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09-21 投稿


orbed 发音


英:  美:

orbed 中文意思翻译




orbed 词性/词形变化,orbed变形

动词现在分词: orbing |动词第三人称单数: orbs |动词过去式: orbed |动词过去分词: orbed |

orbed 相似词语短语

1、inorbed ─── v.围绕;包围

2、-robed ─── adj.穿着长袍的;v.(使)穿长袍(robe的过去式和过去分词)

3、bobbed ─── adj.短发的;剪短的;成束的;v.剪短(bob的过去分词);急拉

4、bombed ─── adj.遭到轰炸的;醉的;被毒品麻醉了的;v.轰炸(bomb的过去式)

5、courbed ─── 曲线

6、overbed ─── 过度铺砌

7、orbited ─── n.轨道;眼眶;势力范围;生活常规;vi.盘旋;绕轨道运行;vt.绕…轨道而行

8、airbed ─── n.充气床垫

9、barbed ─── adj.有刺的;讽刺的;有倒钩的;v.讽刺(barb的过去分词);装倒钩;n.(Barbed)人名;(西)巴尔韦德

orbed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It peered into the glass orb of the camera housing, and Nicklin's shutter winked back. ─── 它看着防水罩里的相机时,尼克林手中的快门也冲它眨了眨眼。

2、You seek the orb that ought be on his tomb. ─── 你们寻找的圆球,本应在这位骑士的墓里。

3、Low bioavailability is most common with oral dosage forms of poorly water-soluble, slowly a orbed drugs. ─── 低生物利用度最常见于水溶性差、吸收慢的药物的口服剂型。

4、The exact implementation details of an ORB can differ from one vendor to another. ─── ORB的具体实现细节因厂商而异。

5、Error:503 Location:/ servlet/ SearchServlet Could not access VisiBroker ORB environment variables. ─── 不知是什么原因,我一直感觉是环境变量没有设置对,或者名字服务没有打开,郁闷啊!都不知如何是好???

6、My father found that promethium orb 20 years ago... ─── |我父亲在20年前找到的这颗珠子...

7、Further identification and study of characteristic features will undoubtedly answer the question of the evolution of the orb web. ─── 对这两类蜘蛛独特的特征作进一步的辨认和研究,无疑能解答圆形蜘蛛网的演化问题。

8、Swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable. ─── 不要指着月亮起誓,这旨变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。

9、After skin cleaning and awakening, evenly exetend proper amount of the product onto face and neck , gently ma age till a orbed. ─── 洁面醒肤后,将适量本品涂胶原蛋白的作用于面部及颈部,轻轻按摩至吸收。

10、a full moon; a bright moon; a shining white orb of the full moon ─── 一轮明月

11、The paper mainly introduces the structures and function of CORBA, ORB (Object Request Broker). ─── 介绍了CORBA规范和对象请求代理的体系结构、组成部分、技术特点,及针对实时需求而建立的实时CORBA的体系结构;

12、ORB middleware acts as the transfer bridge between theclient andserver ,whether advances the expansibility of the system . ─── WebParallel利用CORBA/IIOP技术,以ORB中间件作为客户与服务器通信的桥梁,为WebParallel提供了良好的扩充性;

13、Once the orb is in its holder, get him to follow you by getting near him. ─── 一旦能量石归位,通过接近他让他跟着你。

14、DCOM is very different from CORBA because it is built into the operating system and network, and an ORB vendor does not deliver it. ─── DCOM不同于CORBA,因为它嵌入在操作系统和网络中,没有一家ORB供应商提供DCOM。

15、The client application takes advantage of this dynamic stub generation capability; the stub is generated when the ORB requests it for them. ─── 客户机应用程序会利用这种动态存根生成能力;存根是在请求ORB时生成的。

16、"I illumine the limitless sky, yet I can yield myself up to a tiny drop of dew," thus the Sun said;"I shall become but a sparkle of light and fill you, and your little life will be a laughing orb. ─── “我能照亮无边的天空,也能把自己献给一颗小小的露珠,”太阳这样说,“我会化做一缕光芒来充实你,你小小的生命会成为一颗欢笑的星球。”

