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09-17 投稿


shavings 发音


英:  美:

shavings 中文意思翻译



shavings 网络释义

n. [木] 刨花;剃须(shaving的复数形式)

shavings 词性/词形变化,shavings变形


shavings 短语词组

1、bamboo shavings ─── 竹茹; ─── 竹茹粉末

2、wood shavings ─── 刨花

3、cast iron shavings ─── 铸铁刨花

4、shavings separator ─── 切屑分离器

shavings 相似词语短语

1、having ─── v.有,拥有(have的现在分词)

2、shavelings ─── 剃须

3、savings ─── n.储蓄;存款;救助;节省物(saving的复数形式)

4、shadings ─── n.底纹;遮蔽;明暗法;描影法;细微差别

5、hazings ─── n.被欺侮;罚做苦工;vt.使苦恼;使朦胧(haze的现在分词)

6、leavings ─── n.残存物;剩余物

7、cravings ─── n.渴望(craving的复数)

8、shaving ─── v.修面,剃(shave的现在分词);n.刨削下的薄片,刨花;刮胡子;削

9、shaftings ─── n.轴系;[材]制轴材料;欺骗(美俚);v.利用(shaft的现在分词形式);在...上装杆;欺骗

shavings 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He asked the barber to shave his head bald. ─── 他要理发师给他剃个秃瓢儿。

2、I have to shave a few millimeters off the bottom of the door to make it shut. ─── 为了使门关得上,我得把门下沿削掉几毫米。

3、I must have a shave [bath] today. ─── 我今天得刮刮胡子[洗个澡]。

4、He had a shave and a bath. ─── 他刮了脸,又洗了澡。

5、And do not shave your mustache. ─── 别刮掉你的小胡子。

6、Why don't you shave your beard off? ─── 你怎麽不把胡子刮掉?

7、When an accident nearly happens, we say it is a close shave. ─── 当车祸差一点发生的时候,我们说那是九死一生。

8、You should shave you dirty ape. ─── 你该剃一剃你那野人样的胡子了。

9、The floor was covered with shavings from his wood carvings. ─── 地板上满是他从木雕上刻下来的碎屑。

10、He doesn't shave every morning. ─── 他不是每天早起都刮脸。

11、Whenever I shave, the beard grows right back in. ─── 只要我一刮脸,胡子就马上再长出来。

12、Do you shave yourself or go to the barber s? ─── 你是自已刮胡子,还是去理发厅.

13、He was also several days away from a shave. ─── 他也有好几天没有刮胡子了。

14、By the way. I'd like to shave, too. ─── 对了,我还想修个面。

15、He asked me to shave the lawn. ─── 他叫我修剪草坪。

16、We will be shavings Christmas at David s this year.You are welcome to join us! ─── 今年我们要在大卫家过圣诞,欢迎你来加入!

17、Most of the shavings were concentrated in one area, Tani said, and nearly everything else was covered with a fine dust. ─── 多数钢屑集中在一个区域,而且几乎所有的其他部件都覆盖上了细细的灰尘。

18、Does he usually shave at five in the morning ? ─── 他通常是在早上5点刮脸吗?

19、He was expected to shave, expected to bath. ─── 大家认为他应该刮胡子洗澡。

20、You need a shave and you sweat a lot. ─── 你应该刮胡子了,身上还有很多汗。

21、Use a box knife to continue to shave off the old tip. ─── 使用手工刀继续刮掉先角上剩余的老皮头。

22、Would you like to have a close shave? ─── 您要不要把胡子刮干净?

23、He twisted his face to shave the side of his mouth. ─── 他扭动脸部肌肉,刮掉了嘴边的胡须。

24、He go to have a shave at the barber's next to the hotel. ─── 他到饭店旁边的理发店去修面。

25、His life is no longer in danger,but it is a close shave. ─── 他不再有生命危险了,但那真是死里逃生。

26、Get a haircut or a shave from barbers in your home city! ─── 在你的居住都城找发型设计师理个发吧!

27、"You're going to want Rat Chow, " he said, handing him a ten-pound sack, "and a bag or two of these wood shavings. " ─── “你就要得到鼠食品了,”他说着递给他一个能装十磅重东西的袋子,“在这些木质存储物中拿出一两袋。”

28、Peter: How am I supposed to shave in France? ─── 彼得:那我在法国怎么刮胡子啊?

29、Why don' t you shave off your beard ? ─── 为什么你不刮胡子?

30、To cut small bits or pare shavings from(a piece of wood). ─── 削从(一块木头)上切下小片或削去皮

31、Shave other people's fur before, first shave clean yourself. ─── 刮别人的胡子前,先刮乾净自己的.

32、Do you shave yourself or go to the barber's ? ─── 你是自己修面,还是去理发店修面?

33、The bus passed me by a shave. ─── 公车从我身边一擦而过。

34、A haircut and a shave, please. ─── 客人:请给我理发和修面。

35、He does not shave everyday . ─── 他并不每天刮脸。

36、Do not disassemble or handle the shave roughly. ─── 不要拆卸或粗暴地操作电动剃须刀。

37、Do you shave yourself or go to the barber's? ─── 你是自己修面,还是去理发店修面?

38、He put some latheron his chin, and then began to shave. ─── 他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫,然后开始刮脸。

39、No, thank. But I would like a shave. ─── 不要,谢谢!我还想刮脸呢。

40、We could shave prices a little. ─── 我们可以稍微削减点价格。

41、Would You Like A Shave or A Haircut? ─── 你能想出来吗?

