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09-21 投稿


lection 发音

英:[lek?n]  美:[?lek?(?)n]

英:  美:

lection 中文意思翻译



lection 网络释义

n. 经文

lection 相似词语短语

1、lectin ─── n.[生化]外源凝集素;植物血凝素

2、rection ─── n.直配;支配

3、bilection ─── 分节

4、lections ─── n.经文

5、bolection ─── n.凸嵌线

6、section ─── n.截面;部分;部门;地区;章节;vi.被切割成片;被分成部分;vt.把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分

7、election ─── n.选举;当选;选择权;上帝的选拔

8、elections ─── n.选举,选举制;投票(election的复数形式)

9、flection ─── n.弯曲,屈曲;弯曲的部分

lection 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When he went home, he brought with him Da Zang Lection of Ci version and the statue of Zhantansakya Buddha. ─── 回国时,他带去敕版《大藏经》和旃檀释迦佛像。

2、The platform is developed for the detection of the fluorescent-labeled nucleic acids on DNA microarrays by using the evanescent wave created by total internal ref lection. ─── 利用光波全反射时产生的倏逝波场,用倏逝波激发荧光物质,搭建了简单的检测平台,实现了对荧光标记的核酸(DNA)芯片进行检测。

3、Mani Pile / lection stone, a Tibetan Buddhism tradition, the rock pile is like a shrine, with prayers flag on top. ─── 藏族的玛尼石碓,对佛教不陌生的朋友,大概都有听过六字大明咒。

4、Mo Lection of the Zhuang ─── 壮族麽经

5、At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by the neglected the passage of time. ─── 小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。

6、Rolling wheel also name as Ma NI Lection Wheel, the rolling carries communication between ancestor of Buddhist and Tibet resident. ─── 玛尼轮,一圈圈的转动着,承载着佛祖与藏民之间的沟通。

7、Buluotuo lection has the function to amusement god and person, therefore it owns the ambiguity of be serious and relaxed. ─── 麽经具有“娱神”和“娱人”的功用并存、宗教的严肃和世俗的轻松共处的双重性,对其语用进行分析。

8、The content of Chinese subject gives prominence to Chinese education and literature education and opposes students" reading lection in elementary school and middle school. ─── 语文学科的内容凸显了国语教育和文学教育,反对中小学生读经。

9、The next day he told the old monk,"Master, you're so masterly that I forget time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection. ─── 第二天,他对老和尚说,“师傅真高明,这壹转换方向,我就忘记了时间,整个心思都浸在这经文里了。”

10、Miao habiliments in western Hunan is a typical ref lection of Miao people's philosophy and dress aesthetics. ─── 湘西苗服体现了苗族自我,表现了独特的苗人哲学和服饰美学。

11、In the book-writing era, some people wrote the lection and title in red and black colors separately.Painting in different colors was striking and helpful to reading. ─── 在写本书时代,有人用朱墨两色分别书写经文和标题,用几种颜色绘画插图,既醒目又有助于阅读。

12、The old monk often took the young monk to the hill outside the temple to recite the lection. ─── 老和尚经常带着小和尚到寺院外面的山坡上诵读经文。

13、The recent years has seen some achievements in not only the discovery, the col lection and publication of the anthology, but in the ideology, the art and the development of the anthology. ─── 将明代小说选本分为三个时期,阐明其产生兴盛的背景原因,并将选本分为三类,分析不同类别小说选本的总体特征。

14、In Lection 46 Verse 17, of the Gospel of the Nazarenes, that was translated in 1892, the term "Teachers Of Righteousness" is used, a term that was not known until the Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1n 1947. ─── 在1892年翻译的拿撒勒的福音书经卷46诗篇17中,使用了“正义导师”,而这个词直到1947年死海古卷被发现人们才理解其含义。

15、antiref lection coating ─── 减反射膜

16、At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. ─── 小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。

17、young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time. ─── 小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。

18、lection Prix litt?raire de la Citoyennet? ─── 法国公民文学奖S?

19、"Qingzi Jingwen Guan" (Manchu Lection Department) ─── 清字经馆

20、lection efficiency ─── 反射效率

21、Buluotuo lection ─── 麽经布洛陀

22、Se lection of Danish as main equipment supplier by UNICOIL once again is an admission of clients to the high quality products and services of Danieli. ─── 用户选择达涅利作为主要设备供货商,是对达涅利高质量产品和服务的再一次认可。

23、its education has developed from lection teaching into modern school teaching. ─── 文化教育由经堂教育发展为现代学校教育。

24、The next day he told the old monk ,"Master, you're so masterly that I forget time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection." ─── 第二天,他对老和尚说,“师傅真高明,这一转换方向,我就忘记了时间,整个心思都浸在这经文里了。”

25、A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service. ─── 圣餐仪式经文摘自新约圣经福音书作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读的译文

26、When our vehicle arrived at the sightseeing stand, we found a great lection tower and a serious Tibetan lection banners. ─── 当车行至最高的观景平台,雄伟的经塔上,挂满了各色经幡。

