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09-21 投稿


laundryman 发音

英:[['l?:ndr?m?n]]  美:[['l?:ndr?m?n]]

英:  美:

laundryman 中文意思翻译



laundryman 词性/词形变化,laundryman变形

名词复数: laundries |

laundryman 相似词语短语

1、laundry vans ─── 洗衣车

2、laundromats ─── n.(美)自助洗衣店

3、laundrymen ─── n.洗衣工

4、laundrywomen ─── n.洗衣女工人

5、laundromat ─── n.(美)自助洗衣店

6、laundry bag ─── 洗衣袋

7、laundry mark ─── 洗衣标记

8、laundrywoman ─── n.洗衣女工人

9、laundry van ─── 洗衣车

laundryman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Laundryman: Did it ever shrink or fade?Generally speaking, the dark-colored clothes always fade away gradually. ─── 洗衣工:是的,干洗的价钱是普通洗衣的三倍,但是西服和羊毛衫你只能干洗。

2、Laundryman: OK, wait a minute. I'll get them for you. ─── 洗衣工:好的,稍等。我给你取去。

3、Laundryman: I am awfully sorry. ─── 洗衣工:非常抱歉。

4、Laundryman: Let me see. We'll try, but I'm not sure whether we can remove it. ─── 洗衣工:让我看看,可以试一下,但我不确定是否能清除掉。

5、Laundryman: OK, let me see. ─── 洗衣工:好的,我看看。

6、Laundryman : OK, let me see. ─── 洗衣工 :好的,我看看。

7、Laundryman: I see. Is this yours? ─── 洗衣工:我知道了,是这件吗?

8、Laundryman: OK, wait a minute. ─── 洗衣工:好的,稍等。

9、The laundryman comes over to collect it every morning. ─── 洗衣工每天早上来收。

10、Laundryman : Usually it takes three days to have laundry done. ─── 本杰明 :哦,谢谢。

11、Laundryman: Did it ever shrink or fade? Generally speaking, the dark-colored clothes always fade away gradually. ─── 洗衣工:那缩水或是褪色了吗?一般来说,深色衣服是会慢慢褪色的。

12、The laundryman calls once a week. ─── 洗衣店的人每星期来一次。

13、Laundryman: It doesn't seem like that. ─── 洗衣工:好像不是那样的。

14、Laundryman: Never mind. You can leave them to me. ─── 洗衣工:不用担心。交给我就行了。

15、Martin heaved a sigh of relief when the door closed behind the laundryman. ─── 大门在洗衣工背后关上之后,马丁叹了一声,松了口气。

16、Laundryman: I'm terribly sorry. ─── 洗衣工:非常抱歉。

17、Laundryman: Yes, it will be ready by that time. ─── 洗衣店男工:可以,到时衣服都已经洗好了。

18、The laundryman is here to collect it. ─── 洗衣房服务员来这儿收要洗的衣服了。

19、One day he met his friend, a laundryman, and entreated him to come and live with him, saying that they should be far better neighbors and that their housekeeping expenses would be lessened. ─── 有一天,他遇到了他的朋友,一个洗衣,并恳求他来和他住在一起,说他们要远远好邻居,他们的内务管理费用将减少。

20、The glamour of romance with which her imagination had invested him faded away in the cold light of fact that he was an ex-laundryman. ─── 她的想像给他博士的浪漫色彩在现实的冷冰冰的光照前暗淡了下去——原来他以前不过是个洗衣工。

21、No,you're not a laundryman,you'll only make it even worse. ─── 得了,你又不是洗衣师傅,你只会越搞越糟。

22、Laundryman : It doesn't seem like that. ─── 洗衣工 :好像不是那样的。

23、Laundryman: I am awfully sorry. Please tell us about the stains before the dry-cleaning next time. ─── 洗衣工:非常抱歉。请下次干洗前告诉我们那是什么污点。

24、Laundryman: Would you like to have a look?Is it to your satisfaction? ─── 洗衣工:您看一下吧,满意吗?

