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09-17 投稿


lanolin 发音

英:['l?n(?)l?n]  美:['l?n?l?n]

英:  美:

lanolin 中文意思翻译



lanolin 短语词组

1、acetylated lanolin ─── [化] 乙酰化羊毛

2、lanolin oil ─── 羊毛脂油

3、lanolin alcohol ─── [化] 羊毛脂醇; 十二烯醇; 十二碳烯醇

4、anhydrous lanolin ─── [医] 无水羊毛脂

5、lanolin oil cream ─── 羊毛脂油乳膏

6、british rose lanolin oil ─── 英国玫瑰羊毛脂油

7、lanolin cream ─── 绵羊油

lanolin 相似词语短语

1、mandolin ─── n.曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器)

2、landmine ─── n.地雷(等于landmine)

3、pangolin ─── n.[脊椎]穿山甲;[鱼]鲮鲤

4、lanoline ─── n.羊毛脂

5、landlines ─── 陆上通信线(landline的复数)

6、francolin ─── n.鹧鸪;鹧鸪属

7、landline ─── n.(电话的)陆地线路,陆线,固网;地上通讯线

8、land line ─── n.[电]陆上线路;陆线

9、kaolin ─── n.高岭土,瓷土

lanolin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our PureLan (Lanolin Cream) soothes sensitive or dry nipples, eases sore and cracked nipples and does not need to be removed before breastfeeding. ─── 我们的纯羊脂膏能够缓解敏感和乳头干燥,减轻乳头疼痛和乳头皲裂,哺乳前无需清除。

2、Lanolin has been known for many years to be beneficial to the skin with its natural moisturizing qualities. ─── 绵羊油已经多年来对身体有益皮肤保湿以自然的品质。

3、Main Ingredients: Sulphur acetate, vaseline, honey, and lanolin. ─── 主要成份:巯基乙酸盐、凡士林、蜂蜜、羊毛片脂。

4、modified lanolin ─── 改良羊毛脂

5、Determination the Content of Chloramphenicol Lanolin Ointment ─── 氯霉素羊毛脂软膏含量测定方法研究

6、LANOLIN Nature's Best Moisturiser Lanolin is a naturally occurring, environmentally friendly, renewable and sustainable resource. ─── 绵羊油是纯天然的最好的保湿润肤霜。

7、Nipple Nurture Butter is an excellent alternative for mothers that would prefer a plant-based alternative to lanolin. ─── 对于那些与其用羊毛脂更愿意用以植物为基础的产品的母亲来说,乳头滋润黄油是一个极好的替代品。

8、The darkened hallway smelled of cinnamon and lanolin, a combination that made him think of Egyptian mummies. ─── 昏暗的走廊里弥漫着肉挂和羊毛脂的味道。这两种气味混杂在一起让他想起了埃及的木乃伊。

9、The darkened hallway smelled of cinnamon and lanolin, a combination that made him think of Egyptian mummies. ─── 昏暗的走廊里弥漫着肉桂和羊毛脂的味道。这两种气味混杂在一起让他想起了埃及的木乃伊。

10、The choice was made to use lanolin and beeswax as water barriers instead of the typical (cheaper and cruder) petroleum and fish oil alternatives. ─── 之所以选用这两者是为了取代一般市售较便宜的石油制品及鱼油类的产品作为防水剂。

11、lanolin oil ─── 绵羊油

12、The salon test indicates that this new conditioning agent meets the performance of lanolin, as well as the market benchmark conditioner. ─── 沙龙试验表明,这种新的调节剂的性能满足羊毛脂,以及市场基准空调。

13、acetylated lanolin alcohols ─── 乙酰化羊毛脂醇(洗发药)

14、lanolin anhydrous ─── 无水羊毛脂

15、Quality of products of foreign advanced level, the technological level of production lanolin in the leading domestic. ─── 产品质量达国外先进水平,生产羊毛脂的技术水平在国内领先。

