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09-17 投稿


jettison 发音

英:['d?et?s(?)n; -z(?)n]  美:['d??t?sn]

英:  美:

jettison 中文意思翻译



jettison 网络释义

n. 投弃;投弃货物vt. 投弃(船舶遇难时投弃货物以为减轻负载)

jettison 词性/词形变化,jettison变形

动词现在分词: jettisoning |动词第三人称单数: jettisons |动词过去分词: jettisoned |动词过去式: jettisoned |

jettison 短语词组

1、Jettison Booster Package ─── 喷气机助推器包

2、jettison and washing overboard ─── 抛弃和浪打落海货物

3、fuel jettison ing ─── 燃油喷射

4、fuel jettison system ─── 燃油喷射系统

5、Jettison Release Mechanism ─── 喷气机释放机制

6、jettison circuit ─── 丢弃电路

7、Jettison Control Module ─── 捷联控制模块

8、Jettison Pushbutton Switch ─── 喷射按钮按钮开关

9、Jettison Control Panel ─── 喷射控制面板

10、fuel jettison ─── 应急放油装置

11、jettison of cargo ─── [经] 抛弃舱面货物

12、jettison cylinder ─── 投弃作动筒

13、irregular jettison ─── [经] 非正常的投弃货物

14、fuel jettison pump ─── 燃油喷射泵

15、fuel jettison nozzle ─── 燃油喷射喷嘴

16、Jettison Motor ─── 喷气发动机

17、jettison clause ─── 杰蒂森条款

18、jettison insurance ─── 喷气机保险

19、emergency jettison ─── 紧急弹射

jettison 相似词语短语

1、jetton ─── n.筹码,游戏币

2、benison ─── n.祝福

3、entisol ─── n.[土壤]新成土

4、jettisoning ─── v.[航]掷荷;投下(jettison的ing形式)

5、Lettish ─── adj.拉脱维亚的;拉脱维亚人的;拉脱维亚语的;n.拉脱维亚语;拉脱维亚人

6、to jettison ─── 抛弃

7、jettisonable ─── 可分离的;可投弃的

8、jettisons ─── v.(为减轻重量而从行驶的飞机或船上)投弃;摆脱,处理掉;放弃;拒绝接受;把……作为废物抛弃;n.扔,投;废弃;投弃(船舶遇难时投弃货物以减轻负载)

9、jettisoned ─── v.(为减轻重量而从行驶的飞机或船上)投弃;摆脱,处理掉;放弃;拒绝接受;把……作为废物抛弃;n.扔,投;废弃;投弃(船舶遇难时投弃货物以减轻负载)

jettison 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jettison Pushbutton Switch ─── 投弃按钮开关

2、hood jettison ─── 座舱盖抛放

3、Elsewhere activist shareholders have got firms to jettison assets or cut managers' pay. ─── 在其他地方,激进的股东已经使得公司投弃资产或者降低管理者的报酬。

4、In case of accidents, the escape tower will jettison with the spacecraft, bringing the astronauts to safety. ─── 发生紧急事故时,逃逸塔与太空船一起脱离运载火箭,把太空人送到安全地点。

5、But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide-armed variety of sunglasses worn by Kylie Minogue, Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham - as well as those with pink or very dark lenses. ─── 但路面安全专家们则称,女司机们不应该选择如凯莉?米洛、帕里斯?希尔顿和维多利亚?贝克汉姆戴的那种宽边太阳镜,以及粉色或深色镜片的太阳镜。

6、jettison & washing overboard ─── 弃货和被海浪冲刷落海的货品

7、fuel jettison ─── n. 甩掉油箱(泄出存油)

8、Though sales across the board at GM weren't too bad, all things considered, three of the four brands it will jettison or close posted greater than 50 percent drops. ─── 但销售额全线通用汽车并没有太糟糕了,所有的考虑,3个品牌将抛弃或关闭张贴大于百分之五十下降。

9、The current situations of disposal and utilization of sludge(landfill, oceanic jettison, incineration, and fertilization etc) were introduced and compared. ─── 目前污泥的处理方式主要有填埋、投海、焚烧、肥料化利用。

10、rocket jettison solenoid ─── 火箭紧急投弃线圈

11、Once a club has handed UEFA its list, it cannot be changed and Arsenal, knowing that Cole's much-publicised book is set for release a week later, will choose to jettison the England man. ─── 一旦俱乐部的名单确定给UEFA将不能更改,阿森那知道科尔等的自传的下周出版之后,他们要选择放弃这位英伦悍将。

12、Such a package would mean that the Tories, in particular, had to jettison pledges, notably over pensioner freebies. ─── 这一揽子改革意味着保守党不得不放弃以往的承诺,特别是对领取养老金者的免费午餐。

13、It was Mr Pinault senior who decided to jettison its European operations and focus on Africa. ─── 正是老皮诺特力排众议,放弃的欧洲业务而致力于非洲。

14、canopy jettison ─── 抛盖

15、Jettison Control Module ─── 投弃控制(电子)微型组件

16、Firms typically provide the main pensions of staff they jettison, as well as lump-sum severance packages. ─── 公司通常需承担被解雇员工的大部分养老金,并一次性支付买断费。

