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09-18 投稿


loiterer 发音


英:  美:

loiterer 中文意思翻译



loiterer 词性/词形变化,loiterer变形

动词第三人称单数: loiters |动词过去分词: loitered |名词: loiterer |动词现在分词: loitering |动词过去式: loitered |

loiterer 同义词

loaf | lurk | stop | dally | hang out | amble | wander | wait | lallygag | stroll | tarry | dilly-dally | stay | mill around | hang around | delay | footle | drift |linger | mill about | dillydally | mess about | lollygag | dawdle | idle | skulk | lag | lounge

loiterer 反义词

hasten | hurry

loiterer 相似词语短语

1、letterer ─── n.文字书写员;文字雕刻员;n.(Letterer)人名;(德)莱特雷尔

2、roisterer ─── n.摆架子的人;喝酒喧哗者

3、litterer ─── 垃圾虫

4、loiter ─── vi.虚度;闲荡;徘徊;vt.虚度;闲荡;混;n.(Loiter)人名;(俄)洛伊特

5、fosterer ─── n.养育者;鼓励者

6、loitered ─── vi.虚度;闲荡;徘徊;vt.虚度;闲荡;混;n.(Loiter)人名;(俄)洛伊特

7、goitered ─── 肿胀的

8、lobsterer ─── 粉

9、cloisterer ─── n.修女,修士

loiterer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No matter who you are, if you loiter around in the lane for a while, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will experience a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness. ─── 无论谁,只要你到巷里去脚跟一会,你的心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀。

2、Paparazzi loiter for hours outside celebrity homes. ─── 狗崽队在名人宅邸外面徘徊几个小时。

3、Please do not loiter in one street after school ─── 放学后,请不要在街头徘徊。

4、a loiterer as well. ─── 也养得起一个闲人。

5、We would as soon go to a film than loiter about here. ─── 我们与其在这儿闲逛,不如去看电影.

6、Have the loiterer the private:"Regrettable, in the street and little a bright scenery line." ─── 有闲人士:“可惜哦,街上又少了一道亮丽的风景线。”

7、Don't loiter on your way home from school. ─── 不可在放学回家的路上闲逛。

8、But don't loiter, boy. We've got a train to catch. ─── 好啦,别磨蹭啦,孩子,我们还要赶火车呢。

9、We must not loiter or we will is late for school. ─── 我们不能闲逛,否则会迟到。

10、loiter over a joB. ─── 在一项工作上浪费时间

11、On the net, a lot of people blame him by " loiter " , not only net fast slow, and sufferred the hacker is atttacked. ─── 在网上,很多人抱怨自己被“蹭”,不但网速变慢,而且遭到了黑客攻击。

12、Some purpose or other is so natural to every one, that a mere loiterer always looks remarkable. ─── 每个人当然总有点什么事情要做,所以一个光是游来荡去的人,总显得挺特别。

13、Don't loiter away the afternoon, Jimmy. ─── 吉米,别把下午的时间闲混过去了。

14、I am looking up at the old man before, two feet come in the loiter on the ground loiter goes, the mouth spoke haltingly a few times, call save one's breath namely. ─── 我仰望着面前的老头,两只脚在地上蹭来蹭去,嘴嗫嚅了几下,就是叫不出声。

15、am am . A person shall not loiter, dawdle or otherwise remain on a bridge except for some a roved purpose. ─── 任何人不可以闲逛或做类似的事情而逗留在桥上,除非有经政府府门核准.

16、Hell on earth, deep have already realize;Weekend life, true dull;In the street loiter about, meet one the United States eyebrow, regrettable regrettable, other people bosom inside. ─── 人间地狱,深有体会;周末生活,实在乏味;街上闲逛,遇一美眉,可惜可惜,别人怀内。

17、5. loiter about, with no apparent aim. ─── 消磨时间,没有外在的目的。

18、If use person still grind dillydally loiter, 5 minutes of time limit arrive, install the sprinkler head of overhead by computer system pilot, with respect to can ejective cold water. ─── 假如使用者仍磨磨蹭蹭, 5分钟时限一到,由电脑系统控制的安装在头顶上的喷头,就会喷出冷水。

19、As I was very close to the Louvre, I would loiter in the palace the whole morning. ─── 因为住处离罗浮宫很近,我就整个上午“泡”在罗浮宫里。

20、1.to loiter about; to loaf about; 2.dissolute; dissipated; vagabond ─── 浪荡

21、Nevertheless, this kind of practice is in loiter net Xiao Yan looks is one kind " authentic wall steals light " . ─── 不过,蹭网这种做法在晓艳看来是一种“凿壁偷光”。

22、Jerry: Sure, it's like robbing a bank: you don't loiter around in front of the teller holding that big bag of money. You come in, you hit and get out. ─── 杰瑞:是啊。这就像抢银行:你可不会提溜着那一大袋子抢来的钱,在柜员面前晃悠。你进来,抢完走人。

