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09-20 投稿


lutist 中文意思翻译



lutist 相似词语短语

1、flutist ─── n.笛手;横笛吹奏者(等于flautist)

2、flautist ─── n.横笛吹奏者(等于flutist)

3、lutists ─── n.诗琴弹奏者;诗琴制作者

4、lutanist ─── n.琵琶演奏者

5、lutenist ─── n.弹琵琶的人(等于lutanist)

6、flutists ─── n.笛手;横笛吹奏者(等于flautist)

7、chutist ─── n.跳伞者

8、autist ─── n.孤独症;自我中心主义(autism的变形)

9、autists ─── n.孤独症;自我中心主义(autism的变形)

lutist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We listened to the young lutist as though we were under a spell. ─── 我们听着年轻的琵琶手演奏,简直着了迷。

2、To icalizc minority shareholders?rights and interests lutist have systems to guarantee. ─── 中小股东权益的实现要靠制度来保障。

3、We listened to the young lutist as though we were under a spell. ─── 我们听着年轻的琵琶手演奏,简直着了迷。

4、December 26, 1938's o Little Town of Bethlehem cover encouraged to readers: 'Come, America, and celebrate Christmas with... A lutist.' ─── 是1938年12月26日发行的封面,标题是“伯利恒小镇”,鼓励读者们来到美国,和一个弹琵琶的乐手一起庆祝圣诞节。

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