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09-22 投稿


predicated 发音

英:[?pred?ke?t?d]  美:[?pred?ke?t?d]

英:  美:

predicated 中文意思翻译



predicated 反义词


predicated 同义词

centre | rest | ground | center | build | establish | proclaim |base | connote | verb phrase | found

predicated 短语词组

1、predicated object ─── 谓词对象

2、predicated on ─── 以……为基础,把……放在……基础之上

3、predicated verb ─── 谓语动词

4、predicated value ─── 预测值

5、predicated dead time ─── 预测的停滞时间

6、predicated data ─── 预测数据

7、predicated upon ─── 基于

predicated 词性/词形变化,predicated变形

形容词: predicational |动词现在分词: predicating |副词: predicatively |名词: predication |动词过去分词: predicated |动词过去式: predicated |动词第三人称单数: predicates |

predicated 相似词语短语

1、prejudicated ─── 偏见的

2、premedicated ─── 有预科的

3、predicates ─── n.[数]谓词,判断(predicate的复数)

4、predicate ─── n.谓语,述语;v.使……基于;断言;暗示;adj.谓语的,述语的

5、eradicated ─── adj.(纹章上的植物)雕出根部的;v.根除,消灭(eradicate的过去式和过去分词)

6、predicted ─── v.预测,预言,预报(predict的过去式和过去分词)

7、predated ─── v.(在日期上)早于,先于……发生(或出现)(predate的过去式和过去分词)

8、dedicated ─── adj.专用的;专注的;献身的;v.以…奉献;把…用于(dedicate的过去式和过去分词)

9、medicated ─── adj.药制的;含药的;掺入药物的;v.用药治疗;加入药品(medicate的过去分词形式)

predicated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The comparison of the predicated value and the measured value shows that the model is feasible. ─── 将预测值与实测值加以对比,证实了马尔可夫链式灰色预测模型的可行性。

2、In order to help coking and chemical enterprises to extract themselves from their predic... ─── 最后对焦化企业如何摆脱当前困境,提出了一些设想和建议。

3、The company's plans to increase production were predicated on the growing demand for computer products. ─── 公司增加生产的计划基於不断增涨的电脑产品需求量。

4、We may hope for a different Russia in the future, but US policy must be predicated on improving relations now. ─── 或许我们可以期待未来会有一个不同的俄国,但美国当前的政策必须着眼于改善两国关系。

5、At the same time, CBO’s reputation as an institution is predicated on its nonpartisanship, lack of institutional bias, and intellectual rigor. ─── 同时,国会预算局的机构声誉建立在无党派、无机构偏向和理性严谨的基础上。

6、Sustainability is usually predicated on providing a healthy environment for all residents, particularly the most vulnerable. ─── 一般来说,可持续性的基础是为全体居民提供一个健康的环境,尤其是为弱势人口。

7、Also, in this paper, soil environmental change is predicated according to climate change, population increment and big engineering projects. ─── 文章还进一步从气候变化、人口压力和大型工程建设等几方面对未来土壤环境的影响进行了预测。

8、America's eventual supremacy has been predicated incessantly. ─── 他们一再预言,美国终将称雄于世。

9、Elastic constants of two and three dimension short fiber reinforced composites were predicated with the help of computer based on the analytical model presented in this paper. ─── 建立了分析模型,编制了计算程序,分别对二维及三维随机取向短纤维复合材料的弹性常数做了预测,分析了纤维含量的影响,并与有关文献结果进行了比

10、Abstract: It is very difficult to predic insulation ageing of the power capacitor because it is a complete closed equiment. ─── 摘 要 :电容器是一种全密封设备,其绝缘老化状况的判定十分困难。

11、As with the fibre build-out and the 3G mania, the convergence craze is predicated on the exciting possibilities opened up by new technology. ─── 因为造好的光纤和3G的狂热,新科技带来的激动人心的机会预示了融合的狂热。

12、Heinsohn played on teams and later coached the Celtic squads that dominated with offenses predicated on ball movement and deft shooting. ─── 是说这个人以前在许多球队效力,后来执教凯尔特人,当时的凯尔特人拥有流畅的进攻,他们的进攻建立在合理转移球以及出色的投篮上。

13、Approaches to academic paper innovation: analysis predicated on innovation factors ─── 学术论文的创新途径:基于创新因素的分析

14、This is something that eery letter proiding adice or opinion can include in order to aoid future misunderstanding.Eery opinion and all adice is predicated upon facts and law. ─── 为了避免将来引起误解,所以每封信函在提供意见或建议时都会提供相关的依据。

15、He predicated rationality of man. ─── 他断言人是有理性的。

16、Table 1. Primer sequences and predicated sizes of PCR products ─── 1引物序列和PCR产物的大小

