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lesbian 发音

英:['lezb??n]  美:['l?zb??n]

英:  美:

lesbian 中文意思翻译



lesbian 网络释义

adj. [心理] 女同性恋的n. 女同性恋者

lesbian 短语词组

1、lesbian sex

2、lipstick lesbian ─── 有魅力的女同性恋者

3、lesbian leaf ─── 拉 ─── 拉叶子

4、Lesbian utopia ─── 女同性恋乌托邦

lesbian 词性/词形变化,lesbian变形


lesbian 相似词语短语

1、lesbic ─── 女同性恋

2、lesbianism ─── n.女性同性恋关系

3、plebian ─── 普莱比安

4、lesbians ─── n.女同性恋者;女同志(lesbian的复数形式)

5、Lesbian ─── adj.莱斯博斯岛的;n.莱斯博斯岛人;莱斯博斯岛语;n.(lesbian)女同性恋者;adj.(lesbian)女同性恋的

6、lesion ─── n.损害;身体上的伤害;机能障碍

7、Serbian ─── n.塞尔维亚人;塞尔维亚语;adj.塞尔维亚的;塞尔维亚人的;塞尔维亚语的

8、hasbian ─── n.曾经是女同性恋,而现在已经是异性恋或双性恋的女性

9、Hessian ─── n.打包麻布;浸沥青的麻绳;n.(Hessian)(美、英、加、澳)赫西让(人名)

lesbian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These two hottie lesbian girls are ** teen dildo ** as often they have time-at least one time per day. ─── 加入中国网商联盟的行列,有了广大同行的支持和帮助,你将不再是一个人在战斗!

2、The Year is 69 A.D.Beautiful and powerful Roman General Eroticvs has just vanquished her latest enemy with superior forces, cunning warfare, and body-weakening lesbian seductions. ─── 于公元前69年的罗马,一位既美丽又有权力的性将军刚打胜仗,王帝想让位予她,但王子加以阻挠,更假传圣旨,把性将军拘捕幽禁。

3、a homosexual person; a gay man or a lesbian ─── 同性恋者;男同性恋者或女同性恋者

4、Gay and lesbian bars, clubs, support groups and websites abound. ─── 同性恋酒吧,俱乐部,支持的团体和网站比比皆是。

5、Fae: The Bible condemns homosexuality. That's why God took your unborn child from your lesbian lover. ─── 圣经谴责同性恋。这就是为什么上帝从妳女同志爱人的身上夺走小孩的原因。

6、You never knew she was a lesbian? ─── 你一直都不知道她是女同性恋者?

7、One investment bank, for example, is extending its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender network to its Indian operations over the opposition of its local boss. ─── 以一家投行为例,尽管印度分部的老板持反对意见,但还是将业务范围扩展到了同性恋、双性恋和变性人的服务上。

8、She is a lesbian and has stated on several occasion that she loves small girls, thus making it no surprise that she has a (slightly sadistic) crush on Mika-sensei. ─── 13岁的病弱少年。虽然外表似女生,被怀疑是魔女,但其实是个男孩。非常直率,凡事太深太认真思索的男孩子,身子虚弱所以经常受伤到医院去。

9、What drives a lesbian up the wall? ─── 什么能把一个拉拉逼到墙角?

10、The pretty and nice women are lesbian. ─── 又美又好的女人是同性恋。

11、Thousands of revelers parade down Sao Paulo's main Paulista Avenue during the 6th annual Sao Paulo Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sunday. ─── 在巴西第六届年度圣保罗同性恋大游行上,数千人周日沿着圣保罗主要的保力斯达大道游行狂欢。

12、Do lesbian mums make the best parents? ─── 真的女同妈妈们是最好的家长吗?

13、The pretty and nice women are lesbian . ─── 又靓又好的女人是同性恋。

14、National Lesbian and Gay Health Association ─── 全国男女同性恋者健康学会

15、Don't tell me you are lesbian. ─── 别告诉我你是女同性恋。

16、The position indicates growing acceptance of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, Adams added. ─── 亚当斯补充道,这一职位的设立表明,人们越来越能接受男女同性恋、双性恋和变性群体了。

17、Of, relating to, or being a lesbian. ─── 同性恋女子的同性恋女子的、与同性恋女子有关的或作为同性恋女子的

18、International Lesbian and Gay Association; ─── 国际男女同性恋协会;

19、How can you know that you are not a lesbian? ─── 你怎么就知道自己不是同性恋呢?

