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09-20 投稿


kieve 发音


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kieve 相似词语短语

1、rieve ─── 里夫

2、keeve ─── n.(尤指酿酒或漂白用的)大桶;洗矿桶;n.(Keeve)人名;(英)基夫

3、slieve ─── 梅干

4、sieve ─── n.[粮食][矿业]筛子;滤网;不能保守秘密的人;vt.筛;滤;vi.筛;滤;n.(Sieve)人名;(英)西夫

5、grieve ─── vt.使悲伤,使苦恼;vi.悲痛,哀悼;n.(Grieve)人名;(英)格里夫

6、thieve ─── v.做贼,偷(某人财物)

7、nieve ─── 拳;手

8、kierie ─── n.南非原住民用的棍棒

9、kiekie ─── n.基基藤

kieve 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(AFP, Kiev) A fire broke out in a mine in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine, and 35 miners died from smoke inhalation. The tragedy has brought angry accusations nationwide against the dilapidated state of the country's mining industry. ─── (法新社基辅电)乌克兰东部顿内茨地区一处煤矿发生火灾,造成三十五名矿工因为吸入浓烟而致死,这件惨剧已经引起全国对于矿业的破败状况发出愤怒的指责。

2、“Aside from that, I am not the kind of player who tries to win the fans’ affection with weird gestures or ways of exulting,” added the former Dynamo Kiev hero. ─── “除了这些,我想说我不是那种试图用出格的举止或者狂喜的庆祝动作来赢得球迷的爱的球员。”

3、A constituent republic of southwest European U.S.S.R. Roughly coextensive with the historical region of Ukraine,it was designated a constituent republic in 1922. Kiev is the capital. Population,50,840,000. ─── 乌克兰与历史上的乌克兰地区基本相同,在1922年成为苏联的一个加盟共和国。基辅是其首都。人口50,840,000。

4、Xia men to Kiev air tickets xia men to Kiev special airfares xia men to Kiev discount tickets, ─── 厦门到基辅学生机票,北京到基辅航班时刻表

5、“Where have you been, in Kiev? ─── “你到过哪里,到过基辅吗?”

6、A chance to see caesar, kentucky and kiev on our chicken coop cam. ─── 在我们的鸡舍摄像头中,你有机会看到凯撒、肯塔基和基辅。

7、"The leading provider of independent analysis, forecasting, market intelligence and news for the power, gas and carbon emissions markets." Offices in Oslo, London, Kiev, Brussels, Hamburg and Tokyo. ─── 为动力,天然气和煤炭市场提供独立报道,预测和市场信息资源的著名机构。在奥斯陆,伦敦,基辅,布鲁塞尔,汉堡和东京设有办事处。

8、Festivals: Rotterdam IFF, Karlovy Vary IFF, Flanders IFF, Cairo IFF, Bergen IFF, Kiev IFF, Sao Paulo Mostra, Pusan IFF, Stockholm IFF ─── 参加电影节:鹿特丹,卡罗维发利,佛兰德斯,开罗,卑尔根,基辅,圣保罗影展,釜山,斯德哥尔摩

9、Indeed, a senior executive of IKEA says that it seems harder to open a store in Kiev than in Moscow. ─── 一位宜家高管说,事实上在基辅开一家店比在莫斯科更难。

10、Frisk was forced to abandon the match between Roma and Dynamo Kiev in September 2004 after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd. ─── 2004年9月罗马与基辅迪纳摩的比赛中,弗里斯克曾因被球迷投掷物砸伤而中途退场。

11、(AFP report from Kiev) Chief of the Special Investigation Committee warned that omissions or failures might be the cause of the world's most severe air show accident, which killed 83 people in west Ukraine. ─── (法新社基辅电)特别调查委员会负责人警告,疏忽或发生故障可能是这起在乌克兰西部造成八十三人丧生的世界最严重的航空展空难原因。

12、 双语使用场景

13、In the capital Kiev, air force generals are facing more and more pressures. Ukraine's Chief Prosecutor accused military officers and the pilots of negligence. ─── 在首都基辅,空军将领面临愈来愈重的压力,乌克兰总检察长普斯肯指控军方官员和飞行员怠忽职守。

