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moistener 中文意思翻译



moistener 词性/词形变化,moistener变形

动词过去式: moistened |动词现在分词: moistening |动词过去分词: moistened |动词第三人称单数: moistens |名词: moistener |

moistener 短语词组

1、spindle moistener ─── 主轴加湿器

moistener 相似词语短语

1、moistens ─── vt.弄湿;使…湿润;vi.潮湿;变潮湿

2、moister ─── 更湿润的(moister是moist的比较级);更潮湿的(moister是moist的比较级)

3、moistened ─── adj.弄湿的;v.弄湿(moisten的过去分词)

4、christener ─── 圣诞节

5、moisten ─── vt.弄湿;使…湿润;vi.潮湿;变潮湿

6、unmoistened ─── 无调节器

7、listener ─── n.听者,认真倾听的人;收听广播节目的人

8、remoistened ─── 改造的

9、roisterer ─── n.摆架子的人;喝酒喧哗者

moistener 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Selection of control valve of steam pipeline in tobacco leaf moistener ─── 润叶机蒸汽管路控制阀选型

2、Natural glossy ganoderma distillate can infiltrate fleetly, moisten skin's bottom, eliminate tiredness, wrinkle, pouch and black rim of eyes. Let your eyes skin velvet and perfect. ─── 天然灵芝精华,它能迅速渗透,即时滋润皮肤底层及舒缓眼部疲劳;同时加强表皮层水脂膜的保护能力,预防皱纹及黑眼圈,眼袋、眼疲劳、使眼部肌肤柔软光滑,双眸迷人!

3、It can disperse the darkness of the Cold Night, the ice melt the bottom of my heart, moisten the parched heart, keep the students awake in the spiritual world. ─── 它能够驱散黑暗的寒夜,消融心底的坚冰,滋润焦渴的心田,不断苏醒着学生的精神世界。

4、moisten one's clay [ lips, throat ] ─── 喝酒, 润喉

5、Double-boiled bird's nest with jujube and crystal sugar (Enrich blood and maintain skin, treat yin deficiency and moisten skin) ─── 冰糖红枣炖燕窝(补血养颜、滋阴润肤)

6、Affection is the spring shower to moisten the hearts of the students; trust is the key to enlighten the students; persuasion is the bridge to communicate with the students. ─── 关爱是洒向学生心灵的细雨,信任是打开学生心灵的钥匙,疏导是通向学生心灵的桥梁。

7、It kisses your face airily along with breeze, which moisten your deep heart after snow water pour into the corners of your mouth. ─── 伴随着微风,她轻盈地亲吻着你的脸颊,雪水流进你的嘴角,滋润着你的心田。

8、Her eyes moisten as she listen to the sad story ─── 听著这悲伤的故事,她的眼睛湿润了

9、Originally the phrase means two fish out of water moisten each other with saliva to keep each other alive temporarily. ─── 原指离开水的鱼相互吐沫沾湿,以求得暂时的生存。

10、Plumper silky Huanlu water. can be rapidly harmony with the skin to moisten ingredients full of deep penetration cuticle is moist and softened keratin. sustained glistening skin moist. ─── 丰润柔滑的焕肤水.能讯速与肌肤融和.使滋润成分充分渗透角质层深部.具有滋润和软化角质.使肌肤持续保持晶莹滋润.

11、Moisten your clay, wet the other eye, drink, man. ─── 喝酒,再干一杯,喝吧,伙计。

12、For ease of installation moisten seal cap with water or lubricant. ─── 为安装方便,密封套可使用水或润滑剂来润滑。

13、Her heart softened, moisten, like a flower, the Australian National Chan Chan carried out the core of Nennen. ─── 她的心,软化了,濡湿了,像一朵花,娇娇颤颤地展开了嫩嫩的蕊。

14、With the power of mingmen, the water can go up-toward to moisten and restrict the dampness of Gen. ─── 借命门之力上溯其水以润泽,又动艮湿之横。

15、Moisten clean skin and apply the mud.Massage to exfoliate and rinse immediately. ─── 在打湿的肌肤上涂抹本品,按摩,并立即冲洗干净。

16、Richly contain natural essential oil extracted from jasmine, mimosa and violet, which can moisten dry lips and bring you full and water lips. ─── 富含茉莉花、含羞草、紫罗兰等天然花卉精油,丰富的维他命成分可滋润干裂唇部,让你拥有丰盈、润泽美唇。

17、Secondly it is the white jade, the color is white too, but not so good as the white jade purly and mildly and moistly, especially moisten difference a little. ─── 其次是白玉,色也白,但纯和润不如羊脂玉,特别是润差一些。

