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09-19 投稿


interphalangeal 中文意思翻译



interphalangeal 短语词组

1、interphalangeal joinls ─── [医] 指(趾)间关节

2、distal interphalangeal joint ─── 远端指(趾)间关节[医] ─── 远端指(趾)间关节

3、interphalangeal joint ─── 指间关节

interphalangeal 相似词语短语

1、interchange ─── n.(思想、信息等的)交换,互换;交错,更替;(进出高速公路的)互通式立交,立体交叉道;(铁路、汽车客运等)转车站,枢纽站;v.交换,互换(思想、信息等);将……交换;(使)互换位置

2、interchangeably ─── adv.[数]可交换地

3、interlineal ─── 行间的

4、internal gear ─── [机]内齿轮

5、interchangers ─── n.换热器;交换器

6、interchanger ─── n.换热器;交换器

7、interchangeable ─── adj.可互换的;可交换的;可交替的

8、interchanged ─── v.(两人或两人以上)交换,互换(物品);(使)(两者)互换位置;(某物)可与……交换(interchange的过去式和过去分词)

9、interchanges ─── (指两人等)[计]交换;[计][遗]互换(interchange的第三人称单数);[计][遗]互换;立体交叉道(interchange的复数)

interphalangeal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Applied Value of Color Doppler Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Interphalangeal Arterial Diseases ─── 彩超在指间动脉疾病诊断中的应用

2、rheumatoid arthritis: major violations of the proximal interphalangeal joint, metacarpophalangeal joints, and other small joints, axial joints less involved, the more the incidence of female patients. ─── 类风湿性关节炎:主要侵犯近端指间关节,掌指关节等小关节,中轴关节较少累及,发病多为女性患者。

3、interphalangeal joint furuncle ─── 寸疔

4、This entity encompasses oedema of the affect finger, swelling of the interphalangeal joint adjacent to the lesion, and no suppuration. ─── 这个实体包括水肿的影响手指,肿胀的指间关节附近的病灶,不化脓。

5、Heberden's nodes of the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand are cla ic findings. ─── 手远侧指间关节的Heberden's结节是典型的表现。

6、We found reductions in the active range of motion, particularly of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints. ─── 我们发现主动运动范围有所减少,尤其是掌指及近节指间关节。

7、prosthetic replacement for interphalangeal joint ─── 人工指间关节代替术

8、Interphalangeal dream world in a bright and sunny, dream of life in the interphalangeal Yingying more than a day dream of teeth in the interphalangeal Tibetan incense lip also. ─── 梦在指间的世界阳光灿烂,梦在指间的人生盈盈有余,梦在指间的日子齿唇也藏香。

9、interphalangeal articulations of hand ─── 指骨间关节指关节

10、Keywords Superficial flexor tendon of finger Interphalangeal joint Collateral ligament Microsurgery; ─── 关键词指浅屈肌腱;指间关节;侧副韧带;显微外科;

11、collateral ligaments of interphalangeal articulations of hand ─── (手指间关节)侧副韧带

12、The distal interphalangeal (PIP) joint of the same digit, used as an island vascularized joint, can be useful for this potential transfer and its loss is well tolerated. ─── 对于同一双手指,带有血管茎的远端指间关节是一个相类似的关节,这可以用于坏损的关节置换并且它的损失是可以被接受的。

13、Reconstruction of the damaged proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint is a difficult task, especially in the young active patient. ─── 摘要在年轻且生活活跃的病人当中,对于已损坏手指的近端指间关节重建是一个困难的挑战。

14、interphalangeal extension splint ─── 指节间伸展夹板

15、Arterial supply to the second, third metacarsopha-langeal joints and proximal interphalangeal joints of the toe and its clinical significance ─── 第二、三跖趾关节及近趾间关节血供特点与临床意义

16、The function of metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints were restored satisfactorily.Conclusion For the metacarpal and phalangeal frac... ─── 患手掌指关节和指间关节功能恢复正常。

17、Open dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand ─── 手的指骨间关节开放性脱位

18、interphalangeal joint ─── 指间关节(动), 趾间关节(动)

19、Glycyrrhiza Oil Compound in the Treatment of Interphalangeal Infectious Ulcer ─── 复方紫草油治疗趾间感染性溃疡


21、6.Abstract: Objective To analyze the relationship between the site and cause of rupture of interphalangeal collateral ligament(ICL) and emphesize early surgical treatment. ─── 文摘:目的分析手指指间关节侧副韧带损伤部位和伤因的关系及早期手术治疗的重要性。

22、Distal interphalangeal joint of finger ─── 指远端指间关节

23、After wound closure, a compression bandage is applied as well as a thin plaster splint from the distal third of the forearm to the interphalangeal (IF) of the thumb. ─── 切口闭合后,应用压力绷带,从前臂的远三分之一到拇指的指间关节IF应用薄石膏夹板。