42、We use dust free pine wood shavings in our inside chambers. ─── 我们使用防尘松树刨花在我们的棚屋中。

43、It consists of HDF board,MDF board and wood shavings board. ─── 分高密度板、中密度板、刨花板。

44、That was a close shave . The car just missed that perambulator. ─── 好险呀,汽车差一点撞到那辆婴儿车。

45、The razor must be sharper in order to deliver a closer shave. ─── 如果剃须刀的刀片过于锋利,在剃须的时候很容易割伤自己。

46、A gust of wind fluttered the shavings wood. ─── 一阵风把刨花吹得到处乱飞。

47、I'll say that was a close shave. ─── 不用说那是极其危险的

48、The cat," answered Pinocchio, seeing that little animal busily playing with some shavings in the corner of the room. ─── 那只猫。”皮诺乔回答说,他看见那只小动物在房间的角落里忙着玩刨花。

49、A handsaw is a good thing, but not to shave with. ─── 伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的 .

50、A carpenter's pencil is usually finished in bright red. The color makes the pencil easy to find in wood shavings. ─── 而木匠用铅笔则通常是明亮的红色。这种颜色使得铅笔很容易在木屑中被发现。

51、The bloom disappears off the face of poetry after you begin to shave. ─── 你一旦给诗歌刮起脸来,它这种清新的气息就会消失了。

52、Buddhist priests shave their heads. ─── 和尚都剃光头。

53、A: We need to shave a few costs off the expenses. ─── 我们必须减少一些开销。

54、To cut small bits or pare shavings from (a piece of wood). ─── 削从(一块木头)上切下小片或削去皮。

55、He put some lather on his chin, and then began to shave. ─── 他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫,然后开始刮脸。

56、His life is no longer in danger, but it was a close shave. ─── 他不再有生命危险了,但那真是死里逃生。

57、His life is no longer in any danger, but it was a close shave. ─── 他的生命不再有危险了,但已是死里逃生。

58、We shave been working with Berlitz for five years. ─── BEC与Berlitz现已合作了5年。

59、Before the advent of new technologies,people used to jump through hoops to shave a couple years off of their looks. ─── 在新技术问世以前,人们通常要经受一些痛苦去整容以使自己显得年轻几岁。

60、It also added dimension to the Parmesan cheese shavings, one of the most dramatic signs that this wasn't a conventional food shot. ─── 雷达罩的使用还增强了画面中意大利干酪屑的空间感,这也是本作品区别于传统食物摄影的最富戏剧性的标志。

61、If the shavings are kept dry then fungal problems should not occur. ─── 如果刨花保持干爽那么真菌的问题应该不会出现。

62、B: Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well? ─── 你还要刮脸吗?

63、When an accident nearly happens, we say it is a close shave or a narrow shave. ─── 当一次事故差一点就发生时,我们说这是一次侥幸脱险。

64、A sharp razor gives a close shave. ─── 剃刀锋利刮得就乾净。

65、You're so manly = You need a shave and a shower. ─── 你很有男人味=你是不是需要刮一下胡子和洗个澡呢。

66、They tend to wash their face, shave, and go about their business. ─── 他们每天只知道洗脸、剃须,然后就直接出门上班了。

67、Do he usually shave at five in the morning? ─── 他通常是在早上5点刮脸吗?

68、If he shave his beard he will look much younger. ─── 他要是把胡子刮了就年轻多了。

69、So what're you saying here? I should shave again, pick up some wine, what? ─── 你说我该怎么办?该再刮刮胡子或挑瓶美酒?

70、B: Well, your hair is done. Would you like to have a close shave. ─── 您的头发做好了。要不要把胡子刮干净?

71、It also can shave years off your mortgage. ─── 它同时宿短你支付抵押年限。

72、Aluminum shavings sound like something that might be easy to recycle but they aren't. ─── 铝的刨花听起来像是一些可以很容易被重复使用的物质,然而不是这样的。

73、Ceasing, he began to shave with care. ─── 他闭上嘴,仔细地刮起脸来。

74、English: A good lather is half a shave. ─── 中文:我还剩一间房是空着的。

75、CLOSE SHAVE a narrow escape. ─── 幸免,间不容发的险事。

76、A good lather is half a shave. ─── [谚]良好的开端是成功的一半。

77、Would you like a shave or shampoo? ─── 你要修面和洗头吗?

78、Before the sun sets on the Sabbath thou shalt shave your legs. ─── 在安息日的太阳下山之前,你应该刮乾净你的腿毛。

79、He searched among the shavings--no one! ─── 他在刨花中找了找——没有人!

80、Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! ─── 双刃设计,随时随地干净的剃须!

81、He refuses to shave his beard. ─── 他拒绝剃胡子。

82、"I'll go in their barber shop and get a shave," he thought. ─── “我去他们的理发间修个面吧,"他想。

83、Barber, barber, shave a pig! ─── 剃头匠,剃头匠,给猪刮毛!

84、She reached for the soap, lathered up and began to shave her legs. ─── 她在浴池中又泡了一会儿,然后出来擦干了身体。

85、Why don't you shave off your beard? ─── 你为什么不刮胡子。

86、She should shave more often, but there didn't seem much point to it. ─── 她应该更经常地剃剃汗毛,不过好像也没什么意思。

87、Do you want me to shave your beard? ─── 您要我把您的胡子刮掉吗?

88、He was always dressed in an old carpenter's apron, and he usually had shavings lodged in his beard and sawdust on his steelrimmed glasses. ─── 他经常围着一条旧的木匠围裙,胡子上粘着刨花,钢框眼镜上堆着锯屑。

89、He had a shave before he went out. ─── 他外出前刮了脸。

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