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09-21 投稿


laminar 发音

英:[?l?m?n?]  美:[?l?m?n?r]

英:  美:

laminar 中文意思翻译



laminar 短语词组

1、laminar air navigation and antic-ollision ─── [电] 气层航行防撞仪

2、laminar tissue ─── [医] 薄板组织

3、laminar flame stability ─── [机] 层流火焰稳定性

4、laminar fracture ─── [机] 成层断裂

5、laminar hood ─── 层流罩

6、non-laminar flow ─── [化] 非层流

7、laminar flow clean room ─── 层流洁净室

8、laminar-turbulent transition ─── [化] 层流-湍流转变; 层流-湍流过渡

9、laminar region ─── 层流区

10、laminar film ─── 层流膜

11、laminar flow aerofoil ─── [机] 层流翼面

12、laminar flame ─── 层流火焰

13、laminar flow burner ─── [化] 层流燃烧器

14、laminar flow extent ─── 层流段长度

15、laminar sub-layer ─── [化] 层流底层

16、laminar flow ─── [计] 层流 ─── [化] 层流; 滞流

17、laminar pearlite ─── [机] 层状波夹铁

18、laminar motion ─── 层状运动, ─── 层流

19、blood laminar flow ─── [化] 血液层流

laminar 相似词语短语

1、lamina ─── n.叶片;薄层;薄板;n.(Lamina)人名;(意)拉米纳

2、laminas ─── n.叶片;薄层;薄板;n.(Lamina)人名;(意)拉米纳

3、laminarin ─── n.[有化]海带多糖(一种抗凝剂)

4、laminate ─── v.将锻压成薄片;分成薄片;n.薄片制品;层压制件;adj.薄片状的;层状的

5、laminaria ─── n.海带属

6、laminae ─── n.(沉积岩、有机组织的)薄片,薄层;椎板;叶片(lamina的复数)

7、laminator ─── n.层布贴合机

8、laminary ─── adj.由薄片组成的(等于laminar);薄层的

9、laminal ─── adj.由薄板组成的;薄板状的

laminar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、L aminate Veneers (Engineered Veneer): Combine each timber lamina ( growing fast tree ) to make grains similar to natural hardwood species. ─── 使用生长较快之树材,利用技术作出有木纹之木皮,并贴于各尺寸木板上.

2、The reservoir is usually lamina sandstone interbbeded with mudstone. ─── 储层砂岩与泥岩大多呈薄互层状。

3、The characteristic parameters of fluid during the transition in boundary layer are obviously different from that of the laminar flow or the turbulent flow. ─── 边界层转捩流动的特征参数明显不同于层流或湍流,转捩流动的这些特征直接影响着流体的动力、传热特性。

4、Planar intercalations are divided into three types, such as continuous laminar intercalation, unstable sheet intercalation, and irregular alluvial fill intercalation. ─── 夹层的平面分布特征有层状连续分布、片状不稳分布和不规则冲刷充填分布3种。

5、Self-study of heat transfer coefficient was adopted to improve the precision of temperature control model for plate laminar cooling process. ─── 对中厚板层流冷却过程的对流换热系数采用自学习修正计算,提高温度控制模型的精度。

6、The press water gives into by the lamina cribrosa underneath, after mesh upflow. ─── 压力水由筛板下方给入,经筛孔向上流动。

7、The air flow of biosafety cabinet and laminar flow cabinet can not be influenced, when air condition is installed in these rooms. ─── 室内安装空调时,不得影响生物安全柜,超净工作台的气流.

8、In grasses the ligule occurs at the junction of the leaf sheath and lamina. ─── 在禾本科植物中,叶舌生长在叶鞘和叶片的交界处。

9、All cells are attached to the basal lamina, but some do not reach the surface. ─── 全部细胞都附着到基板,而有些细胞,不到达表面。

10、Polymer blends with laminar structure such as HDPE/Nylon,owing to their unique barrier properties,have been gained attentions in literatures. ─── 具有层状结构的聚合物合金由于成功应用于阻隔材料,近年来获得了人们的极大重视。

11、Kruijt P G M.Analysis and optimization of laminar mixing:design,development and application of the mapping method,PhD Thesis,Eindhoven University of Technology,2000. ─── 张涵信,沈孟育,计算流体力学-差分方法的原理和应用.国防工业出版社,北京(2003),5.

