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09-17 投稿


lexicography 发音

英:[?leks??kɑ?ɡr?fi]  美:[?leks??k?ɡr?fi]

英:  美:

lexicography 中文意思翻译



lexicography 网络释义

n. 词典编纂

lexicography 词性/词形变化,lexicography变形

名词: lexicographer |形容词: lexicographic |副词: lexicographically |

lexicography 相似词语短语

1、heliography ─── n.照相制版法;反光通信法;太阳面研究

2、helicographs ─── n.(画螺旋曲线用的)螺旋规

3、flexography ─── n.[印刷]苯胺印刷

4、lexigraphy ─── n.词素文字(如汉字,一个字代表一个词)

5、cervicography ─── n.子宫颈造影

6、helicograph ─── n.(画螺旋曲线用的)螺旋规

7、lexicographers ─── n.词典编纂者

8、lexicographer ─── n.词典编纂者

9、lexicographic ─── adj.词典编辑的;字典式的

lexicography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、User Consciousness and Humanistic Affection in Lexicography ─── 词典编纂中的人文感悟和用户意识

2、lexicography process ─── 词化处理

3、The meaning of the children's primers of Qin and Han period to our country's history of lexicography ─── 论秦汉识读课本在我国辞书编纂史上的意义

4、bilingual lexicography ─── 双语词典学

5、Modern Linguistics and English-Chinese Bilingual Lexicography ─── 从现代语言学看英汉语文词典编纂

6、Keywords Middle Chinese;Allusion;Exquisite Words;Disyllabic words;lexicography collation of ancient books; ─── 中古汉语;典故;雅言词;双音词;词典编纂;古籍整理;

7、I was thus plunged into the sea of lexicography without having been first taught how to swim. ─── 他说他正是这样给扔进说文解字的大海里,完全不谙水性,沉沉浮浮,慢慢才学会游泳。

8、Preliminary considerations on CFL pedagogical lexicography ─── 对外汉语学习词典学刍议

9、Teubert,Wolfgang.2002.The role of parallel corpora in translation and multilingual lexicography[C]//B.Altenberg &S.Granger.Lexis in Contrast:Corpus-based Approaches.John Benjamins B.V. ─── 刘连元.1997.现代汉语语料库研制[C]//陈原.汉语语言文字信息处理.上海:上海教育出版社:229-245.

10、Some examples of the kinds of language research that SIL members do are linguistic description, cultural studies, dialect surveys and lexicography. ─── 东亚部研究人员的研究性质多种多样,涉及语言、文化的各个方面,例如:语言系统描述、文化研究、方言调查、民歌收集和整理、词典编纂等等。

11、Of or relating to lexicography or a lexicon. ─── 词典的属于或关于词典编撰的或词典的

12、Ilson, Robert (ed.). (1985).Dictionaries, Lexicography and Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford, Pergamon Press. ─── 李明,周敬华.(2001).双语词典编纂.上海:上海外语教育出版社.

13、This paper points out a close relationship between linguistics and lexicography,and expounds the research results in linguistics in brief,esppcially how to apply the results to dictionary-making. ─── 语言学与词典编纂的关系密不可分,语用学是语言学的一个较新领域,词典应该既充分描述语言知识,又反映语用知识。

14、Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language.One is immersed in the details of language as in no other field. ─── 国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力和武力威胁。

15、of or relating to lexicography. ─── 属于或关于词典编纂法的。

16、Farhang-e-Asifya is the first Urdu dictionary based on principles of the modern lexicography, which was produced by Maulana Sayyid Ahmed Dehlvi 1846-1920 CE in 1892. ─── Farhang-e-Asifya是第一Urdu字典根据现代词典编辑的原则,1892年由Maulana Sayyid Ahmed Dehlvi 1846-1920导致。

17、Phonetics, phonology, morphology, lexicography, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, language acquisition, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, copus linguistics, styliitcs, computational linguistics... ─── 其实语言学里面的分支很多,xiaoluer 说的只是一些而已。

18、Some studied it from syntax, some studied it from pragmatics, and some carried it out from lexicography, corpus and second language acquisition. ─── 有的从句法学的角度进行研究,有的从语用学,有的从词汇编纂学,还有的是从语料库语言学和二语习得的角度开展的。

