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09-22 投稿


tediousness 发音

英:[?ti?di?sn?s]  美:[?ti?di?sn?s]

英:  美:

tediousness 中文意思翻译



tediousness 同义词

deadening | deadly | long-winded | mind-numbing | irksome | monotonous | tiresome | uninteresting | wearying | slow | literal |dull | tiring | wordy | verbose | ho-hum | wearisome | windy | dry | boring | practical | dreary | humdrum

tediousness 反义词


tediousness 词性/词形变化,tediousness变形

名词: tediousness |副词: tediously |

tediousness 相似词语短语

1、desirousness ─── 欲望

2、tenuousness ─── n.精细;纤细;单薄

3、deviousness ─── n.迂回;曲折

4、odiousness ─── n.讨厌;丑恶;可恨

5、seriousness ─── n.严重性;严肃;认真

6、studiousness ─── n.好学

7、tenaciousness ─── n.固执;顽强

8、melodiousness ─── 旋律

9、seditiousness ─── 煽动性

tediousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To stay separate from the tediousness of daily experiences, she purposely magnifies the details, attempting to elevate a self-image that is wise and beautiful, resolute and determined. ─── 为了和无聊之极的日常体验拉开距离,她有意把细节放大,试图提升一种智慧美丽、果敢坚定的自我象征。

2、When I go into my house, I shall repose myself with her: for her conversation hath no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness, but joy and gladness. ─── 与她共同生活,便没有悲哀,只有喜乐和愉快。

3、The quality or condition of being tedious; tediousness or boredom. ─── 单调乏味单调乏味的性质或状况;单调乏味或无趣

4、16 When I go into my house, I shall repose myself with her: for her conversation hath no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness, but joy and gladness. ─── 回到家中,只有在她身傍,我才获得安息;因为只要与她为伴,便没有苦恼;与她共同生活,便没有悲哀,只有喜乐和愉快。

5、growth tediousness ─── 生长冗余

6、" "a, a, a", the students sang together going through the empty motions. the clock dragged away the minutes teasing her with the tediousness of the day. ─── 她神游到了充满异国情调的墨西哥卡波海滩,去年暑假她就是在那儿度过的。她仍记得慵懒地躺在沙滩上,任习习凉风亲吻自己的肌肤。

7、tediousness n. ─── 乏味;

8、With teams spending so much time in the air, technology has played a large role in eradicating some of the tediousness that early baseball travelers experienced. ─── 以球队在空中停留这麽长的时间,现代科技在减少早年球员在旅行时所需经历的枯燥乏味,扮演了重要的角色。

9、Hence,the tediousness and the uncertainty in conventional calculations are avoided by using this method. ─── 该方法不需要对水体形态和大小做任何猜测,因而消除了繁琐的试算和水侵量计算过程中的不确定性。

10、Give in all night have no the sleep the tediousness oneself seek a footpath for exist, only this and no more just! ─── 在彻夜无眠沉闷中,给自己找一条生存的小径,仅此而已!

11、The clock dragged away the minutes teasing her with the tediousness of the day. ─── 时钟一分分过去,似乎在嘲笑她这沉闷的一天。

12、Our house is hell, and you, a merry devil, did rob it of some taste of tediousness. ─── 我们家是个地狱,而你,一个快乐鬼,确实令它的沉闷减轻了不少。

13、the tediousness and rigidity of the job; ─── 工作的烦琐机械;

14、He wakes up sinks in to tediousness ─── 醒来他觉得自己很麻烦

15、By way of adding notes or interpretative words, one should be cautious in avoiding tediousness caused by too many notes and the interpretative words being mistaken as explanations. ─── 他们太强大了,不能同他们正面对阵。要正面对阵,就会跟唐吉柯德一样,跃马持枪,向着风车冲刺。

16、Online trading also reduces the tediousness and complexity involved in trading. ─── 网上交易,也减少了繁琐和复杂的交易。

17、The clock dragged away the minutes teasing her with the 2)tediousness of the day. ─── 时钟一分分过去,似乎在嘲笑她这沉闷的一天。

18、14. There are others to whom Idleness dictates another expedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours. ─── 对于其他一些人来说,懒散还有另一种表现形式,时光纵然白白流逝,而他们并没有因为许多小时没有做什么而感到无聊乏味。

19、Keywords alfalfa;high seed yield;density;P fertilizer;racemes;pods;community ecological structure;growth tediousness;reproductive allocation;phenotypic plasticity;thin sowing; ─── 紫花苜蓿;种子丰产;密度;磷肥;结荚花序数;结荚数;种群生态结构;生长冗余;繁殖分配;表型可塑性;稀植;

20、Though the buildings are almost ancient ones, they are bright in color and decorated beautifully, without any tediousness. ─── 整体上虽多是古风建筑,但颜色鲜明,装饰漂亮,一点儿也不显得沉闷。

21、The clock dragged away the minutes teasing her with the tediousness of the day. ─── 钟摇摆着一分分的过去好像在嘲弄她乏味的一天。

22、He wakes up sinks in to tediousness ─── 醒来他觉得自己很麻烦

23、He wakes up and sinks into tediousness. ─── 醒来他就觉得自己很麻烦。

24、Because of the singleness and tediousness on representation, the traditional historical documentary lacks of visibility. ─── 摘要传统的历史纪录片由于表现手法的单一和沉闷往往在审美上缺乏一定的可视性。

25、Give in all night have no the sleep the tediousness oneself seek a footpath for exist, only this and no more just! ─── 在彻夜无眠沉闷中,给自己找一条生存的小径,仅此而已!

26、75. It absorbs the strong points of the heuristic method and dynamic programming method in solving such problems,and overcomes the tediousness of the above methods. ─── 它吸收了用启发式方法和动态规划法解决这类问题的优点,克服了用上述方法重复繁琐之处。

27、There are others to whom Idleness dictates another espedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours. ─── 对于其他一些人来说,懒散还有另一种表现形式。时光纵然白白流逝,而他们并没有因为许多小时没有做什么而感到无聊乏味。

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