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09-17 投稿


numerically 发音

英:[nju(?)?m?r?k?li]  美:[nu?m?r?kli]

英:  美:

numerically 中文意思翻译



numerically 短语词组

1、numerically controlled engine lathe ─── 数控普通车床

2、numerically controlled table ─── 数控工作台

3、numerically controlled turret lathe ─── 数字控制转塔车床

4、Numerically Integrated Differential Analyzer ─── [计]数字集成微分分析器

5、numerically controlled machine tool ─── 数控机床

6、numerically controlled benders ─── 数控折弯机

7、numerically controlled grinding machine ─── 数控磨床

8、numerically controlled measuring machine ─── 数控测量机

9、numerically equivalence ─── 数值等价

10、numerically controlled boring machine ─── 数控镗床

11、numerically equivalent ─── 数值等价的

12、numerically controlled machines ─── 数控机床

13、numerically controlled ─── 数字控制的

14、numerically controlled machine ─── 数控机床

15、numerically controlled punching machine ─── 数控冲床

16、numerically controlled lathe ─── 数控车床

17、numerically controlled milling machine ─── 数控铣床

18、numerically controlled shears ─── 数控剪切机

19、numerically controlled drilling machine ─── 数字控制钻床

numerically 相似词语短语

1、ecumenically ─── 一般地,普通地

2、butyrically ─── 丁酸

3、neoterically ─── 近代

4、numerical ─── adj.数值的;数字的;用数字表示的(等于numeric)

5、chimerically ─── 嵌合体

6、numerally ─── 数字

7、Homerically ─── 家常

8、mesmerically ─── 催眠地

9、isomerically ─── 同分异构地

numerically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Based on the theory of diffraction,the law and phenomena of multi-slit diffraction are simulated numerically and graphically by programming technology. ─── 依据光栅衍射理论,利用计算机的计算功能和作图功能对光的多缝衍射实验进行了模拟.

2、The interaction between high intensity ultrashort laser and overdense plasma using a particle in cell simulation is numerically studied. ─── 应用一维粒子模拟方法数值研究了超短超强激光和稠密等离子体的相互作用。

3、Numerically, Newton was saying that the mass of each cubic meter of earth was about 5, 000 or 6, 000kg. ─── 从数值上说,牛顿所说的是地球每立方米的质量是5,000或6,000公斤。

4、For instance, if you find yourself sorting text lexicographically one day and numerically another day, it might make sense to consider attempting a general sort utility. ─── 例如,如果您发现自己一天在根据词法对文本排序,而另一天在根据数字对文本排序,那么考虑编写一个通用排序实用程序也许是有意义的。

5、We have composed an algorithm to deal with the notorious critical slowing down(CSD) for solving numerically the random resistor network problem. ─── 我们编写了能在一定程度上处理critical slowing down(CSD)现象的无规电导网络模拟算法。

6、The governing equations were numerically solved by the finite difference method,and the distribution of the stream-function of the flow was obtained. ─── 建立了运动双极坐标系下幂律流体在内管做行星运动的环空中流动的控制方程,并用有限差分法对其进行了数值求解,得到了该流动的流函数分布。

7、In this thesis, we use a transfer-matrix method (TMM) to numerically investigate the transmission characteristics of two-dimensional photonic crystals. ─── 摘要:在本论文中,我们以传输矩阵法进行数值模拟并探讨数种二维光子晶体的特性。

8、Its main goal is to provide complexity estimates by tracking numerically invariants of the structures that may occur. ─── 它的主要目标是预防复杂性透过数量上跟踪可能发生的架构的不变量估计。

9、Under the hood, JavaScript objects for the most part are composed of associative arrays, numerically indexed arrays, strings, numbers, or nested combinations of these types. ─── 实际上,JavaScript对象的大部分都由联合数组、数字索引数组、字符串、数字或者这些类型的嵌套组合而成。

10、The process of penetrating multilayer medium below airstrip was numerically simulated by finite element code LS-DYNA3D. ─── 摘要利用LS-DYNA3D有限元软件,对串联反跑道弹药二级随进弹斜侵彻机场跑道底层结构进行了全过程数值模拟。