23、he must loiter about country churches, attend wakes and fairs and other rural festivals, and cope with the people in all their conditions, and all their habits and humours. ─── 他一定要在教堂里消磨一下时光,参加纪念守护神节日的活动,看看集市,与村民同庆他们的节日,与不同场合的人打交道,了解他们的习惯并欣赏他们的幽默。”

24、b Do not loiter around. It gives every bad impression to the guest Lazy and uninterested will be his opinion of you. ─── 不要在周围闲逛,这样会给客人很坏的印象,会认为我们的工作人员很懒散。

25、We must not loiter or we will be late for school. ─── 我们不能闲逛,否则会迟到。

26、I am a loiterer, but to elder brother dissimilarity , so big Hong door, also want you to prop up! ─── 我是闲人,而向兄不同,偌大的洪门,还要你支撑呢!

27、Waiting forever, I'm just a genius. Loiter on the corner of time for the memory of next moment, craving impossible hope. Everything is so fragile. ─── 守望永恒,我是精灵。游荡在时间的角落,去寻找下一刻的回忆。企望着永远也得不到的企望,一切都显得那么的脆弱不堪。

28、A next-generation combat drone, for example, might loiter for hours above a potential target on elongated, low-drag wings. ─── 举例来说,新一代无人战斗机就可运用外张的低阻力机翼,在预定目标上空盘旋数小时。

29、Two shady looking men loiter near the path,trying and failing to appear innocent. ─── 两个阴险的人装作清白的样子在路边徘徊。

30、Students can loiter in the city or take their breakfast near the school. ─── 因为我的表嫂生了第二胎,不宜移动,呆在哥打巴鲁做月。

31、Certainly will wants loiter the old road that the firebug of bright whole world is on ask ab. to take up a resposible post repeatedly inevitably also. ─── 势必要蹭亮整个世界的萤火虫也不可避免走上三顾茅庐的老路。

32、For years, the U.S. military has wanted a plane that could loiter just outside enemy territory for more than a dozen hours and, on command, hurtle toward a target faster than the speed of sound. ─── 多年来,美国军方一直想拥有一架这样的飞机:它能够就在敌人的领空附近巡航十几个小时,并且一旦收到命令,便以超音速冲向目标,将其夷为平地。

33、loiter with intent ─── 徘徊观望伺机作案

34、he must loiter about country churches, attend wake and fairs and other rural festivals,and cope with the people in all their conditions,and all their habits and humors. ─── 他一定要在教堂里消磨一下时光,参加纪念守护神节日的活动,逛逛集市,与村民同庆他们的节日,和身世各异的人打交道,并拉进他们的习惯和性情。

35、Regret to loiter, bewilder to busy unpromising. ─── 因虚度年华而悔恨,因碌碌无为而迷茫!

36、Indiscriminate praise and encouragement plus excessive doting and indulgence may produce an ignorant, insensible loiterer, or an arrogant, unscrupulous ruffian. ─── 父亲不慈爱,不负责,所以孩子不出色、不优秀,也不孝敬、依恋父亲。

37、to loiter out the whole morning ─── 消磨掉整个上午

38、"I am a loiterer, but to elder brother dissimilarity, so big Hong door, also want you to prop up! ─── “我是闲人,而向兄不同,偌大的洪门,还要你支撑呢!

39、The engines crooned mellifluously as McWatt throttled back to loiter and allow the rest of the planes in his flight to catch up. ─── 发动机低声哼着甜蜜的调子,麦克沃特减低了速度,慢吞吞地往前飞,好让队里的其他飞机跟上来。

40、All sorts of hobbies struggle on with ageing participants, whilst teenagers and even younger play on computer games, watch SKY TV, drink, smoke and generally loiter. ─── 然而,现在的年轻人甚至是年纪更青的玩起了电脑游戏,看起了数字电视,喝起酒,抽起烟,或仅仅闲逛。

41、We must not loiter or we will be late for school ─── 我们不能闲逛,否则会迟到

42、He saw them loiter around the garden. ─── 他看见他们在花园四周徘徊。

43、he has never come suddenly on anything at all in New York as a loiterer, because he had no time between trains. ─── 他们从未在纽约游游逛逛偶然遇见什么,因为他们从下火车到再上火车,这中间是没有闲工夫的。

44、loaf about; loiter; wander ─── 游荡

45、loiter on one's way home from the Bus stop ─── 从公共汽车站溜达着回家

46、Here and there in the passing crowds one might see, now and then, a loiterer edging interestedly near. ─── 在四周过往的人群中,不时可以看见个把闲逛的人有目的地磨蹭着挨近了他。

47、Some purpose or other is so natural to every one, that a mere loiterer always looks remarkable ─── 每个人当然总有点什么事情要做,所以一个光是游来荡去的人,总显得挺特别。

48、Here and there in the passing crowds one might see, now and then, a loiterer edging interestedly near. ─── 在四周过往的人群中,不时可以看见个把闲逛的人有目的地磨蹭着挨近了他。

49、We'll be left behind if we loiter. ─── 我们如果游荡,就会落后了。

50、Therefore, every time when I read his stories, I can’t help linger among his language as I loiter among flowers on a moon-lit night. ─── 因此读他的作品,是不得不在这样的美文字前往返逗留,正如在花前月下逗留的。”

51、Don't loiter on your way. ─── 不要在路上闲逛。

52、loiter about ─── v. 消磨时间

53、Come as you are; do not loiter over your toilet. ─── 你就这样地来吧;不要在梳妆上挨延了。

54、Loiter much? ─── 没事干么?