18、Reduce fluffy and tangled hair, moisten hair and make it more manageable, repair dry hair, resume healthy hair, lastingly maintain humidity of hair and make beautiful hair smooth, soft and very shiny. ─── 减少头发蓬松及纠结,滋润发丝,令其更加服帖,修复干枯,回复头发健康,长时间保持头发湿度,使秀发顺滑柔软,且光泽无比。

19、"His poor mother," murmured the major, trying to get the lachrymal gland in operation, so as to moisten the corner of his eye with a false tear. ─── “他那可怜的母亲

20、It can anti-aging, whiten and moisten the skin. ─── 具有滋润保湿、美白祛斑、抗衰老、防过敏等直接美容效果。

21、Circle the round sport circle the round way moisten my life of my heart. ─── 圆圆的运动圆圆的道滋润我的心我的人生。

22、You might find it easier to insert if you moisten the suppository with water before inserting it. ─── 将栓剂用水润湿后使用起来会比较容易。

23、To make damp or moist;moisten. ─── 使潮湿,使湿润;变湿

24、[NIV] You are also to provide with it morning by morning a grain offering, consisting of a sixth of an ephah with a third of a hin of oil to moisten the flour. ─── 14[和合]每早晨,也要预备同献的素祭,细面一伊法六分之一,并油一欣三分之一,调和细面。

25、They all heartily enjoy to have long time no see of moisten of sweet dew. ─── 它们都在张着大口,尽情享受着久违的甘露的滋润。

26、Effect: intermediation PH value, permeate the skin to keep comfortable to moisten the feeling greatly, give the skin luster and elasticities, prevent from because oxidize causing the skin aging. ─── 功效:调解PH值,渗透肌肤保持舒爽的滋润感,赋予肌肤光泽与弹力,防止因氧化引起肌肤的老化。

27、The bran-new moisten powder honey, strengthen the water balance inside skin, prettify and tender the skin. ─── 全新美作轮廓修饰保湿底霜,有效加强肌肤内的水份均衡,同时美化和润泽肌肤。

28、Moisten the cloth before applying the lotion. ─── 在涂擦洗液之前先把布弄湿。

29、To avoid delay, they should moisten, wipe or clean their fingers before entering e-channels. ─── 为免延误,他们在进入e-道前可稍为湿润手指、抹乾手汗或将手指清洁。

30、The myriad things moisten, glow the full of vitality; ─── 万物滋润,焕发勃勃生机;

31、nourish the damaged skin cells, supply various nutrients necessary for skin, nutritiously moisten skin and make your skin glow dynamic vitality. ─── 修护受损皮肤细胞,补充肌肤所需的多种营养物质,营养滋润肌肤,使肌肤焕发活力生机。

32、Moisten the cloth slightly before applying the lotion. ─── 先把布稍弄潮湿再使用此溶液。

33、Foot Department Nursing Oil Tea Tree Lavende Lemon Promote the blood to follow, moisten a skin, and prevent dry and cracked, divided by the strange smell. ─── 促进血液循环,美白、保湿,滋润足部肌肤,防止干裂,祛除异味。

34、Function: Promotes infiltration, activates cellular tissue, increases the moisten, elasticity and luster and delays aging. ─── 功效:帮助渗透,活化细胞组织,滋润皮肤、增强弹性和光泽,延缓老化。

35、To hold, moisten, or maneuver (a sweet, for example) in the mouth. ─── 吮吸,舔食:在嘴里含有、弄湿或转动(如一块糖)

36、It can effectively moisten skin and muscle, Guard against the formation of arid and furrow,Heighten the delicate bright and clean of hand. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。

37、Promote circulation, make skin full vitality, open skin's water cycle access, supply trace mineral ions, moisten skin from inside to outside. ─── 促进循环,令肌肤充满活力,打开肌肤水循环通道,补充微量矿物离子,由内到外滋润肌肤。

38、And you shall provide with it a meal offering every morning, a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour. ─── 14每早晨也要豫备同献的素祭,细面一伊法的六分之一,并油一欣的三分之一,润调细面。

39、Moisten the four edges of wonton wrapper with some water, fold top corner diagonally over filling and press lightly. ─── 云吞皮四边蘸少许清水,覆盖馅料斜角对摺成形,轻力施压。

40、Strong moisture keeper, improve skin aging minus system, balance PH, clean skin remained dirt. Moisten and tighten skin and keep it be young. ─── 净白无瑕爽肤水:值,再次清洁肌肤残留物。滋养,紧致肌肤,舒缓敏感现象,长期使用可令肌肤保持年轻有弹性。