16、A soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, such as glycerin or lanolin, used especially to relieve pain in inflamed or irritated mucous membranes. ─── 润滑剂,缓和剂一种起润滑作用的物质,例如甘油或羊毛脂等,通常是粘液或油状的,尤用于减轻因粘膜发炎而引起的疼痛

17、Lanolin: Tasting term used to describe a wet-wool aroma or taste. Particularly associated with the Semillon grape. ─── 羊毛脂味:品尝术语,用于描述湿羊毛气味或味道。尤其与赛美容葡萄联系在一起。

18、Lanolin is extracted from the wool of the sheep and is not considered a body fat.Beeswax is hypo allergenic and is considered acceptable by many vegetarians. ─── 羊毛脂淬取自绵羊毛且不含体脂肪(皮肤亲合性跟附著性很好,防水性好),蜂蜜蜡是低敏感性并且为许多素食者所接受。

19、Manufacture of Lanolin Calcium Soap in One Step ─── 一步法制造羊毛脂钙皂

20、acetylated lanolin ─── 乙酰化羊毛脂

21、Exterior activator is ramification of emulsifying agent, dust - proofing agent, hydrous lanolin . ─── 表面活性剂是乳化剂、 防尘剂、 含水羊毛脂衍生物。

22、The method of synthesis lanolin fatty acids is studied.The optimum operating condition of extraction condition is given. ─── 研究了二步调酸提取羊毛酸的工艺方法,并确定了提取过程中各工序的工艺参数。

23、In the paper, the process of extraction of cholesterol from crude lanolin was studied, and the one from lanolin alcohol which is one of saponification production of lanolin were focused on. ─── 研究了以粗羊毛脂为原料提取胆甾醇的工艺过程,重点研究了从羊毛脂醇中提取胆甾醇的工艺过程。

24、Mineral Oil, Horse Chestnut Extract, Beeswax, Lanolin, Arnica Montana Extract, Dead Sea Mineral Water, Wheat Germ Oil. ─── 矿物油,欧洲七叶树萃取物,蜂蜡,羊毛脂,山金车蒙大拿萃取物,死海矿物水,麦芽油。

25、Keywords wool scouring effluent;recovery;lanolin;refinement; ─── 洗毛废水;酸析法;精制;羊毛脂;

26、FELICE Lanolin Cream is an ideal moisturizer for mothers also giving them relief from sore or cracked nipples which is so often a part of breast feeding baby. ─── 它也是为新妈妈配制的滋养露,哺乳后用芦荟清洁液擦洗,后用绵羊油,能够使乳头水有肿止痛。

27、Lanolin oil will readily absorb.Gently massage Lanolin oil into particularly dry areas of your skin,such as elbows and heels,after your bath or shower. ─── 当您在沐浴后轻轻地将羊毛脂油擦在皮肤在特别乾燥的部份,如手肘与后脚跟等地方,另外羊毛油脂亦可来整理您的秀发,同时对婴儿尿布疹亦非常有效。

28、Keywords lanolin cationic fatliquor phase-transfer catalyst; ─── 羊毛脂;阳离子表面活性剂;相转移催化剂;

29、Various methods used for extracting cholesterol from lanolin alcohol such as bromination,chromatography,(molecular) distillation,selective solvent crystallization and complexing were reviewed. ─── 分别对溴化法、色谱法、分子蒸馏法、溶剂选择结晶法和配合法进行了评述。

30、A blend of natural cocoa butter and pure lanolin in a non-greasy moisturizing base. ─── 本产品是混合了纯天然可可油及绵羊油,不油不腻的感觉舒适的保湿霜。

31、Delicately fragranced with camomile flowers Lanolin lotion used either as hand lotion or light face moisturizer absorbs exceptionally well,leaving no trace greasiness. ─── 在沐浴或洗澡后使用,您将可马上感觉出清爽的效果,清淡的甘菊花香,羊毛脂乳液也可用来擦手,或做为轻便的面霜使用,亦不会留下油腻的感觉。

32、Study on application of sulfonated lanolin alcohol succinate fatliqour ─── 磺化琥珀酸酯化羊毛醇加脂剂的应用研究

