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nectary 发音

英:[['nekt?r?]]  美:[['nekt?r?]]

英:  美:

nectary 中文意思翻译



nectary 词性/词形变化,nectary变形

名词复数: nectaries |形容词: nectarial |

nectary 相似词语短语

1、lactary ─── adj.奶似的;奶的;n.牛奶房

2、hectare ─── n.公顷(等于1万平方米)

3、dentary ─── adj.牙齿的;有齿的;n.[脊椎]齿骨

4、insectary ─── n.昆虫饲养研究室

5、nectar ─── n.[植]花蜜;甘露;神酒;任何美味的饮料;n.(Nectar)人名;(罗)内克塔尔

6、notary ─── n.(法)公证人

7、sectary ─── n.宗派成员,教派成员;非教会派的新教徒

8、nectars ─── n.[植]花蜜;甘露;神酒;任何美味的饮料;n.(Nectar)人名;(罗)内克塔尔

9、nectared ─── adj.甘美的;有花蜜的

nectary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some nectary pores were located at the base overy, perianth, and upper scale leaves, respectively. ─── 有些呈气孔状由两个保卫细胞组成。

2、Nectary pores were open at all stages. ─── 由蜜腺孔的分布及蜜腺切片,推测奴草蜜腺为零散分布在子房壁、花被及最上层鳞叶基部。

3、The floral nectary of Pyrus bretscheidert Rehd. located on the surface of tapered disc above infloror ovary, which belonged to the disc nectary above inferior ovary. ─── 梨花蜜腺位于子房上部的盘状结构上,属于下位子房上部的花盘蜜腺。


5、The Study on Developmental Anatomy of the Floral Nectary in Sorbaria kirilowii ─── 珍珠梅花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究

6、nectary ca. 0.5 mm, pubescent; ─── 蜜腺约0.5毫米,青春期;

7、The nectary originates from the several outer layer cells of base of carpel primordia. ─── 蜜腺起源于心皮原基基部外侧的几层细胞。

8、Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis Associated with Nectar Secreting during the Nectary Development of Arabidopsis Thaliana L. ─── 蜜腺发育过程中细胞分化、凋亡与泌蜜的关系。

9、Study on the biological characters of nectary of Gossypium arboreum bickii ─── 亚比棉蜜腺生物学性状研究

10、nectary belongs to starch nectary and the starch is complex grain. ─── 蜜腺为淀粉型蜜腺,淀粉粒为许多微小颗粒聚集成的复粒。


12、All cells of the disc composed the nectary. ─── 所有细胞构成蜜腺。

13、Anatomical studies on the development of the floral nectary in Scheffler octophylla ─── 鹅掌柴花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究

14、Petals 5 to many, linear, shortly clawed and with nectary pit above base. ─── 花瓣5到很多,线形,短爪和具蜜槽在基部的以上。

15、There were no strong correlations between nectary structures and pollinator behavior, although gelatinous or watery nectar was associated with the foraging preference of pollinators. ─── 它们的蜜腺结构和传粉者行为之间没有明显的相关性, 但是胶质或水质的花蜜对传粉者的取食方式有一定影响。

16、Petals as many as and alternate with sepals, distinct or basally connate, convolute, basally often clawed, with 2-5 extrastaminal nectary glands or a disk. ─── 花瓣和萼片同数且与萼片互生,离生或者基部合生,旋卷,通常基部有瓣爪,2-5个雄蕊外的蜜腺或者花盘。

17、Petals 1--6, spatulate, yellow, smaller than sepals, without a nectary. ─── 花瓣1-6,匙形,黄,小于萼片,没有一。

18、The cylindraceous nectary encircled the styler base of each floret. ─── 每小花的花柱基部有圆筒状的蜜腺环绕。

19、operculum fimbricate, lobes dark purple, with annular nectary at base; ─── 盖丝状,裂片深紫色,具环状在基部;

20、Carpels subsuperior to superior, united only at base, conical, with a basal, narrow, annular nectary; ─── 心皮对上位,合生只在基部半上位,圆锥状,具一基部,狭窄,环状;