20、More than 120 drawings are on view, almost all of them women, including nude lesbian couples and women apparently masturbating. ─── 在展示的120幅作品中,几乎所有的都在描绘女性,包括了一些描绘裸身女同性恋的,还有一些明显是妇女手淫的作品。

21、Mrs Beaumont: Are you a lesbian? ─── 博蒙特夫人:你是女同性恋么?

22、The California Supreme Court overturns a ban on gay marriage, making it the second state where gay and lesbian residents can marry. ─── 加利福尼亚最高法院取消了同性恋结婚的禁令,使得它成为美国第二个允许同性恋结婚的州。

23、These two hottie lesbian girls are making teen dildo sex as often they have time - at least one time per day. ─── 上述的方法有些需要一定时间的练习与辨认,所以不要因为看到漂亮的就马上想买下来。

24、Griff: I had a music teacher who was a lesbian; you guys are gay, right? ─── 女孩:我曾经有一个音乐老师,她是同性恋。你们两个也是吧?

25、However, starting in the 1990's, viewers saw a proliferation of primetime television dramas, sitcoms, and reality shows that have regular gay and lesbian characters. ─── 从90年代起,观众们开始在电视节目的黄金时段收看到大量的电视剧,情景喜剧和真人秀,它们都有常设的同性恋角色。

26、Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered who are having doubts about their Christian faiths or issues about their sexual identity.. ─── 为基督教信仰与同志身份有挣扎及疑惑的同志提供朋辈式的支持、情绪疏导及关顾。

27、But after all these lesbian drama, it's nice to be here to present the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Comedy Series. ─── 且不谈这些lesbian的戏剧性,我感觉非常好,能出席GLAAD颁奖典礼,并给最佳喜剧类剧集颁奖。

28、Is being a Lesbian illegal in China? ─── 在中国做拉拉是不是犯法的?

29、It is usually difficult to tell whether people are or are not gay or lesbian just by their appearance or gestures. ─── 凭着一个人的外貌,动作,衣着是很难看出一个人是不是同性恋。

30、Q: Was there any negative feedback on your sex scenes or for playing a lesbian? ─── ??演拉拉或拍床戏,有没有得过任何负面的回响?

31、In 1998, the TTHA became the first registered LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual) association in Taiwan, and was created as a source of support for gays and lesbians. ─── TTHA于1998年成为台湾第一个正式的LGBT(女同志、男同志、双性恋与变性者)协会,此协会是为了帮助男女同志而创办。

32、They point out that many of the books had adult themes including gay and lesbian content. ─── 他们指出被删除的书籍中很多都含有男女同性恋等成人内容。

33、And you never knew she was a lesbian. ─── 你又不知道她是女同性恋。

34、A homosexual person, a gay man or a lesbian. ─── 同性恋者男同性恋者或女同性恋者。

35、In my opinion, though the girl cannot make the man fall in love with her, she has no need to be a lesbian. ─── 在我看来,虽然这个女孩没能使那家伙爱上她,但是也不至于要转行当女同性恋吧!

36、She has edited two anthologies, What Sappho Would Have Said (U.S. title Poems Between Women, 1997) and The Mammoth Book Of Lesbian Short Stories (1999). ─── 今年35岁的她已经发表了四部小说,两本短篇故事集,两部文学史作品,两部诗选以及两部剧本。

37、Another Guardian writer, Cath Elliott, is often assumed to be a lesbian by men who take offence at her dislike of rapists and sex murderers. ─── 另外一个卫报作家凯斯·伊利尔特常常会因为不喜欢强奸及性爱谋杀主题而被男人们所厌恶,同时还被认为是一个女同性恋。

38、I can feel again her heavy hand resting upon my shoulder, frightening me a little with her heavy Lesbian air. ─── 我仍能感觉到她沉重的手搭在我的肩膀上,她那色迷迷的态度叫我有点害怕。

39、And with the advent of The L Word, I've come to understand that telling the stories of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people is a radical and transformative act for all of us. ─── Thelword的到来,正是我开始理解跨越性别的故事是如何从根本上改变和影响我们生活中的每一个人。

40、Chief model for the character was writer Vita Sackville-West, with whom Woolf had a lesbian relationship. ─── 具有该特点的主要模特是作家维塔.萨克维尔.韦斯特,她与伍尔夫有同性恋关系。

