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09-19 投稿


lecithin 发音

英:['les?θ?n]  美:['l?s?θ?n]

英:  美:

lecithin 中文意思翻译



lecithin 词性/词形变化,lecithin变形


lecithin 短语词组

1、iodized lecithin tablets ─── 卵磷脂碘片

2、iodized lecithin tab ─── 碘化卵磷脂标签

3、rapeseed lecithin ─── 菜籽卵磷脂

4、iodized lecithin ─── 碘化卵磷脂

5、lecithin cholesterol-acyltransferas ─── 卵磷脂胆固醇-酰基转移

6、lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferas ─── 卵磷脂-胆固醇酰基转移

7、soya bean lecithin ─── [化] 大豆卵磷脂

8、lecithin cholesterol-acyltransferase ─── 卵磷脂胆固醇-酰基转移酶

9、sunflower lecithin ─── 向日葵卵磷脂

10、lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase ─── [医]卵磷脂-胆甾醇乙酰转移酶

11、unbleached lecithin ─── 未漂白卵磷脂

12、lecithin albumin ─── [医] 卵磷脂白蛋白

lecithin 相似词语短语

1、lecythi ─── 莱西提

2、lecithic ─── adj.有卵黄的(等于lecithal)

3、lecithinase ─── n.卵磷脂酵素

4、lectin ─── n.[生化]外源凝集素;植物血凝素

5、alecithic ─── Alecitic的

6、alecithal ─── adj.少蛋黄的,无蛋黄的

7、lecithal ─── adj.有卵黄的;卵黄的

8、lecithins ─── n.[生化]卵磷脂;蛋黄素

9、lecythis ─── 莱西斯

lecithin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Modified soybean lecithin was more effective than lecithin to improve the disperse and micromulsion,microemulsion of cholesterin and water was got,and it was better to be used in drug delivery system. ─── 对大豆卵磷脂进行羟氯化改性,以此为表面活性剂、乙醇为助表面活性剂,对胆固醇进行微乳化实验。

2、The duck s egg contained more lecithin and the country chicken s egg contained more cholestenol. ─── 卵磷脂含量最高的为鸭蛋,然后依次为土鸡蛋和洋鸡蛋;

3、Eggs contain cysteine, sulfur, lecithin, amino acids and lutein. ─── 蛋类含有半胱氨酸、硫磺、卵磷脂、氨基酸类和叶黄素。

4、Lecithin can efficaciously prevent the cutis from going coarseness, thus delay its aging. ─── 卵磷脂可有效预防皮肤粗糙,老化。

5、The results of the about study would be of significance on guiding the use of lecithin and the manufacture of new products of lecithin. ─── 本研究结论对于指导磷脂的使用和新产品开发具有重要意义。

6、Keywords soybean oil;extraction;lecithin; ─── 大豆毛油;提取;卵磷脂;

7、Purifying lecithin and TG-DTA-DTG thermal analysis ─── 卵磷脂的精制及TG-DTAD-TG热分析

8、Direct extraction lecithin process from wet rapeseed lecithin gums ─── 从菜子油脚中直接萃取磷脂的工艺研究

9、Lincorice - lecithin Bound Iodine ─── 卵磷脂络合碘

10、Contains lecithin, which is the main ingredient, in combination with other quality natural vitamins as well as vegetable and fruit oils.Ideal for normal or dry hair and scalp. ─── 以蛋黄素成份为主,并结合其他优质的天然维他命,及蔬果油等适合中或干性的头发及头皮,温和滋润,并可每天使用。

11、It has abundant Chrysophanol and Lecithin , which nourish the scalp , prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth . ─── 头皮的保养,要及早做起,否则时间拖久,毛囊发根严重萎缩,就很难挽回!

