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09-19 投稿


sebacic 发音

英:[[s?'b?s?k]]  美:[[s?'b?s?k]]

英:  美:

sebacic 中文意思翻译



sebacic 短语词组

1、sebacic acid ─── [化] 癸二酸 ─── [医] 癸二酸

2、sebacic dinitrile ─── [化] 癸二腈

3、sebacic oman ─── 塞巴西奇人

sebacic 相似词语短语

1、debacle ─── n.崩溃;灾害;解冻

2、reback ─── 里巴克(人名)

3、boracic ─── adj.含硼素的;硼素的

4、Thebaic ─── 北汽

5、erucic ─── 芥酸

6、abaci ─── n.算盘(abacus的复数)

7、subacid ─── adj.稍带酸味的;颇有讽刺意味的;稍带尖刻的

8、sebacic acid ─── [有化]癸二酸,皮脂酸

9、sebific ─── 皮脂

sebacic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fatty acids, C18-unsatd., dimers, polymers with hexamethylenediamine and sebacic acid;Fatty acids,C18-unsatd. ─── 名称 C18-不饱和脂肪酸二聚物与六次甲基二胺和癸二酸的聚合物;

2、Preparations and Drug Delivery Properties of Poly (Dimmer Acid-sebacic Acid) Copolymers ─── 聚(二聚酸-癸二酸)的合成和药物释放性能

3、This paper states sebacic acid industry producting general conditions in China.In emphasis,it introduces the industry technical development conditions. ─── 介绍了国内癸二酸行业生产概况,重点介绍了该行业技术进展。

4、The main factors that affect the color of the sebacic acid made from castor oil were studied through the tracking of the production technology. ─── 通过分析癸二酸的生产工艺,对其生产过程中影响色值的主要因素进行了研究,指出了一些导致色值偏高的原因。

5、Keywords sebacic acid;production methods;uses; ─── 癸二酸;生产方法;应用;

6、Keywords dihexyl sebacate;sebacic acid;n-hexanol;esterification; ─── 癸二酸二正己酯;癸二酸;正己醇;酯化;

7、In vitro release and antibacterial activity of poly (oleic/linoleic acid dimer: sebacic acid)-gentamicin ─── 聚(油酸/亚油酸-癸二酸)-庆大霉素的体外释药和抑菌活性(英文)

8、This article introduces the production methods of sebacic acid,for example, the method of splitting castor oil, electrolying adipic acid and microbe ferment,etc. ─── 介绍了癸二酸的生产方法,如裂解蓖麻油法、电解己二酸法、发酵法等。

9、Keywords drug controlled release;poly (dimmer acid sebacic acid);polyanhydride;ciprofloxcin hydrochloride; ─── 药物控制释放;聚(二聚酸癸二酸);聚酸酐;盐酸环丙沙星;

10、Keywords Soldering;Diethylamine hydrochloride;Adipic acid;Sebacic acid;DTA;Phase diagram; ─── 钎焊;盐酸二乙胺;己二酸;葵二酸;差热分析;相图;

11、Poly(sebacic anhydride-co-ethylene glycol) ─── 聚癸二酸酐-聚乙二醇共聚物

12、sebacic acid, decanedioic acid ─── 癸二酸

13、Keywords sebacic acid;castor oil;caustic pyrolysis;caustic soda recovery; ─── 癸二酸;蓖麻油;裂解;回收碱;

14、The sebacic acid is a kind of important organic intermediate which is widely used to produce nylon, plastic, spicery and so on. ─── 癸二酸是一种重要有机中间体,被广泛应用于生产尼龙、塑料、香料等。

15、OBJECTIVE To develop an HPLC method for the determination of tinidazole-poly(sebacic anhydride) controlledreleasing preparations,and study the drug release characteristic. ─── 目的:采用HPLC法测定替硝唑-聚癸二酸酐控释制剂的含量,并研究其释药特性。

16、Keywords Solid-state NMR;Layered double hydroxides;Sebacic acid;Sodium dodecylsulfate;Reconstruction;Intercalation; ─── 固体核磁共振;水滑石;癸二酸;十二烷基硫酸钠;复原;插层;

17、sebacic dihydrazide ─── 癸二酸二酰肼

18、Citric acid sodium citrate, Potassium sorbate, Stearic acid, Stearates, Sebacic acid, Inositol and Aromatic Chemicals. ─── 柠檬酸,柠檬酸纳,山梨酸钾,糖精纳,硬脂酸盐类,癸二酸,硬脂酸,肌醇,香精香料。

19、The Development of sebacic acid ─── 癸二酸的研究进展

20、The sebacic acid is a kind of important organic intermediate which is widely used to produce nylon, plastic, spicery and so on. ─── 癸二酸是一种重要有机中间体,被广泛应用于生产尼龙、塑料、香料等。

21、specialized in the processing of grade I & Iicastor oil and sebacic acid castor seeds. ─── 以蓖麻籽为原料加工国标一、二级蓖麻油、癸二酸的独资企业。

22、Keywords dihexyl sebacated;sebacic acid;n-hexanol;esterification; ─── 癸二酸二己酸;癸二酸;正己醇;酯化;

23、Quantitative Inquisition of the physicochemial Properties of Sebacic monobasic Amine ─── 一元脂肪胺物理化学性质的定量探讨