17、Research on Configurable ORB Middleware ─── 可配置的ORB中间件实现研究

18、omnidirectional radio beacon (ORB) ─── 全向无线电信标

19、Interface of XML based web service is superior to traditional RPC and ORB in which it enables loose binding, late binding and auto-binding of Web service as well as it is good at extensibility and exchangeability. ─── 基于XML数据格式的Web服务接口在拥有RPC、ORB等方式所不能比拟的可扩展性和互换性的同时,更加有助于实现Web服务的松绑定、迟绑定和自动绑定。

20、AFM scanning atlas indicated that aroma-producing compositions and flavor-producing compositions in Luzhou-flavor lliquor manifested orbed granule shape with orderly distribution. ─── 从AFM扫描图可以看到浓香型成品白酒中的呈香呈味物质成分呈近似圆球状的颗粒形态,并且大小分布错落有致。

21、real-time Object Request Broker (ORB) ─── 实时对象请求代理

22、Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Professor Lupin forcing the boggart back into the packing case with his wand;it then turned into a silvery orb again. ─── T144: 他从眼角看见卢平教授用魔杖把那博格特逼回了包装箱,那博格特又变成一个银色的球体。

23、The CORBA ORB provides four main components: the ORB , object services, common facilities and application objects. ─── CorbA orb提供了四种主要的组件:orb、对象服务、公共设施和应用对象。

24、The Orb can only be destroyed with an ancient flail imbued with the spirit of the one incorruptible priest. ─── 你只能利用另一个古代连枷,灌入一个尚未与之妥协的牧师灵魂,才能够摧毁这个球体。

25、Only drivers that have passed WHQL and our driver authorization process have comparable results that will be allowed for use in our ORB database and hall of fame. ─── 只有通过WHQL以及我们的驱动认可过程的驱动,才会被允许作为用于我们的ORB数据库和名人堂的可比对结果。"

26、Experts say it looks like a fussy red orb as bright as almost any of the other planets with a disk. ─── 专家们说,这个看起来像是仔细装饰过的红色天体,几乎和所有其他有碟形环绕的行星一样亮。

27、B)Don't let him see you, but place a magical orb in front of him to gently guide him out of your area. ─── 不让她看见你,但是放一个光球在她前面,慢慢的引导她走出你的地盘。

28、A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis. ─── 一个特里同王子来你这里寻找传说中的亚特兰提斯之珠。

29、Why orb spiders are successful receiver exploiters? ─── 为何结网性蜘蛛为成功的受讯方剥削者?

30、O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable. ─── 啊!不要指着月亮起誓,这旨变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。

31、The numerous of orbed virus piled upwhich diameter was about 30nm. ─── 可见细胞核周围有大量成堆的球状病毒颗粒,直径约30nm。

32、Late August .... Saturn Neptune opposition goes inside a two degree orb. ─── 下旬8月....土星海王星反对去在二度天体里面。

33、When the evil sorcerer Damodar braves a perilous whirlwind vortex to steal the elemental black orb he declares a sinister plan of vengeance against the kingdom of Ismir. ─── 当邪恶的男术士达莫达尔冒着危险穿过急速旋转的的大旋风偷取元素黑暗晶球之后,他宣布了对抗伊丝米尔王国的复仇计划的。

34、Seen from space, the planet Mon Calamari appears as a tranquil deep blue orb with few landmasses. ─── 从太空中看去,蒙卡拉马里星是一颗宁静的蓝色星球,海洋中点缀着极少的陆地。

35、Architecture for Realtime ORB Thread Management ─── 实时CORBA线程池管理技术研究

36、The corrupted High Council fashioned an Orb to control the rest of the Zakarum faithful and used their powers to hide the lair of their master from mortals. ─── 堕落的高等评议会制作出了球体,来控制其他撒卡兰姆人的忠心,并利用它们的力量来隐藏这个大地,让其他的人类无法找到。

37、To defeat him, you must first knock him back with your energy blasts, until you can see the cracked energy orb that was behind him. ─── 为了击败他,你必须先用你的能量攻打让他后退,直到你看见他后面破碎的能量石。

38、Ten smaller eyes on stalks sprout from the top of the orb. ─── 从圆球上伸出十条末端为小眼睛的肉茎眼梗。

39、The ORB is the centerpiece of the CORBA infrastructure. ─── ORB是CORBA基础设施的关键一环。

40、A sphere emblematic of sovereignty; an orb. ─── 小金球象征君权的金球;球

41、Act ii. Sc. 2. O swear not by the moon,the inconstant moon,That monthly changes in her circled orb,Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. ─── 啊!不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。

42、Dusknoir: That Grovyle! He fled using that flash from that Luminous Orb as cover! ─── 夜魔人:那个森林蜥蜴!他在发光之玉闪光的掩盖下逃走了!