12、Optimization ascertains optimal conditions of distilling lecithin ─── 优选法确定提取卵磷脂的最佳条件

13、Kahn's cardiolipin lecithin antigen ─── 康氏心脂卵磷脂抗原

14、Lecithin breaks down cholesterol and fats in the blood stream thus helping to maintain healthy normal cholesterol levels. ─── 卵磷脂能有效减少血液中过多的胆固醇和脂肪,因此能维持身体正常的胆固醇水平。

15、The characteristics of lecithin and its application in foods, feedstuffs, coating materials and cosmetics were reviewed. ─── 对卵磷脂的物理化学特性以及在食品、饲料、涂料和化妆等方面的应用进行了概述。

16、The whole wheat germs contain lecithin. ─── 完整的小麦胚芽含有卵磷脂。

17、Two types of dryer a re used in lecithin processing. ─── 常用浓缩脱水有间歇浓缩脱水和连续浓缩脱水。

18、Cholesterol, lecithin and bile salts are the main component of human bile and cholesterol is the main composition of gallstones. ─── 胆汁中与胆结石形成有关的主要成分是胆固醇、卵磷脂和胆汁酸盐。

19、Lecithin, as a kind of important physiological activator and natural surface active agent, offers many advantages to health, and is widely used in the fields of food, pharmacy and cosmetic. ─── 卵磷脂是重要的生理活性物质,也是一类天然的表面活性剂,广泛应用于食品、医药、化妆品等行业。

20、lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase(ratio) ─── 卵磷脂:胆固醇酰基转移酶(比率)

21、Lecithin is an emulsifier that helps break down fats, thus helping to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. ─── 卵磷脂是脂肪物质的乳化剂,有助分解脂肪,保持心血管健康。

22、Lecithin,PVPNO and aluminum cit-rate can inhibit the lipid peroxidation and the increase of [Ca~(2+)]i or [Mg~(2+)]i which were induced by quartz. ─── 卵磷脂、PVPNO和柠檬酸铝可拮抗石英引起的脂质过氧化作用和[Ca~2+]_1及[Mg~2+]_1的增加。

23、Lecithin Nearly always produced from soya beans, though can be produced from eggs . ─── 卵磷脂 几乎总是产生的大豆 ,虽然可以产生卵子。

24、Study on bleaching of soybean lecithin ─── 大豆磷脂的脱色研究

25、Main Ingredients: Hamamelis, chamomile, licorice extract, sea creature essence, biological essence, bio-enzyme, PNYE and native protein lecithin, etc. ─── 主要成份:含金缕酶、洋甘菊、甘草提取液、海洋生物精华、生物酶、酵母萃取精华、甘酵酸、天然蛋白卵磷脂等。

26、It is also observed that the prostatitis pain and urination complaint is relieved obviously while the WBC in liquor prostaticus is decreased, and the lecithin lipophore is increased. ─── 并能明显减轻前列腺炎疼痛与不适排尿症状,降低前列腺液白细胞及增加卵磷脂小体。

27、There is not any beanny and oily flavor in the soy lecithin powd er . ─── 产品的包埋率达85%以上;

28、Other Ingredients: Purified water, fructose, lecithin, xanthan, citric acid, natural flavor, potassium sorbate, citricidal (grapefruit seed extract). Contains soy. ─── 其他成分:纯净水,果糖,蛋黄素,黄原胶,柠檬酸,天然口味,山梨酸钾,柚子精华,包含大豆

29、So we investigate the hydrolysis of lecithin by PLA2 in model bile, and wanted to find out how the reaction affected the biliary disorders. ─── 因此,我们在模拟胆汁中研究磷脂酶A2水解卵磷脂从而找出这个反应如何影响正常胆汁。

30、familial lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency ─── 家族性卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶缺乏症

31、Keywords soybean lecithin;refined phosphatide;concentrate; ─── 大豆油脚;精制磷脂;浓缩;

32、Lecithin is used by the body to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, helping to keep a clear mind. ─── 卵磷脂组成脑部神经物质乙酛胆碱,有助保持头脑灵活。

33、Soybean lecithin is byproduct in producing bean oil from soybean. Its main components are soybean phosphatide, neutral oil and water. ─── 大豆油脚是大豆生产豆油过程中产生的副产品,其主要成分是大豆磷脂、中性油和水分。

34、Lecithin can alter food taste and texture and also can be mixed with water to disperse fats, making it a common additive in margarine, mayonnaise, chocolate and baked goods. ─── 卵磷脂能够调节食物的味道和结构,并且能够和水混合分散脂肪,这都使它成为一种普通的人造黄油,酱汁,巧克力和烘烤食物的添加剂。

