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09-17 投稿


lazing 发音

英:[?le?z??]  美:[?le?z??]

英:  美:

lazing 中文意思翻译



lazing 同义词

languor | sloth | indolence | lethargy | idleness | slothfulness | acedia | sluggishness |inertia

lazing 短语词组

1、lazing ard lazing ard ─── 公司

2、lazing the days away ─── 浪费时间

3、lazing wai lazing wai ─── 公司

4、lazing around ─── 懒洋洋的

5、lazing on ─── 懒洋洋的

6、lazing yaw ─── 拉津偏航

7、lazing lu myit ja lazing lu myit ─── 和

8、lazing around abit now ─── 现在懒洋洋的

9、lazing htoi shawng lazing htoi shawng ─── 公司

10、lazing n lazing n ─── 公司

11、lazing on a sunday afternoon ─── 周日下午懒散

lazing 反义词


lazing 词性/词形变化,lazing变形

动词第三人称单数: lazes |动词过去分词: lazed |动词现在分词: lazing |动词过去式: lazed |

lazing 相似词语短语

1、lazying ─── lazying

2、gazing ─── v.凝望,凝视

3、blazing ─── adj.燃烧的;耀眼的,炽热的;(力量、速度等)强烈的;(争论)激烈的;极其愤怒的,情感强烈的;adv.与火或热量相关地;n.猛烈燃烧的火焰;v.燃烧;闪耀;怒视;(愤怒等情绪)突然爆发;(枪或射击者)连续射击;(非正式)夺取,摘取;大力击(球);(报纸)耸人听闻地报道,大肆宣扬(blaze的现在分词)

4、razing ─── v.把(城市、建筑物等)夷为平地,彻底摧毁(raze的现在分词)

5、dazing ─── v.(使)茫然,惊呆(daze的现在分词)

6、mazing ─── 迷宫;曲径;迷惑(maze的现在分词);使迷惑;使迷失;使混乱(maze的现在分词)

7、hazing ─── n.被欺侮;罚做苦工;vt.使苦恼;使朦胧(haze的现在分词)

8、fazing ─── vt.打扰;使狼狈;折磨

9、glazing ─── n.上釉;玻璃装配业;v.上釉(glaze的ing形式)

lazing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What are you lazing about for?" shouted his father to him, pausing in his work and leaning on his flail." ─── 你现在大约为虚"?父亲喊他,说到他的作品 ,并凭枷.

2、During the heat of the day, they laze in the shade of trees and bushes, waiting for the cool of evening to hunt. ─── 天气炎热的白天,它们在树林和灌木丛的阴影里消磨时光,要等到气温渐凉的傍晚时分才出来狩猎。

3、If you don't make the best use of your time, you'll laze away your life. ─── 如果你不抓紧时间,你的一辈子就浪费了。

4、Spend the afternoon lazing around (the house) ─── (在家里)闲散地度过一下午。

5、I've spent the afternoon just lazing around. ─── 我一下午就那样懒洋洋地打发了。

6、His son has been lazing about too much lately. ─── 他儿子近来太懒散了。

7、nah,i prefer lazing by the beach with a good book,and i like a place with a good nightlife. ─── 恩,我比较喜欢懒洋洋的在海边晒晒太阳看看书,还有,我喜欢能享受夜生活的地方。

8、- Laze the target! ─── - 快引导目标!

9、1.sluggish; negligent; indolent; idle; inactive; lazy 2.to laze about; to idle about ─── 懒散

10、What I am angry with is not his laze but ignorance. ─── 最使我生气的是他的懒散而不是他的无知。

11、I spent the morning just lazing around. ─── 我到处闲逛着度过了一上午。

12、Stop lazing about and do something ─── 不要那么懒懒散散,做些事吧!

13、She lives alone,and when she isn't working she's mostly lazing about her rented house in training wear. she's not interested in men.In fact, she isn't interested in anything. ─── 嘴里讲著[谈恋爱还不如在家睡觉],一日却阴错阳差的与以做事严谨闻名的上司高野过上了同居生活。

14、You can't go on lazing your life away. ─── 你可不能一直懒散地过一辈子.