55、If have a power fail for a day, we can go out to loiter about or sit together to chat, talk heart with family. ─── 如果停电一天,我们可以出去闲逛或和家人坐在一起聊天、谈心。

56、She is always a loiterer in England with writing as a comfort. ─── 在英国,她始终是一位流浪者,写作是她的慰藉。

57、One should not loiter his time away. ─── 人们不能虚度光阴。

58、9 see joke: Yaerda is taking report to come home, he grinds dillydally loiter to pull week talent to take report all the time parental look. ─── 9看笑话: 亚尔达拿着成绩单回家,他磨磨蹭蹭一直拖到星期天才把成绩单拿给父母亲看。

59、This was the notion that a murdered man's ghost would loiter round the dead body before moving to the next world. ─── 人们的看法是被谋杀的人的鬼魂在去另一个世界之前,总要围着死去的躯体游荡。

60、But stop and loiter all the time, to sing it in extatic songs. ─── 偶尔懒了游荡而已,哼着歌曲说说梦呓。

61、Don't loiter your time away. ─── 不要虚度时光。

62、Lounge loiter - Lounge: to move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; pass time idly or pass (time) in a lazy, relaxed, or idle way ─── 漫步;闲散地度过,懒散地,放松地,随意地打发(时间):慵懒地躺在沙发上

63、To ensure the beam does not loiter on the parchment and damage it, the researchers have had to design the procedure so that the X-ray beam cannot be on when the manuscript is stationary. ─── 为了确保射线不会散射在羊皮卷上造成损坏,研究者们必须设计出一种方法在手稿处于稳定状态[3]时关闭X射线。

64、Serial 12-ECF, 24-hour loiter monitoring and serum CK and CK-MB were used to evaluate the incidence of myocardial damage as soon as patient's arrival at emergency room. ─── 从病患到急诊室开始定期以十二导程心电图,二十四小时心电图监测及测血中肌氨酸酵素浓度的方式来研究心脏受损害程度。

65、But the Predator is slow and vulnerable, requiring full mastery of the air so it can loiter without being shot down. ─── 但是,“掠夺者”飞机的速度很慢而且容易受到攻击,这也就需要它能完全掌握空气的流向,这样才能让自己遨游长空而不被击落。

66、She guesses, because,be probably of loiter net much fellower rise, net fast also become very slow. ─── 她猜测,或许是因为蹭网的同道多了起来,网速也变得非常慢。

67、You should not loiter your time away. ─── 你不应该虚度光阴。

68、Do not loiter in a driveway but walk straight across it. ─── 不要在行车通道上逗留,应直接越过。

69、You are loiter and causing a disturbance. ─── 你们闲得无事在这里搬是非.

70、linger about; loiter about ─── 徘徊;流连

71、1.Don't go yet.; 2.Good-bye!3.to loiter; to wander ─── 慢走

72、Best Loiter Mach Number ─── 最佳定高不定向巡航马赫数

73、But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs. ─── 只一直停留着徘徊着,用欢乐的歌曲来歌唱这些东西。

74、He assures, the course checks on the spot, this product is used in office building, although lying between two 10 Mi Yuan, walls, return net of can normal loiter. ─── 他保证,经过实地测试,在写字楼里使用这款产品,即使隔着10米远、两堵墙,还能正常蹭网。

75、I wish I'll do some work, because loiter about is so painful. ─── 我希望他们能给我点活儿干,消磨时间太痛苦了。

76、He had no great temptation to loiter. ─── 他实在没有闲逛的雅兴。

77、The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed, for there are no flashing signs to assault the eye, no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter. ─── 你路过这儿能听到有人小声说“如果您是位绅士,衣着想符合绅士的标准,敬请您在此预约,让我们看看能为您做些什么。”

78、idle time loiter away one's time ─── 浪费时间,虚度光阴,游手好闲

79、The loiterer often blames delay on his more active friend. ─── 无所事事的人经常会去责备他的好朋友。

80、But don't loiter, boy. ─── 好啦,别磨蹭啦,孩子。

81、The loiterer often blame delay on his more active friend. ─── 懒人总是把耽搁的责任归咎到别人身上。

82、Don't loiter on the way home! ─── 不要在回家的路上闲逛!

83、no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter . ─── 也没有哗众取宠的橱窗使人驻足不前。

84、Come as you are; do not loiter over your toilet. ─── 你就这样地来吧,不要在梳妆上挨延了。

85、loiter away ─── v. 消磨

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