21、Ultrastructural Study on Dictyosome and Its Vesicle Secretion during Development of Floral Nectary of Arabidopsis thaliana L. ─── 拟南芥花蜜腺的高尔基体活动及其分泌途径。

22、There were many nectary pores on the ovary, and the pores extended into round at the gynoecium stage. ─── 子房壁表面具有大量蜜腺孔,雌蕊期后蜜腺孔开口扩张成圆形。

23、3. The heterozygote Y / y may be distinguished by the nectary color. ─── 用蜜腺颜色就可以确定为异质结合的(y/y)。

24、Anatomical studies on the development of the floral nectary in Thymus quinquecostatus Celak. ─── 地椒花蜜腺发育的解剖学观察。

25、Nectary both sides has tit state protuberant; ─── 蜜腺两边有乳头状突起;

26、The nectary is composed of secretory epidermisf and nectariferous tissue with no vascular bundles in it. ─── 蜜腺由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织组成,不含维管束。

27、Anatomical Study on the Development of Floral Nectary in Litchi chinensis ─── 荔枝花蜜腺发育解剖学研究

28、floral nectary ─── 花蜜腺

29、Title: Ultrastructural Study on Dictyosome and Its Vesicle Secretion during Development of Floral Nectary of Arabidopsis thaliana L. ─── 关键词:拟南芥;花蜜腺;超微结构;高尔基体;

30、The nectary of V. tricolor var hortensis is stamen type, its epidermal cells develop into papillae and are responsible for secretion of nectary. ─── 三色堇是雄蕊类型,蜜由具乳头状突起的特化表皮细胞分泌。

31、The floral nectary of Sesbania cannabina is on the receptacle between stamen and ovary.It belongs to receptacular nectary.There are ten regular stripes on its surface. ─── 田菁的花蜜腺位于雄蕊和子房之间的花托上,表面呈规则的条形突起,属于花托蜜腺。

32、Corolla with an evident nectary; fruiting calyx about as long as berry, apex open. ─── 花冠具一明显的蜜腺;关于倍于浆果的果期花萼,先端开阔的。

33、Developmental anatomy of the floral nectary in Citrus reticulata Blanco cv.Tangerine ─── 红橘花蜜腺的发育解剖学

34、filaments subulate.Ovary semi-inferior, dark purple, broadly ovoid, with an indistinct, annular nectary; ─── 花丝钻形子房半下位,深紫色,宽卵形,具一不清楚,环状的蜜腺;

35、Petals 5--19, yellow, oblong, shortly clawed, with a small nectary pit above base. ─── 花瓣5-19,黄,长圆形,短爪,具小蜜槽高于基部。

36、Petals 5--12, yellow, narrowly obovate, shortly clawed at base, with a nectary pit above base. ─── 花瓣5-12,黄,狭倒卵形,短爪在基部,具一蜜槽被高于基部的蜜槽的。

37、The nectary is composed of secretory epidermis and nectariferous tissue with no vascular bundles in it. ─── 蜜腺由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织组成,不含维管束。

38、Extra - floral nectary ─── 花外蜜腺


40、Tepals 6, free, spatulate or linear-oblanceolate to oblong, adaxially often with a deep pocket of a nectary gland at base, persistent. ─── 花被片6,离生,匙形和线倒披针形到长圆形,正面经常具深袋一蜜腺腺在基部,持久。

41、Petals elliptic to suborbicular, entire, slightly concave or forked-lobed with 2 empty anthers, rarely with a nectary. ─── 花瓣椭圆形到近圆形,全缘,稍凹或分叉浅裂具空花药,很少具蜜腺。

42、Taraxacum mongolicum has a green tubular stylar nectary located at the base of the style. ─── 蒲公英的花蜜腺位于花柱基部,呈筒状围绕花柱,新鲜时呈绿色,属于花柱蜜腺。

43、The nectary originates from the several outer layer cells of base of carpel primordia. ─── 蜜腺起源于心皮原基基部外侧的几层细胞。

44、Besides, branching types, vesture, morphology of leaves and petals, and nectary types also provide useful information. ─── 植株的生长模式、植株被毛、叶形、花瓣形状、蜜腺类型等特徵亦有助于分类群的鑑定。