41、You want a place where there's lots to do and see, but where you can be out as a lesbian, or hold your lover's hand. ─── 你去的地方总希望可以有很多事情可做、很多风景可看,但同时还可以牵着你同性恋爱人的手,走在大街上。

42、Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ─── 同性恋者反诽谤联盟

43、Y' see , that's where you're wrong . Why would I marry her if I thought on any level that that she was a lesbian ? ─── 你看,你这里就说错了。如果我有一点意识到她是女同志,我为啥还要娶她?。

44、International Lesbian and Gay Youth Organization ─── 国际青年女同性恋和男同性恋组织

45、I said, 'I am a lesbian. ─── 我说,我是拉拉。

46、Mrs. Beaumont: Are you a lesbian? ─── 博蒙特夫人:你是女同性恋麽?

47、It's like "Clueless" in tone, and then you find that [lesbian] element and you just accept it as part of the story. ─── 你会发现“女同性恋”只是影片中的一个元素,并且你会接受它作为这个故事的一部分。

48、a lesbian who is noticeably masculine. ─── 一个呈现出显著的男子汉气概的女同性恋者。

49、There are, for instance, “gay” transsexuals, bisexual “swingers”, and lesbian sadomasochistic fetishists. ─── 例如,存在著“同性恋”跨行者、双性“换偶者”和女同性恋施虐受虐癖者。

50、I was like, "Janis, I can't invite you, because I think you're a lesbian. ─── "|我说“珍尼斯,我不能邀请你 因为我觉得你是同性恋...

51、Basically, heterosexual men and lesbian women preferred the female pheromones oer the male, while homosexual men preferred male pheromones. ─── 一般来说,异性恋的男性和同性恋的女性更易于闻到雌性而不是雄性信息激素,而男性同性恋者们则恰恰相反。

52、Their own biases against homosexuals lead them to overlook the one person, the lesbian staff person, who may have had useable information to deter such an incident. ─── 他们对同性恋的偏见,让他们轻视别人,同性恋可能反而有足够的眼光去制止类似事件的发生。

53、One very large category of such users of cloning might be lesbian couples. ─── 使用克隆人技术的一个很大的人群是女同性恋夫妇。

54、Yesterday I watched the movie "Fingersmith"on my computer.Before I watched it ,I thought it was just like other kinds of works that describe lesbian. ─── 反省之余意识到自己其实还是渴望出去吧,渴望逃脱这无望的牢笼。

55、Were you planning on bringing up the whole baby lesbian thing? ─── 你不是打算告诉他们同性恋和小孩的事情吗?

56、"The message people are getting is that gay people are second-class citizens," says Tracey Conaty, spokesperson for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. ─── “人们获得的启示是同性恋是二等公民。”美国国家男女同志特遣队的发言人特蕾西科纳缇如是说。

57、You're straight, and this is your first lesbian role. How did you prepare to play a lesbian? ─── 你很直率。这是你的第一个女同性恋角色,你是怎么准备饰演这个角色的?

58、Did you have any apprehension whatsoever about playing a lesbian character? ─── 妳对扮演一个拉拉角色有什么理解?

59、LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. ─── LGBT是女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋者以及跨性别者的简称。

60、This programme focuses on the work of two sociologists from Seattle, USA, who interviewed married, cohabiting, gay and lesbian couples. ─── 两位美国著名社会学家分别采访婚姻关系、居关系、性恋关系的伴侣,发现不同关系的伴侣处理问题的社会关系具有相同点和不同点。

61、National Gay and Lesbian Task Force ─── 全国男女同性恋者工作组

62、To promote social justice with lesbian and gay people. ─── 与同志一起促进社会公义。

63、A federal judge ruled that a lesbian student can sue her school district and her principal for revealing her homosexuality to her mother. ─── 一位女同性中学生所在的地区学校和校长,向该女学生的母亲透露其同性恋的事实,一位美国联邦法官认为该女学生可以起诉他们。

64、Y'see, that's where you're wrong. Why would I marry her if I thought on any level thatthat she was a lesbian? ─── 你看,你这里就说错了。如果我有一点意识到她是女同志,我为啥还要娶她?

