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09-17 投稿


lumbered 发音

英:[?l?mb?d]  美:[?l?mb?rd]

英:  美:

lumbered 中文意思翻译



lumbered 短语词组

1、lumbered off ─── 笨重地离开

2、lumbered with ─── 使……不得不面对(lumbered是lumber的过去式和过去分词)迫 ─── 使……应付(lumbered是lumber的过去式和过去分词)

3、lumbered on ─── 缓慢前进

4、lumbered onto ─── 笨拙地走上

5、lumbered onto the lawn ─── 笨手 ─── 笨脚地走在草坪上

6、lumbered up ─── 以破旧的东西堆满

7、lumbered into ─── 笨拙地进入

lumbered 词性/词形变化,lumbered变形

动词现在分词: lumbering |动词过去式: lumbered |副词: lumberingly |动词第三人称单数: lumbers |名词: lumberer |动词过去分词: lumbered |

lumbered 相似词语短语

1、lumbermen ─── n.伐木工人;木材商(lumberman的复数)

2、slumbered ─── n.睡眠;麻木状态;静止状态;vi.睡眠;蛰伏;麻木;vt.睡眠;睡着度过

3、clambered ─── vi.攀登,爬上;vt.爬,攀登;n.攀登,爬上

4、numbered ─── adj.编号的;有限的;时日无多的;计数的;v.总计;包含;编号;把……算作(number的过去式和过去分词)

5、blubbered ─── n.鲸脂;哭泣;vi.又哭又闹;vt.又哭又闹;adj.肿大的

6、lumberer ─── n.伐木人

7、cumbered ─── vt.阻碍,妨害;使受苦;n.拖累,累赘;妨害;n.(Cumber)人名;(英)坎伯

8、clumpered ─── 丛生的

9、limbered ─── adj.柔软的;敏捷的;vt.使柔软;将接在前车上;vi.做准备活动

lumbered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We were lumbered with their kids for the weekend. ─── 周末他们把孩子留下给我们带来了不少麻烦。

2、With these difficulties Hugh didn't get into town to sell the lumber for days on end. ─── 因为这些困难,休一连数日未能进城去推销木材。

3、According to my development )strategy, the best move in )this situation is a )monopoly on lumber! ─── 依照我的发展)策略,最好的移动在)这一种情形是一)在木材上的垅断!

4、His mind is lumbered with useless bits of information. ─── 他满脑子都是零星的无用信息。

5、His room is lumbered up with useless things. ─── 他的屋子堆满了无用的东西。

6、His room is lumbered up with useless artictes. ─── 他的房间堆满了无用的物品。

7、A piece of lumber cut thicker than a board. ─── 厚板比一般的木板厚的一块木板。

8、Lumber production and total production occured in predictable ratios to one another. ─── 因为木材生产量与总产量之间出现了可预测的比例关系。

9、You can use scrap lumber, nailed to the posts, to form temporary stabilizers. ─── 你可以用废弃木材,钉的岗位,形成暂时稳定。

10、When our parents went out, my sister got lumbered with me for the evening. ─── 父母外出时,晚上姐姐就得照管我。

11、Water streamed off the bear as it lumbered across the frozen stage and I followed intently through my camera. ─── 当北极熊笨重的穿越冰面时受到水流的冲击,我戴着相机紧紧地跟着它。

12、Exhume Corpses research now costs 75 gold / 50 lumber down from 125 gold/ 100 lumber. ─── 发掘尸体的研究花费从125金100木减低到75金50木。

13、A rhinoceros lumbered towards them. ─── 一头犀牛笨重地向他们走来。

14、Tyrannosaurus rex was an athletic, warm-blooded animal that jogged rather than lumbered around its territory, according to a new study. ─── 一项最新研究显示,霸王龙是一种行动敏捷的温血动物,它会在其领地内轻松地慢跑,而不是笨拙地挪动躯体。

15、A family of elephants lumbered by. ─── 一群大象迈着缓慢而沉重的步子从旁边经过。

16、For much of the route, even water had to be shipped, along with lumber. ─── 在很多地方,甚至连水和木材都要靠运。

17、The five vertebrae next to the lumber vertebrae are fused together to form the sacrum. ─── 在腰椎下是五个椎骨融合在一起形成的骶骨。

18、Challenger broke free, lumbered past the launch tower. ─── “挑战者”号突然腾起,笨拙地沿着发射塔上升。

19、Meanwhile the mail-coach lumbered, jolted, rattled and bumped upon its tedious way, with its three fellow-inscrutable inside. ─── 与此同时邮车正载着三个难测的奥秘轰隆轰隆、颠颠簸簸、叮叮当当地行走在萧索无聊的道路上。

20、The suppliers have lumbered me with 100 bottles of beer I didn't want. ─── 供应商硬塞给我100瓶我不想要的啤酒。

21、Building a road)without lumber or bricks? ─── 建筑一条道路)没有木材或砖块?