41、Argan oil and zymosan can nourish and moisten your skin and improve skin power at the same time; ─── Argan油和酵母多糖同时能营养滋润肌肤,增强肌肤能量;

42、He used a dampener to moisten the shirts before he ironed them. ─── 在熨衬衣前,他用加湿器先湿润了一下。

43、The earth knows firmamental sincerity, because of having rain to moisten; ─── 大地知道天空的真诚,因为有雨滋润;

44、Ginseng was evaluated in “Shen-Nong-Pen-Ts''ao-Chin” to moisten lung, make level pant, halt enuresis urine, and cease leukorrhea. ─── 在[本草纲目]中评银杏具有歛肺平喘、止遗尿、白带的作用。银杏主要所含的有效成分以黄酮醇及银杏内酯最受重视。

45、heat chicken soup into mucus, and take it into refrigerator to freeze, use kitchen knife to cut it into grain and embed it in cuttlefish bolus, moisten bread bran; ─── 同时将浓鸡汤加热成胶状,放入雪柜里速冻,后用刀切粒并酿入墨鱼丸内,沾上面包糠;

46、Stomach Nursing Oil Cardamom Lemon Rose Dredge the blood circulation, stomach department the skin to get tight and solid, moisten. ─── 促进胃部血液循环,同时胃部肌肤得到紧实、滋润。

47、"Sowing language with brush work, with sweat irrigation, moisten with blood, and this is the teacher of our beloved noble work. ─── “用语言播种,用彩笔耕耘,用汗水灌溉,用心血滋润,这就是我们敬爱的老师崇高的劳动。”

48、Moisten the cloth slightly before apply ing the lotion. ─── 先把布稍弄潮湿再使用此溶液.

49、If we are serene and happy, we will be able to life as like a flower blooming in our home, everyone in society, we will be the serene moisten the run. ─── 如果我们既安详又愉快,我们的生命就能像一朵花一样地绽放,我们家里、社会上的每个人,都将得到我们的安详的濡润。

50、Instead of adding saturated fat to baked potatoes in the form of the butter or sour cream, a healthy dollop of plain yogurt can be used to moisten them. ─── 不要以黄油或酸奶油的形式将饱和脂肪添入烤土豆,一小勺健康的纯酸奶可以用来湿润它们。

51、Double water replenishment, relax wrinkles, prevent sensitivity, inhibit melanin, moisten skin all day long, makes the skin light and winning. ─── 双倍补给肌肤水份,舒缓皱纹,防止敏感、抑制黑色素形成,全天候滋润肌肤,令肌肤水灵动人。

52、Study On the Application of High Pressure Micro Mist Moistener in Cigarette Production Con ditioning ─── 高压微雾加湿器在卷烟空调中的应用

53、China Chop Stone has six features: fine in grain, solid in tightness, moderate in hardness, transparent in diaphaneity, moisten in polishing and dripping with oil in faces. ─── 中华印石素有六德之称,即:细、结、温、凝、润、腻。细为密致,结系坚实;温乃和顺,凝即澄澈;润如露滴,腻若油溢。

54、For cake batter: Don't forget to moisten the flour. Sweeten with honey of maple syrup. ─── 制作面团:别忘了先把面粉润湿。然后用枫叶糖浆的甜蜜来增加甜味。

55、Remove the foil wrapper and moisten the suppository with water. ─── 去掉箔纸,用水湿润药栓。

56、Drink some water to moisten your throat. ─── 喝点儿水润一润嗓子。

57、Can be used to decrease the dust ,moisten the air . ─── 具备喷雾降尘功能,适宜降尘,湿润空气。

58、The abundant as well as wild land in North American promote and moisten the Chinese mordernization,with it's essence. ─── 北美这块广袤无垠又富饶的土地,也以其精华滋润和促进了中国的现代化进程。

59、Main ingredients: Rich in rose extract and nourishing factor, it will moisten and improve your hair. Your hair will become more brilliant and smooth. ─── 功效:蕴含玫瑰提取液,添加滋润成膜因子,在头皮和发丝表面形成滋润锁水膜,给秀发多重呵护,改善发质,展现亮丽动人的光泽,带来柔顺易梳的轻盈感受。

60、If persist in using the haie will become more moisten and smooth. ─── 坚持使用,秀发更加滋润,超凡顺滑。

61、Her eyes moisten as she listen to the sad story. ─── 听著这悲伤的故事,她的眼睛湿润了。

62、The research progress regarding the methods used to moisten artificial air - way ─── 人工气道湿化的研究进展

63、Quickly permeate, and is very good foundation oil.Abundant vitamin and protein, is good to moisten the oil, and can support the skin humidity, prevention crease and soft skin. ─── 具有与肌肤极好的亲和性,快速渗透,是极佳的基础油。丰富的维生素及蛋白质,是很好的滋润及保湿油,可以维护皮肤水分,预防皱纹及柔软肌肤。