65、Lesbian Xiao Ying regrets that she came out of the closet too quickly when, at age 19, she told her mother. ─── 女同性恋者小英(化名)后悔她从中储藏室里出来得太快,那时她19岁,她还告诉了她母亲。

66、At the same time, her best friend, Willow, has evolved from a nerd with an unrequited crush on her childhood buddy Xander to an extremely powerful witch and a remarkably unconflicted lesbian. ─── 在此同时,她的挚友葳洛也从一个苦恋着青梅竹马钱德的书呆子,蜕变为一位拥有超强魔力的女巫,同时也是一位高度自我认同的女同性恋者。

67、The notion that she might be a lesbian had never occurred to her before. ─── 在此之前,她自己可能是一个同性恋者的念头从来没有出现在自己的意识之中。

68、ASTRAEA National Lesbian Action FoundationASTRAEA ─── 全国女同性恋者行动基金会

69、Would you mind if your GF or BF was a lesbian or a gay before? ─── 你介意你的男(女)友以前是同性恋(雷丝)么?

70、International Lesbian and Gay Association ─── 国际男女同性恋协会

71、The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ─── 反诽谤同性恋者联盟

72、It's about time more transsexual stories made it to the big screen.And the prospect of seeing Nicole and Charlize together as women is the stuff of lesbian dreams are made of. ─── 关于变性的故事早就该搬上大荧幕了,期待看到妮可和查理两人以女人的身份在一起大概就是女同志的梦想了。

73、Many therapies both religious based and psychology based have been created to "convert" or "reorient" gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) persons. ─── 为了能“转化”或者“重生”男女同性恋或双性恋者,许多治疗方法应运而生,宗教方面的,心理方面的都有。

74、In 1987 the British Government delivered a leaflet on AIDS, with the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard telephone number, to every household in the country. ─── 1987 年英国政府做了一本有关艾滋病的宣传册,它包括“伦敦同性恋热线”电话号码在内的。

75、Fridae - Asia Gay and Lesbian Network ─── 亚洲男女同志网

76、Q. What did the two lesbian frogs say to each other? ─── 两只搞拉拉的母青蛙会说什么?

77、A homosexual person; a gay man or a lesbian. ─── 同性恋者男同性恋者或女同性恋者

78、An eye-opening fantasy in which five members of a lesbian clique make room for an additional member. ─── 一群死党凑在一起,为了好奇兼死忠,个个做了一滴滴的冒险实验。

79、Check out Rue St.Catherine in the gay-friendly Village and dance at Le Drugstore, eight floors of lesbian night life. ─── 去对同性恋友好的圣卡瑟琳大街去玩吧,并在勒德格斯特八楼的女同性恋夜总会尽情的跳舞吧。

80、In the past the studies of gay, lesbian and bisexual people involved only those in therapy, thus biasing the resulting conclusions. ─── 以前的研究只是局限于在接受心理辅导的同性恋和双性恋者,所以令到研究的结果也有偏倚。

81、He successfully appealed to a generally leftist constituency of pacifists, anti-globalisers and gay and lesbian campaigners. ─── 他成功地吸引了和平主义者、反全球化者以及男女同性恋运动的推动者之类通常是左翼支持者的人。

82、gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful. ─── 男女同性恋权利团体“石墙”认为揭露同性恋身份是完全无用的。

83、This is true of even very simple social situation, such as our previous example of a social situation produced by the ongoing interaction of a man, a bisexual woman and a lesbian. ─── 即使在再明了不过的社会情境中,也能知道这是真的,像是之前提到由进行互动中的男人、双性恋女人、和女同志产生社会情境的例子。

84、Just because a girl doesn't fall for your charms she must be a lesbian. ─── 仅仅由于一个女孩没有为你的魅力倾倒,她就是同性恋。

85、Perhaps the novelty of gay and lesbian characters on prime time television shows has warn off after the long running success of Will and Grace, Queer Eye, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ─── 也许在这三档电视节目收获长期的成功的时候,电视台黄金时段的男女同志们将不再使观众具有新鲜感。

86、Lesbian marriages approved by Taipei Mayor. ─── 台北市长主持女同士结婚式。

87、She learned from the Internet that she could be a lesbian and keep her body as it is, she said. ─── 她从网上知道了她可以做一个女同并且保持原样。

88、Gerda had her own lesbian leanings. ─── ) 格尔达有同性恋倾向。

89、Some wonder if they might be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. ─── 一些会感到迷惑自己也许会成为同性恋或是双性恋。



网络里蕾丝是指女同性恋。 男生是玻璃(男同性恋),女生是蕾丝(女同性恋)。 为什么会译为蕾丝,就是英文的Les,Lesbian ,翻译女同性恋 。




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