11、Fourier transforms are numerically pretty efficient, but there are an awful lot of them to do in an all-sky search. ─── 傅里叶变换在数字计算上颇为有效,但在全天搜索中傅里叶变换的使用多得让人头皮发麻。

12、Array_values() returns all the values from the input array and indexes numerically the array. ─── array_values()返回input数组中所有的值并给其建立数字索引。

13、The characteristic of turbulent heat transfer and flow resistance with multi-longitudinal vortexes in tube is numerically analyzed. ─── 对多纵向涡对管内湍流换热和流阻特性进行了数值分析。

14、An new uncoupled method was introduced to simulate numerically nonequilibrium flow which had the stiffness problem. ─── 给出一种计算化学非平衡流动的解耦方法。

15、Water current problems including relative steady and rather fluctuant free surface were simulating numerically. ─── 对含有相对稳定的和起伏较大的自由水面的水流问题进行了数值模拟。

16、This equation must be couled with the mole balance rate law and stoichiometry and solved numerically. ─── 它与摩尔衡算式、速率定律、化学计量关系结合,可以数值解算分批式反应釜。

17、When RDP/RUP of diet was 1.65, milk protein (P-0.1008) and milk protein yield (P=0.0781) increased numerically. ─── 当RDP/RUP为1.65时,乳蛋白率(P=0.1008)和乳蛋白产量(P=0.0781)有升高的趋势;

18、By means of the split-step Fourier method, the propagation of solitons in a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is numerically simulated. ─── 利用快速分步傅里叶方法数值计算了孤子在光子晶体光纤中的传输。

19、Here with we give you the production pre release for part numer 2323. ─── 在这里,我们预颁布给你门的产品零件号为2323。

20、A squad of our troops held off six attacks of a numerically superior enemy. ─── 我们部队的一个班打退了在人数上占优势的敌人的6次进攻。

21、You must use an associative array, a numerically indexed array will not produce results unless you use EXTR_PREFIX_ALL or EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID. ─── 必须使用关联数组,数字索引的数组将不会产生结果,除非用了EXTR_PREFIX_ALL或者EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID。

22、Ion sputtering yields on T? Ti target are numerically calculated with TRIM program. ─── 应用trim程序模拟了离子在氚钛靶上的溅射产额。

23、We analyzed its dispersion tunability theoretically and experimentally and simulated it numerically. ─── 从理论和实验两方面分析了它的色散补偿的可调谐性,并进行了数值模拟;

24、The flow and the temperature in the three-stream mixing flow of the lobed nozzle mixer-ejector with double-wall diffuser are numerically investigated. ─── 对双层壁扩压器与波瓣喷管组合的三股气流的引射混合进行了流场温度场的数值计算。

25、The influences of artificial viscocity together with artificial heat flow are investigated numerically. ─── 对所编制的程序作了一定的检验。

26、This paper use the software FLUENT to simulate numerically effects of the big camber and stall delay on the wind turbine performances. ─── 本文通过FLUENT软件分别对原型叶片、大弯度叶片和失速延迟叶片进行三维数值模拟计算。

27、Lower (numerically higher) gear ratios serve as torque multipliers and help the engine to develop enough power to accelerate from a standstill. ─── 低(转速高)齿轮比,可以放大车的扭矩,使发动机有足够的动力使静止车辆能起步加速。

28、The fracturing process induced by different excavation sequence under final highwall with auger mining was numerically simulated. ─── 对到界边坡下采用螺旋钻机开采煤柱不同开采顺序引起的破坏过程进行了数值模拟。

29、Research is conducted on the energy loss of flow around a cascade of guide vanes in a low speed wind tunnel numerically and experimentally. ─── 低速回流式风洞中拐角部位的流动损失占总损失的比重很大,该位置导流片绕流的流动状况对于流动损失有明显的影响。