19、lexicography information service ─── 词典编辑信息服务系统

20、Honorary membership shall be that of an individual who has made a significant contribution to Lexicography, as recommended by the Executive Committee and elected by the membership. ─── 荣誉会员身份是指为辞书事业做出突出贡献的个人,经执行委员会推荐并由全体会员选举产生。

21、Of or relating to lexicography. ─── 属于或关于词典编纂法的。

22、Teaching lexicography is an important branch of lexicography. ─── 教学词典学是词典学的一个重要分支。

23、Syntactic analysis of sensory verbs in the modular sense--Describing the lexicon from the perspective of cognitive lexicography ─── 感官动词模块性的句法分析--认知词典学对词库的描写

24、This long-term course can be divided into four stages and at each stage there are experience and lessons for bilingual lexicography . ─── 这一漫长的历程可分为4个阶段,各个阶段的编纂工作都为这一事业提供了经验与教训,为我国英汉、英双语词典的编纂与研究做出了贡献。

25、I heard the professor's discourse on English lexicography. ─── 我听了教授所作的关於英语辞典学的学术讲演。

26、Modern linguistic theories have provided valuable guidance on lexicography. ─── 现代语言学理论对词典编纂具有指导和借鉴作用。

27、In the first 40 years of its existence the Institute placed special emphasis on Chinese lexicography, religions and society. ─── 四十多年来,研究重点放在对文字学、宗教、社会的探索。

28、Welcome to the Let's Talk in English forum. Here you can talk about BEC, CET, PETS, IELTS, TOEFL, English Language and Culture, Linguistics, Lexicography and more. ─── 林明金为您解疑释惑,助您更好学习英语。谢绝与学习无关的话题,非英语学习类问题将被删除,如需技术支持,请与网站客服联系。

29、How about this word? Here, I'll show it to you: Lexicography: the practice of compiling dictionaries. ─── 这个单词呢?看看解释:Lexicography(字典学):编纂字典的活动。

30、The Concordancer of Equivalent Words in English-Chinese/Chinese-English Corpora is a bilingual concordancing programme designed for English-Chinese/ Chinese-English lexicography. ─── 英汉/汉英对译语料库对应词检索器是为英汉/汉英词典学设计的一种词语检索软件。

31、Terminology and Lexicography of Encyclopedia ─── 术语学与百科全书的编纂

32、Trans-cultural pragmatic competence can be demonstrated not only in lexicography but also in language teaching. ─── 跨文化语用能力不仅可以体现在词典编纂中,也可以体现在语言教学中。

33、Hartmann.R.R.K. Et al Dictionary of Lexicography ─── 词典学词典

34、Hartmann, R. Dictionary of Lexicography [M]. Beijing: Foreign Teaching and Research Press, 2001. ─── 周方珠.翻译多元论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2004

35、English lexicography ─── 英语词典编纂

36、The Bank of English was set up as a joint initiative by Harper collins Publishers and Birmingham University to be a resource for language research and lexicography. ─── 书中引入了一些科学常识,从心理和生理学的角度讲述肥胖的定义、成因,肥胖带给女性精神的精神压力和心理阴影,以及容易对孕产妇这一特殊人群造成的健康危害。

37、3 . Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language. ─── 3 .中美两国在社会制度和对外政策上有着本质的区别。

38、Teaching lexicography is an important branch of lexicography. ─── 教学词典学是词典学的一个重要分支。

39、Assets remaining after outstanding obligations of ASIALEX have been met shall be disbursed at the discretion of the Executive Committee, in the interests of Lexicography. ─── 在本学会的重要职责得到履行之后而剩余的资产,可由执委会依据辞书事业为上的原则,酌情分配处理。

40、In the first 30 years of its existence the Institute placed special emphasis on Chinese lexicography and Chinese religions. ─── 三十多年来,研究重点放在对中国文字学与中国宗教的探索。

41、The experiment results show the effectiveness of our method and it can be applied widely in many NLP applications such as phrase extraction, bilingual lexicography, etc. ─── 本方法可以用于基于大规模双语语料库的短语翻译抽取、词典编纂等应用,具有较高的应用价值。

42、Phrase equivalence pair is very useful for bilingual lexicography, machine translation and crossing-language information retrieval. ─── 短语等价对在词典编纂、机器翻译和跨语言信息检索中有着广泛的应用。

43、3.Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language. ─── 3.中美两国在社会制度和对外政策上有着本质的区别。

44、3) the use of the results of semantic studies in lexicography. ─── 3)语义学的研究成果在词典学中的应用。