17、So much of the current human dance is predicated upon dishonor and judgment that honor has been long lost. ─── 如此多的当前人类舞蹈意味着无尊重和审判,尊重被丢失了很久。

18、7.The Classicist used lyric and expressive melody, inventing a musical form predicated on the idea of one melody being contrasted with a second. ─── (古典主义者用抒情的和富有表情的旋律,以一个旋律与另一个旋律相对比的思维为基础来创造音乐的形式。

19、14/12/2008 - As predicated from our Staff Team, this just became unsupportable. ─── 14/12/2008 -如断言从我们的职员队,这变得忍耐不住。

20、" Nevertheless things of which we may doubt to what nature they belong, are not to be predicated without a qualification. ─── 尽管如此,对其应属何性会叫我们疑惑的那些事,我们就不能在没有限定条件的情况下作陈述。

21、At last, it was predicated that the PDP phosphors doped with rare-earth elements are promising. ─── 最后对稀土元素掺杂的PDP发光粉的发展前景进行了预测。

22、Power Optimization for Predicated Execution ─── 判定执行的功耗优化

23、New solutions to many philosophical problems were found predicated on theoriea concerning “metaphysics” and “non-determinism”. ─── 以“非实体主义”的基本理论为参照系,为众多的哲学问题求索新的答案;

24、The approach and timing should be predicated on the anatomic position and whether both testes are undescended. ─── 干预的方法和时机的选择还要根据隐睾的位置、是否双侧隐睾等因素来决定。

25、Stated or asserted; predicated. ─── 断定的断定的或被断言的; 被断定的

26、Research on the 2010 Asian Games'Predicated Influence over Canton Service Trade and Countermeasures ─── 2010年亚运会对广州服务贸易的影响及对策

27、Conclusion: Doppler ultrasonic can be used in latent period as a screen test to predic the fetus distress. ─── 两组比较,宫缩期及间歇期各项指标有差别,为诊断胎儿窘迫的筛选方法。

28、Practical application demonstrated that the prediction model has fast convergence speed and good prediction accuracy which is also an effective predic... ─── 实际应用表明,该模型预测准确性高,是一种有效的煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测方法。

29、New Keynesian models, monetarist models, even Austrian models are all predicated on the notion that nominal shocks created by poor monetary policy generate business cycles. ─── 新凯恩斯主义模型、货币主义模型甚至是奥地利模型都是基于这样的观点,那就是不好的货币政策多制造的震动生成了商业周期。

30、dynamic predic tion ─── 动态预测

31、If governance is to be catalyzed by and predicated on a change management infrastructure, you'll want standard usage models. ─── 如果治理将受到变更管理基础架构的促进,并且以变更管理基础架构为基础,那么您将想要标准使用模型。

32、It says the United States will likely be energy independent, while Russia, Europe and Japan are predicated to see slow economic declines. ─── 报告说,美国有可能将保持能源独立,与此同时,俄罗斯、欧洲和日本预计出现缓慢的经济衰退。

33、Finally, a target may be predicated on getting a change in the application. ─── 最后,可以声明应用程序变更了目标。

34、We must remember that it may not be a knowledge of right, for no knowledge of right is predicated of the animal's instinctive recoil at evil. ─── 我们必须记住,这也许并不是对正义的认识,因为动物本能地畏惧罪恶,但并不基于它们对正义有所认识。

35、Indeed, China has predicated its very claim of being the healthiest large economy in the world on faulty statistics. ─── 事实上,中国已预知它宣称自己是世界上最健康经济体的统计数字上是有问题的。

36、The predicated theoretical results coincide quite well with the experiment data. ─── 在加载过程中,理论计算值与实验结果较吻合。

37、Study on Some Problems in Development of Neural Network Model for Displacement Predic tion ─── 岩土工程位移预测神经网络建模的几个问题

38、Analysing and dealing with the predicated breakdown on a reducer machinery ─── 减速机的预知性故障分析及处理

39、However, since LZX is predicated on the XML data model, in general you shouldn't expect to be using this technique very much. ─── 但是由于LZX是建立在对XML数据模型断言上的,所以通常你用不到这种技术。

40、The history and feature in the research of pecticide were reviewed. The future prospect in the development of pecticide was predicated. ─── 介绍了农药研究开发的历史、特点及世纪农药的发展趋势。

41、A Register Allocation Algorithm for Predicated Code ─── 一种基于谓词执行优化技术的寄存器分配算法

42、The radiance of jet plume in arbitrary light of sight are predicated using Curtis-Godson micro-spectrum approximation. ─── 利用微观谱带Curtis-Godson单线近似方法,计算了沿任一视线飞机尾焰的红外辐射亮度。

43、Adam Smith's famous invisible hand theorem was predicated on the existence of competition. ─── 亚当斯密著名的看不见的手的理论被用来断言竞争的存在。