17、Jettison Release Mechanism ─── 弹射释放机构

18、Americans are the champions of trash: on average they jettison over 700kg each a year. ─── 美国人是世界上垃圾生产的冠军。平均每个美国人年产垃圾700公斤。

19、Adams, Jefferson, and those like them thought they could jettison the creeds of Christianity while retaining its code of conduct, which they considered to be the core and essence of real Christianity. ─── 亚当斯、杰弗逊、以及其它类似的人认为他们可以抛弃基督教的教义而保存其行为的准则,他们认为行为准则是基督教真正的核心与本质。

20、10.No jettison of cargo shall be made good as general average, unless such cargo is carried in accordance with the recognised custom of the trade. ─── 被抛弃的货物,除非按照公认的海运习惯运送,不得作为共同海损受到补偿。

21、because they can't see a pair of starfighters crisply jettison hyperdrive rings and streak into the storm of Separatist vulture fighters with all guns blazing. ─── 化成了灰,因为他们看不到那一对星际战斗机干脆利落地跳出超空间并跃入分离分子那叫嚣着的秃鹰战斗机风暴之中。

22、jettison device ─── 弹性装置

23、emergency jettison ─── 应急抛弃

24、fuel jettison pump ─── 应急放油泵

25、My own opinion is that the American research workers were unduly sanguine in expecting women to jettison guilt and overcome their feelings of loss - the grief response - within just a month. ─── 我的观点是美国研究工作人员不恰当的、满怀希望的期待女性在一个月之内抛弃负罪感,克服失落感-这些痛苦的反应。

26、jettison method ─── 投弃法

27、jettison insurance ─── 抛弃货船保险

28、2.A city alderman who lives nearby found a technical reason to jettison the sign. ─── 一名住在附近的市议员找了一个技术上的理由,把该广告牌给拆除了。

29、jettison system ─── 抛出系统, 投掷系统

30、Jettison Booster Package ─── 投弃助推器组件

31、Your first step in effective attention management is to jettison this exaggerated sense of what you should be able to process. ─── 有效的注意力管理中第一步是摒弃这种对自身应该能处理多少信息的夸大感觉。

32、Barclays Capital and CIBC joined the long list of lenders to jettison senior investment bankers. ─── 巴克莱资本银行和加拿大帝国商业银行加入到了开掉高级投银专家的长长的贷款人队列。

33、jettison launcher ─── 弹射式发射装置

34、Jettison Motor ─── 投掷发动机

35、free jettison ─── 自由抛放

36、fule jettison ─── 应急放油装置

37、Sometimes you need to walk away. Sometimes you need to jettison unhealthy cargo. And sometimes you need to take drastic steps to regain balance and momentum. ─── 有时你必须向远处走。有时你必须抛弃不好的货物。有时你需要采取有力度的措施重新获得平衡与动力.

38、Once within closing distance of enemy starfighters, the tri-fighter would jettison its booster and continue with an accelerated attack. ─── 与敌机近距离遭遇后,三联战斗机抛弃助推器,并继续加速攻击。

39、jettison circuit ─── 抛投电路, 投弃电路

40、"zero-zero" jettison ─── “零-零”抛盖

41、By 1979, Field found herself in a career crisis: now she had to jettison the “Burt Reynolds' girlfriend” image. ─── 到1979年时,菲尔德发觉自己面临着一个事业危机:现在,她不得不抛弃“雷诺兹女友”的形象。

42、to jettison fuel ─── 投弃燃料

43、Call when ready to jettison fuel (when start dumping fuel), advise the account of fuel to be dumped. ─── 准备放油时(开始放油时)呼叫,请告放油油量。

44、Low-cost airlines and fast international trains mean many diplomats in Europe can commute home for weekends with families and wives who have stayed put rather than jettison careers, mortgages or schools. ─── 廉价航班以及快速国际列车意味着欧洲的许多外交官得以在周末经常性返家,同留居国内的家属和妻子在一起,而不必放弃事业、抵押或是就学。

45、jettison and loss overboard ─── 弃货与落水损失

46、jettison | to jettison ─── 将货投海

47、Acts 27:18 The next day, as we were being violently storm-tossed, they began to jettison the cargo; ─── 徒二七18我们被风浪颠簸得很厉害,第二天众人就把货物抛出去,

48、"We're going to jettison the cargo. ─── " / "我们正在去投弃货物 "。

49、jettison dynamic force ─── 抛盖动力

50、With a federal election due by September 2009 each partner in the grand coalition can do little but think of how to win by a margin wide enough to jettison the other. ─── 德国在2009年九月将进行联邦选举,使得大联合政府的每一位成员都想着如何才能与对手拉开足够大的差距以赢得选举。

51、He would add to an already impressive roster of midfielders - it is not thought that Mourinho would jettison any of his current squad even if Ballack arrived. ─── 他的到来会加强本已经令人吃惊的切尔西中场阵容,如果巴拉克加盟不知道穆里尼奥会不会放弃现有阵容。

52、jettison gear ─── 投弃装置分离机构放油装置

53、Companies should ask themselves what else they could jettison besides employees. ─── 公司应该扪心自问番:除了员工外,还有什么可以省去的。

54、Since we were violently storm-tossed, they began the next day to jettison the cargo. ─── 我们被风浪逼得甚急,第二天众人就把货物抛在海里。

55、Throughout this 15-year ordeal, Japan has struggled with the difficult issue of what to jettison and what to cling on to. ─── 在这15年的痛苦经历中,经济问题中应该扬弃一些什么,成为困扰日本的难题。

56、to jettison a plan, an idea, a theory, etc ─── 放弃一计划、 想法、 理论等.

