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lumbago 发音

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lumbago 中文意思翻译



lumbago 网络释义

n. [中医][外科] 腰痛

lumbago 短语词组

1、lumbago pain ─── 腰痛

2、lumbago after tea picking ─── 采茶后腰痛

3、lumbago and abdominal pain ─── 腰痛和腹痛

4、ischemic lumbago ─── [医] 缺血性腰痛

lumbago 相似词语短语

1、lumbar ─── adj.腰的;腰部的;n.腰椎;腰神经;腰动脉

2、lumbang ─── n.三子树

3、lumbaginous ─── adj.腰痛的;腰肌痛的

4、plumbagos ─── n.石墨;白花丹属植物(plumbago的变形)

5、plumbago ─── n.[矿物]石墨;白花丹属植物

6、kumbaloi ─── 库巴洛伊

7、lumbangs ─── 团块

8、bumbags ─── 球

9、bumbag ─── 腰包

lumbago 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I'm having treatment for my lumbago . ─── 我腰痛正在治疗中.

2、Keywords A kind of suppository that alleviates lumbago symptoms nerve roots inflammation inflammation cells myeline sheath collagenous fiber; ─── 关键词腰痛灵栓;神经根炎;炎细胞;髓鞘;胶原纤维;

3、To treat or prevent lumbago, can mix according to oneself economic condition products condition of place, choose and buy or the pillow that abstain accord with to add up to physiology to ask. ─── 为了治疗或者预防腰痛,可以根据自己的经济条件和当地的物产条件,选购或自制符合生理要求的枕头。

4、An investigation of low frequency ultrasound therapy for relieving lumbago from soft tissue lesion ─── 低频超声治疗下腰部软组织损伤性疼痛的临床报告

5、Methods Twenty-three cases of patients who were confirmed hematonosis with the lumbago as the first symptom were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法对23例以腰背痛为首发症状血液病患者的资料进行回顾性分析。

6、Sexual lumbago, dampness is mainly caused by the wind cold invade waist pain, pain for local, expression is cold sore, YinYuTian heavier. ─── 寒湿性腰痛,主要是腰部受风寒侵袭引起,痛感为局部疼痛,表现为冷痛,阴雨天加重。

7、On the other hand, the addition that lumbar extensor is curvature of the protruding before suiting gradually first flabby, contract again after that, cause lumbago thereby. ─── 另一方面,腰部伸肌为适应前凸曲度的增加逐渐先松弛,而后又收缩,从而引起腰痛。

8、Pelvic inflammation caused such inflammation lumbago, and is more common women of reproductive age of back pain. ─── 盆腔炎等炎症引起的腰痛,是育龄期女性较常见的腰痛。

9、chronic lumbago ─── 久腰痛, 积年腰痛

10、pregnant backache and lumbago ─── 妊娠腰背痛

11、Sitting lumbago, have sciatic, be still fracture hyperplasia? ─── 坐着腰痛,是不是有坐骨神经,还是骨折增生?

12、traumatic lumbago ─── 伤损腰痛, 跌打腰痛

13、It is suitable for cough, asthma, gastralgia, neuralgia, Bi syndrome, flaccid syndrome, lumbago and pain of the low limb, sprain and contusion, skin diseases, etc. ─── 多用于咳嗽、哮喘、胃腹痛、神经痛、痹症、腰腿痛、扭挫伤,皮肤病等。

14、On pillow pinprick of central line from above to below, lumbago very person add thorn again respectively in the sideline on the pillow of two side 2 needles, namely 3 needles are pricked together. ─── 枕上正中线自上而下针刺,腰痛甚者则在两侧的枕上旁线分别再加刺2针,即三针齐刺。

15、severe lumbago ─── 折腰

16、functional lumbago ─── 功能性腰背痛

17、Chief physician Liu Bolin's experience of treating lumbago ─── 刘柏龄主任医师腰痛治疗经验

18、Analyses of Bone Mineral Density and Incidences of Osteoporosis for the Female Patients Who Complained with Lumbago ─── 主诉腰痛女性患者骨密度和骨质疏松患病率分析

19、fulminant lumbago ─── 卒腰痛

20、Is acerbity memory of leg of 36 years old of lumbago drops premature senility? ─── 36岁腰痛腿酸记忆力下降是早衰吗?