35、The structure lecithin can be incepted by cell completely, and is decomposed into DHA、EPA、phosphatidylcholine in cell showing enhance effect.It can be used in food、cosmetic and medicine. ─── 并且磷脂分子形态可以原封不动地由细胞摄取,在细胞内分解为DHA、EPA与磷脂,显示出增效作用,所以可以作为食品、化妆品、药品来利用。

36、Lecithin,which has potential market in the fatliquoring process in leather-making industry,is a natural amphoteric surfactant with abundant resource. ─── 卵磷脂是一种来源丰富的天然两性表面活性剂,可用于制革工业的加脂过程,有较好的应用前景。

37、The levels of the hepatic ME activity and muscle dropping loss,and cooking loss and shear force value of chicken fed soybean lecithin also decreased. ─── 在日粮中添加大豆磷脂可以显著降低肝脏苹果酸酶(ME)活性以及降低肌肉的滴水损失、烹饪损失、剪切力。

38、ZBDHW made the WBC in prostaticfluid disappeared or diminished, Lecithin Corpuscle elevated, and PH changed into normal. ─── 3.知柏地黄丸可使病人前列腺液中的白细胞消除或减少、卵磷脂小体升高,Ph值恢复正常。

39、Influence of Soya Lecithin on the Biodegradation of Nitrobenzene by Acinetobacter sp. ─── 大豆磷脂对不动杆菌降解硝基苯的影响。

40、lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase ─── 卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶

41、Lecithin was extracted fron soybean phospholipid by the method of solvent extraction. All kinds of factors which affect the vield of lecithin wer studied. The best tecnological Parameter was obtaied. ─── 利用溶剂萃取法从大豆粗磷脂中提取得到了天然食品乳化剂卵磷脂,研究了影响卵磷脂得率的各种因数,得到了最佳工艺参数。

42、Beijing Merya's Lecithin Co., Ltd. ─── 北京美亚斯磷脂技术有限公司

43、lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase(LCAT) ─── 卵磷脂胆固醇脂酰转移酶

44、Airs are produced by using a submersion blender with cooking juices or fruit juices combined with a stabilizer - usually lecithin. ─── 空气是由带着平衡器的淹没搅拌机和烹饪果汁或者水果汁产生出来的-经常是卵磷脂。

45、Other Ingredients: Stearic Acid,Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Dextrin, Dextrose,Soy Lecithin and Sodium Citrate. ─── 其他成分:硬脂酸,羧甲基纤维素钠,二氧化硅,硬脂酸镁,糊精,葡萄糖,大豆卵磷脂和柠檬酸钠。

46、After lecithin is digested by human body, can release a choline, choline is ameliorable memory. ─── 卵磷脂被人体消化后,可释放出胆碱,胆碱可改善记忆力。

47、Ingredients: milk chocolate, sugar, co-co, full-milk powder, lecithin, vanillin, toast almond. ─── 主要成分:牛奶巧克力,糖,可可脂,全脂奶粉,蛋黄素,香草荚,烤杏仁。

48、SoyBean Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water, Soy Lecithin, Beeswax,Titanium Dioxide, Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin and Natural VanillaFlavor. ─── 大豆油,明胶,甘油,纯净水,大豆卵磷脂,蜂蜡,二氧化钛,叶绿酸铜钠和天然香草味。

49、Keywords Tetracycline;Europium;Lecithin;Fluorescent probe; ─── 四环素;铕;卵磷脂;荧光探针;

50、The difficulties associated with lecithin gum drying may be avoided by the addi tion of oil prior to entering the evaporator. ─── 在水化油脚中添加油脂,可以避免水化油脚浓缩脱水的困难。

51、Lecithin is extracted from Phospholipid by solvent. Some factors which affect the yield of lecithinare had been texted. Better technolognical Parameter is obtained. ─── 利用溶剂萃取法从大豆粉磷脂中提取得到了天然表面活性剂卵磷脂,研究了影响卵磷脂得率的各种因数,得到较佳工艺参数。

52、lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency ─── 卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶缺乏症

53、Lecithin is an emulsifier.It is found in plants such as soybeans, in egg yolks and in other animal sources. ─── 卵磷脂是一种乳化剂,它存在于植物(例如:大豆)、鸡蛋黄和其他动物来源中。