45、The nectary morphology of Sagittaria triforia female flowers were studied using paraffin section and histochemistry methods. ─── 摘要应用石蜡切片和组织化学方法,对慈姑雌花蜜腺的形态结构进行了研究。

46、Cytological Studies on the Development of Sieve Element and Floral Nectary Tissue in Arabidopsis thaliana ─── 拟南芥花蜜腺筛分子及蜜腺组织发育过程中的细胞学研究

47、The heterozygote Y/y may be distinguished by the nectary color. ─── 用蜜腺颜色就可以确定为异质结合的(y/y)。

48、The surface of nectary with modified stoma was covered by a thin-cuticle layer with ripple sculpture. ─── 分泌表皮具波纹状角质层,表皮上分布有气孔器。

49、The heterozygote Y/y may be distinguished by the nectary color ─── 用蜜腺颜色就可以确定为异质结合的(Y;y)。

50、Tumid nectary of S.tetraptera differences from others.Nectary of S.erythrosticta remains with nectaria caduca,but nectaries of S.franchetiana and S.tetraptera remain with nectaria persistentia. ─── 红直獐牙菜为脱落蜜腺,而抱茎獐牙菜和四数獐牙菜为宿存蜜腺。

51、Observational study on the extra-floral nectary of cherry and peach ─── 樱桃和桃花外蜜腺的观察研究

52、Tepals 6, free, often tessellated with dark and light colors, with a nectary near base adaxially. ─── 花被片6,离生,通常棋盘格形的具深色的和浅颜色,有一蜜腺在正面近基部。

53、Petals free, alternating with 5 extrastaminal nectary glands, yellow to reddish yellow, rarely white, often denticulate at apex. ─── 花瓣离生,与5个雄蕊外产蜜腺的腺体互生,黄色或红黄色,很少白色,通常在先端具细齿。

54、But there were several obvious characteristic differences among them, such as trichome on style and torus, cuticle and stomata on nectary, shape and surface of pollen. ─── 同时发现一些有分类价值的性状差异,比如花柱花盘有无毛、蜜腺表面的角质层和气孔器形态、花粉粒形状和附属物等。

55、Nectary often present at base of ovary, ringlike, cupular, or reduced to a gland. ─── 蜜腺通常存在于子房的基部,环形,杯状,或者退化为一个腺体。

56、Anatomical observation on floral nectary of Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. ─── 梨花蜜腺的解剖观察。

57、Petals 3--5, yellow, narrowly obovate, clawed at base, with a nectary pit covered by a scale above claw. ─── 花瓣3-5,黄,狭倒卵形,瓣爪在基部,具一蜜槽被高于瓣爪的鳞片盖住的。

58、Flowers bisexual.Tepals 6, free, white or yellow, sometimes mottled with purple, usually with a nectary, hairs, or lamellae near base adaxially. ─── 花两性花被片6,离生,白色或黄色,有时具紫色斑点,通常具一蜜腺,毛,或者副花冠裂片在近基部正面。

59、Studies on morphology, development and histochemistry of nectary showed that the nectarines of four Elaeagnus plants located on receptacle and belonged to starch structural nectary. ─── 通过对4种胡颓子属植物花蜜腺的研究,发现蜜腺位于花盘上,且都属淀粉型结构蜜腺。

60、The nectary morphology of Sagittaria triforia female flowers were studied using paraffin section and histochemistry methods. ─── 应用石蜡切片和组织化学方法,对慈姑雌花蜜腺的形态结构进行了研究。

61、An orchid was found with a nectary that was only accessible by way of a long, narrow tube, and Darwin predicted the existence of an insect pollinator with an almost equivalently long tongue. ─── 随著一种需要藉由细长管状物才能吸取其花蜜的兰花的被发现,达尔文预测说,一定存在有一种传递花粉的昆虫,具有细长的口器。

62、The characters of nectary may show the affinity of section and series in Swertia L. ─── 其花蜜腺的性状基本印证了3种獐牙菜属植物的系统位置。

63、Study on developmental anatomy of the floral nectary in Dimocarpus longan ─── 龙眼花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究

64、style simple, reduced to a nectary in male flowers. ─── 花柱不分枝,在雄花里退化成蜜腺。

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