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palatine 发音

英:['p?l?ta?n; -t?n]  美:['p?l?ta?n]

英:  美:

palatine 中文意思翻译



palatine 词性/词形变化,palatine变形

副词: palatially |名词: palatialness |

palatine 短语词组

1、palatine papillae ─── [医] 腭 ─── [前]乳头, 切牙乳头, 门齿乳头

2、palatine groove ─── [医] 腭沟

3、palatine artery ─── [网络] 腭动脉

4、accessory posterior palatine canal ─── [医] 后副腭管

5、palatine fold ─── [医] 腭褶, 腭突(胚)

6、palatine bone ─── 腭骨

7、palatine process ─── [医] 腭突(胚)

8、cyst of palatine papilla ─── [医] 腭乳头囊肿

9、count palatine ─── [法] 大法官, 享有王权的伯爵

10、palatine arch ─── [医] ─── [软]腭弓

11、lateral palatine process ─── [医] 腭突(胚)

12、anterior palatine arch ─── [医] 舌腭弓

13、palatine aponeurosis ─── [医] 腭腱膜

14、palatine membranes ─── [医] 腭膜

15、county palatine ─── [法] 特权领, 享有王权的伯爵的领地

16、palatine glands ─── [医] 腭腺

17、palatine cells ─── [医] 腭小房

18、palatine court ─── [法] 宫庭法院, 特权法院

19、accessory palatine canal ─── [医] 副腭管

palatine 相似词语短语

1、anatine ─── adj.鸭类的;似鸭的

2、palpating ─── v.触诊(身体某部分)(palpate的现在分词)

3、palatinate ─── n.享有王权的贵族领地;巴列丁奈特之居民

4、galantine ─── n.冻肉卷;冻肉冷盘

5、cavatine ─── n.短曲;短抒情调(cavatina的变形)

6、galatine ─── n.一种滤去骨的冷冻食品(等于galantine)

7、Palatine ─── adj.巴拉汀伯爵(职位)的;属于巴拉丁领地的;(贵族)在领地享有王权的;n.巴列丁奈特的居民;巴拉汀伯爵;(古罗马)宫廷官吏;adj.(palatine)与腭骨有关的;n.(palatine)腭骨

8、gelatine ─── n.胶质;果子冻;白明胶

9、palatines ─── adj.巴拉汀伯爵的;在领地享有王权的;(领地)贵族享有王权的;(与)上腭(有关)的;n.巴拉汀伯爵君主;宫廷官吏;腭骨

palatine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The aim of this study was to define the changes of cellular trace element concentration during the carcinogenesis process of Wistar rat palatine mucosa squamous epithelial cell induced by 4 nitroquinoline 1 oxide (4NQO). ─── 目的 :研究 4 硝基喹啉氧化物 (4 nitroquinoline 1 oxide ,4NQO)诱发大鼠腭粘膜上皮细胞癌变过程中细胞内微量元素的变化及意义。

2、Landscape with the Ruins of Mount Palatine in Rome ─── 作品名称:罗马帕拉廷山古遗址

3、Phenotype and natural killer cell cytotoxicity of palatine tonsil cells ─── 扁桃体细胞的表型及其自然杀伤功能

4、palatine boot black ─── 宫殿靴黑

5、In the operations, the uvula was reserved, the fat tissues of the palatine velar cleft were dissected and palatoplasty and pharyngoplasty were carried out. ─── 手术改良方法要点:维持咽腔正常解剖生理形态,保留悬雍垂,切除腭帆间隙脂肪组织,对软腭和咽侧壁进行成形,以充分扩大咽峡和鼻咽峡。

6、Keywords Pterygopalatine fossa;Foramen rotundum;Pterygoid canal;Palatovaginal canal;Greater (Lesser) palatine canal;Anatomy;HRCT; ─── 关键词翼腭窝;翼管;圆孔;腭鞘管;蝶腭孔;腭大(小)管;解剖学;HRCT;

7、Keywords Langenbeck method;pushing back palatine mucosa flap;three dimensional concept;plastic surgery principle; ─── 兰氏手术;腭粘膜瓣后推手术;三维立体概念;整形外科学原则;

8、Pathological analysis and treatment for 46 cases of palatine saliva gland tumor ─── 46例腭部涎腺肿瘤的临床病理分析及治疗

9、The Roman historian Suetonius described how Augustus lived in a modest house on the Palatine before he assumed supreme power and built a sprawling imperial complex higher up the hill. ─── 即使她的壁画是这样的精美,壁画的四周和一重重美丽的穹顶也教人望而生畏,却仍不及宫殿的华美。