33、With specially added bamboo salt, it contains hair nutriments such as natural hair moisturizing factor (NFM), vitamin B5, water-soluble lanolin, which can moisten, improve and brighten the hair. ─── 特别添加的竹盐成份,含有天然护发保湿因子NFM,维他命原B5,水融性羊毛脂等营养物质能迅速渗入发丝,全面滋养秀发,改善发质,令秀发更加闪亮。

34、Review on method of extracting cholesterol from lanolin alcohol ─── 从羊毛醇中提取胆甾醇方法的评述

35、Soft moisturising lanolin lip balm enriched with manuka honey for its natural antiseptic and antifungal properties. ─── 柔软保湿的羊毛脂唇膏内含新西兰特制蜂蜜,起到杀菌的功效。适合柔软健康魅力的唇。

36、Baby lanolin is a natural cure for nappy/diaper rash. ─── 小羊毛脂是治愈尿布/尿布疹的天然药物。

37、lanolin cream ─── 润肤霜

38、Lanolin Night Cream is a super-rich blend of natural Australian lanolin and Vitamin E to create a unique cream for all skin types. ─── 绵羊油晚霜富含超级丰富的天然澳大利亚羊毛脂和维生素E,造就了独特的面霜,适合各种皮肤。

39、This Lanolin Cream is an excellent protectant from harsh dry winds and is an ideal treatment for relief from itchiness and irritation caused by mosquito bite. ─── 它具有防晒、保湿、防干燥、防冻、消肿止痒之特效。持续使用能使您的皮肤变得光滑嫩白,并给皮肤提供一层特殊的保护膜。

40、a soothing,usually mucilaginous or oily substance,such as glycerin or lanolin,used especially to relieve pain in inflamed or irritated mucous membranes ─── 润滑剂;一种起润滑作用的物质,例如甘油或羊毛脂等,通常是粘液或油状的,尤用于减轻因粘膜发炎而引起的疼痛

41、Our all-natural, food-grade diaper rash cream includes ingredients such as ultra-purified lanolin, vitamin-grade zinc (12%) and vitamin E, in addition to organic tea tree and aloe vera. ─── 我们全天然,食物等级的尿疹膏包括的成分如极纯羊毛脂,维生素等级锌维生素E,还有额外的有机茶树和芦荟油。

42、Another hidden carcinogenic ingredient is lanolin, derived from sheep's wool, most samples of which are contaminated with DDT-like pesticides. ─── 此类中的另一成分是绵羊油,目前发现在绵羊油样品中,大多含有类似DDT杀虫剂的污染物。

43、Abstract Objective:To extract cholesterols from crude lanolin. ─── 摘 要 目的:以粗羊毛脂为原料提取胆甾醇。

44、A method for treating lanolin and selective extracting lanolin with good quality by using carbon dioxide as extractant at supercritical state is investigated. ─── 在超临界条件下,用二氧化碳作萃取剂处理粗羊毛脂,通过控制操作条件,可以获得高质量的羊毛脂;

45、We make two products that utilize animal ingredients, our diaper rash cream contains lanolin and our sunblock sticks contain beeswax. ─── 尿布疹乳液中含有羊毛脂,防晒条中含有蜂蜜蜡。

46、Based on the idea of classifying and then disposing impurities in the crude lanolin recovered from wastewater of wool-washing, three steps to refine lanolin are presented. ─── 从对回收所得的粗羊毛脂中所含杂质进行分类处理的思路出发,得出对羊毛脂进行精制的三个步骤。

47、lanolin cream shampoo ─── 羊毛脂洗头膏

48、*With specially added bamboo salt, it contains hair nutriments such as natural hair moisturizing factor (NFM), vitamin B5, water-soluble lanolin, which can moisten, improve and brighten the hair. ─── *特别添加的竹盐成份,含有天然护发保湿因子NFM,维他命原B5,水融性羊毛脂等营养物质能迅速渗入发丝,全面滋养秀发,改善发质,令秀发更加闪亮。

49、Free of parabens (artificial preservatives), lanolin, petroleum or any other animal by-products. ─── 不含羟基苯甲酸酯类的(人工防腐剂)、羊毛脂、石油或其他任何动物类产品。