14、Instead, Domenech intends for Les Bleus to watch Ukraine entertain Lithuania, in order to swot up on their opponents, ahead their trip to Kiev on Wednesday. ─── 他打算让他们观看乌克兰对立陶宛的比赛,以便分析他们的对手,准备下周三的基辅之旅。

15、In Kiev, Ukraine's state gas company has also confirmed that the amount of gas it receives from Russia has been shortly sharply reduced. ─── 同时,在乌克兰首都基辅,乌克兰国家天然气公司已确认其从俄罗斯获得的天然气输送已迅速减少。

16、A short while later, the skies of Kiev were filled with fireworks and the near constant echo of car horns honking in support of Mr. ─── 不久,五颜六色的焰火升上基辅的天空,支持尤先科的汽车喇叭声此起彼伏。

17、If you hear a Russian pronounces the name Vladimir Horowitz, who came from Kiev, Ukraine, you'll hear "Gorowitz". ─── 乌克兰那一陀地方,生出来的一窝窝的音乐家,确实很多犹太。

18、A constituent republic of southwest European U.S.S.R. Roughly coextensive with the historical region of Ukraine, it was designated a constituent republic in1922. Kiev is the capital. Population, 50, 840, 000. ─── 乌克兰与历史上的乌克兰地区基本相同,在1922年成为苏联的一个加盟共和国。基辅是其首都。人口50,840,000

19、Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences: Kiev. ─── 乌克兰医学科学院:基辅。

20、On Sunday he said that if I wasn't in form I wouldn't have been able to score a goal in the ninetieth minute after having run sixty metres of the pitch.Instead, I wasn't in form in Kiev. ─── 周日时他说,如果我没有在最佳状态,是不可能19分钟时在球场上奔袭60米后打入那个进球的。

21、Victory in Kiev was United's third in a row in the Champions League and Giggs aims to wrapup qualification from the group phase with another three points against the Ukrainians in a fortnight's time. ─── “对基辅的胜利是曼联小组赛的第三连胜,吉格斯的目标是半个月后击败基辅取得三分以获得小组出线资格。”

22、However, Bayer Leverkusen's Liverpool-bound striker Andriy Voronin is included in the party to play France on June2 and New Zealand in Kiev four days later. ─── 代替他们入选的是勒沃库森球员、年夏天即将转会至利物浦的前锋沃洛宁,他将参加6月2日对法国的比赛以及之后4添在乌克兰首都基辅对新西兰的比赛。

23、Ukrainians look through the window a of bus with advertisement alongside in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, 16 November 2007. The genuine winter with snow and little frosts came to Ukraine on this week. . ─── 16日,乌克兰基辅市区的一辆公交车上,一名乘客试图从张贴着广告的车窗向外张望。本周,乌克兰迎来了真正意义上的冬天,雪花飞舞,满地冰霜。

24、Also playing on Tuesday is Andriy Shevchenko. Ukraine take on Azerbaijan in Kiev. ─── 周二舍瓦也将有比赛,是在基辅对阿塞拜疆共和国。

25、Like the Kiev, the Minsk (berthed near Hong Kong) has been turned into a tourist attraction having first been studied closely by Chinese naval engineers. ─── 同“基辅”一样,“明克斯”(停靠在香港附近)如今也成为了旅游景点,之前中国海军的工程师对它进行了密切的研究。

26、After disbursing $4.5bn last autumn, the IMF suspended further loans after a policy disagreement with Kiev. ─── 在去年秋季提供了45亿美元贷款后,由于与基辅产生了政策上的分歧,IMF曾暂停进一步提供贷款。

27、”United created a hatful of chances in a 4-2 win in Kiev two weeksago, and Giggs is confident of completing the job against Oleg Luzhny’sside on Wednesday. ─── " 曼联在两周前以4-2击败基辅发电机的比赛中创造出很多入球机会,而吉格斯有信心曼联将能在周三完成任务.

28、The season after, he spearheaded Kiev into the semi-finals of the competition. ─── 在接下来的赛季,他带领基辅打进了半决赛。

29、Two women, only one of them real, traded looks in front of a store in Kiev, Ukraine. ─── 乌克兰,基辅:两个女人,只有一个是真人,正在一家商店前互相对视.