10、Holiday Inn Express Chicago Palatine : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

11、The oropharynx contains the palatine tonsils. ─── 口咽含有上腭扁桃腺。

12、palatine red ─── 宫殿红

13、There were two palaces and a vineyard behind the Palatine Hill ─── “他们又去寻找,甚至比那两位尊严的继承人找得还彻底,但仍然是毫无结果。

14、Keywords sphenopalatine foramen;alveolar foramina;crista infrazygomatica;naterior palatine nerve;superior posterior alveolar nerve;arc length; ─── 关键词腭大孔;牙槽孔;颧下嵴;腭前神经;上牙槽后神经;弧长;

15、The study is to provide further understanding of the posterior maxillary anatomy in relation to the bonecut design of Le fort I osteotomy and to create clinical safety guidelines in order to avoid damaging the descending palatine vessels. ─── 本研究结果可为临床医师进行上颌后部截骨术提供观测资料,并对避免损伤腭降动脉等结构具有指导意义。

16、external palatine vein ─── 硬腭外静脉, 腭外静脉, 腭(外)静脉

17、The succession of the pterygopalatine canal, greater palatine canal and lesser palatine canal was displayed on sagittal section. ─── 矢状断面能较好显示翼腭管、腭大管及腭小管的连续性;

18、The vomer itself rests on the maxillary and palatine crest. ─── 犁骨位于上颌骨及腭嵴之上。

19、The office, powers, or territory of a palatine. ─── 宫庭官吏的办公室,职权和领地

20、Choanal atresia.In this newborn baby there is bony connection between the omer and the lateral palatine bone. ─── 在这个新生儿我们可见在犁骨与侧颚骨间为骨性连接。

21、accessory palatine canal ─── [医] 副腭管

22、The Clinical Observation of General Anesthesia Combined with Block Anesthesia of Anterior Palatine Nerve in Children Palatal Cleft Sugery ─── 小儿腭裂修补术全麻中辅以腭前神经阻滞的临床观察

23、Forty-eight hours after the man in Palatine clicked "Buy it now! " on his computer, the item showed up at his door. ─── 那个Palatine的顾客在他的电脑上点击了“立刻购买”的48小时后,商品便出现在他的门前了。

24、Character and treatment of 58 cases of damnification of infant's palatine ─── 58例婴幼儿腭部损伤的特点及治疗

25、The word palatine, used in various European countries in the medieval and modern eras, has the same derivation. ─── 在欧洲许多国家的中世纪和现代社会,这个词有着相同的词源。

26、accessory of posterior palatine canal ─── 副腭管, 腭后管, 腭小管

27、Looking down on the Forum from the Palatine hill, as the Imperial Family would've done, its east entrance is marked by the Arch of Titus. ─── 从帕拉丁山脉俯视这座由古罗马帝国皇室完成的城镇广场,其东面入口处的特点是建筑泰特斯。

28、" At the Lupercalia, a band of priests called Luperci gathered at the Lupercal on the southwestern slope of the Palatine. ─── 在牧神节这天,有一队称之为“牧神”的神父聚集在帕拉蒂尼山的西南坡。

29、Pull out the ketonuria palatine canal ─── 拔除尿管

30、The word palatine, used in various European countries in the medieval and modern eras, has the same derivation. ─── 在欧洲许多国家的中世纪和现代社会,这个词有着相同的词源。

31、greater palatine sulcus of maxilla ─── 上颌骨大腭沟

32、Method:The artery palatine major was protected and the resection domain of primary lesion of NPC was expanded by modified hard palatine incision. ─── 方法:通过改进硬腭切口,保护腭大动脉,扩大鼻咽癌原发灶切除范围。

33、So complained Francis Atterbury, the Bishop of Rochester, in a 1714 moan about the Palatine refugees from the Rhineland. ─── 罗切斯特的主教FrancisAtterbury用一种1714年时控诉从Rhineland来的王室难民的语调这样抱怨道。

34、palatine fast pink ─── 宫殿坚牢桃红

35、Scientists attribute this to good quality water and a lack of natural predators in the water channel that runs under the Palatine Hill and surfaces in the Trajan Market. ─── 科学家认为这全归功于水质良好,加上这条流经派拉庭山丘地底并在图拉真市集浮现出来的水道,没有大自然掠夺者。

36、It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo - Saxon times and became a county palatine in1351.Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution. ─── 它是盎格鲁撒克逊时代诺森布里亚五国的一部分,在1351年成为巴拉丁领地。