22、Do not lumber my shelf up with your collection of stones and insects . ─── 别在我的架子上乱堆你采集的石头和昆虫。

23、Among the sawmill customers are the chair factory and other users of cut lumber. ─── 在锯木场的客户中是那些椅子工厂及其他木料用户。

24、The boss lumbered me with a troublesome job. ─── 老板硬要我干一件麻烦的差事。

25、We work with Radiata pine lumber, Eucalyptus chips as well as Eucalyptus pulp logs and hardwood logs and lumber. ─── 产品有辐射松锯材、桉树木片,以及桉树纸浆材原木和阔叶原木及锯材。

26、Mother had a field day yesterday; she cleared all the lumber out of the attic. ─── 妈妈昨天忙了一天,把顶楼里破破烂烂的东西全都清理了出去。

27、A team of bulldozers lumbered up the steep incline. ─── 一队推土机隆隆地开上了陡坡。

28、You've got me into lumber with my boss. ─── 你搞得我和我老板相处尴尬。

29、He was all smiles as he lumbered into my office and draped his long limbs over a chair. ─── 他大步冲进我的办公室,脸上堆着笑容,伸手拿了一把椅子坐下。

30、Such pieces of lumber considered as a group; planking. ─── 厚板材被认为是一类的这种厚木板;厚板材

31、Agriculture: grains, potatoes, sugar beets, wine; dairy products; lumber. ─── 农业:谷物,马铃薯,蜂蜜,葡萄酒;乳制品;木材

32、To inspect in order to determine lumber yield. ─── 勘探木材产量勘查以探明木材产量

33、A device or machine,such as a lumber trimmer,that is used for trimming. ─── 修剪器,剪切器具用来整理、修剪的装置或机器,如树木修剪器。

34、Unlike Lumber Camps, Lumber Mills can gather Wood from any forested area. ─── 和马车的建造的木材采集地不同,木材采集机能从任何的植树区域发掘木材。

35、All his books lumbered on the desk. ─── 他所有的书乱糟糟地堆在书桌上。


37、Iron mined in order to topple trees for lumber. ─── 开采铁矿则是为了砍伐树木以获取木材。

38、Exhibit: wood products, including lumber, logs and veneer form Europe, North America and Africa. ─── 展品:板材,原木及木皮,产品主要来自欧洲,北美和非洲。

39、George and Ted threw together a cabin out of old lumber. ─── 乔治和特德用旧木料匆匆搭了一个小屋。

40、The Dover road lay, as to him, beyond the Dover mail, as it lumbered up Shooter's Hill. ─── 多佛大道对此人说来就在多佛邮车的另一面。 这时那邮车隆隆响着往射手山苦苦爬去。

41、The Dover road lay as to him beyond the Dover mail, as it lumbered up Sooter's Hill. ─── 当杜佛邮车缓缓地爬上削特山坡的时候,他觉得杜佛公路似乎是脱离了车似的。

42、Piles of lumber were stacked along the road. ─── 大量的木材堆放在路边。

43、Misplacing lumber market garbage, road repair, eliminate can be seen everywhere. ─── 市场内垃圾乱堆乱放,道路年久失修,坑洼随处可见。

44、Lennie lumbered to his feet and disappeared in the brush. ─── 伦尼吃力地站起来,隐没在灌木丛里。

45、The Dover road lay,as to him,beyond the Dover mail,as it lumbered up Shooter's Hill. ─── 多佛大道对此人说来就在多佛邮车的另一面。

46、Gerstner was brought in as CEO to halt the slide as the giant corporation lumbered towards irrelevance and oblivion. ─── 当时,蓝色巨人已经摇摇欲坠,正在走向没落和泯灭,为了阻止业务下滑,郭士纳作为CEO被引入的。

47、The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill near Linz. ─── 德国的战争机器摇摇晃晃,声音隆隆地越过了边界,快到林茨时却走不动了。

48、A low volume of business; a considerable volume of lumber. ─── 少量的生意;一定数量的木材

49、You will also be provided with plans to construct an Elven Lumber Mill and the sylvan craftsman to operate it. ─── 你也要计划为此修建一个精灵木材厂并雇佣木材制作工匠使它运作。

50、A device or machine, such as a lumber trimmer, that is used for trimming. ─── 修剪器,剪切器具用来整理、修剪的装置或机器,如树木修剪器

51、The young man skipped out of range. The manager lumbered after him, an ox in pursuit of a cat. ─── 年轻人一下逃得很远,经理在后面追赶,像是一头公牛在追赶一只小猫。

52、Lumber produced from spruce-pine-fir Species is marketed together as SPF. ─── 云杉-松-铁杉树种所生产的木材在市场上一起作为SPF推广。

53、China lumbered on like the slow-moving water buffalo which occasionally snorts and switches its tail if the flies get too troublesome. ─── 中国移动地像只漫步的水牛,偶而嗤嗤鼻,要是觉得苍蝇实在太烦了,或许还会甩甩尾巴。

