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09-21 投稿


leftward 发音

英:['leftw?d]  美:['l?ftw?d]

英:  美:

leftward 中文意思翻译



leftward 网络释义

adj. 左侧的;左方的adv. 在左方;在左侧

leftward 相似词语短语

1、left-hand ─── 左手

2、leeward ─── adj.背风的;靠下风的;顺风的;adv.背风地;靠下风地;顺风地;n.背风,下风

3、delftware ─── n.代夫特陶器(产于荷兰)

4、leftwards ─── adv.左侧地;向左边;在左边

5、westward ─── adj.向西的;西方的;adv.向西;n.西部;西方;n.(Westward)(英、美)韦史特华尔德(人名)

6、westwards ─── adv.向西;adj.向西的

7、leftwardly ─── 向左

8、left arm ─── 左臂

9、deathward ─── adv.趋向死亡;adj.趋向死亡的

leftward 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Judging by his recent declarations, the centre-right Mr Sarkozy has taken a decidedly leftward turn. ─── 通过观察萨科奇最近的言论,他的政治立场已经由中立偏右明显地倒向了左翼。

2、Thanks to the slight leftward turn of her face, a pearl can be seen suspended from her ear, like a stray satellite. ─── 多亏她的脸稍微向左偏了一点,我们才能够看到一个珍珠耳坠挂在她耳垂上,像是一颗散落的星。

3、Rightwards walk this time, get into leftward room after once seeing two clerks of the right side. ─── 这一次向右走,看过右边的两份文书后,进入左方的房间。

4、Cabinet lock for leftward right ward opening doors ─── 左右式橱门锁

5、Generalized Leftward Merger ─── 广义左向合并

6、swing leftward ─── 向左摆动

7、head lazily leant leftward, close to Mum. ─── 头懒洋洋地歪向左边,靠近了母亲。

8、Their success does not necessarily reflect a leftward shift in politics. ─── 他们的成功并不一定表示政治上转向左倾。

9、Over the three year period, Saturn actually appears to reverse its general eastward (leftward) drift, tracing out three flattened curves. ─── 在这三年多时间里,实际上,土星大体上往东方向上来回移动,在轨迹上有三个变向曲线。

10、expanded generalized leftward merger ─── 扩展的广义左项合并

11、Evidence of a weak president being pushed leftward might cause investors to worry whether he will prove similarly feeble when it comes to reining in the vast deficits he is now racking up; ─── 一个弱势总统迫于压力左转的证据可能会让投资者们担心,当到了必须收紧他现在还在大量增加的赤字时他会不会同样的软弱;

12、It is early days, but those who see a leftward tilt have a case. ─── 尽管为时还早,但那些看出左倾苗头的人也不无理由。

13、He put the fat body slightly leftward, giving you an impression that he was making hard effort. ─── 他肥胖的身子向左微倾,显出努力的样子。

14、leftward extrac-tion rule ─── 左向缩约规则

15、Leftward high up feeling the horse ─── 左高探马

16、The milling head, mounted on the column, can be turned 90orightward and leftward in the vertical plane. ─── 可根据用户需要安装机械进给器,实现工作台纵向自动进给。

17、3.But you can see the ranges and mountains are tilting in an arching motion toward the right, this makes the clouds flowing leftward as they are slightly hinted by the shadow of movements. ─── 但我们看群山是向右倾,云中有些阴影是向左倾,这使云水像在慢慢的往左动,用一潜在的画法。

18、leftward deletion ─── 左侧缺失

19、Below general case, hand catenary should wear only, should wear leftward to go up. ─── 在普通情况下,手链应仅戴一条,并应戴在左手上。

20、But in Souman's experiment, most subjects showed no strong bias for leftward or rightward turns. ─── 然而在索曼的研究中,大多数自愿者并没有明显的向左转或者向右转的倾向。

21、Over the three year period, Saturn actually appears to reverse its general eastward ( leftward ) drift, tracing out three flattened curves. ─── 在这三年多时间里,实际上,土星大体上往东方向上来回移动,在轨迹上有三个变向曲线。

22、3.In idle mode, allows you to access WAP service by pressing upward, menu mode by downward, menu function by leftward and agenda function by rightward quickly. ─── 空闲模式下,快速向上按进入WAP服务,向下按进入菜单模式,向左按进入菜单功能,向右按进入记事本功能。

23、What explains this leftward lurch? ─── 如何解释左翼联盟的惨败?