37、The passage from the back of the mouth to the pharynx, bounded by the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the palatine arches. ─── 咽门从口腔至咽的狭窄通道,连接软腭、舌背和咽扁桃

38、accessory posterior palatine canal ─── [医] 后副腭管

39、The malignant lymphoma is the main tumor type happened in palatine tonsil. ─── 在扁桃体中发生的肿瘤主要以恶性淋巴瘤为主。

40、The succession of the pterygopalatine canal, greater palatine canal and lesser palatine canal was displayed on sagittal section. ─── 矢状断面能较好显示翼腭管、腭大管及腭小管的连续性;

41、Conclusion: Expansion technique is able to form extra palatine mucoperiosteal tissue,which could be a new restoration approach to tissue defect of cleft palate and nearby soft tissue defect. ─── 结论:腭粘骨膜扩张术可产生“额外”的粘骨膜,开拓了腭裂组织缺损及邻近组织缺损修复的新途径。收藏指正

42、Of or relating to a palatine or palatinate. ─── 官吏属于或有关于宫廷官吏的

43、palatine fast green ─── 宫殿坚牢绿

44、Palatine Gallery and Royal Apartments: Reservations and tickets through the Atlantic Palace Hotel | Hotel Atlantic ... ─── 孩子旅行? | 高级查找 | 修改您的 预订 . 大事记与旅游. 大事记与旅游 - 详 ...

45、Objective:To study the value of CT on the diagnosis of primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma(NHL) of palatine tonsil. ─── 目的:探讨原发性腭扁桃体非何杰金氏淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin lymphoma,NHL)的CT检查及诊断。

46、After the importation of various Syrian sun cults, Elagabalus built a temple to Sol Invictus on the Palatine and attempted to make his worship the principal religion at Rome. ─── 叙利亚人不同的太阳神仪式传入后,罗马皇帝埃拉加巴卢斯(Elagabalus)在巴拉丁为本土索尔立庙,意在把对祂的崇拜立为罗马主要宗教。

47、a count palatine ─── 在领地内享有王权的伯爵

48、The Palatine Hill has been giving up new finds for years, although much of the site is off limits to visitors and under threat of subsidence. ─── 尽管帕拉蒂尼山的许多地方是禁止游客进入而且有下陷坍塌的危险,数年来仍旧一直不断有新的发现。

49、If you would like to stay in one of the most beautiful places in Karlovy Vary near to the Mill Colonnade, the Palatin hotel is exactly what you are looking for. ─── 您可在这家全面装修过的酒店里享受最佳的服务、低廉的价格和安逸的气氛。酒店位于漂亮的别墅区,距离市中心只有十分钟步行路程。

50、The malignant lymphoma is the main tumor type happened in palatine tonsil. ─── 在扁桃体中发生的肿瘤主要以恶性淋巴瘤为主.

51、Objective: To establish a three-dimentional finite element(3-DFE) model for implant in the midline of the palatine region after 23-year human. ─── 目的:建立23岁后成人腭部矢状正中正交各向异性种植体支抗三维有限元模型,为精确分析该区支抗种植体系统的生物力学特性奠定基础。

52、The tongue-and-groove articulation between the quadrangular cartilage and the maxillary and palatine crest deserves special mention. ─── 特别值得一提的是四边形的软骨和上颌骨及腭嵴之间的榫槽样连接。

53、of or relating to a count palatine and his royal prerogatives. ─── 属于、关于在领地内享有王权的伯爵及其享有的特权。

54、Influence of promote palatine arch treating buccal teeth lock on occlusion function recovery of buccal teeth ─── 改良腭弓矫治后牙锁节对后牙功能恢复的影响

55、a territory in southwestern Germany formerly ruled by the counts palatine ─── 德国西南部的一地区,以前被巴拉丁伯爵统治

56、8.a territory in southwestern Germany formerly ruled by the counts palatine. ─── 德国西南部的一地区,以前被巴拉丁伯爵统治。

57、The tongue-and-groove articulation between the quadrangular cartilage and the maxillary and palatine crest deserves special mention. ─── 特别值得一提的是四边形的软骨和上颌骨及腭嵴之间的榫槽衔接。

58、With subtemporal fossos, with teeth in palatine. ─── 上下领尖长,鳄骨有小齿。

59、Objective: To provide anatomical data for block anesthesia of anterior palatine nerver and superior posterior alveolar nerve. ─── 目的:为腭前神经及上牙槽后神经等阻滞麻醉提供解剖学资料。

