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09-19 投稿


juridic 发音


英:  美:

juridic 中文意思翻译



juridic 短语词组

1、juridic association ─── 社团法人

juridic 相似词语短语

1、pyridic ─── 吡啶

2、veridic ─── 验证

3、glucidic ─── 胶质的

4、juristic ─── adj.法律的;法理学的,法学的

5、juridical ─── adj.司法的;法院的;裁判上的

6、iridic ─── adj.铱的

7、rubidic ─── 铷

8、ridic ─── adj.可笑的;荒谬的;愚蠢的(ridiculous的简写)

9、juridically ─── 法律上

juridic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、juridic(al) association ─── 社团法人

2、Sigall and Ostrove , "Beautiful but Dangerous Effects of Offender Attractiveness and Nature of the Crime on Juridic Judgment. " J. Personality and Social Psychology, 1975, Vol. ─── 在陪审团审判中,犯罪者的魅力以及犯罪本质所造成美丽但却危险的影响。

3、By the preliminary hearing procedure, unsuitable litigation will be excluded.It’s beneficial to save limited juridic resource and protect defendants. ─── 通过庭前审查程序,将不当起诉排除在庭审之外,正式庭审无需开启,这不仅节约了诉讼资源亦及时保障了公民的合法权益。

4、All the issue is not regulated or not fully regulated by law,however we can frequently face the issue in the juridic practice. ─── 这些问题又恰恰是法律所未规定或规定不全面而为司法实践所常见者。

5、All the issue is not regulated or not fully regulated by law, however we can frequently face the issue in the juridic practice. ─── 这些问题又恰恰是法律所未规定或规定不全面而为司法实践所常见者。

6、CPG is a global provider of a variety of leading branded automotive products, including the Prestone, Holts, Autolite, Fram, Bendix and Jurid brands. ─── 霍尼韦尔交通系统集团由涡轮增压技术和汽车消费产品两大业务部门组成。

7、The target included and excluded in the crime of pillage was studied in the juridic practice and some new views were produced. ─── 结合司法实践研究了抢劫犯罪所应包括和不应包括的对象,提出了一些新的见解。

8、juridic(al) person ─── 法人

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