15、People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless. ─── 一说到天堂,大家就想到极乐花园,以为在天堂里可以在云端漂浮,山巅河畔发懒。可是,美丽的风景假如不让人得到安慰,他就没有意义。

16、All we had to do was shoot an azimuth and laze for range, send this up with a spotrep and RFF, and we'd get mortar rounds on the target. ─── 我们所要做的一切事情就是朝某个方位在尽可能远的射程上进行射击,用定位设备和无线电进行报告,然后就会有迫击炮向目标进行轰击。

17、He's been lazing all afternoon. ─── 他整个下午都懒散地混过去了。

18、Laze on a divan all afternoon contemplating the sublime nature of the Victorian universe! ─── 整个下午懒散的躺在无靠背的沙发沉思于令人崇敬的维多利亚女王时代!

19、I spent the morning just lazing. ─── 我整个上午全都懒散地混过去了。

20、Just outside wharehouse is a dockside with relaxed families lazing around their picnics. The atmosphere was really contagious and we could not help but join in the picnic mood. ─── 仓库外就是小港口,很多人就坐在外面野餐,我们也入境随俗野餐一下,给它悠閒一下!

21、Wife: You've been lazing about all night. Do something. ─── 妻子:你整晚无所事事,做些事情吧。

22、When you laze to clean youself, she gets angry on you, that's because she is care you, she is afraid of one day that you are flooded by you own socks, so she must training you first. ─── 你臭袜子乱扔,她向你发脾气,是因为她关心你,她怕有一天你会被自己的臭袜子淹没,所以她要先把你训练好。

23、laze away ─── v. 混日子

24、Laze around the house. ─── 在屋子周围闲逛

25、I spent the morning just lazing . ─── 我整个上午全都懒散地混过去了.

26、Tidying up my apartment is tiresome....but I do like living alone....gives me alot of space....but then I like going home and laze around and do nothing. waha. ─── 收拾我的公寓是很累人的....但是我喜欢一个人住...给我更多的空家....但还是喜欢回家去懒懒的舌麽都不作。哇哈。

27、Have an early-morning swim before breakfast, or laze the whole day long by its shores, or have a refreshing afternoon dip after a mountain bike tour or a trip up into the mountains. ─── 如果在入住日当天没出现在酒店, 酒店将收取预订的总价 。儿童和加床政策: 欢迎所有年龄的儿童。所有的2岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下 不需付费。

28、2.Chris: My parents think I am not going to pass English because I am laze. ─── 克里斯:我老爹和老妈说我是条懒虫,英语考试肯定不及格。

29、Are you still lazing around? ─── 你还磨磨蹭蹭的。

30、Last summer, I was in Colorado with a bunch of my Afghan cousins, sitting on a lawn and lazing away the summer afternoon. ─── 去年夏天,我在科罗拉多州和一些阿富汗的表兄妹在一起。

31、Sleep in all day, or just laze about in front of the TV. ─── 向你的老朋友表示感激,与此同时,为将来更牢固的友谊打下基础。

32、Like this female in India's Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting. ─── 如图中这只印度班达迦国家公园的雌老虎,在炎热的天气里老虎总是没精打采的打瞌睡,以为夜里的捕猎积蓄能量。

33、Jack didn't go to school, lazing away the whole afternoon in the park. ─── 杰克没上学,在公园里闲混了整整一个下午。

34、4. What are you lazing about for?” shouted his father to him, pausing in his work and leaning on his flail." ─── 你现在大约为虚"?父亲喊他,说到他的作品,并凭枷.收藏指正

35、The temptation to just laze about the house is too great for some. ─── 在家里晃晃悠悠的诱惑对某些人来说太棒了。

36、In an incident, Sum developed a very strong dislike towards Fung and felt that he was always lazing about and not serious at all. ─── 一 次 事 件 , 亦 琛 对 邢 风 有 很 深 的 成 见 , 觉 得 邢 风 是 饱 食 终 日 、 随 便 放 任 的 人 。

37、But most tourists don't come here to just laze in the sun or swim in its salty waters. What they are after is its thick black mud. ─── 但来这里的大部分游客不只是在阳光下懒散的偷闲或在咸咸的海水中游泳。他们来这里是为了死海那厚厚的黑泥浆。

38、Lazing on a sunday afternoon ─── 悠闲的星期日午后

39、|- Laze the target! ─── |- 快引导目标!