30、His new brethren gave him letters for Kiev and Odessa, to masons living there, and promised to write to him and guide him in his new activity. ─── 他的新师兄、新师弟交给他几封写给基辅和敖德萨当地的共济会员的书信,还答应给他写信,并且指导他从事新活动。

31、A firefighter evacuates employees from Kiev's city state administration building on June 24, 2008 after a fire alarm. ─── 6月24日,乌克兰首都基辅的市政大楼发生火灾,警报响起后,消防人员迅速指导大楼内的工作人员从梯子撤离。

32、The Great Gate of Kiev (arr.D. ─── 图画展览会: X.宏伟的大门(D.加姆里改编为男生合唱团与管弦乐队)Pictures at an Exhibition: X.

33、O'Shea, who was originally due to be deputising in centralmidfield against Dynamo Kiev on Tuesday, found himself at left-backfollowing Patrice Evra's injury during the warm-up. ─── 原本应该在周二对抗基辅发电机时踢中场位置的奥谢,必须传踢左边后卫以代替热身时受伤的埃夫拉。

34、Liverpool's UEFA Champions League third qualifying round second leg against Maccabi Haifa is to be played in Kiev. ─── 利物浦冠军杯联赛预选赛第三轮与法海马卡比的第二回合比赛将移师到基辅进行.

35、NATO's rejection of Kiev and Tbilisi's bids, which was largely a result of objections from France and Germany, was seen partly as a Russia's diplomatic victory. ─── 北约拒绝乌克兰与格鲁吉亚的加入北约的请求很大部分原因是由于法国与德国的反对,这也被视为是俄罗斯外交胜利的一部分。

36、He is taking part in a show called Vll International Festival of Fashion and Beauty"Chrystal Angel"in Kiev. ─── 他正在基辅参加一个比赛,一个被命名为“水晶天使”的国际时尚比赛。

37、Kiev State Technical University of Construction an ─── 国立建筑工业技术大学

38、On some popular children's contest in Kiev the future superstar didn't have the chance to sing. Vitalik was told: "Sing Ukrainian!" ─── 在基辅的一些很受欢迎的小孩子竞赛上,这位未来的超级明星没有获得演唱的机会,他说:吟咏乌克兰!

39、Once her tour finished in Kiev, the star jetted back to her home in Canada to re-familiarise herself with the mundanity of daily life. ─── 一旦她在基辅参观结束后,星喷吹回到她的家在加拿大重新熟悉日常生活世俗的自己。

40、in Ukraine, the liberation of Dnepropetrovsk and Kiev; ─── 在乌克兰,解放第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克和基辅;

42、Also Ukraine's wheat exports were stalled after authorities in Kiev insisted that grain traders apply for export licences. ─── 另外,由于乌克兰政府坚持让农产品交易员申请出口牌照,该国小麦出口亦陷于停滞。

43、In the recent mayoral election in Kiev, her candidate lost to the incumbent, despite her insistence that “he is me without the plait”. ─── 在最近的基辅市长选举中,季莫申科联盟的候选人输给了现任市长,尽管季莫申科一直强调“他就是没有辫子的我。”

44、He attended the club's London Colney training ground yesterday but is likely to remain absent for the Champions League game at home to Dynamo Kiev on Tuesday. ─── 加拉斯的未来仍还有待于本周进一步的讨论。昨天他参加了俱乐部的训练,但是对基辅迪那摩队的欧冠联赛他很可能还要继续缺席。

45、Isidore OF KIEV ─── 伊西多尔(基辅的)

46、Speech by Vice Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine ─── 乌克兰基辅市副市长发言稿

47、After he had been rescued, he went to Orel, and two days after getting there, as he was preparing to start for Kiev, he fell ill and spent three months laid up at Orel. ─── 在从俘虏营中被释放出来之后,他来到奥廖尔,第三天他打算去基辅,可是生了病,在奥廖尔躺了三个月;

48、In Kiev, Andriy Shevchenko was much involved in Ukraine inflicting Scotland's first defeat in the qualifiers. ─── 在基辅,舍瓦对乌克兰击败苏格兰的做出了重要贡献,(苏格兰在资格赛中首次失利)。