45、To compare the words of allotropy and "Dictionary" have been found , make it as a valuable example of lexicography. ─── 把搜寻到的同素异序词和《大词典》进行比对,为辞书编纂提供有价值的例证。

46、The success of W3 marks the victory of descriptivism in English lexicography and most modern English dictionaries are compiled following the descriptive principle. ─── 韦氏三版的成功标志着描写主义的胜利,其后的大多数现代英语词典都是以描写主义指导原则进行编纂的。

47、In the second, the dissertation elaborate the viewpoints to the nominal definition and its' appliance in the language lexicography. ─── 接着阐述对语词定义的看法及其在语文词典中的应用。

48、Nesi,H.& R.Hail.2002.A study of dictionary use by international students at a British university[J].International Journal of Lexicography 4:277-301. ─── 安玉玲,李晓.1999.英语专业学生英文常用工具书使用情况调查报告[J].绵阳外国语学院学报(2).

49、From the point of view of lexicography, polysemy ist he core problem of sense division and arrangement. ─── 从词典学的角度上讲,多义性是义项划分和义项排列的核心问题;

50、This paper points out a close relationship between linguistics and lexicography, and expounds the research results in linguistics in brief, esppcially how to apply the results to dictionary-making. ─── 摘要语言学与词典编纂的关系密不可分,语用学是语言学的一个较新领域,词典应该既充分描述语言知识,又反映语用知识。

51、Translation equivalence is very useful for bilingual lexicography, machine translation system and cross-lingual information retrieval. ─── 摘要 翻译等价对在词典编纂、机器翻译和跨语言信息检索中有着广泛的应用。

52、The purpose of the Association shall be to foster scholarly and professional activities in the field of Lexicography in Asia. ─── 本学会的宗旨是促进亚洲地区辞书界的学术和专业活动。

53、Comparative Lexicography --Reviewing Literary Versions of Legal Terms in Russian-Chinese Dictionary ─── 二说比较词典学

54、The Trend in English Lexicographic Development Viewed from the Perspective of the History of Lexicography ─── 从英语词典编纂的历史看其发展趋势

55、Keywords lexicography learning, lexicography,Teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL),Chinese-Russian,Leaning,Dictionarv, Character as the basic structural unit; ─── 词典学;教学词典学;对外汉语教学;汉俄教学字典;以字为中心;

56、This book fills a major gap in lexicography . ─── 这本书填补了词典学方面的重大缺门。

57、The Center aims to be an organization of lexicography theorists and practitioners, and the confluence of dictionary and corpus resources. ─── 近期打算推广词典及语料库教育,形成词典工具书的谘询中心,并且针对相关事项对外发表专业意见。

58、She currently works as an Irish lexicography and terminology editor. ─── 她现在是一位爱尔兰语辞典编纂及术语编辑。

59、Lexicology, a science on dictionary compilation, is a branch of lexicography. ─── 词典学是辞书学的一个分支学科,词典学是研究词典编纂的科学。

60、Uygur-Chinese Vocabulary Meaning Pragmatics Difference and Bilingual Lexicography ─── 维汉语词汇的语义、语用差异与双语词典编纂

61、Variation in the Form of Double-Sense Word and Lexicography ─── 双层意义语的形式变异与辞书编纂

62、Vossen P,Meijs W J, Broeder M D.Meaning and Structure in Dictionary Definitions.in:Boguraev &Briscoe T(eds.),Computational Lexicography for Natural Language Processing, Longman, London, 1989 ─── 张永奎,齐新战.几种常用词典收词的统计分析.语言工程,北京:清华大学出版社,1997

63、The Technique Analyzing and System Designing of Computer Aided Lexicography ─── 计算机辅助词典编纂的技术分析与系统设计

64、He is widely recognised as the leading Chinese scholar in lexicography. ─── 他是公认的中国词典编纂者中的领先学者。

65、Svens閚 B.Practical Lexicography:Principles and Methods of Dictionary-Making[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press.1993. ─── 李明,周敬华.双语词典编篆[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,200.

66、And words and enthusiasm actually happen to be the recipe for lexicography. ─── 而单词和热情正好是字典编纂的膳料。

67、Translation equivalence is very useful for bilingual lexicography, machine translation system and cross-lingual information retrieval. ─── 翻译等价对在词典编纂、机器翻译和跨语言信息检索中有着广泛的应用。

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