43、Then, before I knew it, the dark red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eyes until they stung and all of a sudden lighting up the surrounding cloud. ─── 一霎那间,这个深红的圆东西,忽然间发出了夺目的亮光,射得人眼睛发痛,它旁边的云片也忽然有了光彩。

44、Peter: Want to see my trick to get past the red orb guardian? ─── 你要看我躲过红珠保护人的把戏吗?

45、Return from there with the Lawful Orb of power and it will show your worth. ─── 带着秩序之球从那边回来,这将表明你的价值。

46、Then, before I knew it, the dark red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eyes until they stung and all of a sudden lighting up the surrounding clouds. ─── 一刹那间,这个深红的圆东西,忽然发出了夺目的亮光,射得人眼睛发痛,它旁边的云片也突然有了光彩。

47、At the server end, the ORB also has important duties. ─── 在服务器端,ORB也有重要的作用。

48、The Object Request Broker ( ORB ) handles the communications among the various components. ─── 对象请求中介(orb)处理不同组件之间的通信。

49、The distracted reader can't be a orbed in the a tract extract. ─── 心神纷乱的读者无法专心于抽象的节录.

50、But even as middleware vendors break into the ORB market and Microsoft rolls out its own wares, the merging of multiple middleware functions is still a work in progress. ─── 但即使中间件供应商打入ORB市场,微软公司也推出它自己的产品,多种中间件功能的结合仍是进展之中的一种工作。

51、Only when it has been abs orbed and adopted by the team does its usefulness begin toe merge. ─── 只有被团队吸取和采纳才能使它的作用发挥出来。

52、Casting Process of Sirocco Stove Grate with Orbed Coronal ─── 球冠形热风炉炉箅子的铸造

53、China a orbed the direct foreign investments to bring good economic benefits to investment countries, and promoted the industry structural adjustment and upgrade of these countries. ─── 中国积极吸引外商直接投资也给资本的母国带来了良好的经济效益,并促进了这些国家产业的结构调整和升级。

54、To help find out, the robotic Cassini spacecraft currently orbiting Saturn imaged the nether region of the gigantic ringed orb in infrared light. ─── 为了找到答案,现正绕土星飞行的卡西尼飞船用红外光线拍摄了这颗巨大光环行星下方区域。

55、After facial cleaning in the morning and evening, evenly extend proper amount onto face and neck and gently pat till a orbed. ─── 早晚洁面后,取适量轻拍于面百福美胶原蛋白部、颈部至吸收。

56、For, although the sun is lost to us for ever, the moon, full-orbed or slender, remains to us. ─── 因为,虽然对于我们而言,我们永远失去了太阳,但月亮,或圆或缺,还是与我们同在。

57、Perha you can recall a time when everything just "clicked," and you were totally a orbed in the climbing. ─── “当我开始攀登的时候,似乎有什么意识之外的东西开始接手。

58、At the heart of Distributed Object Computing are Object Requests Broker(ORB), which automate many tedious and error-prone distributed programming tasks. ─── 对象请求代理(Object Request Broker,ORB)是分布对象计算的心脏,它使得许多麻烦而易错的分布式编程任务得以自动化。

59、Kalecgos yells: Another orb is ready! Make haste! ─── 卡雷苟斯:另一个宝珠准备好了!动作快点!

