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09-22 投稿


lunched 发音

英:[l?nt?t]  美:[l?nt?t]

英:  美:

lunched 中文意思翻译





lunched 常用词组

have lunch ─── 吃午饭,吃午餐

after lunch ─── 午饭后

lunch time ─── 午饭时间

lunched 词性/词形变化,lunched变形

动词现在分词: lunching |动词过去式: lunched |动词第三人称单数: lunches |名词: luncher |动词过去分词: lunched |

lunched 相似词语短语

1、bunched ─── v.变紧,成皱褶;挤作一团;集中;隆起(bunch的过去式和过去分词)

2、launched ─── v.启动;[航]发射;开始(launch的过去式,过去分词);下水

3、glunched ─── 粘在一起的

4、lynched ─── v.处以私刑;以私刑绞死;n.私刑,私刑处死;n.(Lynch)(美)林奇(人名)

5、hunched ─── adj.缩成一团的;v.弯腰驼背(hunch的过去分词)

6、lurched ─── v.突然倾斜;(因震惊或惊恐等)心猛地一跳,胃猛地翻腾;蹒跚;突然改变(行为或态度);见死不救;击败;n.突然倾斜;失败,挫折;蹒跚;n.(Lurch)(美、德、加)卢尔希(人名)

7、lunches ─── n.午餐;vt.吃午餐;供给午餐;vi.吃午餐;供给午餐

8、dunched ─── 灌篮

9、luncher ─── n.吃午餐的人

lunched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He dispatched his lunch and took a nap. ─── 他匆匆吃完午饭并打个盹。

2、Scrub that mud off your fingers before you sit down to lunch. ─── 你要先把手指上的污泥洗掉才能上桌吃午饭。

3、After lunch, the conference resumed. ─── 午饭以后,会议继续进行。

4、Fenty, who has lunched with the president and first lady. ─── “我想对母亲说,‘妈,你永远想不到我遇到了谁!’”

5、He ate so much at lunch that he was sleepy afterwards. ─── 他午饭吃得太多了,结果饭后他困了。

6、You must join us for lunch. ─── 你一定要和我们一起吃午饭。

7、They have lunch at the school cafeteria every day. ─── 他们每天都在学校食堂吃午餐。

8、We lunched at the stunning art nouveau Café American. ─── 我们在美轮美奂的新工艺美术派美国咖啡厅吃午餐。

9、Some students have lunch at school. ─── 一些学生在学校吃午饭。

10、He make a habit of taking a nap after lunch. ─── 他午饭后睡午觉已经成为一种习惯了。

11、After lunch the visitor is show round the mill. ─── 午饭后带领来访者参观工厂。

12、Botham came on to bowl after lunch. ─── 午饭后博瑟姆开始投球。

13、We took a walk through the town after lunch. ─── 吃完午饭我们在城里走了走。

14、Do you always eat lunch at school? ─── 你总是在学校吃午饭吗?

15、Reader Charlotte Woolley lunched at a Ho Chi Minh City restaurant where the menu offered "Sauteed Uterus With Mushrooms" . ─── 读者夏洛特·伍利在胡志明市的一家餐厅里吃午饭时看到菜单上居然有“蘑菇炒子宫”。

16、"Because you had not lunched,that is, abdomen is empty. ─── “那是因为你还没吃午餐,肚子是空的。”

17、At lunch he kept pressing Mark to eat more . ─── 午餐中,他不停地催促马克多吃。

18、Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go. ─── 关于我们的午餐约会,我不能去

19、He's smart enough to know that if he gets involved with that crowd, he's out to lunch. ─── 他够聪明的,知道自己要是和那帮人搅和在一起,就会落伍的。

20、He talked to his sister after lunch. ─── 午餐后,他跟他的妹妹谈话。

21、Do you think you can squeeze in your lunch break between the two meetings? ─── 你看你能在两个会议之间挤出吃午饭的时间来吗?

22、Drouet had Carrie establish a little portable gas stove for the preparation of small lunched, oysters, Welsh rarebits, and the like. ─── 杜洛埃要嘉莉装了一具可以移动的煤气炉,以便烹调牡蛎、威尔士干酪面包之类的小食之用。

23、He lunched with a client at the Ritz. ─── 他与一位客户在里茨饭店共进了午餐。

24、Late in February I lunched in London with Hugh Gaitskell. ─── 二月下旬某日,我在伦敦同休·盖茨克尔一起午餐。

25、He came back drunk after lunch so the boss gave him the order of the boot. ─── 他吃完午饭醉醺醺地回来,因此老板解雇了他。

26、A lunch, especially a formal one. ─── 午餐一顿午饭,尤其是正式的午餐

27、After lunch he retired to his study. ─── 他午饭后就到书房去了。

28、Can't you get away during your lunch break? ─── 你能在午餐休息时间走开吗?

29、Anton never lunched in town; he thought that extravagant, and anyhow he didn't like the food. ─── 安东从来没有在城里吃午饭,他认为,奢华,并反正他不喜欢的食物。

30、She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn't need. ─── 她吃过午饭就去购物,还试穿那些她根本不需要的衣服。

31、Do he leave home before lunch? ─── 他是在午饭前离开家的吗?

32、Oh, why do he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break! ─── 哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什么非给我这个急件不可!

33、Hey, Randy, have you had your lunch yet? ─── 嘿,蓝迪,你吃午饭了吗?

34、Two couples parceled out a picnic lunch. ─── 两对夫妇分享一顿野餐。

35、He took us all to his local for lunch. ─── 他把我们带到最近的酒吧吃午饭。

36、A buffet lunch will be served at one o'clock. ─── 一点钟备有自助餐。

37、Have you finished your lunch yet? ─── 你已经吃过午餐了吗?