27、The crude film is so well preserved that the lection on historic stone are not damaged though they were made one thousand age. ─── 这种天然草钙保护膜能够有效地保护碳酸岩石,使石质文物古迹上的石刻经文保存上千年而完好无损。

28、Saleswoman: Maybe you can buy her a watch. You see, I have a very wide se-lection of watches. ─── 售货员:也许您可以给她买-块手表。您看,我这里有许多种样式的手表。

29、at the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. by and by he neglected the passage of time. ─── 小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。

30、The lection of classics is too better, If it is not practiced, is is nothing more than words. ─── 经书上的经再好,如果不去实践,那么它也仅仅是一些文字而已。

31、Architectural Characteristics of Lection Printing Facility in Dege ─── 德格印经院的建筑特色

32、A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament may be included as part of a religious service. ─── 摘自新约圣经福音书的任何一段经文都可以作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读经文。

33、Reliability test is necessary for high-frequency transformer,especially temperature test.The test method, col?lection of test data and analysis of test results are discussed. ─── 因此,必须对高频变压器进行可靠性试验,特别是温度试验,并对试验方法、试验数据的采集、试验结果的分析进行了介绍。

34、a lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service ─── 摘自新约圣经福音书作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读的译文

35、This article analyses the difficulties and keypoints of the technique, and also introduces the main manufacturing process, se lection and the manufacture of the special equipments. ─── 分析空心导体转子线圈制造技术的难点与关键,介绍主要工艺过程以及工艺设备的选择、研制等。

36、Chapter Three introduces the construction of example base and semantics pattern base,which are the main data resources of the lection selection model. ─── 第三章花了大量篇幅集中介绍了支持选词的数据资源之构建情况,包括实例库的构建和语义模式库的构建。

37、Miao habiliments in western Hunan is a typical ref lection of Miao people's philosophy and dress aesthetics. ─── 湘西苗服体现了苗族自我,表现了独特的苗人哲学和服饰美学。

38、At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. ─── 小和尚就听了师傅的话。背对太阳诵读经文。

39、The paper point out the fact that the real market is one with imperfect information,since col- lection of information will take energy, time, and money. It will take evaluator a great amount of cost to get the perfect information. ─── 并指出现实市场是一个信息不完美的市场,由于信息收集要付出成本,估价师获得完美信息要付出很大代价。

40、Truely said Dazhao Temple wasn't a real temple ,because a real temple must have Buddha ,lection,bonze.However it didn't have bonze. ─── 其实大昭寺不能真正算作一个寺院,因为寺院的要求是佛法僧三宝,而大昭寺没有僧人。

41、Keywords Antinutritional factors Plant protein Digestive enzyme inhibitor Lection Allergen; ─── 抗营养因子;植物蛋白;消化酶抑制剂;凝集素;过敏原;

42、Compared with the modern Zhuang spoken language, it shows that some sentences of Buluotuo lection have verified certain history of grammaticalization. ─── 与现代壮语口语进行比较,说明麽经里保留的用句,印证了某些语法化途径。

43、Miaochang is copying the lection don't disturb her! ─── 妙常正在抄经,不必惊动于她!

44、A Survey of Affects of Blood Co lection on Laboratory Test Results ─── 采血方法对检验结果的影响研究

45、The next day he told the old monk,"Master, you're so masterly I forget the time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection. ─── 第二天他对老和尚说:"师父,你真高明,换个方向,我就忘记了时间,整个心思都放在经文上了.

46、You can ask a master in Nanshan Temple to chant a lection to pray for your happiness! ─── 请南山寺的法师诵经,祈福平安吉祥!

47、Emendation of the New Stele with Lection of Religion Jing from Daqin Unearthed at Luoyang ─── 洛阳新出大秦景教石经幢校勘

48、Constructing the New Socialist Country: the Historical Retrospect and Modern Ref lection ─── 建设社会主义新农村:历史回顾与现代反思

49、Furthermore, some parameters are robust independent of their are lection in some given intervals. ─── 并且,对模型中自由参数的选取进行比较,证实它们在给定区间上的选择具有鲁棒性。

50、Before Liu Xang's time, the lection part and the interpretative words were already written together, this format comes down today. ─── 刘向以前,经文部分和后面解释性文字已经抄写在一起,成为我们目前看到的样子。

51、At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection angist the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time. ─── 小和尚按照师父的话背着太阳诵读经文,渐渐地他就忽略了时间的流逝。

52、Research of the Performance-Constraint Software Integration on the Basis of Ref lection Technology ─── 基于反射技术的有性能约束特征的软件集成方法研究

53、Press Buddhism regulation: Recite scriptures should close eye, make silent only Song lection, must not talk, in order to show devotional. ─── 按佛门规定:念经要闭目,只许默诵经文,不许说话,以示虔诚。

54、The students are listening to a lection on American people and their ‘fake’ smiles. ─── 学员们一遍遍听着关于美国人民和他们“虚假”笑容的官方介绍。

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