12、In order to study the devolatilizati on characteristics of biomass at fla sh heating rate,a laminar furnace was designed and built in our lab. ─── 为研究闪速加热条件下生物质的热解挥发特性,设计了等离子体加热高温层流炉作为实验设备。

13、Leaves all petiolate; petal laminar glands all black or absent. ─── 叶全部具叶柄;花瓣片状腺体全部黑色的或无。

14、The result of DPM agreed well with the analytic solution of fully developed laminar internal flow of air. ─── 以充分发展的空气圆管层流流动为例,与解析解的结果进行了对比,验证了分布参数模型的正确性。

15、If the Reynolds number is large the flow is no longer laminar as the particles tend to move in a random manner . ─── 如果雷诺数很大,由于流体质点变成杂乱无章的运动流动不再是层流。

16、A high-speed burr was used to decorticate the surface of C2 lamina and C1 arch. ─── 使用高速球钻在C2椎板和C1椎弓表面去皮质。

17、The capacitor body is constructed by printing copper inner electrode layers on the front and back surfaces of a laminar ceramic chip. ─── 所述的电容器本体是在薄片状的陶瓷介质芯片正反两面印刷有铜内电极层。

18、For the laminar flow, the maldistribution of flow and temperature will enlarge gradually. ─── 层流范围内,随着雷诺数的不断增大,流量分配和温度分布不均匀度都逐渐增大。

19、The wound was deepened to the laminar of L2-5 and total laminectomy with foraminotomy was done . ─── 创伤的深度到达腰椎第二节至第五节的椎板处及全椎板切除术至椎间孔深度。

20、The transfer and handling, such as loading of the lyophilizer, should take place under primary barriers, such as the laminar flow hoods under which the vials were filled. ─── 传递和操作(如摆放到冻干机)应处于主要的屏障保护下,例如灌装后的瓶子处于层流罩的保护下。

21、Application of laminar flow operating room walls with special paint Bacteriostasis paint, bright light, color and soft and do not have to clean water rinse. ─── 不同级别的层流系统,其控制空间环境中的空气置换率也不同,洁净度级别越高,置换率越快,反之亦然。

22、Application of software design in basic automation system for laminar cooling of Plate Plant of Shougang Group Corp. ─── 中厚板层流冷却基础自动化应用软件设计。

23、In order to study the devolatilization characteristics of pulverized corn stalk at fast heating rate,a laminar furnace was developed. ─── 为了研究闪速加热条件下生物质的热解挥发特性,设计了等离子体加热高温层流炉作为实验设备。

24、This met hod has been used to calculate a methane-air premixed laminar flame and the nu merical results proved that this new method is an accurate and high efficient one. ─── 并运用于对甲烷-空气的一维层流火焰计算,表明这种新方法易收敛,计算效率高。

25、Another example of papillary cystitis. The urothelium is hyperplastic. The lamina propria contains numerous plasma cells and delicate essels. ─── 另一例乳头状膀胱炎。尿路上皮增生,固有层含有大量浆细胞和微血管。

26、Charles has presented an analysis of the concentric flow of long cylindrical capsules carried in an equidensity liquid in laminar motion. ─── 查尔斯已对载运于等密度液体中,以层流运动的长圆柱形包囊的同心流动提出了分析。

27、In rear-fanged snakes, the fangs develop from an independent posterior dental lamina and retain their posterior position. ─── 后毒牙是在位置保持不变的一个专门区域发育形成的。

28、Application of laminar spray cooling system in Plate Mill of Shougang Group Co. ─── 层流冷却系统在首钢中厚板厂的应用。

29、After ovalation, the oviducal wall is the thinnest, the cells of the tubular glands becomes smaller.During ovulation, the lamina propria is thicker. ─── 产卵后输卵管管壁变薄,固有层腺体细胞缩小,粘膜层在产卵时比产卵前明显增厚;

30、Careful observation of such leaf lamina shows that veins do branch and converge in places, especially near the base and apex of the blade. ─── 仔细的观察表明叶脉在某些地方分支和联合,尤其在叶片的顶端和基部。

31、Beach bar sandstone body in HZ26-1 oil field is of inter-layer laminar model. ─── HZ26-1油田滩坝砂体的砂层级储层地质模型为“夹心”层状模型。

32、Based on Darcy-Brinkman Model, a theoretical study of laminar film condensation on a vertical tube surface with thin porous coatings was carried on. ─── 假设:(1为无限大空间;(2层流膜状凝结;(3凝结为二维轴对称;(4)凝液与蒸汽之间无两现区;(5)忽略对流项和惯性项。