50、Do not use detergents that contain lanolin or other oils, gasoline (petrol), chlorinated degreasing fluids (such as trichloroethylene), organic solvents or abrasive cleaning agents. ─── 不要使用含羊毛脂或其他油、汽油和含氯的脱脂剂(例如三氯乙烯)、有机溶剂或磨砂清洁剂。

51、Product ingredients: lanolin, Arbutin, mountain car payment, Hamamelis, Rosaceae, ginkgo element, such as multi-vitamins E extract the essence. ─── 产品成份:羊毛脂、熊果素、山车金、金缕梅、蔷薇、白果素、多种维他命E等精华提取。

52、Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Grape Seed Extract, Lemon Extract, Cucumber Extract, Phyto-Collagen, Grape Seed Oil, Lanolin, NMF. ─── 小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、葡萄籽萃取、柠檬萃取、小黄瓜萃取、植物性胶原蛋白、葡萄籽油、羊毛脂、天然保湿因子。

53、Lanolin: it sounds soft and comforting, like the kind of fluffy material you'd use to protect a grazed knee. ─── 羊毛脂:听起来让人感觉柔软舒服,就像您平日用的那松软的、附着绒毛的护膝。

54、A and D cream or Lanolin prn if breast feeding. Breast binder or tight brazier and ice packs prn if not to breast feed. ─── 母乳喂养者用A、D乳膏或羊毛脂;人工喂养束缚带、紧箍或冰袋。

55、Necessity of crude lanolin refinement was expressed simplely, and the processing method and the new development of lanolin refi... ─── 简述了粗羊毛脂精制的必要性,并介绍了国内外羊毛脂精制的工艺方法及其新进展。

56、Keywords sclerema neonatorum;lanolin;massage; ─── 硬肿症;新生儿;羊毛脂;按摩;

57、Lanolin, compd.with triethanolamine;Lanolin compound with triethanolamine; ─── 名称 羊毛脂与三乙醇胺的化合物;

58、3 Lanolin acts as a humectant absorbing moisture from the environment to keep the skin moist. ─── 绵羊油作为一种保湿剂,可自动从外部环境种吸收水份,以全天保持皮肤湿润,光滑。

59、Sumptuous mellow black currants incense, cigar box and tobacco fragrance, lanolin texture and fruit flavor and ripe tannins sourness homogeneous taste. ─── 丰盛香醇的黑加仑子香、雪茄匣和烟草香,入口有羊毛脂质感、果味与成熟单宁酸味匀和。

60、lanolin soap ─── 羊毛脂皂


62、Keywords lanolin;cholesterol;coupled-extraction;craft;crystallization;analysis; ─── 羊毛脂;胆甾醇;提取;萃取;耦合;工艺;结晶;分析;

63、Keywords lanolin amidate modified reaction; ─── 羊毛脂;酰胺化;改性反应;

64、Keywords lanolin fatliquor mould separation discrimination; ─── 羊毛脂加脂剂;霉菌;分离;鉴别;

65、Purified Lanolin ─── Lanolin

66、INGREDIENTS:Corn condensable protein, Honey, Lanolin. ─── 玉米可凝性蛋白,蜂蜡,薄荷提取物。

67、Study on the mildew preventive antibacterial effect of lanolin fatliquor ─── 羊毛脂加脂剂防霉抗菌效果

68、Ingredients - Water, cetrimonium chloride, cetearyl alcohol, almond oil, calendula extract*, lanolin, tagetes oil*, bergamot oil, potassium sorbate, citric acid. ─── 主要成分:金盏花萃取,羊毛脂,杏仁油,万寿菊油等

69、Lanolin body Wash With Vitamin E ─── 维他命e羊脂沐浴露

70、Keywords oxidate and sulfite;lanolin;fatliquoring agent;application; ─── 氧化亚硫酸化;羊毛脂;加脂剂;应用;