24、leftward initial force ─── 向左起始力

25、2、Presskey to select the bit to be changed (the cursor shifted leftward); ─── 2、按 键选择要更改的位(光标左移位);

26、Principle of Generalized Leftward Merger ─── 广义左向合并理论

27、leftward acceleration ─── 左向加速度右向过载

28、A 59-year-old-man visited the neurological outpatient clinic because of a leftward rotation of his head for the last 8 months. ─── 一位59岁的人访问了神经科门诊诊所因为向左旋转他的头部在过去8个月。

29、The respectively leftward and rightward rotations of celestial bodies and the earth were particularly referred to as a perfect analogue of the operation of human society. ─── 尤其是天道左旋、地道右周等天地旋转的星象运行轨迹,成为人类社会运行类比的对象。

30、This shift was certainly leftward in one sense. ─── 从一种意义上说,这种变动无疑是向左转的。

31、3. In idle mode, allows you to access WAP service by pressing upward, menu mode by downward, menu function by leftward and agenda function by rightward quickly. ─── 空闲模式下,快速向上按进入WAP服务,向下按进入菜单模式,向左按进入菜单功能,向右按进入记事本功能。收藏指正

32、This shift was certainly leftward in one sense ─── 从一种意义上说,这种变动无疑是向左转的。

33、Abstract: Some mistakes happened to the depiction that “the deflection force of earth's rotation is always rightward in the northern hemisphere, but leftward in the southern hemisphere” by Mr. ─── 摘要:科里奥利先生以及有关科普书籍描写的:“地球自转偏向力在北半球总是向右,在南半球总是向左”的说法是错误的;

34、If there is a leftward shift of the demand curve, indicating a greater demand, the market typically ensures that more is produced. ─── 用于在大多数国家的大部分产品和服务的生产水平按供求的互动在市场被决定为那些货物作安排。

35、This was associated with increased end-diastolic pressures during handgrip exercise and with decreased stroke volume and a leftward shift of pressure-volume loops during atrial pacing. ─── 这与在握力试验中增加舒张末期压力和在心房起搏时减少猝发容量和左转向压力容积环路相关联。

36、Charles Grassley, one of the most senior Republicans on the committee, described the bill as a "march leftward" . ─── 该委员会资历最深的共和党人查尔斯?格拉斯利(CharlesGrassley)把该法案形容为“向左进军”。

37、Rightward and leftward bisection biases in spatial neglect: two sides of the same coin? ─── 空间忽视究竟是右侧优势还是左侧优势:一枚硬币的两面?

38、a leftward swing in public opinion ─── 舆论向左转变

39、A dancer on the northern wall raises both arms, her waist protrudes leftward. ─── 北壁的一位舞者双臂曲肘上举,腰胯向左顶出。

40、to move your eyes in a leftward direction ─── 目光向左移动

41、leftward arrow ─── 左方向键符号:←

42、But the SPD's leftward tilt has been only a partial success. ─── 对于基督教民主党来说,黑森之战最大的教训就是以往的威吓方式不再奏效。

43、Judging by his recent declarations, the centre-right Mr Sarkozy has taken a decidedly leftward turn. ─── 通过观察萨科奇最近的言论,他的政治立场已经由中立偏右明显地倒向了左翼。

44、All this may herald a leftward drift as dramatic as the last time Labour entered opposition in 1979. ─── 这一切可能预示了工党将和1979年下野时一样,急转至左派路线。

45、leftward rotation of celestial bodies ─── 天道左旋

46、leftward welding ─── 左向焊左向焊法

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