38、Have you finished lunch already? It's only12 o' clock! ─── 你已经吃过午饭了吗?现在才12点。

39、Do you have lunch at about one o'clock? ─── 你是1点左右吃午饭吗?

40、In the past, we had usually lunched together when he came to Chicago, so I invited him to have lunch with me this day. ─── 过去他来支加哥时,我们经常一起午餐,所以那天我也请他吃饭,他勉强的答应了。

41、After lunch Father reposed in the hammock . ─── 吃过午饭后,父亲在吊床上休息。

42、At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine. ─── 中午我和我的一个朋友一起吃的饭。

43、Ms. Warren had a front-row place at the ceremony -- and afterward lunched with White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. ─── 举行签字仪式时沃伦坐在会场的前排,仪式结束后她与白宫高级顾问贾勒特(ValerieJarrett)共进了午餐。

44、Why don't you go for a walk? It'll give you an appetite for your lunch. ─── 你怎麽不出去散散步? 散散步午饭时就有食欲了。

45、After lunch Father rested in the hammock. ─── 午饭后,父亲躺在吊床上休息。

46、If you feel up to it, we can walk into town after lunch. ─── 你要是走得动,咱们午饭后可以走到城里。

47、No. It started during a lunch with Joe Roth. ─── 不是。这一计划始于乔?鲁思的一次午餐。

48、We have done for eighty miles since lunch . ─── 吃过午饭后,我们已走了80里了。

49、They breakfasted (lunched) at the guesthouse. ─── 他们在宾馆吃了早饭(午饭)。

50、He found a shady place where he could eat his lunch. ─── 他找了一处阴凉的地方吃了午饭。

51、I dashed off two more drawings before lunch today. ─── 今天午饭前,我匆匆忙忙画了两张画。

52、Lunch is from eleven to two [at twelve]. ─── 中饭11点到2点开[是12点]。

53、He had a banana and a wedge of cheese for lunch. ─── 他中饭吃一根香蕉和一块楔形的奶酪。

54、Right after lunch mother went shopping. ─── 吃过午餐後,母亲立刻去买东西。

55、They had their lunch in a cafeteria. ─── 他们在一家自助餐厅吃了午饭。

56、The lunch is $3.50 per person. ─── 午餐费是每人三元五。

57、Did he eat lunch yesterday? ─── 他昨天吃午饭吗?

58、He wolfed his lunch and went out. ─── 他狼吞虎咽地吃完午餐就出去了。

59、The meeting ran over, and I was late for lunch. ─── 会议开得超出时间了,因此我吃中饭晚了。

60、At a sidewalk cafe Kathy and Evan stop for lunch. ─── 凯西和艾凡停在人行道旁的一家小馆吃午餐。

61、Invariably I take a nap after lunch. ─── 午饭后,我总是睡个午觉。

62、Lunch is from eleven to one. ─── 午饭从十一点供应到一点。

63、We will discuss that matter after lunch. ─── 午饭后我们要讨论那件事。

64、At twelve-fifty, he ate lunch in a restaurant. ─── 他十二点五十分在餐厅吃午餐。

65、He lunched with a client at the Ritz. ─── 他与一位客户在里茨餐馆共进了午餐。

66、India and Pakistan lunched there shit (India and Pakistan:” What eve!”). ─── 印度和巴基斯坦也开始乱射了(印度和巴基斯坦:“妈的不管了!!”)

67、He said Mr. Strauss-Kahn had appointments after he left the hotel and even lunched with someone. ─── 他说,卡恩在离开酒店后赴约去了,他甚至还和一个人共进了午餐。

68、He made fifty before lunch, and as you know, Carter is not easily off. ─── 他在午饭前得了50分,正像你所知道的,卡特的球是不容易击中的。

69、I can lunch off the bread left over from yesterday. ─── 午餐我可以吃昨天剩下的面包。

70、He arrived back drunk after lunch and the boss showed him the red card. ─── 午饭后,他喝得醉醺醺回来,结果老板解雇了他。

71、Have you had your lunch? ─── 吃过午饭了吗?

72、We shall be delighted if you'll lunch with us. ─── 你要能来和我们一道吃午饭,我们就高兴了。

73、At lunch he kept pressing Mark to eat more. ─── 午餐中,他不停地催促马克多吃。

74、Your wife has rung you twice since lunch time. ─── 午饭後你太太已来过两次电话了。

75、For lunch there will be a Smorgasbord. ─── 午餐将提供瑞典式自助餐。

76、We've done for eighty miles since lunch. ─── 吃过午饭后,我们已走了80里了。

77、When's lunch? I'm famished! ─── 什么时候吃午饭? 我都快饿死了!

78、Can you do with some cakes for lunch? ─── 中饭吃些饼,你能将就吗?

79、After lunch he reposed on the couch. ─── 午饭后他躺在长沙发上休息。

80、There's nothing like a little doze after lunch. ─── 午饭后打一会儿盹是最适意不过了。

81、Take a frugal lunch box at noon. ─── 中午吃最廉价的便当。

82、He ate sandwiches in the office for lunch. ─── 他在办公室吃三明治当午餐。

83、Help your mother to dry up after lunch. ─── 午饭后帮助你母亲擦擦碗。

84、He had a plate of beef for lunch. ─── 他午餐吃了一盘牛肉。

85、Are you ready for a spot of lunch? ─── 你想吃点儿午饭吗?

86、The family had their lunch in the glade. ─── 全家在林中的空地上吃了午饭。

87、He usually takes a nap after lunch on a hot day. ─── 他热天通常饭后都要午睡。

88、Can you do with a sandwich for lunch? ─── 你午餐吃块三明治行吗?

89、They got off immediately after lunch. ─── 他们吃过午饭马上就动身了。

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