60、ORB: On-Line Reference Book for Medieval Studies ─── 中世纪研究网上参考书

61、Orb Of Lightning casts the Purge spell with every attack. ─── 光之球每次攻击加带驱魔作用。

62、Additionally, some analysts and users argue that Microsoft has more deliverables in object services than many of the ORB vendors. ─── 另外,有些分析人士和用户认为微软公司比很多orb供应商有更多的对象服务供提供。

63、Kami and Learna had yet to emerge from the orb cavern deep inside the region's now-floodlit central cave. ─── 卡米和莱亚娜还没有从被泛光灯照亮的中央岩洞内的球体洞穴现身。

64、You unpack the orb from the heavy-duty insulation stuffed around it. ─── 你从塞满结实的隔离物的包裹中拆出这样一个球体来。

65、The application checks with the Windows NT registry to locate the remote ORB, and then it invokes its services. ─── 应用程序检查Windows NT的登记,以确定远程orb,然后它就调用其服务。

66、Several compounds in coffee may contribute to its antioxidant capacity, including phenols, volatile aroma compounds and oxazoles that are efficiently a orbed. ─── 咖啡中的一些成分有助于咖啡的抗氧化能力,包括可以被有效吸收的苯酚、可挥发的芳香族化合物、唑。


68、This curse-like mind control attack summons a blue spirit wherever the WD targets it.The spirit confuses some of the monsters in range, causing an aqua colored orb to appear over their heads. ─── 在WD周围产生蓝色烟雾的新星,所有范围内的怪物会造成伤害,伤害如果足够的话,可以杀死他们,他们的灵魂(白色或蓝色的幽灵)在空气中旋转,并被WD吸收,增加WD的魔法。

69、Deinopids are large to very large spiders that build highly modified orb webs (Coddington, 1986b). ─── 妖面蛛为大型到较大型蜘蛛,建造高度特化的圆网。

70、You a ly to the chance of the2008 Olympics to make your traditional culture a orb the advantage of the west culture, and make it various and globalized. ─── 你们想借助2008年奥运会使贵国的传统文化吸收西文化的优点,使之多样化、际化。

71、Orb Of Vulnerability casts mass Disease ─── 弱点魔球施展全体疾病

72、They are person's bloods which uses to come together in the body to make into orb and give the technique of the other party attack. ─── 他们是用聚集在体内的人血做成球体并给予对方攻击的技术。

73、Thus theoretically, weakly acidic drugs (eg, a irin) are more readily a orbed from an acid medium (stomach) than are weak bases (eg, quinidine). ─── 因此,从理论上讲,弱酸性药物(如阿司匹林)在酸性介质中(胃腔)比弱碱性药物(如奎宁)更易吸收。

74、In fact, the look of the orb doesn't match either. ─── 事实上,它们的外形也不太适合。

75、Delving into the essence of cold magic, he has the power to cause ice to condense into an orb that bounces from foe to foe, causing tremendous pain in its wake. ─── 对寒冰魔法的精通,使得他能够将寒气聚集在一个球体上,并让它在敌军之中弹来弹去,让那些敌人体验到他复活时所遭受的巨大痛苦。

76、As you disappear from view, an orb of bright fey light streaks toward your opponent, then erupts in a dazzling flash that leaves that foe dazed. ─── 你悄悄地消失,留下一个闪亮的光球飞向你的对手。然后,在一阵眼花缭乱的闪光过后,敌人变得昏头转向。

77、CORBA vendors have recognized this limitation and are currently working diligently to get their ORB bundled in some fashion as a standard software configuration. ─── CORBA供应商们已认识到此局限性,正在努力工作,使他们的ORB能以某种形式捆绑起来,成为标准的软件配置。

78、In the one hand she had a scepter, and in the other the imperial orb. ─── 她一只手里握着皇仗,另一只手托着金球。

79、It is an emanation from the distant orb of immortal light. ─── 它是从远处那个发出不灭之光的天体上放射出来的。

80、Orb Of Silt casts mass Prot. From Earth ─── 土球施展全体护土

81、An ORB is an engine that can communicate with other local or remote objects using a well-defined common interface and line protocol. ─── ORB是一个引擎,它能利用完善定义的公共接口和行协议,与其他本地的或远程的对象进行通信。

82、These drugs are usually a orbed from sites in the small intestine. ─── 他们通常经小肠特殊部位被吸收。

83、The sticky fluid which coats the strands in orb webs and catching lines is applied in these tubes. ─── 一些黏液适用于这些导管中,覆盖在蜘蛛网上细丝和抓捕丝上的黏液是通过这些导管涂抹的。

84、Attacks with a large steel orb. ─── 使用一个大铁球作武器。

85、Head left and follow the passage until you reach the orb. ─── 向左直到你到达石球处。

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