30、Each of these will be a numerically indexed array of the appropriate values for the submitted files. ─── 所有这些提交的信息都将被储存到以数字为索引的数组中。

31、Abstract: The coal combustion behavior in a tangentially fired boiler furnace is numerically studied using a modified char combustion model. ─── 摘 要: 采用改进了的焦炭燃烧模型,数值研究了煤粉颗粒在四角切向燃烧锅炉炉膛内的燃烧行为。

32、To avoid grid motion induced error, the geometric conservation law (GCL) is satisfied numerically. ─── 为避免网格运动给数值解带来额外误差,给出了几何守恒律的离散形式并在数值上满足了几何守恒律条件。

33、The diffraction properties of TE and TM polarizations for a beam-sampling g rating are numerically analyzed with this program. ─── 利用编写的程序计算并分析了一种用于激光取样光栅TE波和TM波的衍射特性。

34、Abstract: By employing a 2.5-D PIC code, the three-cavity transit-time oscillator (TCO) is simulated numerically and the details are presented. ─── 摘 要: 用2.5维PIC程序对三腔渡越时间振荡器进行了数值模拟,给出了产生微波的详细物理图像。

35、In this paper, the thermal stability of the HTS coil against pulsed high current shock is evaluated numerically. ─── 在本文中,我们通过数值求解,作出了在大电流冲击条件下高温超导线圈的热稳定边界。

36、The dispersion equation is solved numerically for the azimuthally symmetric case. ─── 2.对对称模式下色散方程进行了数值计算。

37、This equation must be couled with the mole balance, rate law and stoichiometry and solved numerically. ─── 它与摩尔衡算式、速率定律、化学计量关系结合,可以数值解算分批式反应釜。

38、The soliton formation and transmission have been simulated numerically by using split-step Fourier method in the single mode fiber. ─── 应用分布傅立叶法数值模拟了单模光纤中光孤子的形成和传输。

39、You can search any of the library's holdings by title and get its information on call numer, location and status. ─── 您可以书刊资料的名称,查检本馆已编目的馆藏,并得知其索书号、馆藏地及处理状态(是否外借、到期日、处理中等),以便寻找和利用。

40、Using finite element program-ABAQUS,the welding residual stress of tube-to-tubesheet joint in heat exchangers had been numerically simulated. ─── 利用有限元软件ABAQUS,对换热器管子与管板焊接残余应力进行数值模拟,获得了焊接接头残余应力的分布规律,比较了伸出角接头和内角接头的优劣。

41、brackets denote a numerically indexed array. ─── 方括号表示数字索引数组。

42、May I have your name and phone numer,please? ─── 可以告诉我你的姓名和电话吗?

43、The Battle of Chi'bi is a famous battle in Chinese history in which a numerically weak army defeated its stronger foe. ─── “赤壁之战”,是中国历史上以弱胜强的著名战例之一。

44、Many old families have a numer of seletons in thire closets which they are loath to discuss. ─── 很多古老的家庭都有他们不愿意讨论的家丑.

45、This may be indicated numerically by the number of beats in a second, measured mechanically by a metronome or other such device. ─── 可以用一秒内的拍数来表示,用节拍器或类似器具来计量。

46、A viscous flow past a rotating oscillating circular cylinder in a uniformstream is numerically investigated using the Navier-Stokes equations. ─── 摘要 从不可压非定常N-S方程出发,首次数值求解了均匀来流中圆柱作周向旋转振荡的黏性绕流问题。

47、Viscous flow with chemical non-equilibrium effects is numerically simulated on unstructured hybrid grid. ─── 在非结构混合网格上对化学非平衡粘性绕流进行了数值模拟。

48、The open-boundary Cellular Automata traffic flow model in accordance withthe practice was raised and simulated numerically on the basis of BML model. ─── 在BMI模型的基础上,提出了符合实际情况的开放边界交通流模型并对其进行了数值模拟分析。

49、Books are then arranged numerically (and then alphabetically by author’s last name), resulting in a library organized by subject. ─── 之后按照号(数字)进行排序,再按照作者姓的字母排序。 这样,整个图书馆的书便按照科目有序地组织起来了。