33、Laminar blending and intercalation compounding were two new technologies to improve plastic barrier property. ─── 层状共混和插层复合是两种改进塑料阻隔性的新技术。

34、Objectives To investigate the mechanical properties of bilateral atlantoaxial transarticular screws and atlas laminar hooks instrumentation with finite element method. ─── 两种内固定方式均能达到良好的三维固定效果,双侧经寰枢关节螺钉及寰椎椎板钩系统中经关节螺钉承担应力小,发生离断几率低。

35、To deepen acetabulum,we turned over the external ilium lamina as a hinging graft coving on the femoral head when performing iliumotomy. ─── 加之手术切开复位时切开关节囊,对关节囊的动脉也有一定的影响,这样就会造成股骨头的血供相对不足;

36、They were also used, for example, to determine the gravitational attraction exerted by a lamina on particles. ─── 例如:他们也用来确定一个薄片作用在一个质点上的万有引力。

37、The behavior of convective motion is not laminar but turbulent . ─── 对流运动的行为不是片流式而是湍流式。

38、Zsoy, E., Rambaud, P., Stitou, A., Riethmuller, M.L., “Vortex Characteristics in Laminar Flow at Low Mach”, Experiments in Fluids, 2005, Vol. 38, p.p. 133-145. ─── 张志伟,“具有上盖平板之空穴内振荡流场之探讨”,中兴大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,1996。

39、Junction point of proximal lamina was not a round pore, but a slide designed according to instantaneous central curve of knee joint. ─── 与传统绞链不同的是,近侧合叶片的联结点不是一个圆孔,而是一个按照膝关节瞬时中心曲线设计的滑道。

40、In chloric pollution the area cultivates 48 day hind, 1 kilogram of lamina can be absorbed chloric 4. 8 grams.It still can absorb mercuric vapour. ─── 一旦环境中出现硫化物,它的叶片上就会出现斑纹,甚至枯黄脱落,这便是向人们发出的警报。

41、Title: Contributions on Laminar Flowmeter and Intake Flowrate of ICE by Academician Shih S.H. ─── 关键词:脉动流;层流流量计;粘性流量计;内燃机;进气流量

42、Laminar cooling control model was adopted in Steckel mill of Anyang Iron and Steel Co to control velocity of plate and flow of cooling water in laminar cooling zone. ─── 安钢炉卷轧机采用层流冷却控制模型,对钢板通过层流冷却区域的速度和冷却水量进行控制,在实际使用中对影响其控制精度的一些因素进行了修正和完善,取得了良好的效果。

43、For most systems the AS-B will provide superior air separation with minimal inet/outlet piping length, optimum operation is achieved with laminar flow, see Table 1 below. ─── 对于绝大多数系统,AS-B气体分离器都能够以最短的进口/出口管道长度实现优异的气体分离,实现最理想的层流运行状态,请参阅下列表1。

44、Simply making steel stronger does not necessarily guarantee freedom from laminar tearing. ─── 仅仅增加钢强度并不能保证不发生片状撕裂。

45、Is being apart from the room bottom certainly highly place establishment lamina cribrosa. ─── 在距室底一定高度处设置筛板。

46、Laminar flow , sometimes known as streamline flow, occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption between the layers. ─── 层流是流体的一种流动状态。流体在管内流动时,其质点沿着与管轴平行的方向作平滑直线运动。

47、A numerical study is conducted for laminar flow heat transfer in rectangular ducts in thethermal entrance region with one side heated and three sides adiabatic. ─── 对单面加热矩形通道热入口段的层流对流换热问题进行了数值模拟研究,给出了不同截面比的局部努赛尔数。

48、In this paper,adopting red blood cell of rats by lamina chromatogram scanning.We discussed the influence of Red Ginseng(P.schin seng Nees. ─── 以家兔为实验动物,采用薄层色谱扫描法探讨红参提取物对红细胞膜磷脂成分的影响,结果显示:实验组红细胞膜磷脂成分中磷脂酰胆碱显著增多(p

49、One week later, can grow shiny green wheat seeding, turnip also up the lamina with pale green cock, shape is like an a basket of flowers. ─── 一周后,便能长出绿油油的麦苗,萝卜也向上翘起嫩绿的叶片,状如一只花篮。

50、Continental lower crustal flow:channel flow or laminar flow? ─── 大陆下地壳流动:渠流还是层流?

