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09-19 投稿


merinos 发音

英:[m??ri?n??z]  美:[m??rino?z]

英:  美:

merinos 中文意思翻译




merinos 词性/词形变化,merinos变形

名词复数: merinos |

merinos 相似词语短语

1、mestinos ─── 梅斯蒂诺斯

2、mering ─── n.(Mering)人名;(俄)梅灵

3、meris ─── n.(Meris)(美)梅里斯(人名)

4、merings ─── 梅林斯

5、Amerinds ─── 美洲

6、merils ─── 梅里尔斯

7、merino ─── n.美利奴羊(原产于西班牙);美利奴丝绸;美利奴呢绒;n.(Merino)人名;(西、意、葡)梅里诺

8、merlings ─── 标记

9、merises ─── 星期三

merinos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's a well-known that MERINOS is the best wool in the world.Coz the wool is the longest and the most slightness.Therefore, the best sweater is made from MERINOS is no doubt. ─── 在所有棉羊毛中,美丽诺一直是等级最高的棉羊毛,而制作出来的毛衣也是评价最高的,因为其襓曲度最佳,并且毛纤维极细,所以蓬松度高自然就非常保暖!!

2、Nowadays,Australia Merino, which produces the best apparel wool in the world, comprises 80% of the nation`s sheep flock. ─── 如今,澳洲的羊群中有80%都是美利奴羊,出产全球最优质的服装毛料。

3、Herewith we have pleasure in hand you an indent for immediate shipment of100 bales of al merino. ─── 兹寄上本公司的订单,请立即发运100包一等品美利奴羊毛。

4、Aohan Merino Sheep ─── 敖汉细毛羊

5、Booroola Merino ─── 布鲁拉美利奴羊

6、Keywords Microsatellite marker;genetic diversity;genetic distance;phylogenetics;principal component analysis;germplasm characterization;Gansu Alpin Merino;Qinghai Merino; ─── 微卫星标记;基因多样性;遗传距离;系统发育;主成分分析;种质特性;青海细毛羊;甘肃高山细毛羊;

7、South African Meat Merino sheep sheep are the Ministry of Agriculture, "948" project, in July 2002 from Australia to introduce the excellent varieties. ─── 南非肉用羊利奴绵羊是农业部的“948”项目,2002年7月从澳大利引进的优秀品种。

8、The Ugg Classic Cardy is one of the more unique styles in that it is made of a heathered merino wool blend that looks like a sweater on your feet. ─── 并非我们一定要经营太阳雨,而是欺人太甚.有保热墙的太阳能冬季却不热,我要揭露太阳雨公司大肆吹嘘的保热墙骗局。

9、The merino sheep of Australia, South America and South Africa produce very fine and soft wool. ─── 澳大利亚、南美和南非的美利奴羊的毛纤维非常细,而且非常柔软。

10、Chinese Merino ─── 中国美利奴

11、The effect of wool density, strentched length, fiber diameter and liveweight on clean wool weight in the Chinese Merino was studied by path analysis. ─── 本文应用通径分析方法,研究了中国美利奴羊羊毛密度、伸直长度、纤维直径和剪毛后体重对净毛产量的影响程度。

12、Blended with Lycra to maintain their form fitting shape and aid moisture wicking, the Merino wool remains odorless even after extended trips in the field. ─── 添加莱卡更贴身有型,帮助透气,美利奴羊毛具有防臭特性,即便是在长途运动之后。

13、Diagnosis and Prevention and Cure of Pneumonia Streptococcus Infection of Meaty Merino Lamb ─── 放牧绵羊光过敏症的调查与预防

14、Inner Mongolian Aohan merino sheep ─── 内蒙古敖汉细毛羊

15、The natural elasticity of Merino fiber offer high stretchability to wearer which means provide greater range of movement to wearer but then remain its shape. ─── 天然纤维具有极佳的伸缩弹性,产品不易变形。穿戴者能在强度较高的运动中活动自如,倍感舒适。

16、Artificial Infection due to Listeria monocvtogenes in Merino Sheep ─── 单核细胞增多性李氏杆菌人工感染绵羊试验

17、She conceived a horror for her merinos, and shame for her plush hat. ─── 她见了粗毛呢便厌恶,见了棉绒也感到羞人。