44、Financial success is usually predicated on having money or being able to obtain it. ─── 通常,先要有钱或能弄到钱才会获得财务上的成功。

45、He predicated the proposal to be ridiculous. ─── 他断言该提案是荒谬的。

46、All of this, of course, is predicated on the idea that you are making an effort to deal creatively with your own nervous tension. ─── 当然,所有这些都是建立在你努力采取创意的行为处理自己紧张的情绪基础上。

47、The Star carriers and CO said DOJ is advocating a "radical shift... predicated on faulty analysis [that] ignores critical aviation policy considerations. ─── 星空联盟成员和大陆航空说:“司法部在推动着很大的改变,但是基于错误分析上的判断忽略了对国际航空政策的考虑。”

48、It can be predicated that the study results are useful to the design of worm gear transmission and the development of new-type lubricants. ─── 本文的研究结果对蜗杆传动的摩擦学设计及新型润滑油的开发具有实际指导意义。

49、“Kellogg has long embraced this approach and remains a leader in offering experiential learning opportunities that are predicated on an increasingly diverse set of international course offerings. ─── 凯洛格很久以前便拥有了这类课程,现在仍然是提供以日益多样化国际课程为基础的经验学习机会的领先院校。”

50、Health experts predic predict that soon, more people will die from cancer than from the AIDS, tuberculosis and melaria combainmalaria combined. ─── 健康专家预测,不久之后,死于癌症的人要多于死于艾滋病,肺结核跟综合疟疾。

51、Recent advances on the study of porphyrins in the application of antitumor drug and anticancer action mechanism are reviewed, and the possible development in the future is predicated. ─── 摘要综述了卟啉类化合物作为抗癌药物的应用及其抗癌作用机理的研究进展,并对其研究的前景进行了展望。

52、Methods:28 cases with recrudescent intra-spinal canal tumors were analyzed, and the causes of recrudescence were predicated. ─── 方法:对28例椎管内复发肿瘤进行临床回顾性分析,并推断其复发因素。

53、Almost every week, another company makes a new investment predicated on Asia's emerging middle classes: banks, retailers and consumer goods makers are all piling into the region. ─── 免费试听课程收藏本页几乎每周,都会有一家公司做出一笔针对亚洲新兴中产阶级的新投资:银行、零售商以及消费品制造商纷纷涌入该地区。

54、What the media repeatedly claimed was her success in debate was predicated on her silencing of her male competitors, who were bullied into excess caution in dealing with a woman. ─── 媒体反复宣扬的她在竞选辩论中的成功,是基于她对其男性竞争对手保持沉默的预言。而她的对手迫于外界的压力在处理女性的问题上过分谨慎。

55、Its basic principles include penetration through ball entry at the high post, with spacing and cuts predicated off the pass. ─── 它的基本原理是从高位发起进攻,随着跑位和分球完成进攻。

56、the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated in a sentence ─── 一个句子作为行动主体的语法成分

57、The safety monitoring result obtained during construction and operation showed that the fruits of key technology tackling and proposals are correct and have achieved predicated objective. ─── 施工和运行期安全监测成果证明,攻关成果和建议是正确的,达到了预期目标。


59、In operation,it is found that the practical pressure is much higher than what was predicated in field which affected seriously the success of fracturing treatment. ─── 在实际施工时发现,实际施工压力比预计的大很多,这就严重影响压裂施工成功。

60、Much Asian growth, including that of China itself, was predicated on infrastructure. ─── 亚洲很多国家的增长(包括中国自己)都建立在基础设施上。

61、When the biomarkers are detected in crude oil, it is identified that the age of possible source rock is predicated. ─── 当原油中检出这些具时代意义的生物标志物时,可由此推测原油生源岩沉积的地质时代。

62、Similarly, judicial refusals to strike down vague regulatory statutes under the delegation doctrine are sometimes predicated on an expectation that the administering agency will develop standards to particularize the statute. ─── 同样,司法上拒绝取消依据授权理论形成的模糊的管理法规有时是以以下期望为基础的,即负责管理的机关日后会发展使法规具体化的标准。

63、The most distinctive mark of quantity is that equality and inequality are predicated of it. ─── 数量不像它的外表,它不能容纳程度变化。

64、But Adelman found a way to make things work. He adjusted from a post-up game to one predicated on even more ball movement with McGrady coming off the pick-and-roll. ─── 但阿帅找到了另一条成功之路。他调整了火箭的进攻手段,从单吃对手方式转变为疯狂传球方式,麦迪靠档拆来盘活球队。

65、Noise from different sources has different features.Different noise monitoring and predic tion methods should be used for the nois... ─── 噪声预测方法应在考虑铁路规模的同时,针对不同影响特征建立不同预测方法。