49、To the Prosecutor of Ukraine Kiev, a court has made a complaint to the Ukrainian authorities to recover President Putin in Crimea peninsula sold to the value of 80 million pounds at the villa. ─── 乌克兰检察官已经向基辅的一家法院提出了一项申诉,要求乌当局收回出售给普京总统位于克里米亚半岛的一幢价值8000万英镑的别墅。

50、Desna:a river rising east of Smolensk in western European U.S.S.R. and flowing about 885 km (550 mi) generally south to the Dnieper River above Kiev. ─── "得斯纳河:一条起源于俄罗斯西欧部分的斯摩棱斯克东部的河流,流程约885公里(550英里),向南在基辅上端流入第聂伯河."

51、Meanwhile, anti-dissolution tent camps have sprung up in Kiev. ─── 同时,反对解散令的人们在基辅迅速的安营扎寨。

52、Ukrainian champions Dynamo Kiev are eager to strike a loan deal for Andrei Shevchenko. ─── 乌克兰联赛冠军基辅迪那摩希望租借安德烈舍甫琴柯。

53、But looking at his form, if Wednesday's game against Dynamo Kiev had been crucial he wouldn't have been out of the team. ─── 买年轻球员的时候总是会担心这笔交易是否值得,不过我对这两个小将的判断是正确无误的。

54、Kiev( dpa)- A Ukrainian has invented a condom that plays music during sex, Korrespondent magazine reported Wednesday. ─── 乌克兰基辅消息,“通信”杂志星期三报道,一名乌克兰人已经发明了一种可以在做爱时演奏音乐的安全套。

55、Kiev Patriarchate ─── n. 基辅主教管辖区

56、Judging by buzz alone, it would seem as if every retail developer with an interest in Europe is concentrating on deals in Kiev or Sofia or Tbilisi. ─── 单从流传信息分析,好像每个对欧洲有兴趣的零售开发商集中在基辅、索非亚或第比利斯交易。

57、Kaladze has been in Italy since 2000-01, when he completed the move to the Rossoneri from Dynamo Kiev. ─── 卡拉泽从2000-2001赛际他从基甫迪纳摩转会到米兰开始,开始就在一直在米兰效力。

58、News from Chelsea. The Premier League leaders are not going to let Andriy Shevchenko join Dynamo Kiev on loan. ─── 2007年8月31日13:35(英国时间),切尔西俱乐部正式确认,琴科不会出租给基辅,从而断了基辅一厢情愿的念头!

59、He is used to being photographed, having modelled for his friend Giorgio Armani, with whom he opened two boutiques back in his former hometown of Kiev. ─── 他已经习惯于被拍照了,为他的好朋友乔治欧阿玛尼做过模特,在乔治欧阿玛尼的帮助下,舍瓦在他家乡基辅开了两个专卖店。

60、After an emphatic victory over Dynamo Kiev in their Champions League opener, Roma now await a visit from bitter rivals Juventus. ─── 在一场轻松的冠军杯战胜基辅迪纳摩队的比赛后,罗马正等待着劲敌尤文图斯的到来。

61、Instead, ministers encouraged Tbilisi and Kiev to pursue reforms needed to join the alliance, without any timetable for entry. ─── 反之,部长激励第比利斯和基辅继续改革叁加同盟的需要,对于加入没有任何的时间表。

62、Sergei Rebrov (35) has retired from active football competition and will now work as a youth coach for his former club Dynamo Kiev. ─── 35岁的乌克兰前锋雷布罗夫宣布退役,并将在母队基辅迪纳摩担任青年队教练工作。

63、Guderian was now ordered to swing his panzers southwards to trap an even bigger Soviet army east of Kiev. ─── 古德里安坦克集群现在奉命向南对基辅的苏军进行一次更大的包围。

64、For the next two weeks the division continued to push southwards to squeeze the northern flank of the Soviet pocket east of Kiev, rounding up thousands of prisoners as resistance began to crumble. ─── 在接下来的两周内,“帝国”师继续向南前进向基辅以东的苏军包围圈的北翼施压,他们在粉碎苏军抵抗的同时还俘虏了数千人。

65、Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Kiev had added provisos contradicting Moscow's position and that the deal was "null and void" until it was resolved. ─── 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫说,乌克兰加入条款违背了莫斯科的立场,并认为,协议是“无效” ,直到它得到了解决。