25、Laundryman: OK, let me see. This white shirt can be washed in water with hands, but this suit and the woolen sweater should be dry-cleaned. ─── 洗衣工:好的,我看看。白色衬衣可以用水手洗,但这西服和羊毛衫得干洗。

26、Laundryman: Yes, the sugar was burnt during the dry-cleaning process. And there you go. ─── 洗衣工:是的,在干洗的过程中,糖糊掉了。然后就是这样了。

27、Laundryman: That will be 80 Yuan altogether. ─── 洗衣工:一共80元。

28、Laundryman: Hope to see you again. We will provide the best service. ─── 洗衣工:下次再来,我们将提供最好的服务。

29、The laundryman replied, "Unfortunately, the arrangement is impossible as far as I am concerned, for whatever I should whiten, you would immediately blacken again with your charcoal. ─── " 在洗衣回答说:“不幸的是,这种安排是不可能的,因为就我本人而言,我应该为任何美白,你会立即与您的木炭抹黑了。”

30、Laundryman: This is a membership card. ─── 洗衣工:这是一张会员卡。

31、Laundryman: No problem. These ink stains can be removed. ─── 洗衣店男工:没问题。这些墨水污迹可以去掉。

32、Laundryman: That will be 80 Yuan altogether. Here is your invoice. ─── 洗衣工:一共80元。这是发票。

33、Laundryman: Did it ever shrink or fade? Generally speaking, the dark-colored clothes always fade away gradually. ─── 洗衣工:那缩水或是褪色了吗?一般来说,深色衣服是会慢慢褪色的。

34、Laundryman: Yes, the sugar was burnt during the dry-cleaning process. ─── 洗衣工:是的,在干洗的过程中,糖糊掉了。

35、Laundryman: Did it ever shrink or fade? ─── 洗衣工:那缩水或退色了吗?

36、Laundryman: I'm terribly sorry. You kown we are so busy today and we forget to sew the button back on. Please wait a moment. It will be ready soon. ─── 洗衣工:非常抱歉。您看我们今天太忙了,忘记给您缝上去了。您稍等一下,马上就好。

37、Laundryman: Very well. Anything else that you want to wash? ─── 洗衣店男工:好的。您还有别的东西要洗吗?

38、laundryman is here to collect it. ─── 来收取要洗的衣物。

39、To pay for his schooling, he worked as a cook, dishwasher, laundryman, and housekeeper. ─── 为了支付学费,他当过厨师、洗碗工、洗衣工和管家等等。

40、Laundryman: Hope to see you again.We will provide the best service. ─── 洗衣工:下次再来,我们将提供最好的服务。

41、Laundryman: Good morning, miss! May I help you? ─── 洗衣店男工:早上好,小姐!要洗衣服吗?

42、Laundryman: Excellent Cleaner's. May I help you ? ─── 洗衣工:顶好洗衣店,需要帮忙吗?

43、Laundryman: Wait a moment, please. Let me see. Is this black one yours? ─── 洗衣工:稍等一下,我查一下。这件黑色的是您的吗?

44、Laundryman: Never mind. ─── 洗衣工:不用担心。

45、Laundryman: What can I do for you? ─── 洗衣工:能为你做点什么?

46、Laundryman : Usually it takes three days to have laundry done.Please pick them up on Friday. ─── 洗衣工 :一般洗衣需要三天,请星期五来取吧。

47、Laundryman: This is a membership card. You can get a 20 percent discount next time. ─── 洗衣工:这是一张会员卡。下次来能打八折。

48、Laundryman : Would you like to have a look? ─── 洗衣工 :这些是您的。我们已经熨烫过了。

49、If you have any laundry, please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. The laundryman comes over to collect it every morning. ─── 如果您有衣服要洗,把它们放在洗手间门后的洗衣袋就行了,洗衣工每天上午会来收取。

50、Laundryman: It's worth every cent. ─── 洗衣工:很值得了。

51、Laundryman : I'm terribly sorry. ─── 洗衣工 :非常抱歉。

52、Laundryman: Usually it takes three days to have laundry done.Please pick them up on Friday. ─── 洗衣工:一般洗衣需要三天,请星期五来取吧。

53、Laundryman: OK, wait a minute. I'll get them for you. ─── 洗衣工:好的,稍等。我给你取去。

54、Laundryman: Here you are. ─── 洗衣工:这些是您的。

55、Laundryman: It's very simple. ─── 洗衣工:很简单。

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