64、His tongue even strayed out to moisten them. ─── 他甚至不知不觉地伸出舌头来舔舔嘴唇。

65、The Chest refrains from speaking hurriedly, is thinking the rain, if may big, cool, good moisten my clothes again, blurred the eyeglasses, have soaked my corner of the eye. ─── 公益金避免仓促发言,是思想的雨,如果可能大,冷静,良好的滋润我的衣服了,模糊的眼镜,都浸透我的眼角。

66、To make damp or moist; moisten. ─── 使潮湿,使湿润;变湿

67、With specially added bamboo salt, it contains hair nutriments such as natural hair moisturizing factor( NFM), vitamin B5, water-soluble lanolin, which can moisten, improve and brighten the hair. ─── *特别添加的竹盐成份,含有天然护发保湿因子NFM,维他命原B5,水融性羊毛脂等营养物质能迅速渗入发丝,全面滋养秀发,改善发质,令秀发更加闪亮。

68、*With specially added bamboo salt, it contains hair nutriments such as natural hair moisturizing factor (NFM), vitamin B5, which can moisten, improve and brighten the hair. ─── *特别添加的竹盐成份,含有天然护发保湿因子NFM,维他命原B5,水融性羊毛脂等营养物质能迅速渗入发丝,全面滋养秀发,改善发质,令发质更加闪亮。

69、The natural colour of the tobacco leaf, gloss, there are moistener. ─── 烟丝色泽板滞,光华量好,有油润感。

70、It owns the characteristic to delay the aging of skin and strong moisten ability. ─── 其抗自由基的特性,可延缓皮肤老化;滋润性强,可淡化细纹、娠纹、痕,增加肌肤湿润力,对干燥、水、化、纹肌肤极有帮助。

71、The bran-new moisten powder honey,strengthen the water balance inside skin,prettify and tender the skin. ─── 产品描述: 全新美作轮廓修饰保湿底霜,有效加强肌肤内的水份均衡,同时美化和润泽肌肤。

72、For the aged or sensitive skin you may spread a layer of essence cream firstly, and spray water to moisten. ─── 如皮肤太过老化或敏感的可先用精华霜打底,并于敷泥过程中适量喷水,保持湿润。

73、Stir in bread cubes and drained oysters. Use liquid from the oysters to moisten the mixture, if required. ─── 加入面包块和处理好的牡蛎进行搅拌;

74、If you dont have a personal smoke hood, moisten a handkerchief, headrest cover or shirttail, so if theres smoke after impact, you can hold it over your mouth. ─── 如没有烟雾罩,把手帕,衬衫下摆或头枕的枕套弄湿。坠机之后如有浓烟,用它掩住嘴。


76、Repair the nursing hair quality,permanent wave increaseflexibility,luster with the health,promoting of scurf quality the growth,moisten the hair quality,make the hair alive with vitality. ─── 修补和护理发质,令粗硬、干枯及电烫之头发增加弹性、光泽和健康,能有效防止脱发,抑制头皮屑的产生,促进基质生长,防开叉,滋润发质,使秀发回复自然,充满生命力。

77、Moisten tip of writing Brush with lips ─── 含毫吮墨

78、Simply because people seeding it, simply because it embraced the earth, the sun shines only because of its rain moisten it. ─── 仅仅是因为人们播种了它,仅仅是因为大地拥抱了它,仅仅是因为阳光照耀了它雨露滋润了它。

79、Because our own heart, also need to be moisten constantly with comfort. ─── 因为我们自己的心田,也需要不断地滋润和慰藉。

80、Effect: It has soft characteristics and rich foam which can soften cutin cell, purify pores, keep moisten and improve cell elasticity. ─── 功效:触感柔和的水凝修护洗颜泥,泡沫丰富,软化死皮细胞,清除毛孔污垢,有效锁住水分。提高细胞弹性。

81、Promote the blood circulation, metabolism and moisten the luster, add the of water? ─── 增进血液循环、新陈代谢、滋润光泽,补充水份,使干裂肌肤得以改善。

82、Perimeter have heavy to moisten hair, such large sales fields as lotus flower , 900 houses ,etc. offer gifted and convenient life apt the beginning. ─── 周边有大润发、易初莲花、九百家居等多家卖场提供得天独厚的便利生活。

83、The surface inside protected creepage distance did not moisten, thus may keep good hydrophobicity of silicone material surface. ─── 在保护爬距部分表面不易受潮,保持了硅橡胶表面的憎水性。

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