24、posterior interphalangeal(joint) ─── 指趾间后关节

25、Results At all time points, patients treated with the active motion program had greater interphalangeal joint motion. ─── 结果:接受主动活动疗法治疗的患者在所有时间点其指间关节活动度都更大。

26、Interphalangeal dream is to be ready to fly the purple butterflies, do not wear the colorful way through the theme of dance stained pollen, vaguely fate hidden past, linked the fresh green. ─── 梦在指间是蓄势待飞的紫蝶,穿不透的缤纷路舞猜不透的主题沾满花粉,暗藏的宿命枕着依稀往事,挽着新鲜绿枝。

27、Open dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb ─── 拇指指间关节开放性脱位

28、Interphalangeal fusion of finger ─── 手指指间融合术

29、Keywords Proximal interphalangeal;Fracture;Tendon adhesion; ─── 关键词近节指骨;骨折;肌腱粘连;

30、Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of finger ─── 手指指间关节固定术

31、Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger ─── 指近端指间关节

32、interphalangeal joinls ─── [医] 指(趾)间关节

33、Objective The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of pulleys ( A3,C1,C2) on excursions of flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendons and motion of proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. ─── 目的探索A3、C1和C2滑车对指深屈肌腱及近节指间关节活动的影响。方法采用10只尸体手示、中、环指,将掌指关节及远节指间关节固定后,进行以下4个阶段的实验:(1)腱鞘完整;

34、The metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints keep in natural flexing position without any active pinching or closing or extending. ─── 手的掌指与指间关节一直保持自然屈曲姿势。

35、interphalangeal width ─── 指间宽度

36、Conclusion Ligament reconstruction was most effective for repair of rupture of collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint . ─── 结论近节指间关节侧副韧带断裂时应首选侧副韧带重建术。

37、Ultrasonographic diagnosis of central slip rupture in the finger extensor mechanism of the proximal interphalangeal joint ─── 超声诊断近端指间关节伸指肌中央腱断裂的临床研究

38、Keywords ultrasound;central slip rupture;extensor mechanism;proximal interphalangeal joint; ─── 超声诊断;中央腱断裂;伸指肌腱;近端指间关节;

39、interphalangeal osteoarthritis ─── 指节间骨关节炎

40、dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand ─── 指间关节脱位

41、Sprain of interphalangeal joint of finger ─── 手指指间关节扭伤

42、ligaments of interphalangeal articulations of foot, plantar ─── 足趾间关节足底韧带

43、Interphalangeal dream is the heart of Pier Park, Water Department, outlined profile, well-being of heavy silk嫁衣Department; ─── 梦在指间是泊心的码头,临水处勾画轮廓,繁忙处丝织幸福嫁衣;

44、Irreducible dorsal dislocation of the interphalangeal joint of the great toe is rare. ─── 不可简约的大脚趾指间关节背侧脱位是罕见的。

45、interphalangeal joints ─── 指(趾)骨间关节

46、We report a vascularized joint transfer from the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint to the metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint of right middle finger (RMF) in a 22-year-old male. ─── 我们报告一例22岁男性利用带血管茎关节转移术,将右中指近端指间关节转移至掌指关节之病例。

47、ligaments of interphalangeal articulations of hand, palmar ─── 手指间关节掌侧韧带

48、interphalangeal articulation ─── 指节间关节

49、Objective to report the clinical results of selective second toe joint transplantation for treatment of interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joint defects. ─── 目的探讨不同术式的第二足趾关节移植治疗手指关节、掌指关节不同缺损的疗效。

50、Keywords pedal tinea;interphalangeal infectious ulcer;Glycyrrhiza Oil Compound; ─── 足癣;趾间感染性溃疡;复方紫草油;

51、The majority of reported cases in which intra-articular osteotomy was performed hae inoled the proximal interphalangeal joint. ─── 以前报道的关节内截骨术病例大多在近端指间关节进行。

52、collateral ligaments of interphalangeal articulations of foot ─── (足趾间关节)侧副韧带

53、Objective To compare the treatment outcome of conservative management, ligament repair, and ligament reconstruction for rupture of collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint. ─── 目的比较非手术治疗、韧带修复和韧带重建三种方法对治疗近节指间关节侧副韧带断裂的疗效。

54、Proximal interphalangeal joint of toe ─── 趾近端趾间关节

55、Closed dislocation of interphalangeal joint of foot ─── 足趾间关节闭合性脱位

56、arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of hand ─── 指间关节固定术

57、Methods From 1987, 23 cases with collateral ligament rupture in the interphalangeal joint were repaired by part of superficial flexor tendon of finger. ─── 方法 自1987年以来,对23例23指近节指间关节侧副韧带断裂,采用部分指浅屈肌腱显微技术加强修复。