54、Lecithin (phosphatidyl choline) One of a group of phospholipids that contain glycerol, fatty acid, phosphoric acid, and choline that are found widely in higher plants and animals, particularly as a component of cell membranes. ─── 卵磷脂(磷脂酰胆碱):磷脂的一种,由甘油、脂肪酸、磷酸和胆碱组成,在高等动植物中广泛存在,是细胞膜的重要组分。

55、Entia Clear Mud Pack is a deep cleansing and vitalizing pack.It keeps skin moist and silky thanks to the botanical oil and lecithin, and provides skin with vigor and health thanks to minerals of mud. ─── 含有海藻提取物和泥土提炼精华,从紫外线或干燥等环境下,保护您的皮肤,延缓皮肤的衰老,并且通过提供五加皮提取物使肌肤再生、保持皮肤深层清洁和保持皮肤的湿润平衡。

56、A new composite fatliquor was obtained by mixing acylated soybean lecithin and grafted soybean oil polymer together.The composite fatliquor was a good product with filling and lubricating properties. ─── 以改性大豆磷脂和豆油接枝聚合物为主要组分进行复配,获得一种兼具滋润性能和填充性能的复合加脂剂。

57、Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, vegetable oil, water, lecithin, beeswax, caramel and St.John's Bread (carob extract). ─── 其他成分: 明胶,甘油,植物油,水,卵磷脂,蜂蜡,焦糖和圣约翰的面包(角豆提取物) 。

58、After two weeks no longer continue. Egg yolk contains lecithin is an emulsifier, can fat cholesterol emulsified into very small particles. ─── 两周后不再继续。鸡蛋黄中含有卵磷脂是一种乳化剂,可使脂肪胆固醇乳化成极小颗粒。

59、Lecithin from soybeans and vitamin E from vegetable oil. ─── 卵磷脂来自大豆,而维他命E来自植物油。

60、For moisture, some people swear by a product that has petrolatum, or lecithin, or silk. ─── 为了保湿,有些人信赖包含有矿物油,卵磷脂,或丝绸的产品。

61、At ground of the condition, we separate the phospholipids prepared by our method, after evaporated by freeze-dry machine, ultimately gain high-pure white lecithin, the final yield is 89.47%. ─── 并在此条件基础上对自制的粗品卵磷脂进一步纯化,在冻干机上干燥后,最终得到高纯度的纯白色卵磷脂的固体,收率达89.47%。

62、This is because eggs are full of vitamin B12 as well as lecithin. ─── 这是因为鸡蛋富含维生素b12和卵磷脂。

63、Auricularia Huachi more glial natural, rich in protein, lecithin, vitamin B1, B2 and other trace elements, have medicinal bleeding Moistening Lung and Qing Di gastrointestinal function. ─── 华池天然黑木耳多胶质,富含蛋白质、卵磷脂、维生素B1、B2等微量元素,药用有止血、润肺、清涤胃肠的功能。

64、The company mainly produces high-quality soy lecithin,. ─── 公司主要生产优质的大豆卵磷脂,。

65、The Studtural Studies of Lecithin: cholesterol Acyltransferase ─── 卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶的结构研究

66、So the analysis demonstrates that there is the close relationship between the death, mating, egg-laying, hatching and the concentration of lecithin in hepto-pancreas and gland of crab. ─── 分析表明:河蟹肝胰脏及生殖腺中卵磷脂含量与越冬成活、死亡,越冬后交配、产卵及抱卵孵化密切相关。

67、Study on refine process of fat acid from soybean lecithin ─── 从大豆油脚中提取精制脂肪酸的研究

68、It has abundant Chrysophanol and Lecithin, which nourish hair, keep hair black and prevent hair from being thin. ─── 上等何首乌萃取精华,加上人蔘、迷迭香等中药草氨基酸提炼,在彻底清洁头部之馀,可黑亮发质,密丝发漾。

69、In addition, lecithin is an excellent food additives that has surface active function and can be used as emulsifying agent,humectant,dispersant,antioxidant and so on. ─── 卵磷脂也是良好的食品添加剂,具有表面活性功能,可用作乳化剂、湿润剂、分散剂、抗氧剂等。