18、The homology analysis of the GH gene of sequences by Clustal W software indicated that the nucleotide sequence homologies of GH gene of Boer goats were 98.5% with Tokara goats,97.0% with Merino sheep,and 95.4% with bovine GH genes; ─── 应用ClustalW软件进行同源性分析,结果表明,波尔山羊GH基因与Tokara山羊、澳洲美利奴羊和黄牛的GH基因的相似度分别为98.5%,97.0%和95.4%;

19、With these trends as a global direction, AWI has created there key product innovation platforms: Merino Care, Merino Soft and Merino Visual. ─── 有了这些发展趋势作为全球导向,AWI也推出了三大类创新产品平台:美丽诺关爱、美丽诺柔软和美丽诺视觉。

20、From the very fine to the very chunky, fully-sustainable Merino Soft shows the full spectrum of Australian Merino wool. ─── 从最纤长的到极度蓬松的,完全可持续使用的美丽诺柔软系列展示出了澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛的全部特点。

21、Able to absorb 30% of its own weight before feeling damp, Merino Wool will keep your feet dry, warm and comfortable. ─── 不但可以吸收其重量本身30%的重量水汽而不会感到潮湿,美丽奴羊毛让你的脚部保持干燥,温暖和舒适。

22、German Mutton Merino ─── 德国肉用美利奴羊

23、delaine merino ─── C型美利奴羊毛

24、"If your feet are perpetually cold and clammy, merino wool socks are probably best for you. ─── 如果它们总是散发热量,一双人造纤维混合体将通过毛细作用迅速从足部带走汗水,保持它们的凉爽和干燥。”

25、originally from Spain, are the most efficient wool producers. ─── 原本产自西班牙的美利诺绵羊,是产羊毛最多的产毛羊。

26、Merinos, which were originally from Spain, are the most efficient wool producers. ─── 原本产自西班牙的美利诺绵羊,是产羊毛最多的产毛羊。

27、The Wool we use includes: Australian Merino Wool Chinese Wool Uruguayan Wool Argentine Wool, etc. ─── 我们使用的羊毛包括:澳大利亚美丽奴羊毛乌拉圭羊毛阿根廷羊毛国毛,等等。

28、Experiment study of Chinese Merino improving Guyuan fine wool hybrids of high - generations ─── 中国美利奴羊改良固原高代细毛杂种羊试验

29、Ohio merino ─── 俄亥俄美利奴毛

30、Merino Wool blend provides luxurious softness and comfort. ─── 混纺的美丽诺羊毛不但超柔软而且舒适。

31、Experiment of Improving Rate Twins of Chinese Merino by Oestus Technique in Corresponding Period ─── 利用同期发情技术提高中美羊双胎率的试验

32、high quality merino sheep ─── 优质细毛羊

33、hardy sheep developed from the Merino producing both good mutton and fine wool. ─── 产于美利奴的健壮的绵羊,出产高质量的肉食和羊毛。

34、Variation of Wool Quality and Quantity of Chinese Merino in Whole Year ─── 全年羊毛质和量的变化

35、A large percentage of the world's wool is produced from Merinos exported from Australia. ─── 上很大一部分羊毛产自澳大利亚出口的美利诺绵羊。

36、Shrek, the Merino sheep, was shorn live on national television by top shearers David Fagan and Peter Casserley ─── 新西兰最棒的剪毛师大卫·费根和彼德·革塞为这只名叫"史瑞克"的美利奴绵羊剪羊毛,电视台向全国现场直播了整个过程。

37、AMY was monomorphic in Small tailed Han sheep, Tan sheep, Gansu Alpine Merino and was polymorphisms in Qinghai Merino, Tibetan sheep in Gasu, Tibetan sheep in Qinghai. ─── AMY在小尾寒羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、滩羊中呈单态,在青海细毛羊、青海藏羊、甘肃藏羊中存在多态性;

38、Study on improving performance of Gansu High Altitude Fine-wool Sheep crossed by Australia Merino Sheep ─── 导入澳美提高甘肃高山细毛羊生产性能研究

39、The Australian Merino Award for Fashion Sponsored by AWI ─── AWI澳大利亚美丽诺时尚奖

40、" She was then wearing a plush hat and her merino gown. ─── 当时她戴的是一顶棉绒帽,穿的是一件粗毛呢裙袍。

