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09-21 投稿


lotos 发音

英:[?lo?t?s]  美:[?l??t?s]

英:  美:

lotos 中文意思翻译




lotos 短语词组

1、eternity lotos ─── 永恒莲花

lotos 词性/词形变化,lotos变形


lotos 相似词语短语

1、kotos ─── n.(日)十三弦古筝(koto的变形)

2、lotus ─── n.莲花;荷花;莲饰;n.(Lotus)人名;(英)洛特斯

3、locos ─── abbr.硅的局部氧化(LocalOxidationofSilicon)

4、loos ─── n.损耗,洗手间(loo复数形式);n.(Loos)人名;(法、德、西、捷、瑞典)洛斯;(英)卢斯

5、rotos ─── 照相凹版;轮转影印(roto的复数)

6、lobos ─── abbr.局部隐埋氧化物隔离(localburiedoxideisolation);n.林狼(lobo的复数);n.(Lobos)人名;(葡)洛博斯;(西)洛沃斯

7、logos ─── n.理性;理法

8、lots ─── n.大量,许多;一堆;命运(lot的复数);adv.很,非常;v.抽签;分组;把(土地)划分成块(lot的三单形式)

9、lotas ─── n.球形黄铜小水壶,印度圆水壶;n.(Lota)(美、法、波、俄)洛塔(人名)

lotos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Investigation of application of LOTOS specification styles in service and protocol design ─── LOTOS规范风格在服务和协议设计中的应用研究

2、LOTOS is a specification language that aims at describing the dynamic behavior of complex systems (formal description language). ─── LOTOS主要是用来描述复杂系统动态性的说明语言(形式描述语言),是可操作的。

3、1 and TTCN, and Estelle, LOTOS and SDL which have been standardized by ISO and CCITT. ─── 标准形式描述技术:Estelle、LOTOS和SDL。

4、lotus (lotos) ─── 莲饰

5、then described the foundation of LOTOS language. ─── 然后介绍了LOTOS的语言基础(第二章)。

6、LOTOS Specification ─── LOTOS规格

7、Abstract: LOTOS is a specification language that aims at describing the dynamic behavior of complex systems (formal description language). ─── 摘 要: LOTOS主要是用来描述复杂系统动态性的说明语言(形式描述语言),是可操作的。

8、Information technology; open systems interconnection; LOTOS description of the session service ─── 信息技术.开放系统互连.对话设施的LOTOS描述法

9、This thesis mainly includes four parts:First, the application field of ADT in protocol project, the background and the development of LOTOS technology are briefly introduced and the foundation of LOTOS language is described. ─── 第一部分:简要介绍了形式描述技术在协议工程中的应用范围,LOTOS技术的背景和发展状况(第一章); 然后介绍了LOTOS的语言基础(第二章)。

10、Compiler Support to Implement LOTOS Formal Specification ─── 执行LOTOS形式说明的编译器支持

11、Lotos, the world's most expensive glasses supplier brand, which was founded in 1872. The products include watches, eyewear and jewelry. ─── 全球最贵的眼镜供应商,品牌创始于一八七二年,产品包括手表、眼镜和珠宝等。

12、People often say, day lily is "lotos" for it can "soothe the nerves. " ─── 人们常说,黄花菜是“忘忧草”,能安神解郁。

13、Combined with theory of object oriented technology and state chart, formalization method of dynamic model based on LOTOS is presented.Furthermore, a case is presented to demonstrate this method. ─── 介绍了形式化描述语言LOTOS的特性,结合面向对象技术和状态图的理论知识,给出了基于LOTOS的动态模型的形式化方法,并给出了实例说明。

14、Language of Temporal Ordering Specification? ─── 时间排序规范语言LOTOS?。

15、In this paper, the application of LOTOS technology in network communication protocol design is studied. ─── 本文对LOTOS技术在网络通信协议设计中的应用方法进行了研究。

16、LOTO also includes applying a warning tag on the physical limiting device . htis document the authorized loto personnel and the date. ─── LOTO也包括在物理限制的装置上使用警告性标签,授权使用LOTO的人员的文档和日期。

17、An Edit Software and Excuting Arithmetic of Graphic E LOTOS ─── 图形E-LOTOS的一个编辑软件和执行算法

18、Formal Analysis of PIM-SM Protocol Based on LOTOS ─── 基于LOTOS的PIM-SM协议形式化分析

19、People often say, day lily is "lotos" for it can "soothe the nerves. ─── 人们常说,黄花菜是“忘忧草”,能“安神解郁”。

20、Realization of LOTOS formal specification is one of indispensable steps in protocol design. ─── 形式规范的目标实现是协议设计中必不可少的阶段之一。

21、Review LOTO procedure for confined space and install Personal (Red) Lock on the associated LOTO lock box. ─── 复习有限空间LOTO程序,将个人用锁(红色)安装在相应的LOTO锁箱。

22、Grace Ong, Vanessa Sin, Christina Li, Sandy Li, Jin-Li Lao, Kelis La, Lotos Chen, Jenny Chen, Erik Nelson and Long Li. ─── 王恩典,冼结清,李艳梨,李蓝,劳锦丽,蔡诗萍,陈扬婕,陈妍希,李文浩,李新龙.

23、LOTO is the physical restraint or limit of all hazardous energy sources that supply power to a piece of equipment,machinery or system. ─── LOTO是对向设备、机械或系统供电的危害性能量源的物理限制。

24、An Edit and Compile Software which can automatically Translate E LOTOS into Graphic E LOTOS ─── 从E-LOTOS到图形E-LOTOS的一个编辑和自动转换的编译软件

25、It first describes formal description for the specification of communication protocol. and the principal features of Estelle, SDL and Lotos. ─── 论述通信协议的形式描述,Estelle、SDL和Lotos等的主要特征;

26、The theory basis of GTSL is the theory of grey system and that of LOTOS, the language of temporal ordering specification. ─── 了我们构造的形式化灰色时序安全策略规范语言(GTSL)。 GTSL的理论基础是灰色系统理论和时序规范语言LO-TOS理论。

27、LOTO operations must be done on all equipment, machinery or system shut down before authorized peronnel can perform repairs or service. ─── 在授权的人员进行修理或维修前,必须关闭所有的设备、机械或系统方可进行LOTO操作。

28、Realization of LOTOS formal specification is one of indispensable steps in protocol design. ─── LOTOS形式规范的目标实现是协议设计中必不可少的阶段之一。

29、This paper mainly including four parts:The first one: Briefly introduced the application field of ADT in protocol project, the background and the development of LOTOS technology; ─── 文章主要由四部分构成:第一部分:简要介绍了形式描述技术在协议工程中的应用范围,LOTOS技术的背景和发展状况(第一章);

30、This paper used the formal language LOTOS to describe the models of the PIM-SM protocol.Subsequent, validation and analysis of the models, using CADP tools, was done. ─── 提出PIM-SM组播系统的抽象模型,给出了协议实体的部分形式化描述,并使用CADP工具集对其进行简单验证。

31、Information technology; open systems interconnection; LOTOS description of the session protocol ─── 信息技术.开放系统互连.对话协议书的LOTOS的描述法

32、LOTOS Specification and Implementation for Distributed System ─── 分布式系统的LOTOS规范及其实现

33、Lotos, the world's most expensive glasses supplier brand, which was founded in 1872. ─── 全球最贵的眼镜供应商,品牌创始于一八七二年,产品包括手表、眼镜和珠宝等。

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