60、black tips on first few anal-fin rays in individuals of all sizes, particularly in juveniles;palatine and vomerine teeth united into a single long crescentic patch (Ref. 12693). ─── 在所有大小的个体中的在最初几臀鳍棘条上的黑色的顶端,特别地在稚鱼中;

61、Both palatine tonsils ─── 双腭扁桃体

62、mal perforant palatin ─── [医] 腭部穿通性溃疡

63、accessory palatine foramina ─── 副腭小孔

64、Young nobles called Luperci, taking their name from the place of the wolf (lupa), ran from the Lupercal around the bounds of the Palatine in what is believed to have been a purification ritual. ─── 因为母狼(lupa)所在的地方而被称为Luperci的年轻贵族们,从Lupercal沿著Palatine的边界飞奔,这被认为是一种净化的仪式。

65、quadrate A paired, triangular, deep, endochondral bone on which the mandible hinges, connecting the lower jaw to the palatine and hyoid arches. ─── 方骨一对的、三角形的、深的且是源自软骨的硬骨,藉著它与下颌铰合,使得下颌可连接到腭骨与舌弓。

66、The passage from the back of the mouth to the pharynx,bounded by the soft palate,the base of the tongue,and the palatine arches. ─── 咽门,从口腔至咽的狭窄通道,连接软腭、舌背和咽扁桃。

67、term usually refers to the palatine tonsils on each side of the oropharynx. ─── 扁桃腺一词通常指口咽部两侧的颚扁桃腺。

68、Objective: To provide anatomical data for block anesthesia of naterior palatine nerver and superior posterior alveolar nerve. ─── 目的:为腭前神经及上牙槽后神经等阻滞麻醉提供解剖学资料。

69、sphenopalatine notch of palatine bone ─── 上腭骨蝶腭切迹

70、accessory posterior palatine canals ─── 后副腭管

71、A few form of the human body palatine bone ─── 人体骨的几种形式

72、The distance of separation of the palatine bone and maxilla was 10 to 15cm. ─── X线片显示,牵张侧腭横缝前后两点汞齐标志的间距增加1?5cm;

73、posterior palatine arch ─── 后(腭)弓, 咽腭弓, 后腭弓

74、Palatine Chapel ─── 巴拉丁礼拜堂

75、accessory palatine canals ─── 副腭管, 腭小管

76、The expression and effect of IL-4 in human palatine tonsil ─── 扁桃体组织中白细胞介素-4的表达和意义

77、Detain the ketonuria palatine canal ─── 留置尿管

78、Palatine Guards ─── 民兵

79、suspensorium In ichthyology, the chain of cartilages and bones from the hyomandibular to the palatine, suspending the jaws from the neurocranium. ─── 悬骨鱼类学用词,由舌颌骨到腭骨的软骨和硬骨结合物,自脑颅悬吊著双颌。

80、Age estimation with palatine from Chinese males ─── 中国人男性硬腭的年龄变化研究

81、Keywords miniscrew implant;screw;median palatine suture;dog;rapid maxillary expansion; ─── 微小种植体;螺旋扩弓器;腭中缝;犬;上颌快速扩弓;

82、county palatine ─── [法] 特权领, 享有王权的伯爵的领地

83、surgical removal of the palatine tonsils; commonly performed along with adenoidectomy. ─── 切除扁桃体的外科手术;通畅和增殖腺切除手术一起做。

84、Tasting Dakar With Palatin ─── 与帕拉丁一起亲历达喀尔

85、transverse palatine ridge ─── [医] 腭横嵴

86、pterygoid bone A paired bone in the roof of the mouth connecting the palatine in front and the quadrate behind. ─── 翼骨前面与方骨连接后面与颚骨连接,在嘴巴顶部的一对硬骨。

87、Charles was so pleased with it that he appointed Titian court painter and elevated him to the rank of Count Palatine and Knight of the Golden Spur, an unprecedented honor for a painter. ─── 查理非常的满意这幅画,因此他指派提香为宫廷画家,以及晋升为宫廷大臣的层级,以及金色马刺的骑士身份,这些荣誉从未加诸于一个画家身上。


89、It indicated that the function of palatine tonsil as a lymph organ is to contact exogenous antigens and to take part in immune response. It is important for children, especially infants, to establish a complete immune mechanism. ─── 因此推断,腭扁桃体作为淋巴器官,其主要功能是在儿童期,特别是婴儿期,接触体表外来抗原,参与免疫应答,建立完备的免疫机制。

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