66、Liverpool will travel to the Ukraine and face Maccabi Haifa in Kiev in the second leg of their Champions League third round qualifier on Tuesday, August 22nd. ─── 利物浦将去乌克兰,并于8月22号,周二与马卡比海发在基辅进行第二场的冠军杯第三轮资格赛。

67、Sikorsky returned home to Kiev after learning all he could in Paris. ─── 伊格尔在巴黎学到了他能学到的一切,然后回到了基辅。

68、"I don't want to speak about this anymore, it's getting annoying" said the former Dynamo Kiev frontman. ─── “我对我的转会发表过多的言论,这已经让人厌烦,”前基普迪纳摩的前锋说道。

69、Soviet Red Army in Kiev and Crimea could attack German Army Group South's both flanks, and Army Group South would suffer tremendously causality. ─── 在基辅和克里米亚的苏军可以攻击南方集团军群的两个侧翼,这将使南方集团军群面临可怕的后果。

70、The only thing noticeably absent from Kiev's streets are any signs of Yanukovych supporters. ─── 在基辅的街道上,人们唯一所看不到的是亚努科维奇的支持者。

71、He received a European art education at college in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, Russia, and at the Academy of Art in Kiev, Ukraine. ─── 在俄罗斯联邦布里亚特共和国的首都乌兰乌德及乌克兰的基辅美术学院接受教育。

72、He is a student of Kiev's Academy of Hairdressing Art. ─── 他是基辅美容学院的学生。

73、He was the top scorer with Dinamo Kiev in the '98-'99 campaign and Dinamo was eliminated by a very good Bayern side in the semis of that competition. ─── 他跟随基辅迪纳莫对闯入98-99赛季的欧洲冠军联赛四强,并获得了最佳射手。

74、Alexandra Rosenfeld of France (L) and Alena Avramenko of Ukraine react after the winner of Miss Europe 2006 is announced during the pageant in Kiev October 27, 2006. ─── 10月27日,在乌克兰首都基辅,法国的亚历山德拉罗森菲尔德当选为2006年“欧洲小姐”。共有来自33个国家的选手参加了这次大赛。

75、Aqua-Therm Kiev - International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Water Supply, ─── 供暖,制冷,空调,建筑,建造,水,灌溉,污水处理,环境保护

76、But Ukraine head coach Oleg Blokhin is refusing to concede defeat in his bid to have the 30-year-old ready for the game against the Scots in Kiev. ─── 但是乌克兰国家队教练布罗新却拒绝承认自己已经被挤垮,因为这名三十岁的射手已经开始预备在基辅对阵苏格兰的比赛了。

77、Beyond the Rada, the country is worryingly divided between Yanukovich supporters in the east and south, and those mostly in Kiev and the west who want a more enlightened government. ─── 在国会里面,国家正在分裂为两个阵营,一个是东部和南部的亚努科维奇的支持者,另一边主要是在基辅和西部的期望一个文明的政府。

78、In May 2000 the Tianma Shipbreaking Company in Tianjin purchased the Kiev from Russia. ─── 2000年5月的天津天马拆船公司从俄罗斯购买了基辅.

79、"We had a lot of chances in Kiev;we weren't playing against a small club, but against a great team, and over there. ─── “在对基辅的比赛中我们有很多机会,我们不是在和一支俱乐部比赛,我们的对手是支强队。

80、Kiev, Ukraine, May 23, 2009--A German veterinarian gives a "pedicure" to heavily sedated Boy, a 39-year-old Asian elephant at the Kiev Zoo. ─── 2009年5月23日,乌克兰,基辅---在基辅动物园,一位德国兽医正在给打过大量镇静剂家伙---一头39岁的亚洲象修剪指甲。

81、In Kiev, the hryvnia dropped 3 per cent against the US dollar and equities plunged 5 per cent, taking them down nearly 80 per cent on the year. ─── 在乌克兰首都基辅,格里夫纳兑美元走低3%,股市大跌5%,从而使其今年累计下滑近80%。

82、built Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev and Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod; ─── 在基辅与诺夫哥罗德各修建了一座圣索菲亚大教堂,资助当地的神职者和修道院制度;

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