40、Don't laze away your time. ─── 不要虚度光阴。

41、In past years, tourists from around the world besieged the vacation island at Christmas and New Year's to surf, party or laze beside the pool. ─── 往年的圣诞和新年期间,游客从世界各地蜂拥而至。他们在这里冲浪、聚会或者悠闲地在泳池边消磨时间。

42、The rest of the day is free for you to simply laze on the sandy beaches or take a dip in the turquoise blue waters. ─── 当天的空余时间您可以随意安排,可以在暖洋洋的沙滩上享受日光浴,也可以下水在玉石般的碧海上嬉戏一番。

43、I will accompany my kids for swimming and tennis lessons, while spending the rest of the time either doing shopping or lazing by the beach. ─── 我陪我的孩子们去参加游泳和网球课程,然后用其他剩下的时间去购物或着赖在沙滩上。

44、There are no ugly woman,only laze ones. ─── 没有丑女人,只有懒女人.

45、Many would agree with me that this is really a home away from home, you can simply laze around and still have a good time. ─── 一个属于游子的家,在此你可以无所事事,什么也不做,就度过愉快的一天。

46、three dimension laze scanning ─── 三维激光扫描

47、The lion only hunt over extreme hunger and slumber as soon as they are full.In fact, they spend most of their lives sleeping and lazing. ─── 它们通常在相当饥饿时才出外猎食,饱餐之后就呼呼入睡,事实上,雄师的一生大半的时间不是睡觉就是休息。

48、If you laze in front of the TV doing nothing, then the advertisers are bound to instill a yearning for something that you wouldn't have wanted otherwise. ─── 如果你懒散地在电视机面前无事可做,那些广告商们又注定会一点点地挖掘出你的本来根本不想买的欲望。

49、Photograph by Michael NicholsTigers, like this female in India's Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting. ─── 图中这只印度班达迦国家公园的雌老虎,在炎热的天气里老虎总是没精打采的打瞌睡,为夜里的捕猎积蓄能量。

50、It is the attitude to opportunity that different the successful person make full preparation to greet the coming of change, while the failure laze to see the change going away. ─── 成功者与失败者的区别在于处理机遇的态度。成功者做好充分准备迎接机遇的适时来临。而失败者工作懒散,眼看机遇悄然而过.

51、The workers have been lazing the whole morning. ─── 工人们整个上午一直懒懒散散。

52、laze away the afternoon ─── 懒散地混过下午

53、lazing by the river all day ─── 整天在河边闲荡

54、laze around ─── laze about

55、If you are not busy venturing into the nooks and crannies of the city, take an invigorating dip in our whirlpool, or laze by the poolside. ─── 如果你不忙着去城市的角角落落寻芳探幽,不妨来泡一会儿我们的旋涡浴,或者在浴池边休息逍遥一下。

56、The first day of the summer and I'll laze here all the day ─── 夏日的第一天我可以整日的闲散休息

57、laze time away ─── 懒散地消磨时光

58、Winners are always ready to welcome the chances, however, losers laze to work and look at chances passing by. ─── 成功者做好充分准备迎接机遇的适时来临。而失败者工作懒散,眼看机遇悄然而过.

59、Italian men have it easiest in comparison with women, lazing around for nearly 80 minutes more each than women who, apparently, clean the house. ─── 意大利男性与女性相比,则显得更为轻松和懒惰,高达80分钟的无所事事的时间,而女性则要不得不清洗房间。

60、Inevitably, he had a nice time lazing on the beach while I was shown around the facility by a press manager. ─── 毫无疑问,他在海滩上享受着美好时光,而我却被一个出版社经理拉着参观那里的设施。

61、There are many ways in which you can use this modern furniture item.While most people use it for relaxing after a hard day’s work, others may use it for just lazing around on a Sunday. ─── 此外,美国能源部下属的劳伦斯伯克利实验室也对住宅节能技术进行了重点研究,并和一些州政府合作建设“节能样板房”予以示范。

62、lazing at the poolside ─── 在游泳池边消闲

63、The workers have been lazing the whole morning. ─── 工人们整个上午一直懒懒散散。

64、It's nice for you, lazing away in the sun while I do all the work! ─── 你倒舒服,懒洋洋地在那儿晒太阳,而活全由我来干。

