致的结果。

26、Incongruent dissolution and activity diagrams ─── 非全等溶解和活度图

27、Keywords self-releasing glaze porcelain cristobalite liquid phase separation incongruent melting capillary structure liquid phase transference.; ─── 自释釉瓷;方石英;液相分离;不一致融熔;毛细管构造;液相迁移;

28、Keywords silver dopant;melting behavior;congruent compound;incongruent melting compound; ─── 关键词银掺杂;熔融物性;同成分熔融化合物;异成分熔融化合物;

29、But his energetic,fluid movements were more of a young man's,and seemed incongruent with the rest of him. ─── 可以肯定的的并不是因为他身高,因为他的头只到常人鼻子的地方。也不是因为他那瘦小的身材,他让人看起来真的骨瘦如柴。

30、The results replicated the affective priming effect, which showed that responses to affectively congruent trials were faster than affectively incongruent trials under each SOA condition. ─── 结果表明:在两种SOA条件下均存在显著的情感启动效应;积极启动和消极启动对目标词产生了不同的影响。

31、The most important signs to watch for are incongruent facial expressions.Genuine emotions usually cause a quick smile that encompasses the entire face. ─── 例如,愉悦情绪往往表现为在交流中自然浮现的微笑,但是假如对方只是假装,那么也许他会保持这个微笑相当长的时间,并且可能不怎么自然。

32、The RT findings replicated the affective priming effect, which showed that responses to affectively congruent trials were faster than affectively incongruent trials in each SOA condition. ─── 实验结果表明,反应时数据和ERP数据在两种SOA条件下,均存在显著的情感启动效应。

33、Keywords Mineral surface;Reaction kinetics;Incongruent dissolution;Liquid /solid interface; ─── 矿物表面;反应动力学;不一致溶解;液/固界面;

34、Cobbled together from a disparate set of fossils, the incongruent suite of features9 displayed by Psarolepis has been viewed with caution.Now, it turns out to be thoroughly plausible. ─── 由于斑鳞鱼仅有一些零散的材料,研究者对这种奇异的特征组合心存疑虑,但是鬼鱼的出现证实这些特征组合是完全可信的。

35、In the later years of running my games business, I began feeling very incongruent, like I was just supposed to be doing something else. ─── 在晚年我运行游戏业务,我开始感觉很不一致,像我刚才理应做的东西。

36、The most positive affect should result when the name is mildly incongruent. ─── 最积极的反应应当出现在该名称有适度的不一致性时。”

37、incongruent saturation ─── 非同成分的饱和

38、The disparity between Hamlet's mental ability and his physical action makes him a cognitive riddle which rivals that of Sphinx, whose head is incongruent with its body. ─── 哈姆雷特的心智能力和实际行为之间存在差异,这使他成了个认知之谜,犹如身心不一的人面狮身怪兽斯芬克斯。

39、incongruent articulation ─── 不等面关节

40、incongruent melting point ─── 异元熔点不一致熔点

41、Subjects were asked to make response according to two deferent types of stimuli (congruent and incongruent ones), while their EEG signals were obtained and then processed to ERPs. ─── 该实验中被试对两种不同类型刺激(一致与不一致)进行响应,同时记录其脑神经电活动并分析事件相关电位(ERP)数据。

42、Make novel combinations. Combine, and recombine, ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations no matter how incongruent or unusual. ─── 尝试新的组合。用不同的方式去组合和重组思想,图象,无论它有多失调或者奇怪。

43、Cognitive dissonance - discomfort - occurs when we take actions that are incongruent with this mental image. ─── 当我们的行为与这个精神形象不一致时,认知偏差—不愉快—就开始起作用了。

44、incongruent reaction ─── 异元反应

45、Falls are incongruent in the normal course of life in that they are unexpected. ─── 摔倒事件在通常的生活中是不够协调的,它们显得出乎人们的意料。

46、incongruent compound ─── 不一致化合物

47、3) On this subject it must first be taken into account that some constructions are congruent, and some, on the other hand, incongruent. ─── 对这个问题我们首先要明确一些结构是和谐的,而另一方面,一些是不和谐的。

48、Most of the reports are vague, filled with incongruent detail, or crudely fabricated. ─── 多数报告是含糊不清的,充满了前后不一致的细节,甚至就是粗制滥造的。

49、In the later years of running my games business, I began feeling very incongruent , like I was just supposed to be doing something else. ─── 在晚年我运行游戏业务,我开始感觉很不一致,像我刚才理应做的东西。

50、Suffering will come from your not attending to the next step .Discomfort comes from being incongruent with your Self . ─── 你不走你的下一步才会付出代价,你任何的不安都是因为你不顺从你自性的要求所致。

51、We define the SNARC compatible trial is congruent trial and SNARC incompatible trial is incongruent trial. ─── 将产生SNARC效应的奇偶判断任务看作是一种潜在的冲突任务。

52、Brain may code the congruent and incongruent stimuli in different ways during the perceptual process. ─── 空间性箭头刺激与文字性刺激,对于本实验的一致性与匹配性的操控的资讯处理过程是不一样的。

53、Two incongruent white candles were burning brightly, red flames shone on her red rosy cheeks. ─── 炕边点着的两枝蜡烛却是白色的,红红的烛火照在她红扑扑的脸颊上。

54、incongruent dissolution ─── 不谐溶

55、Science and spirit seemed so incongruent, and yet they both appeared to be two windows looking into the same house. ─── 科学和精神看似不统一,它们就像两扇窗户,让人们从不同角度看同一个房子。

56、Mild Mild Canine Hip Dysplasia (Figure 5): there is significant subluxation present where the ball is partially out of the socket causing an incongruent increased joint space. ─── 轻微髋关节发育不良:股骨头微脱出关节窝造成关节窝出现不契合的状况。

57、incongruent melting"," ─── 分熔"

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