50、The geometric research tool can be used to explore numerically and symbolically various theorems and relationships of 2-D analytic geometry. ─── 几何学研究工具能用来数量上和象征性探索2-D 分析的几何学的各种各样的定理和关系。

51、You can vary the weight of one or several tanks, such as ballast, fuel, oil, and fresh water by adjusting the weight visually or numerically by weight or percentage. ─── 您可以通过视图或按照重量或百分比数字的方式来调整一或几个罐箱(如压舱物、燃料、油和淡水等)的重量,使它们有所差别。

52、He made the assumption that the electronic charge is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion. ─── 他假设电子的电荷数与一个氢离子的电荷数相等。

53、For wings of arbitrary plan forms, sideslip aerodynamic characteristics have been calculated numerically an... ─── 对几种平面形状的机翼侧滑气动力特性进行了数值计算,并与实验作了比较。

54、Max() returns the numerically highest of the parameter values. ─── max()返回参数中数值最大的值。

55、The temperature field and velocity field inside springhouse was numerically simulated. ─── 对冷藏室内的温度场和速度场进行了数值模拟。

56、DNC system about TDNC system based on LAN was built for numerically controlled machine,this system has high speed and fine compatibility. ─── 提出了基于局域网(LAN)和TDNC数控系统的计算机直接数控(DNC)系统,此系统速度高、兼容性好。

57、The arrangement of data records in a predetermined order, e.g., alphabetically or numerically. ─── 按预定次序安排数据记录,例如,按字母或数字排序。

58、Influences of main parameters of the vibrator as well as flexure hinges on vibrating modes and corresponding frequencies were numerically analyzed by ANSYS software. ─── 对影响振子模态及固有频率的主要结构参数进行了有限元数值分析。

59、The double sides pressurized hydroforming process of metal sheet is numerically simulated by applying the commercial FEM software ANSYS/LS-DYNA. ─── 应用商用有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,对板料的双向加压液压胀形过程进行了数值模拟。

60、The output for the problem previously conducted numerically will now be given. ─── 下面给出前面用数值所处理的问题的输出。

61、Using vectorial laser equation, the polarization feature of a relaxation oscillation laser is numerically analyzed. ─── 利用矢量型激光方程分析了激光器弛豫振荡过程中光场脉冲的偏振特性。

62、Then a non-symmetric and a isentropic plug-type rectangular nozzles flow and their jet plumes were analysed numerically. ─── 应用此程序特别分析了一种非对称的和一种算熵塞式的矩 型喷管射流场。

63、As an application example, the transformation of LG beams through a system with rectangular aperture and lens separated is studied numerically. ─── 作为应用例,对LG光束通过光阑透镜分离系统的变换作了数值计算和分析。

64、Take 601 crankshaft as a example, the upset bending processes of RR,TR and NTR are numerically simulated based rigid-plastic FE . ─── 以601曲轴为例,模拟了RR法、TR法和NTR法的弯曲镦锻变形过程,得到了包括应力分布、模具型腔充填程度及弯曲力和镦粗力等各种场量信息。

65、Based on the finite element software ANSYS, the CFRP-confined concrete square columns were numerically simulated. ─── 基于有限元程序ANSYS,对碳纤维布约束混凝土方柱进行了数值模拟。

66、Hence, the Babylonian method is numerically stable, while Method X is numerically unstable. ─── 因此,巴比伦的方法是数值稳定的,而方法X是数值不稳定。

67、It is equal numerically to the e.m.f. in the closed circuit. ─── 它在数值上等于闭合电路中的电动势。

68、We numerically simulate the interaction between DNA and a histone.And we get the nucleosome structure.DNA wraps around histone about 2 loops. ─── 在适当的参数条件下,得到了合理的结果,即DNA能够缠绕组蛋白约两圈形成准核小体结构。