24、Poly (sebacic anhydride) ─── 聚癸二酸酐

25、Keywords neopentyl glycol;sebacic acid;oligomer;oleic acid;mixed ester;lubrication; ─── 新戊二醇;癸二酸;寡聚物;油酸;混合酯;润滑性能;酯化反应;

26、Three recrystallization processes were studied by investigation the influence of pH of solution, recrystallization temperature, times of recrystallization on the purity and yield of sebacic acid. ─── 通过考察酸度、结晶温度及结晶次数对提纯效果的影响确定了三种精制工艺的最佳条件。

27、It has been found that ferric chloride was superior to H2SO4 when used as catalyst for esterification of ethyl alcohol with sebacic acid. ─── 氯化铁作为癸二酸和乙醇的酯化催化剂,性能优于硫酸。

28、The effects of hexanedioic acid, sebacic acid and oxalic acid on floatation performance of feldspar and quartz were investigated. ─── 研究了己二酸,癸二酸和草酸对长石和石英浮选性能的影响。

29、The mechanical properties, hydrophilicity and degradation of the PGS could be adjusted by altering mole ratio of propanetriol and sebacic acid. ─── 通过改变丙三醇/癸二酸(摩尔比),可以调节其力学性能、亲水性能以及降解性能。

30、sebacic acid ester plasticizer ─── 癸二酸酯增塑剂

31、Keywords s:sebacic acid;product;technique process;development tend;three pollution handling; ─── 癸二酸;生产;工艺技术;发展趋势;三废治理;

32、Keywords sebacic acid;castor oil;color number;separation; ─── 癸二酸;蓖麻油;色值;分离;

33、The company is the only chemical company in Shanxi province, which mainly produces sebacic acid. ─── 是山西省唯一的一家以生产癸二酸为主的化工企业.

34、The anti-cavitation ability of traditional chemical agents such as sodium nitrite and sodium molybdenum was less than that of carboxylic salts such as sodium sebacic and enanthic. ─── 随着pH值由小到大,即水溶液由酸性到碱性,穴蚀失重逐渐减少,当pH值为13时,穴蚀的失重很少;

35、Keywords sebacic dinitrile;capillary chromotography column;butadiene;relative retention index; ─── 癸二腈;毛细管色谱柱;丁二烯;相对保留值;

36、Synthesis of high molecular poly-sebacic anhydride ─── 高相对分子质量聚癸二酸酐的合成

37、Some influential factors of the reaction such as the mass of catalyst, the molar ratio of n-butanol to sebacic acid and the reaction time were investigated and the optimum conditions were studied. ─── 考察了催化剂用量、醇酸比、反应时间等对酯化反应的影响并确定了酯化反应的最佳条件。

38、The main products are sebacic acid, sec-octanol, fatty acid. and sold well in Asia and EU. ─── 产品主要销往亚洲、欧洲等国家。

39、sebacic dinitrile ─── 癸二腈

40、Keywords esterification;sebacic acid;ethyl alcohol;diethyl sebacate;p-toluene sulfonic acid; ─── 酯化;癸二酸;乙醇;癸二酸二乙酯;对甲苯磺酸;

41、The Development of sebacic acid ─── 癸二酸的研究进展

42、Decanediamide was synthesized using sebacic acid and urea as starting materials. ─── 癸二酸和尿素为原料合成癸二酰胺。

43、sebacic acid ─── 癸二酸皮脂酸

44、The influence of use leoel of alkali on the cracking effect was investigated through the determining quantity of free alkali and sebacic acid in the products. ─── 主要叙述通过测定裂解产物中游离碱与癸二酸的量考查裂解反应中碱用量对裂化收率的影响。

45、Keywords dimer acid;sebacic acid;polyamide;curing agents;epoxy resins; ─── 二聚酸;癸二酸;聚酰胺;固化剂;环氧树脂;

46、Keywords topological index;numbers of path;physicochemical property;correlativity;sebacic monobasic amine.; ─── 拓朴指数;路径数;物理化学性质;相关性;一元脂肪胺;

47、Keywords copolymers of sebacic acid/ricinoleic acid;crystallinity;thermal property;degradability; ─── 癸二酸-蓖麻油酸共聚物;结晶度;热性能;降解性能;

48、Decanedioic acid, polymer with 1,2-propanediol;Sebacic acid, 1,2-propanediol polymer; ─── 名称 癸二酸与1,2-丙二醇的聚合物;

49、Copolyamide hot-melt adhesives were synthesized by caprolactam, nylon 66 salt, nylon 610 salt, decane diamine, sebacic acid, etc. ─── 本论文以己内酰胺、尼龙66盐、尼龙610盐、癸二胺、癸二酸等为原料,合成共聚酰胺热熔胶;

50、Keywords sebacic acid;polyester polyol;relative molecular mass;crystallinity; ─── 癸二酸;聚酯多元醇;相对分子质量;结晶度;

51、Keywords castor oil;sebacic acid;microwave irradiation;cracking; ─── 蓖麻油;癸二酸;微波辐射;裂解;

52、Keywords mixed solvent extraction;sebacic acid;phenolic wastewater.; ─── 络合萃取;癸二酸;含酚废水;

53、OBJECTIVE To study the feasible synthesis method of poly-sebacic anhydride. ─── 目的研究聚癸二酸酐适宜的合成方法。

54、Keywords tinidazole;Poly(sebacic anhydride);HPLC;controlled-releasing;drug release characteristic; ─── 替硝唑;聚癸二酸酐;高效液相法;控释;释药特性;

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