51、Also we can determine partial annular turbulent and laminar flow area range using laminar flow area equation of eccentric annular Newtonian fluid. ─── 可用偏心环空牛顿流体层流区域方程确定环空局部层流和紊流区域范围。

52、Contributions on Laminar Flowmeter and Intake Flowrate of ICE by Academician Shih S.H. ─── 史绍熙院士对层流流量计和内燃机空气流量测量的贡献。

53、Bypass transition from laminar to turbulent flow in boundary layer of a blunt nose was studied by means of Direct Numerical Simulation(DNS). ─── 通过直接数值模拟,研究了钝体头部边界层“逾越”型转捩的问题。

54、The phyllosphere(smooth , wrinkle), stalk and growing apex(green , purple),leaf(whole lamina and non-lamina) were all segrated at ratio of 1:1. ─── 叶面(平滑、皱缩),叶柄和生长锥(绿色、紫色),全叶(全叶、非全叶),叶尖(失绿、非失绿)以1:1的比例进行遗传。

55、It comprises a dimensionally stable core material ensheathed in a dimensionally stable, laminar covering that is adherent to the core material. ─── 其包括一个在尺寸上稳定的核心材料以及与所述核心材料粘附在一起的覆盖层。

56、The obstructing principle of plastics and two methods including laminar blending and multilayer co-extrusion which were used to improve obstructing capability were introduced. ─── 介绍塑料的阻隔原理及提高塑料阻隔性能常用的两种方法,即层状共混方法和多层共挤方法。

57、Rough laminar is a good kind of friction material that... ─── 光滑层结构的炭/炭复合材料石墨化度低,摩擦因数低,磨损小.

58、Different topological structures of SFL were ob served in laminar and turbulent flows. ─── 实验中观察到 ,椭球表面摩擦力线在层流和湍流状态下具有不同的拓扑结构。

59、Twenty-five reticules were counted in each specimen and yielded the number of neutrophils in 1 mm2 of the lamina propria(0.04mm2 x 25= 1 mm2 ) . ─── 在每个样本里面计算25个小格的数目,然后累加起来就得到了固有层里面1平方毫米的中性粒细胞数目。

60、Each lamina of ramose top turns into bud piece, base the ministry is gules, read floweriness piece. ─── 各分枝顶端的叶片变为苞片,基部红色,看似花瓣。

61、In organic lamina, the content of organic carbon exceeds 5% and algae fossils and ichthyolite are abundant. ─── 其中有机质纹层中的有机碳含量在5%以上,富含藻类化石及鱼化石等;

62、The water flow under ice cover is laminar when the flow is slow,especially the flow in large,e. ─── 冰盖下水流慢速流动时,大多数属于层流状态,尤其大体积水体流动时(如水库)更是如此。

63、Keep the mud flow characteristic in tubulant (hydraulic, laminar). ─── 使泥浆流变性保持在紊流(揣流,层流)

64、A two-dimension model was established based on the experimental results of the laminar plasma remelting processing on the stainless steel. ─── 应用有限元方法对层流等离子体射流不锈钢表面重熔工艺中的瞬态热物理现象进行了数值模拟研究。

65、VCD 3 -- (Chinese) The technical open method and structure Theory of Lamina quintuplet-lock (Demo and explain by Taiwan master. ─── VCD三(国语):台湾师傅演示叶片五段锁的技术开启方法叶片五段锁结构原理的图片讲解.

66、When a lamina has failed, the laminate stiffness is modified to reflect the damage, and stresses in the structure are re-analyzed. ─── 以纤维方向角和层合板厚度作为设计变量,最终失效强度为目标,对结构进行优化。

67、Laminar flow principle throughout the system. ─── 完美的层流方式。

68、Some argyrophil cells were observed in the connective tissue of lamina propria near epithelium or gland. ─── 在小肠固有膜结缔组织中有散在的嗜银细胞。

69、In the straight part of the arterial tree, laminar flow prevails and has anti-atherogenic effects. ─── 在动脉的直管部分,层流剪切力有特定的方向,因此有抗动脉粥样硬化的作用。

70、Bypassing flow is apt to happen when the cement milk bypasses the thick drilling fluid on the in the process of laminar flow cementation. ─── 在层流固井中,水泥浆容易绕过前面的钻井液和井壁黏稠的钻井液,而发生绕流现象。这种现象容易引起水泥浆与钻井液混浆,从而造成环空水泥环胶结不良。

71、If the Reynolds number is large the flow is no longer laminar as the particles tend to move in a random manner. ─── 如果雷诺数很大,由于流体质点变成杂乱无章的运动流动不再是层流。

72、QIN N, REDLICH A.Massively separated flows due to transverse sonic jet in hypersonic laminar stream [R].AIAA 96-1934. ─── 庞勇,贺国宏.高超声速流场中侧向喷流效应的数值模拟研究[A].第十届全国高超声速气动力(热)学术交流会论文集[C],1999:210-216.