70、Lecithin is an emulsifier that breaks down fat and cholesterol and helps you maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. ─── 卵磷脂是脂肪质的乳化剂,有助分解脂肪及胆固醇,保持心血管健康。

71、Any of several enzymes that hydrolyze lecithin. ─── 卵磷脂酶任一种能够水解卵磷脂的酶

72、Advances in study on lecithin ─── 卵磷脂的研究概况

73、Research on the Warming - Up Storage of Egg Yolk Lecithin ─── 卵磷脂贮藏加速试验的研究

74、Study of Extracting Soybean Lecithin ─── 大豆中磷脂的提取技术研究

75、Recent Advances on Lecithin Stability ─── 卵磷脂稳定性的研究进展

76、Polygonum Multiforum - Contains lecithin and variety of nutrients to helps on hair growth process. ─── 何首乌-含有卵磷脂及多种营养成分帮助生发过程.

77、The content of PC in lecithin is 62.4%, with the average recovery as 99.6% and the RSD as 3.42%. ─── 含量测定结果表明胡麻卵磷脂中磷脂酰胆碱的含量为62.4%,平均回收率为99.6%,RSD=3.42%。

78、The rheological properties of different gluten wheat flours without and with powdered soy lecithin were studied. ─── 研究不同筋力小麦粉添加不同比例粉末大豆磷脂后流变特性的变化。

79、Nuts and seeds are rich type of protein, and lecithin liposomes, gynecomastia can provide the necessary nutrients. If more lessons will be conducive to the chest more fullness. ─── 坚果类及种子类均含有丰富的蛋白质、卵磷脂及脂质,能提供乳房发育所需的营养素,如果能多吸取,定有助胸部更加丰满。

80、Main Ingredients: levorotatory VC essence, VE, collagen, lecithin, hyaluronic acid, kojic acid, vegetal extract etc. ─── 主要成分:左旋维生素C精华、生素E精华、胶原蛋白、卵磷脂、醣醛酸、曲酸、植物提取素等。

81、Lecithin is an emulsifier that helps break down fats, reducing the risk of clogging in the blood vessels and lessening the chances of heart disease. ─── 卵磷脂是身体内的脂肪乳化剂,帮助脂肪及胆固醇在血液及其他体液内溶解,间接减低患血管闭塞及心脏病的机会。

82、The lecithin the oil contains is necessary for nervous system.The bran ester has many kind of health protection function.It can lower the hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, and has the anti-tumor effect. ─── 含有的磷脂是人体神经系统正常运转所必须,其中糠酯具有多种保健功能,可起到降血脂、降血糖、抗肿瘤功效;

83、The ferric acetylacetonate, phenyl betanaphthylamine, and lecithin are added through 40-mesh screen. ─── 将乙酰丙酮铁,苯基B-萘胺及磷脂通过40目筛加入。

84、In order to obtain the conditions for crude lecithin from daylily,dried daylily was used as material,and reagent for abstracting lecithin was ethanol. ─── 为了探索黄花菜粗卵磷脂的提取条件,以干制黄花菜为实验材料,以乙醇为提取剂。

85、Water, Manuka Honey, pure New Zealand Bee Propolis , Lecithin, Sorbic Acid, Peppermint Oil, Clove Oil, Aniseed Oil and Myrrh. ─── 在新西兰海之贝公司,除了蜂胶喉喷剂外你还可以购买到不同其他的新西兰纯净天然的新西兰健康产品。

86、Lecithin is an emulsifier that helps break down fats and helps to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. ─── 卵磷脂是脂肪物质的乳化剂,有助分解脂肪及胆固醇,保持心血管健康。

87、Soybean phosphatide is main component in the lecithin, and an important substance in biochemistry. ─── 大豆磷脂是大豆油脚中含量最丰富的主要成分,它是生命化学中的一个重要物质。

88、A simple method was developed for rapid,accurate determination of phosphatidyl choline in lecithin health foods. ─── 建立简便、快速、准确测定卵磷脂保健食品中磷脂酰胆碱含量的方法。

89、But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin, corn syrup and other products. ─── 但是很多食品都含有转基因的大豆卵磷脂,玉米糖浆以及其他产物。

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