65、Laze (Tibetan nationality) ─── 拉泽

66、' She was dedicated to her mornings lazing around in bed, evenings watching manga and reading homoerotic stories, and her nights glued to the computer screen playing online. ─── 她会整个早上赖在床上,每夜看漫画、读耽美小说,深夜就黏在电脑上玩游戏。

67、People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. ─── 一说到天堂,大家就想到极乐花园,以为在天堂里可以在云端漂浮 ,山巅河畔发懒。

68、So the girl students' body quality should be improved by forming life-long thoughts of physical education, eliminating mentality barrier and lazing and developing the exercise interests and habits. ─── 因此,提高高职院校女生的身体素质应从形成其终身体育观、消除其心理障碍和惰性、培养其运动兴趣和习惯等方面来进行。

69、Inevitably, he had a nice time lazing on the beach while I was shown around the facility by a press manager. ─── 毫无疑问,他在海滩上享受着美好时光,而我却被一个出版社经理拉着参观那里的设施。

70、3. It was in mid-August, and the repair section operated under the lazing sun. ─── 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。

71、Today, i'm feel interesting for work, because i find a new workway. It's a laze! But work is not high efficiency. Know's it of member for 0402 haha ─── 我又发现工作中的一件有意思的事,因为我找到一个方法,就是偷懒但不影响工作效率,我们的会员0402也知道的,哈哈

72、Possibly, Dr. Dornhaus said, "the lazing ants are resting, or are waiting in reserve in case something goes wrong. " ─── 或许,多恩豪斯博士说道,“偷懒的蚂蚁正在休息,或是作为当某些事情出现问题时以防万一的储备”。

73、University is becoming less a time for lazing around and more about building up experiences and creating connections. ─── 大学变得更少的闲情逸致和更多的打造阅历和建立人际关系。

74、99) I spent the morning just lazing. ─── 我整个上午全都懒散地混过去了。

75、To laze around, ones becomes useless. To strive &work hard, ones create to become useful in life. ─── 每天无所事事,是人生的消费者,积极、有用才是人生的创造者。

76、Libra, you are not content to just laze around a secluded villa. ─── 天秤:秤子可不会满足于仅在偏远的别墅里混日子。

77、Laze around on the beach at Kovalam, spend a night in a houseboat, discover the placid backwaters or watch the sun set on three Oceans at Kanyakumari. ─── 在Kovalam的海滩上闲荡,在游艇上欢度夜晚,探索恬静的荒僻处或者在Kanyakumari的三个海洋上观看日落。

78、Diligence is the master of time, lazing is the slave. ─── 勤奋是时间的主人,怠惰是时间的奴隶。

79、I will accompany my kids for swimming and tennis lessons, while spending the rest of the time either doing shopping or lazing by the beach. ─── 我陪我的孩子们去参加游泳和网球课程,然后用其他剩下的时间去购物或着赖在沙滩上。

80、Come and relax in the comfort of your guest room, laze by the swimming pool or practice plenty of activities in the Alivi di Santa Giulia hotel or its surroundings. ─── 您可以在户外露台用餐,并俯瞰大海。客人必须驾车才能抵达酒店,因此酒店提供私人停车场。从酒店还可以直达海滩。

81、There is no Vacation in my dictionary, but resignation, no laze, but efficiency; ─── 他们的字典里没有休假,只有辞职;没有混混日子,只有速战速决;

82、Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the laze of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. ─── 不管是16还是60岁,在每个的心灵深处都是有一颗强烈的好奇心,一种对将来及生活乐趣孩童般永无止境的企盼。

83、We constitute a game's rule, it didn't bind us ,it let us to know how to live together better and didn't lead by the habit of laze etc. ─── 我们制定出一个游戏的规则,它并没有束缚我们,而是让我们更好地共同生活在一起,它提醒我们不被懒散、惰性牵着走。

84、He stand up and make a laze waist. ─── 他站起来,伸了个懒腰。

85、I understand that you want to have some time to yourself, just laze in your own world for a while.So, I let you be. ─── 我早知道这一天会来的,只是当它真的来到时,还是觉得很难受。

86、Any longer stay after sixth year is only lazing away or idling away. ─── 任何长时间的停留之后,第六个年头,只是混日子、离家出走或空转消失。

87、to laze in the sun ─── 懒洋洋地晒太阳

88、The apprentice is always lazing about doing nothing. ─── 这个徒弟老在闲荡,什么事也不干。

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