73、Numerical analysis on convection heat transfer of laminar pulsating flow in a circular tube with constant heat flux and constant wall temperature is investigated. ─── 对等热流和等壁温边界条件下圆管内层流脉冲流动对流换热问题进行了数值模拟。

74、The effects of compatibility and shear rate on size and shape of laminar layers are apparent. ─── 体系相容性和外剪切场对层状平板的尺寸及形状有明显的影响。

75、Thus, NLF-1 wing is a better natural laminar flow wing. ─── 因此NLF-1机翼确为较好的层流机翼。

76、One manufacturer as a means of correction developed a laminar flow cart to transport the vials from the filling line to the lyophilized . ─── 有的生产商的补救措施是使用层流车,在灌装线和冻干机之间传递瓶子。

77、In the labial scanning images, three major layers, including epithelium, lamina propria, and submucosa, can be identified. ─── 在这些口腔黏膜的扫瞄结果中发现,我们可以观察到口腔黏膜中上皮层和固有层两层结构,部分能看到次黏膜的构造。

78、The lamina may appear especially even and parallel in sections parallel to the shoreline. ─── 在平行于滨线的剖面上,薄层显得尤为平整。

79、In order to correct this type of problem, another manufacturer installed a vertical laminar flow hood between the filling line and lyophilizer. ─── 为了解决这类问题,一些生产商在灌装线和冻干机之间安装层流罩。

80、The urothelium is hyperplastic.The lamina propria contains numerous plasma cells and delicate essels. ─── 尿路上皮增生,固有层含有大量浆细胞和微血管。

81、The mean streamwise velocity profile falls between those of laminar and turbulent velocity profiles in Newtonian fluid flow. ─── 主流时均速度分布有被层流化的趋势,对数分布域上移;

82、The argyrophil cells assumed various forms, and distributed between the epithelial cells or lied in the base of epithelium and in the lamina propria. ─── 嗜银细胞形态多样,位于肠上皮细胞之间和固有层结缔组织中。

83、Davila said.In general, the highest calcium scores were found in the laminar area, but "these scores did not correlate with a statistically significant increased risk. ─── 一般而言,指数最高的位置在于层状区域,但是这些指数与心血管风险的增加之间并没有显著的关连;

84、Above lamina cribrosa aerosol ore grain of group, carries on the hindered settling lamination. ─── 在筛板上方悬浮着矿粒群,进行干涉沉降分层。

85、Although there was no loss of duodenal mucosa under microscope, chronic inflammatory cells were found distribute asystematicly in the lamina propria. ─── 光镜下十二指肠黏膜完整未见脱落,固有层中有散在分布的慢性炎细胞,活检取材最深可达黏膜下层,未见其他特异性病理改变。

86、Leaves all petiolate. Inflorescence and/or partial inflorescences congested; branches relatively long, curved-ascending. Petal laminar glands all black or absent. ─── 叶全部具叶柄。花序和/或部分花序密集;枝比较长,弯曲上升。花瓣片状腺体全部黑色的或无。

87、This article introduces rolling installment structure of the biconcave slide wedge shaped lamina and the parameter of motion design. ─── 介绍了双凹面斜楔形薄板辊轧装置结构和运动参数设计。

88、the Reynolds number for Bingham fluid is larger than a certain value, the flow will transfer from the laminar state to the turbulent state as Newtonian flow does. ─── 和牛顿流体一样,宾汉流体的雷诺数超过一定值后,其流动将从层流向紊流过渡。

89、Causes to the laminar defect of the umbrella bone steel occurring in the process of cold forming are analyzed by chemical analysis and microstructure analysis. ─── 采用化学分析及微观组织分析的方法,对伞骨钢压扁后成型过程中所产生分层缺陷的原因进行分析。

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