41、A large percentage of the world's wool is produced from Merinos exported from Australia. ─── 世界上很大一部分羊毛产自澳大利亚出口的美利诺绵羊。

42、German Merino ─── 德国美利奴羊

43、Analysis of wool quality about Chinese Merino fecundity and mutton type fine-wool sheep ─── 中国美利奴多胎肉用细毛羊羊毛品质分析

44、French merino ─── 法国美利奴细呢

45、Quality Assessment of BAC Library of Chinese Fine-wool Merino Sheep ─── 中国美利奴细毛羊BAC文库的质量评价

46、Production Performance Analysis of First Generation Grossbreds of German Merino and Hebei Wool Sheep ─── 德国肉用美利奴与河北细毛羊杂交一代生产性能研究

47、Interior accommodations also receive a special sporting twist with the addition of front sports seats, Merino leather upholstery, a sports steering wheel, and plenty of M badging. ─── 室内住宿还收到一份特别的体育捻加上前运动座椅,美利奴羊皮革内饰,运动方向盘,以及大量的M标志.

48、Nevertheless, Merinos also yield mutton and mutton breeds also yield wool. ─── 尽管如此,美利诺绵羊也能产肉而肉羊也产羊毛。

49、Their morphology and structure were compared with that of the Australian merino wool. ─── 比较了澳洲美利奴羊羊毛和军垦细毛羊羊毛的形态与结构,对它们的角质层、皮质层以及皮质层内的巨纤维、微纤维的精细结构进行了初步观察和分析。

50、SA Meat Merino ─── 南非肉用美利奴羊

51、Examination on behalf of one of our 80, Charolais 130, Angola 500, 200 Boer goats, cashmere goats 60, the South African Meat Merino 44. ─── 其中考力代80只,夏洛莱130只,安哥拉500只,波尔山羊200只,绒山羊60只,南非肉用美利奴44只。

52、Breeding of China Merino Super Fine Wool Sheep ─── 中国美利奴羊超细毛品系的培育

53、South Suffolk rams may be used on any breed of ewe and will even produce prime lambs from Merino ewes. ─── 南萨福克公羊也许能与任一种母羊生产出头等羊羔。

54、The Research of Reproductive Hormone Density Change in Blood Serum of Pregnancy Early Duration between Chinese Merino and Hu Sheep ─── 中国美利奴与湖羊妊娠早期血清中生殖激素浓度变化的研究

55、Analysis of Multiplets Character Genotype of Chinese Merino Fecundity Fine-wool Sheep and Filial-generation ─── 中国美利奴多胎细毛羊及杂交后代多胎性状基因型分析

56、Analysis of Non-genetic Factors Influencing Main Traits in High Quality Merino Sheep ─── 影响优质细毛羊主要性状的非遗传因素分析

57、Herewith we have pleasure in hand you an indent for immediate shipment of 100 bale of al merino wool. ─── 兹寄上本公司的订单,请立即发运100包一等品美利奴羊毛。

58、Any of a breed of merino sheep of French origin, raised for wool and meat. ─── 兰布列羊一种产于法国的美利奴羊,为取毛或肉食而饲养

59、Experient of Superovulation of Chinese Merino Ewe ─── 中国美利奴母羊超数排卵试验

60、Natural Woolskin Products, Lambskin, Merino Wool Rugs. ─── 洛可可,羊毛装饰制品量贩.

61、Other highlights include Easy Care Merino products which can be machine washed and in some cases tumble dried while still retaining an “as new” appearance; ─── 其他的亮点还在于关爱系列中的“易护理”美丽诺产品,它可机洗,在某些时候还可以甩干而依旧亮丽如新,毫不变形;

62、The Australian Merino wool clip is now finer and softer, allowing for never-before-seen versatility in classic and fashion knitwear. ─── 如今,澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛更为优质、细软,在经典时尚的针织类产品中,为人们带来前所未见的多样材质。

63、Tasmanian Merino ─── 塔斯马尼亚美利奴羊

64、Australian Merino sheepskin boots are considered the best material for making sheepskin boots and it also ensures that you will be able to use them for many years. ─── 我搭讪不再为什么了,只为遇上一个美女而做自己该做的事而已。下面随便写写近两次搭讪吧,不然就太水了。