58、Objective To analyze the relationship between the site and cause of rupture of interphalangeal collateral ligament(ICL) and emphesize early surgical treatment. ─── 目的分析手指指间关节侧副韧带损伤部位和伤因的关系及早期手术治疗的重要性。

59、Background: Pediatric trigger thumb is a condition of flexion deformity of the interphalangeal joint in children. ─── 背景:小儿扳机拇是儿童指间关节的屈曲畸形。

60、dream to make laundry day interphalangeal Jingying show bright, fresh flowers into the depths of the mind, mind glaze slowly drop Tsim Sha Tsui in the Chaoyang Mans. ─── 梦在指间使晾晒的日子晶莹秀亮,清香的心思抛入百花深处,上釉的心怀徐徐落在朝阳芒尖。

61、Ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot ─── 足趾间关节韧带

62、interphalangeal prosthesis ─── 中间指骨假体

63、Dissection of the Distal Interphalangeal Joints of the Hind Feet in Bactrian Camel ( Camelus bactranus) ─── 双峰驼后足远趾节间关节解剖

64、middle interphalangeal ─── 中指间(关节)

65、Art on the keyboard、 Fingers Dance、 Interphalangeal show! ─── 手指的舞蹈、键盘上的艺术、指间秀!

66、Five years ago the transverse groove of first interphalangeal joint was constricted on the middle finger of left hand. ─── 自2岁起,左手背出现褐色角化性丘疹,并逐渐蔓延至左上肢及左手示指及中指,临床症状及组织病理改变符合汗孔角化症。

67、Early in development of distal interphalangeal nodes seen in osteoarthritis, the nodes may be red and soft;the inflammation usually resolves spontaneously. ─── 咨询某一方面病情时,最好先了解一下该病的一些基本情况,以便针对性的提出问题。

68、Results: 8 cases first symptoms were in metacarpophalangeal joints and proximal interphalangeal joints,the other 8 cases were in the first metatarsopha-langeal joints. ─── 结果:8例以掌指关节及近端指间关节为首发部位,另8例以第1跖趾关节为首发部位。

69、Closed dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb ─── 拇指指间关节闭合性脱位

70、Ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand ─── 手指间关节韧带

71、No lateral instability of involved interphalangeal joints was seen. ─── 26个受累指关节均无侧方不稳定,指间关节伸屈基本正常。

72、Conclusion: The flexion contracture of juxta interphalangeal joint will be treated completely by this method. ─── 结论:用此方法均能达到矫正近指间关节屈曲挛缩的目的。

73、Methods The ruptured collateral ligament of the interphalangeal joint in 26 cases were repaired by direct suture. ─── 方法对26例指间关节侧副韧带损伤均作韧带直接修补术。

74、Closed dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand ─── 手的指间关节闭合性脱位

75、Average range of motion was 25 degrees in metatarsophalangeal joint extension and 35 degrees in metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joint flexion. ─── 病人术后足踝及脚趾的伸展可达到二十度及三十度,足踝部及大脚趾的弯曲与对侧脚类似。

76、Treatment of fracture-dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint with elastic dynamic external fixator ─── 应用弹力型可活动外固定器械治疗近侧指间关节骨折脱位

77、interphalangeal articulations of fingers ─── 指骨间关节

78、sprain of interphalangeal joint ─── 指间关节扭伤

79、Open dislocation of interphalangeal joint of foot ─── 足趾间关节开放性脱位

80、Interphalangeal fusion of joint of finger ─── 手指指间关节融合术

81、Amputation of toe at interphalangeal joint ─── 足趾切断术于趾间关节

82、Conclusion ligament reconstruction was better than ligament repair in the treatment of rupture of collateral ligament of proximal interphalangeal joint. ─── 结论:近端指间关节侧副韧带损伤韧带重建术优于韧带修复术。

83、Effect Observation of Tampon Rod Fixation After Interphalangeal Joint of Hand Venipuncture ─── 棉签棒用于近掌指关节静脉穿刺固定的效果观察

84、The distal interphalangeal( PIP) joint of the same digit, used as an island vascularized joint, can be useful for this potential transfer and its loss is well tolerated. ─── 对于同一双手指,带有血管茎的远程指间关节是一个相类似的关节,这可以用于坏损的关节置换并且它的损失是可以被接受的。

85、Background: Pediatric trigger thumb is a condition of flexion deformity of the interphalangeal joint in children. ─── 背景:小儿扳机拇是儿童指间关节的屈曲畸形。

86、Interphalangeal artery ─── B-血流血管造影指间动脉

87、Objective To probe the operative method to repair the soft tissue defects of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint. ─── 目的探讨指关节及掌指关节软组织缺损的修复方法。

88、Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of great toe ─── 拇趾趾间关节固定术

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