69、The flowfield around an airfoil with a spoiler is numerically simulated in a time-accurate manner using a 2D compressible Navier-Stokes solver. ─── 基于2D可压N-S方程,对带扰流板的翼型绕流流场进行非定常数值模拟。

70、Three-dimension turbulent flow in forebay of pumping station is numerically simulated with finite volume method and hybrid grid technique. ─── 应用水平方向上是正交贴体坐标系、垂直方向上是笛卡尔坐标系的混合数值网络系统和三维紊流数值模拟的方法,模拟了泵站前池水流流态。

71、The theoretical model in this paper can simulate the Bauschinger effect numerically. ─── 所得理论可以从数值上模拟材料的包辛格效应。

72、One of the Sung officers suggested that, as the Chu troops were numerically stronger, this was the moment for attack. ─── 宋国有一个官员认为楚兵多宋兵少,主张利用楚兵渡河未毕的时机出击。

73、It is not only the greatest numerically and greatest culturally, but it seems to me the greatest intellectually. ─── 它不仅有最多的人口和最灿烂的文化,在我看来,他们的智力也是最出色的。

74、What the telephone numer you want? ─── 你要的电话号码是什么?

75、The modified Baldwin Lomax algebraic turbulent model is used to numerically simulate high incidence vortical flows about a tangent ogive cylinder. ─── 以修正的 Baldwin- Lomax代数模型模拟湍流流动。

76、He made the assumption that the electronic charge is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion. ─── 他假设电子的电荷数与一个氢离子的电荷数相等。

77、The air flow through doorway between two differentially heated rooms is investigated numerically using commercial CFD software. ─── 应用数值模拟方法,对冷热房间之间隔门通风情况进行了分析。

78、In fact, quantum mechanics has represented in a numerically exact way the totality of experimental data on the structure of the Hydrogen atom. ─── 事实上,基于实验数据总体的氢原子的结构,是量子力学数学上精确性的最好描述。

79、Based on the calculation of intensity noise spectrum, comparative study of XPM and SRS induced crosstalk is performed analytically and numerically. ─── 在计算强度噪声谱的基础上,研究了互相位调制和受激拉曼散射的相互耦合并用于密集波分复用系统的噪声分析。

80、Here is my ticket, Numer Four. ─── 四号,这是我的牌子。

81、Cellular detonation in a straight tube was numerically studied,based on two-dimensional reactive Euler equations and detailed chemical reaction model. ─── 基于基元反应和二维欧拉方程,对直管内胞格爆轰进行了数值模拟。

82、The air distribution in the quick freezer was simulated numerically using the commercial software. ─── 摘要以速冻装置为研究对象对装置内部流场气流组织进行了模拟。

83、The temperature distribution of conveying roller in horizontal tempering furnace was simulated numerically. ─── 对水平钢化炉内传动辊的温度场进行了数值模拟。

84、In the dinuclear system conception,the master equation is solved numerically to calculate the fusion probabilities of super-heavy nuclei. ─── 在双核模型框架下,用数值解主方程方法计算了超重核的熔合几率。

85、The -n switch instructs netstat to numerically display the address and port number of active TCP connections. ─── n开关指示netstat以数字方式显示活动TCP连接的地址和端口号。

86、He concluded that "qualitatively and numerically, China came out on top" , especially in oncology and neurology. ─── 斯拉维总结道,“中国从质到量都居于首位,”尤其是在肿瘤学与神经学方面。

87、In principle, given the initial and boundary conditions, the atmospheric variables can be numerically solved as functions of time and form the basis of weather forecast. ─── 原则上,从已知的初始状况和边界条件便足以进行计算,得出各项气象变数随时间的变化,作为天气预报的依据。

88、Therefore, the Delegation thought it would be difficult to evaluate norm-setting numerically, with respect to its impact on development, that is, in terms of benefit versus costs. ─── 因此,该代表团认为,在对发展的影响即成本方面,很难对规范的制定进行量化评价。

89、Hence, numerically solving parabolic partial differential equation by finite difference method is significant in theory and application. ─── 因此,用有限差分方法数值求解抛物型偏微分方程问题具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

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