66、Based on experimental results and previous works, frictional loss of slurry in pipe has been simulated and predicated by artificial neural network. ─── 在试验研究结果和前人工作基础上,利用人工神经网络法对管道内浆体摩阻损失进行拟合和预测。

67、Nevertheless things of which we may doubt to what nature they belong, are not to be predicated without a qualification. ─── 尽管如此,对其应属何性会叫我们疑惑的那些事,我们就不能在没有限定条件的情况下作陈述。

68、Not only natural occurring peptides but also peptide analogs with unnatural amino acid residue can be processed.MS fragments’ mass of some peptide analogs were predicated by this program. ─── 对多个多肽类似物的质谱碎片质量进行了预测,与实测结果比较后证明预测全部成功,说明本程序的结果有效、可靠。

69、it is predicated that ─── adv. 预计(据估计)

70、Something, such as a general quality or attribute, that can be predicated. ─── 可以被断定的事物,如,共同属性或特质

71、Further Research on the Hyperbolic Fitting Method for Predic tion of Subgrad Settlement ─── 公路软基沉降双曲线预测法的进一步探讨

72、Gains have been predicated on bets that the financial sector and economy are close to stabilizing. ─── 收获(已经)以打赌(其金融部门和经济即将稳定)为基础.

73、Life is changing......fate can't be predicated ` Life is changing......fate is hard to be predicated. ─── 不喜欢老师,却嫁了个老师??这个家有老师,这老师应该是你丈夫吧!

74、This wild world has so many changes and separation couldn't been predicated,maybe we would miss each other in a lifetime just for turn round. ─── 在这个广阔的世界里有太多的改变和分离无法被预测,也许就在一转身的时候,我们可以(记住对方)思念对方一生.

75、Using the predic tion software of the fire smoke flow properties in the building, the effect of the flow coefficient on the fire smoke flow was also studied. ─── 同时,运用建筑物火灾烟气流动性状预测计算软件,分析了门窗开度及流量系数对火灾烟流的影响。

76、Almost every week, another company makes a new investment predicated on Asia's emerging middle classes: banks, retailersconsumer goods makers are all piling into the region. ─── 几乎每周,都会有一家公司做出一笔针对亚洲新兴中产阶级的新投资:银行、零售商以及消费品制造商纷纷涌入该地区。

77、(4)the quality of PVC resin is predicated on the perfection of production process and plant. ─── (4)工艺、装置的完善是保证产品质量的前提。

78、Compulsory education laws predicated in part on the assumption that a child's emotional value made child labor taboo. ─── 义务教育法的出现部分是基于下面的假设:孩子们的情感价值使得童工成为了一种禁忌。

79、That he was a desultory tentative student of something and everything might only have been predicated of him ─── 我们只可预言一下,说他只是一个轻尝浅试、旁收杂览、样样通,样样松的学生罢了。

80、The predicate "dog" is predicated of the subject "fido" in the sentence "Fido is a dog". ─── 在“fido is a dog”这句话中,表语“dog”指明了主语“dog”的属性。

81、Functional ratings and perceied disability were predicated more on pain than on functional impairment and did not correlate with radiographic signs of arthrosis. ─── 功能指标及知觉障碍主要依靠疼痛而不是功能损害进行判定,与肘关节的影像学征象无关。

82、Any code of ethics must be predicated upon the basic principles of truth andhonesty. ─── 任何伦理的规约都必须以真实兴诚实的基本原则为依据。

83、Friedrich Engels has predicated that the family will die out in the future of the human society, and the knowledge economy is induct it to this goal. ─── 恩格斯曾经预言 ,家庭在人类社会的未来将走向消亡 ,知识经济正在引导家庭向这一目标前进

84、Predicated on medals often presented in competition, the system uses: platinum, gold, silver and bronze. ─── "能量思慕雪"更可谓是有效的控制体重的食品.未来思慕雪将成为一种新兴的饮料或流体食物.

85、The coupled models predic t significant responses of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function. ─── 2)森林和草地的总面积增加,这是作为取代干旱灌木林、沙漠和高山苔原的结果。

86、Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law. ─── 民主是以法制为基础的。

87、As harmony is the determinandum of relationship, only relationship can be predicated to be harmonious or disharmonious. ─── 摘要和谐是关系的规定,只有关系才有和谐不和谐的问题。

88、A predication model of greysystem was proposed for ob servation of Grey change with the model the monthly meansediment runoff and the yearly mean sediment precipitation could be predicated. ─── 根据灰色系统理论,建立灰色灾变预测模型,对未来月径流和流域平均年降水量模型趋势作出相应的预测。

89、I responded that the expected recovery was both months away and predicated on Recovery Act spending ramping up greatly. ─── 我回答说,预期的复苏不仅是数月后的事情,而且其在复苏法案中预测的支出是在大幅攀升的。

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