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09-17 投稿


lune 发音

英:[lu?n]  美:[lu?n]

英:  美:

lune 中文意思翻译



lune 网络释义

n. 半月形;弓形;半月形物n. (Lune)人名;(英)伦;(塞)卢内

lune 短语词组

1、rosette nebula lune ─── 月牙玫瑰星云

2、la lune brise ─── 月亮微风

3、clair de lune blanc ─── 白色月光

4、triptych of lune ─── 伦内三联画

5、la lune est douce ─── 月亮是甜蜜的

6、la lune froide ─── 寒冷的月亮

7、ma belle lune ma belle lune ─── 女士

8、la lune official ─── 月球官员

9、clair de la lune ─── 月光

10、demander la lune ─── 需求方la lune

11、clair de lune ─── 月光曲(德彪西的经典音乐作品) ─── 月光; ─── 月色;淡蓝色

12、tu es ma lune tu es ma lune ─── 公司

13、la lune ─── 月光女神(专辑名、歌名)

lune 相似词语短语

1、lunes ─── n.精神病的发作;弓形;半月形;(系猎鹰的)皮带(lune的复数)

2、lunge ─── v.猛冲,猛扑;刺,戳;用驯马索训练;n.猛冲,猛扑;(击剑中)弓箭步(刺);驯马索;北美狗鱼;n.(Lunge)(美、印)隆格(人名)

3、Pune ─── n.普纳(印度西部城市)

4、lane ─── n.小巷;[航][水运]航线;车道;罚球区;n.(Lane)人名;(英、俄)莱恩;(老)兰;(德、法、意、葡、塞、瑞典)拉内;n.兵线(游戏术语)

5、kune ─── 四

6、lunet ─── 半月板

7、aune ─── 阿姨

8、dune ─── n.(由风吹积而成的)沙丘

9、June ─── n.六月;琼(人名,来源于拉丁语,含义是“年轻气盛的六月”)

lune 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But Sha - Cor, I mean - you haven't told me anything yet about King Lune and how he found out who you were. ─── 但沙——我本来想说科奥——关于国王伦恩和他怎样发现你是谁的事,你还一点儿也没有跟我谈起呢。

2、Rien de nouveau sous la lune. ─── 月光下并不会有什么新鲜事。

3、I know by my art that you will find King Lune straight ahead. ─── 我凭我的法术推算得出你笔直往前走去,就会找到伦恩国王。

4、clair de lune ─── 月光

5、Claire de Lune, our silver and black mottled Great Dane, always accompanies me, a few paces ahead and slightly off to one side. ─── 克莱尔,一条银色和黑色相间的大丹犬(GreatDane)始终陪伴着我。它时而走我前面几十步开外,时而轻快地跑到我的一边。

6、Abstract: The cardinal point formula of thick lens of unsymmetrical medium has been derived.The relation between the cardinal points of the lune thick-lens and the lens parameters has been reviewed. ─── 文摘:用非对称介质厚透镜基点位置公式讨论了弯月形厚透镜基点位置对透镜系统参数的依赖关系;

7、The most famous opuses"Clair de Lune"(1887) was classified as prerequisite of enrollment in the Royal College of Music, London. ─── 最著名的歌曲《月光》(1887)被列为伦敦皇家音乐学院入学的必唱曲目。

8、la lune: You will never know what you have until it's gone.Today is a gift... ─── 灵感簿:轻轻的我走了,正如我悄悄的来;我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩......

9、The cardinal point and cardinal plane of lune thick-lens ─── 弯月形厚透镜的基点和基面

10、spherical lune ─── 球面二角形

11、Lune: "I got it, I'll enter the girl's place. Please make me the notice. " Lune changed her mind. What influenced her into doing so? ─── 琉璃「我知道了,我会入主那个女孩的地区。请为我制作有关文件」琉璃改变了主意。究竟是什麽影响到她作出这样的决定?

12、King Lune was the kindest-hearted of men and on seeing his enemy in this regrettable condition he forgot all his anger. ─── 国王伦恩是男子汉中最为慈悲心肠的,眼见他的敌人处于这种懊悔不迭的境地,他把愤怒全都忘记了。

13、Lune, on a bench, while looking at the map, says the following words. ─── 琉璃,坐在长凳上,双目正注视地图然后说道。

14、The centres Centers for disease control lune prevention publish the Disease Control and Prevention published a report on the *findings. ─── 疾病控制与预防中心发表了一篇关于改发现的报告。

15、Je suis dans la lune. ─── 我在走神 。

16、geodesic lune ─── 测地二角形

17、But later that night, she's visited by the King of Cats and his procession of guards and told that the cat she saved was the King's son, Prince Lune. ─── 小春不胜其烦,最后更被猫之国度的臣民掳走,带到猫之国度,从此展开奇妙之旅。

18、Abstract: The cardinal point formula of thick lens of unsymmetrical medium has been derived.The relation between the cardinal points of the lune thick-lens and the lens parameters has been reviewed. ─── 用非对称介质厚透镜基点位置公式讨论了弯月形厚透镜基点位置对透镜系统参数的依赖关系;

19、This year could be, so she's "Clair de Lune group" to start the "customer accounts. ─── 可今年,她这样的“月光族”开始做起了“账客”。

20、lune of a sphere ─── 球面二角形球面弓形

21、On our spherical earth each segment delineates a lune called a time zone ─── 在我们这第一个球形的地球上,被划成月牙形的每一个等分称为一个时区。

22、half-period lune ─── 半周期半月形

23、If you never learn this lesson, the essential moonlight, the Claire de Lune, will forever be hidden from you. ─── 如果你从来没有学这一课,那么这不可或缺的月光,这克莱尔曲,将永远对你隐藏。

24、Apparently King Lune is my father," said Shasta. "I might really have guessed it." ─── 王伦恩显然是我的父亲,”沙斯塔说道,“我确实应该猜得到的。”

25、clair de lune glaze ─── 月白釉

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