65、Simply soft and cuddly, a pure wool throw evokes a sense of natural comfort and tranquility. The rich texture of Merino wool is casually finished with a twisted fringe. ─── 款式朴素大方、地柔软舒适、人不禁想拥之入怀,纯洁的羊毛小毯能给人一种自然舒适和静谧的感觉。美利奴羊毛丰富的织纹在弯曲的流苏的映衬下显得格外的休闲、致。

66、For primer 2-2, three genotypes (GG, GH and HH) were detected in Dorset and German Mutton Merino sheep, genotype GG was detected in other three sheep breeds. ─── 引物2-2,多赛特羊和德国肉用美利奴羊出现GG、GH和HH基因型,而其余3个绵羊品种只出现GG基因型;

67、south african merino woo ─── 南非美利奴羊毛

68、Peppin Merino ─── 派平系美利奴羊


70、Chinese Merino sheep ─── 中国美利奴羊

71、Germany Merino ─── 德国美利奴

72、Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity of high quality merino sheep ─── 优质细毛羊遗传多样性的微卫星分析

73、Study on selection of hornless Merino sheep ─── 无角美利奴细毛羊选育研究

74、He farms 100 merino fine wool sheep in an area close to where the breed was first introduced to China, but where recent trends have been into meat breeds. ─── 他在中国首次引进美利奴细毛羊地区的附近饲养了100头美利奴细毛羊,而该地区目前的趋势是发展肉羊品种。

75、For primer 2-4, genotypes KK and KL were detected in German Mutton Merino sheep, three genotypes (KK, KL and LL) were detected in other four sheep breeds. ─── 引物2-4,德国肉用美利奴羊只出现KK和KL基因型,而其余4个绵羊品种则出现KK、KL和LL基因型;

76、This is a special knitting Merinos Sweater of THURS!! ─── THURS特殊开发织法的美丽诺纯羊毛衣上市啦!!

77、double twilled merino ─── 复式斜纹美利奴毛织物

78、Its "Jager Merino" brand handbags, the main production backpack, bag, envelope, wallets, handbags, and bags, computer bags, camera bags, miscellaneous bags and other products. ─── 其属下“雅格奴”品牌手袋,主要生产背包、旅行袋、公文袋、银包、手袋、化装袋、电脑袋、相机袋、杂袋等产品。

79、A model displays a creation during Australia Merino "Woolmark Prize" Collection Fashion Show at the China Fashion Week in Beijing, Nov. 11, 2008. (Xinhua/Guo Lei ─── 2008年11月11日,北京时装周,澳大利亚美丽诺“羊毛标志大奖”作品发布会上一名模特在展示它的产品。

80、The effect of crossing between Charolai ram merino ewe on raising mutton producing performance ─── 夏洛来公羊与细毛母羊杂交提高产肉性能的效果

81、A shepherd leads some two thousand merino sheep past Madrid's famous landmark Alcala Gate November 4, 2001. ─── 11月4日,西班牙一名牧羊人带领大约2000头美利奴细毛羊通过马德里一个著名古城门。

82、On the way back we stopped by Goulburn at the Big Merino. ─── 回程嗰阵我哋停咗喺高宾镇大绵羊嗰度。

83、The qualities of different wools vary greatly. The merino sheep of Australia, South America and South Africa produce very fine and soft wool. ─── 不同品种的羊毛在质量上存在较大的差异。澳大利亚、南美和南非的美利奴羊的毛纤维非常细,而且非常柔软。

84、Our socks offers superior breathability to keep your feet dry. The super-soft merino wool wicks away moisture, and low bulk ensures less rub and maximum comfort. ─── 我们的产品由最柔软的美丽奴羊毛制造,具良好的透气和抗潮湿性能、能减少磨擦拥有极舒适的穿着感觉。

85、In the Chinese Merino prolific meat strain, the genotype frequencies of BB, B+ and ++ were 51%, 30% and 19%, respectively, whereas all the other flocks had only the wild-type (++) genotype. ─── 在中国美利奴肉用多胎品系中BB、B+和++基因型频率分别为51%、30%和19%;而其他品种(系)羊中则仅有++基因型。

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