57、The multi-stage rocket will jettison its aft stages when fuel in these stages is exhausted. This reduces the weight of the rocket and increases its speed. ─── 多级火箭会把燃料用完的尾一级火箭依次分离丢掉,以减轻火箭的重量及增加速度。

58、In effect, the state will take on much of the debt that the private sector has decided to jettison. ─── 事实上,大部分私人部门决定放弃的债务会由政府承担。

59、Should NASA jettison the shuttle and station right away? ─── NASA是否现在就该放弃太空梭与太空站的计画呢?

60、retro pack jettison ─── 投弃减速发动机

61、He had made a rushed connection at dawn in Frankfurt, where a security agent insisted that he jettison a half-used bottle of cologne that was in violation of antiterrorism regulations. ─── 他曾经有一次傍晚的时候在法兰克福匆忙转机,那儿安检坚持让他把用了一半的古龙香水扔掉,说这违反了反恐条例。

62、In the event that a vessel carrying postal materials has met with perils of the sea and must jettison the goods it carries, it must not jettison the postal materials it carries until the last minute. ─── 运邮船舶发生海难必须抛弃所载货物时,非至最后,不得抛弃所运邮件。

63、MPACT is a pneumatic system that generates the high-pressure, compressed air required to jettison weapons from various military aircraft. ─── MPACT是一种气动系统,能产生高压,它能压缩空气,用于从各种军用飞机上投放武器。

64、MV Red Rose will jettison cargo to refloat. ─── 轮将抛弃货物以脱浅.

65、fuel jettison shutoff valve ─── 紧急放油系统断流活门

66、This may seem like a bit of a leap, but let's jettison some historical baggage. ─── 这可能类似于一点小跳跃,但让我们抛开某个历史的包袱。

67、We don't know how to deal with the inferiority and jettison to others. ─── 不知如何把自卑处理,便胡乱投弃到他人身上。

68、Jettison Control Panel ─── 投弃控制盘

69、irregular jettison ─── 违规投货海中

70、All right, Skull Squadron, jettison Synchro Cannon modules immediately. ─── 好吧,骷髅中队,立刻抛弃同步炮模块。

71、fuel jettison nozzle ─── 紧急放油短管

72、"When, owing to force majeure, an inward or outward vessel or aircraft is forced to berth, land or jettison and discharge goods and articles at a place without a Customs establishment" ─── 进出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者抛掷、起卸货物、物品

73、Call when ready to jettison fuel (when start dumping fuel), advise the account of fuel to be dumped. ─── 准备放油时(开始放油时)呼叫,请告放油油量。

74、jettison track ─── 投弃导轨

75、The next day, as we were being violently storm-tossed, they began to jettison the cargo; ─── 我们被风浪颠簸得很厉害,第二天众人就把货物抛出去

76、jettison final gross weight ─── 最终投拋后总重;弃货后的最终总重量

77、Prisoners jettison a storm of contraband from their cells onto the prison floor below. ─── 囚犯们将违禁品纷纷地扔出他们的牢房,牢房的地面上到处都是。

78、Seeking a change of pace, Mia decides to jettison Brooklyn for her Minnesota hometown. ─── 为了改变生活的节奏,米娅决定结束布鲁克林的一切,回到明尼苏达的故乡生活。

79、Computation and research of the "zero-zero" jettison trajectories of the aircraft canopy ─── 某型歼击机座舱盖"零-零"抛放轨迹计算研究

80、jettison of cargo ─── 投弃货物

81、A city alderman who lives nearby found a technical reason to jettison the sign . ─── 一位家住附近的市议员给抛弃这个告示找到了一个名正言顺的理由。

82、We jettison an unworkable plan . ─── 我们放弃难实行的计划。

83、jettison clause ─── 投弃货物条款

84、jettison and washing overboard ─── 抛弃和浪打落海货物

85、20 Ensure that there are no friendly troops or buildings below when you jettison ordinance! ─── 当你扔掉武器时,确保你的下方没有友军或建筑物。

86、booster jettison ─── 抛掷助推器

87、Think outside your formal job description when seeking out new challenges. The first place to start may be helping your coworkers jettison unpleasant tasks from their plates. ─── 在追求新的挑战的时候不要将思想局限于你常规的工作描述。可以从帮助你的同事解决他们不愿意做的难题开始。

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