21、cold-damp lumbago ─── 寒湿腰痛

22、lumbago due to wetness-evil ─── 伤湿腰痛

23、Sedentary bring about classics blood to be entered upstream tubal, ovarian, cause next bellyacke, lumbago, have fierce classics especially painful, this namely alleged chocolate cyst. ─── 久坐导致经血逆流入输卵管、卵巢,引起下腹痛、腰痛,尤其有厉害的经痛,此即所谓巧克力囊肿。

24、My mom lumbago, how can you treat? What tweak is there? Besides go up hospital. ─── 我妈妈腰痛,怎么可以治疗?有什么好办法吗?除了上医院。

25、cold lumbago ─── 寒腰痛

26、Latter often moves because of the waist or the posture moves and make lumbago aggravate, still can radiate sometimes lower limbs, show the performance of the sciatica. ─── 后者常因腰部运动或体位运动而使腰痛加剧,有时还可放射到下肢,呈坐骨神经痛的表现。

27、In the center of model prominence still can encroach putamen bursa and horsetail nerve, cause lumbago or be obstacle of saddle area feeling. ─── 中央型的突出物还可以侵犯硬膜囊及马尾神经,引起腰痛或是鞍区感觉障碍。

28、1 、 lumbago accompanies the vagina to bleed, and ache is acuteness, should notice to whether have stream those who produce but can, or whether ectopic pregnancy. ─── 1、腰痛伴随阴道出血,且疼痛剧烈,要注意是否有流产的可能,或是否宫外孕。

29、puerperal lumbago ─── 产后腰痛

30、Be like " bolus of Japanese ischiadic lumbago " indicate on service instruction contain " ginseng, cropland 7, the plant medicine such as the bark of eucommia " . ─── 如“日本坐骨腰痛丸”的使用说明上标明含有“人参、田七、杜仲等植物药”。

31、As a result of gain weight, cadre system bear is aggravating, often have arthritis of anklebone of oedema of lumbago, lower limbs, genu . ─── 由于体重增加,骨骼系统负荷加重,常有腰痛、下肢水肿、膝踝骨关节炎。

32、When waiting for a symptom like patient occurrence high fever, shiver, lumbago, should consider acute pyelonephritis. ─── 如患者出现高热、寒战、腰痛等症状时,应考虑急性肾盂肾炎。

33、Even though standing straight, it possibly causes back's muscular straint, in addition to the object weight, it will perhaps crush back and cause lumbago. ─── 仅仅是将身体站直都可能使下背部的肌肉紧张,再加上物体的重量,说不定就会“压坏”背部,引起腰痛。

34、The root tuber is used as medicine for lumbago, neurasthenia, and insomnia. The plant is the basis of an important Chinese tonic medicine. ─── 块根为腰痛,神经衰弱和失眠被用作药。植株是一种重要的中国补药药的基部。

35、The product has advantages of special in design circuit and easy in carry,It has the special curative effects for a sexuality,impotence,premature egacuration,polyuria and chronic lumbago. ─── 本产品按人体工程学设计,造型小巧玲珑,可随身携带。

36、What fruit does backache, lumbago eat? ─── 背痛、腰痛吃什么水果?

37、acupoint. indications: lumbago ─── 气海俞

38、Mental Intervention Alleviating Lumbar Puncture-induced Fear, Headache and Lumbago ─── 心理干预在减轻腰穿恐惧及术后头痛和腰痛中的作用

39、Accordingly, yesSenileThe person's lumbago should try meticulously to differentiate seriously, lest by accident examine, leakage examine. ─── 因此,对老年人的腰痛要认真细致地加以鉴别,以免误诊、漏诊。

40、Vertebral to after rachis has apparently unusual activity or interverbebral disc excises art, incorporating surge has the patient of heavier lumbago, art of confluence of feasible establish bone. ─── 对于脊柱有明显异常活动或椎间盘摘除术后合并脊椎滑脱并有较重腰痛的病人,可行植骨融合术。

41、ischemic lumbago ─── [医] 缺血性腰痛

42、Fifty six cases of intractable lumbago were studied to analyze the causa morbi,mechanism and reasons of the intractable lumbago and to put forth principles of the treatment. ─── 归纳总结了56例下腰痛患者的治疗效果,在其基础上重点分析了顽固性下腰痛的病因、病机及其久治不愈的常见原因,并提出了针对这类患者的治疗原则。

43、Effect: kidney in Vigo-rating, loins-strengthening, suitable for lumbago, asthenia of kidney, drizzle ness and tinnitus, especially for the impotence and other deficiency of sexuality. ─── 功效:补肾壮阳、益精、治劳损、腰膝酸痛、肾虚、耳聋、耳鸣,对阳痿及有性功能障碍者有特殊疗效.

