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09-17 投稿


leucocythemia 发音


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leucocythemia 中文意思翻译



leucocythemia 短语词组

1、myelogenous leucocythemia ─── [医] 骨髓性白血病

2、lymphatic leucocythemia ─── [医] 淋巴性白血病

3、splenomedullary leucocythemia ─── [医] 脾骨髓性白血病

leucocythemia 相似词语短语

1、leucocytolysis ─── n.白细胞解体

2、leucocytes ─── n.[解剖][细胞]白细胞(leucocyte的复数);[细胞]白血球

3、leucocytotic ─── 白细胞增多

4、leucocytosis ─── n.[内科]白细胞增多,白血球增多

5、leucocythaemia ─── 白细胞血症

6、leucocytopenia ─── [内科]白细胞减少

7、leucocytic ─── 白细胞的

8、leucocyte ─── n.[解剖][细胞]白细胞;[细胞]白血球

9、leukocytopenia ─── n.[内科]白细胞减少

leucocythemia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Professor Thou Yongming's Experience on Treating Acute Leucocythemia ─── 周永明教授治疗急性白血病经验

2、Keywords leucocythemia;PICC;catheterization;Needleless transfusion;nursing; ─── 白血病;PICC;导管插入;无针输液;护理;

3、Is that the blood platelet falls off able to initiate leucocythemia? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>医疗健康>血小板减少会引发白血病么?

4、The compound and its similarities have the role of postponing tumor growth. Some of them are expected to become a potential drug for treating leucocythemia. ─── 该化合物及其类似物有延缓肿瘤生长的作用,某些化合物可望成为治疗白血病的潜在性药物;

5、Keywords soil trace elements;leucocythemia mortality;arsenic content;mercury content; ─── 土壤微量元素;自血病;相关关系;支持向量机算法;

6、Keywords Leucocythemia Hospital Infection Nurse; ─── 白血病;医院感染;护理;

7、Observation of the pathological change in the cat acute lymphocyte leucocythemia ─── 猫急性淋巴白血病的病理学观察

8、Objective to explore immunophenotyping specificities in children's acute leucocythemia via flow cytometry. ─── 目的探讨儿童急性白血病流式细胞术免疫分型的特点。

9、1 Case of Chronic Granulocyte Leucocythemia combined Gaucher Cell ─── 慢性粒细胞白血病并发戈谢细胞1例

10、Conclusion Abnormal expression of tumour related genes of patients exposed to benzene suggests that they may be the key genes, which play important role in benzene-induced leucocythemia. ─── 结论苯暴露患者肿瘤相关基因的表达异常,提示其可能为致白血病的关键基因,在苯致白血病中起着重要的作用;

11、lymphatic leucocythemia ─── [医] 淋巴性白血病

12、The positive cases of HPVB19-IgM in plasma of leucocythemia, ITP and anaemia cases were 51, 97 and 56 cases respectively, the positive rate were 32. 3% , 34. 5% and 54. 9% respectively. The total positive rate was 40. 6%. ─── 158例白血病患儿血清HPVB19-IgM阳性51例,阳性率32.3%,281例ITP患儿阳性97例,阳性率34.5%,102例贫血患儿中阳性56例,阳性率为54.9%,总阳性率为40.6%。

13、Image Segmentation of Leucocythemia and Its Application[J]. ─── 引用该论文 蒋英,李晖,黄晓伟.

14、Psychotherapy and Protect Guidance in Leucocythemia Chemotherapy ─── 白血病化疗中的心理治疗和保护指导

15、Research Progress in the Treatment of Acute Leucocythemia With Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中医药治疗急性白血病的研究进展

16、splenomedullary leucocythemia ─── [医] 脾骨髓性白血病

17、Folate level of the patients with leucocythemia and malignancy was also lower( P0 01). ─── 白血病、恶性肿瘤组血清叶酸低于正常(P0 .0 1 )。

18、hospital infectional conditions of 316 leucocythemia patients treated from Mar 2001 to Sep 2004 were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 对2001年3月~2004年9月期间我院血液科住院的316例白血病患者发生医院感染情况进行前瞻性及回顾性分析。

19、Keywords ketazine;transition metal complex;synthesis;O - 2 inhibition;leucocythemia;lung cancer; ─── 吖嗪;过渡金属;配合物;超氧离子;白血病;肺癌;

20、myelogenic leucocythemia ─── 骨髓性白血病

21、Edge Detection of Leucocythemia Marrow Images Based on Spiking Neural Network[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Lin Xuan,Li Hui,Cai Jianyong,Wu Qingxiang.

22、The hospital chiefly cures thrombocytopenia, erythrocytosis, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), aplastic anemia, leucocythemia, hemophilia, and anaphylactoid purpura, etc. ─── 医院主治血小板减少症、红细胞增多症、骨髓异常综合症、再生障碍性贫血、血友病、过敏性紫癜等各种血液疾病。

23、Purpose to probe into the correlation factors and nursing methods of hospital infections in leucocythemia patients. ─── 目的:探讨白血病患者医院感染的相关因素及护理对策。

24、Professor Thou Yongming's Experience on Treating Acute Leucocythemia ─── 周永明教授治疗急性白血病经验

25、myelogenous leucocythemia ─── [医] 骨髓性白血病

26、The Research Advance in the Relationship between Indoor Air Pollution and Children Leucocythemia ─── 室内空气污染与儿童白血病关系的研究进展

27、Keywords Leucocythemia;Chemotherapy;Vein protection; ─── 白血痛;化疗;血管防护;

28、persons with disease such as, nervous system or spirit system disease, leucocythemia, bleeding disease, the diabetic without the clinic cure. ─── 有神经系统或精神系统疾病、白血病、出血性疾病病史者;未控制的糖尿病患者。

29、The boy got leucocythemia,his hair left him because of the side effect of cure. ─── 这个小男孩得了白血病,他因为化疗的副作用掉光了头发。

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