54、In a lumber business the trees are cut down at a fixed rate. ─── 一家木材公司以固定的速率砍伐这些树木。

55、Her mind is lumbered with useless bits of information . ─── 她的头脑里充满了无用的信息。

56、Import and export, Production of Hardwood and softwood timber, logs lumber veneer, woodproducts, Global trade contacts. ─── 从事全球范围内的进口和出口以及生产阔叶木和针叶木,原木/锯材/单板/木制品。

57、The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill near Linz. ─── 德国的战争机器摇摇晃晃,声音隆隆地越过了边界,快到林茨时却走不动了。

58、EXP: petroleum, lumber, plywood, sugar, cacao. ─── 出口:原油,木材,人造板,糖,可可豆.

59、China lumbered on like the slow-moving water buffalo which occasionally snorts and switches its tail if the flies get too troublesome. ─── 中国移动地像只漫步的水牛,偶而嗤嗤鼻,要是觉得苍蝇实在太烦了,或许还会甩甩尾巴。

60、LostTemple Added a few trees to all the start locations to ensure better balance of lumber harvesting for all races. ─── 为了平衡采集木头的数量,在所有出生点附近增加了适当的树木。

61、If I am a lumber merchant, thank god, I am not... ─── 如果我是个木材商人,感谢上帝,我不是...

62、He lumbered back to his chair. ─── 他蹒跚地坐回到椅子上。

63、Can you hack it as a lumber jack? ─── 你当伐木工人可以熬得住吗?

64、Cleared of trees, especially those that bear valuable lumber. ─── 伐光的树木,尤指能出产贵重木材的树木被砍光的

65、His memory was lumbered with detailed facts and figures . ─── 他的记忆里满是细节和数字。

66、Orc Barracks cost less lumber: 50, down from 70. ─── 兵营的木材消耗从70降到50。

67、He was a lumberjack, living in lumber camps of the American Northwest. ─── 他是个伐木工,住在美国西北的伐木营地里。

68、The truck was sent to carry lumber. ─── 卡车被派出去运木材。

69、Somewhat crooked red gum tree growing chiefly along rivers,has durable reddish lumber used in heavy construction. ─── 主要沿河生长的有点儿歪的枫香树,持久耐用的微红色的成材应用于粗笨建筑物。

70、KRAMER: Well, I got the tools. I got the pillows. All I need is the lumber. ─── 克雷默:哼,我有工具,我有枕头,只需要木材了。

71、He was afraid to get lumbered. ─── 他怕陷入麻烦。

72、Exports: crude oil and petroleum products, lumber, cacao, aluminum. ─── 出口:重油及原油产品,木材,可可,铝.

73、His mind was lumbered with those decadent ideas of the bourgeosie. ─── 他的心里充满着那些资产阶级的颓废思想。

74、Have you noticed that Mr Dickens lumbered a little in his walk? ─── 你注意到没有狄更斯先生走起路来有些蹒跚?

75、To estimate or measure the quantity of lumber in(logs or uncut trees). ─── 估计以(原木或未砍之树)估计或计算木材的数量

76、Industry: textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber, iron ore. ─── 工业:纺织,鞋,化工,水泥,木材,铁矿

77、He leads the nation in lumber production. ─── 他领导国民生产木材。

78、This valley was lumbered hard during the past decade. ─── 在过去十年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。

79、It produces valuable lumber and thrives on sites too dry for most other large trees. ─── 它能生产有价值的方材并能在非常干旱、其它多数大乔木长不了的地方旺盛生长。

80、Industry: petroleum extraction, cement, lumber, brewing, sugar, palm oil, soap. ─── 工业:原油提炼,水泥,木材,酿造,糖,棕榈油,肥皂.

81、If it's a lumber yard, take in the smell of sawn wood. ─── 如果是一个木材场,吸入锯开的木头的味道。

82、They slapped together a cabin out of old lumber. ─── 他们利用旧木料草草地盖起了一间小屋。

83、To inspect a wooded area to determine its lumber yield. ─── 勘查林区勘查林木地带以探明木材产量

84、SPF lumber is a distinctly white wood, with very little color variation between springwood and summerwood. ─── 云杉-松-铁杉木材明显为白木材,春木和秋木之间颜色差别非常小。

85、Are you a bibliophile with power tools, ready access to lumber and an open loft? ─── 你是一个书虫,并且同时拥有大件工具、木材以及够宽敞的阁楼吗?

86、He refused to lumber himself with a family. ─── 他不愿有家室拖累。

87、Wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum. ─── 各种产胶树的木材,尤指香枫。

88、Have you noticed that Mr Dickens lumbered a little in his walk ? ─── 你注意到没有狄更斯先生走起路来有些蹒跚?

89、Material, such as lumber or tile, used in making floors. ─── 地面材料如木料或瓷砖等铺地板用的材料

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