71、Lanolin has an extremely low rate of allergy or sensitivity. Lanolin is also helpful in softening the “plugs” of sebaceous material responsible for blocking pores that causes infection and pimples. ─── 绵羊油抗各种过敏反应,适用于各种皮肤。同时,它在帮助软化由于油脂分泌过多堵塞毛孔的粉刺,黑头等方面,有卓越的功效。

72、G&M LANOLIN CREAMis a rich blend of natural Australian lanolin and Vitamin E to create a unique cream for all skin types. ─── 羊毛脂护手霜是一种富含天然的澳大利亚羊毛脂及维E的独特的乳霜,适用于所有肤质。

73、Keywords lanolin acetylated lanolin oxidated reaction sulfited reaction leather fatliquor; ─── 羊毛脂;乙酰化羊毛脂;氧化反应;亚硫酸化反应;皮革加脂剂;

74、Keywords lanolin;sulfonated lanolin-maleic anhydride ester;fatliquoring agent;surfactant; ─── 羊毛脂;琥珀酸酯磺酸盐;加脂剂;表面活性剂;

75、A combination of Placenta, Lanolin and Collagen extracts work together to leave the skin silky smooth and elastin. ─── 使用该产品能够让皮肤变得丝般滑爽,并且富有弹性。

76、Lanolin aka Grease from Animal fur. ─── 羊毛脂,即动物皮毛所分泌的油脂。

77、Keywords lanolin fatliquor mildew preventive antibacterial effect; ─── 羊毛脂加脂剂;防霉剂;防霉效果;

78、But lanolin is, in reality, the kind of substance you'd normally like to keep several miles away from your mouth if possible. ─── 然而实际上,通常您的口腔最好离羊毛脂越远越好。

79、Consisting of enhanced Pyrethrins, it can control the reproduction of flea, lice and tick effectively. Protein and lanolin can solve dermatitis problems and itchy skin. ─── 加倍除虫菊能起杀蚤作用,羊脂蛋白有助舒缓皮肤炎症状及止痒。

80、I should talk with you after I come back Beijing, just want to say thanks for your dear xia.I am now enjoying a little bit leisure, what about a Lanolin creme? ─── 我是在考虑下一波的热点是什么, 仓位和要进的票. 如果大盘调的深一些,中石化就有戏,但我觉得调不深,所以乱炒可能性极大.

81、Keywords Wool;Lanolin;Suint;Soil dirt;Cleaning; ─── 关键词羊毛;羊毛脂;羊毛汗;土杂;清洗;

82、Keywords additives of cosmetics;cholesterol;extraction;lanolin;lanolin alcohol; ─── 化妆品添加剂;胆甾醇;提取;羊毛脂;羊毛醇;

83、Q7 、During course of Rebuild Series, can I use Lanolin cream or others cream to relieve dry and tension feeling skin? ─── 初期使用时因产品将皮脂腺疏通,会有比使用前更油的感觉,一旦改善后,产品可平衡油脂分泌,皮肤的出油状态就会恢复正常。

84、Lanolin: Tasting term used to describe a wet - wool aroma or taste. ─── 羊毛脂味:品尝术语,用于描述湿羊毛气味或味道。

85、Add about 1/4 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to a cup of lukewarm water. Don't use the detergent you use in your dishwasher or any detergent that contains bleach or lanolin. ─── 在一杯温水中,加入1/4汤勺的洗洁精。不要使用洗盘机里使用的清洁剂或任何含漂白剂或羊脂的清洁剂。

86、hydrous lanolin ─── 含水羊毛脂

87、Flavor characteristics: Grass, citrus, honey, toast, lanolin. ─── 口味特征:青草,柑橘,蜂蜜,土司,羊毛脂。

88、INGREDIENTS:Corn condensable protein, Honey, Lanolin,Vtamine E, Hamamelis, Geranium. ─── 玉米可凝性蛋白,蜂蜡,薄荷提取物,维生素E,金缕梅液,薄荷提取物。

89、Vaseline, lanolin, bag balm or other grease can be used to prevent chafe marks. ─── 凡士林,羊脂膏,香袋油或其他唇膏油脂可用于防止擦伤。

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