44、A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden ─── 因腰部风湿病发作得很厉害,他无法做园子里的工作。

45、What causes old people lumbago in? How should treat? ─── 中老年人腰痛是什么引起的?应该怎么样治疗?

46、The nerve root of operation place and vertebra board the exposure of stiff backbone film after excision often produces adhesion and scar partly, can stay lumbago or nerve root radiate painful. ─── 手术部位的神经根与椎板切除后硬脊膜的暴露部分常发生粘连与瘢痕,会留有腰痛或神经根放射痛。

47、Keywords lumbar intervertebral disk herniation/ TCM therapy;Capsules for Lumbago and Scelalgia/pharmcodynamics;nerve function/drug action;experimental study;animal;rat; ─── 关键词腰椎间盘突出症/中医药疗法;腰腿痛胶囊/药效学;神经功能/药物作用;实验研究;动物;大鼠;

48、lumbago due to stagnation of vital energy ─── 气滞腰痛

49、Keywords Mingmen (GV4);Guanyuan (CV4);prostatomegaly;lumbago;dawn diarrhea;menalgia;impotence; ─── 关键词命门;关元;前列腺肥大;腰痛;五更泻;痛经;阳萎;

50、Clinical observation and treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion with pure lumbago ─── 单纯腰痛性中央型腰椎间盘突出症的临床观察及治疗

51、lumbago due to injury ─── 伤损腰痛

52、exogenous lumbago ─── 外感腰痛

53、pregnant lumbago ─── 妊娠腰痛

54、Methods Among the psychotherapies for acute lumbago and dorsalgia,the methods of relaxed and hypnotic suggestive therapies were searched. ─── 方法对心理治疗中的放松术和暗示催眠术治疗急性腰背疼痛的方法进行了探讨。

55、(Urology behaves 5) : Much make water or little make water or hematuria or albuminuria, lumbago, face or lower limbs dropsy, serious person the whole body is bloated. ─── (5)泌尿系统表现:多尿或少尿或血尿或蛋白尿、腰痛、颜面或下肢浮肿、严重者全身浮肿。

56、According to the Japanese Orthopedics Asscociation's Scoring system for the operation of Lumbago and backache: 24 cases were excellent, 9 cases acre good and 2 cases fair. ─── 根据日本骨科学会腰背痛手术评分标准评定,优24例,良9例,可2例。

57、A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden . ─── 因腰部风湿病发作得很厉害,他无法做园子里的工作。

58、Intervertebral discs source lumbago of treatment research progression ─── 椎间盘源性腰痛的治疗研究进展

59、Methods There are 230 cases of old patients with lumbago and hack pain who excluded other diseases and senile osteoporosis was the hasic pathogeny. ─── 方法对230例以腰背痛就诊的老年患者,经检查排外其他疾患,骨质疏松是基本病因,我们将其命名为老年骨质疏松性腰背痛,将其分为三型并采用中西医综合治疗。

60、A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden. ─── 一阵厉害的腰疼使他不宜于做园子里的工作。

61、I'm having treatment for my lumbago. ─── 我腰痛正在治疗中。

62、The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of capsules for lumbago and scelalgia (CLS) was studied through animal experiments. ─── 为了解腰腿痛胶囊的抗炎镇痛作用进行了动物实验。

63、lumbago caused by internal damage ─── 内伤腰痛

64、What medicine treats lumbago the fastest best? ─── 有什么药治疗腰痛最快又最好?

65、(Patient of majority of 2) local symptom has a side or two side lumbago, to bilge painful or ache, the person that weigh but to ill flank ministry, perineal reach ham inside to radiate. ─── (2)局部症状 多数病人有一侧或两侧腰痛,为胀痛或酸痛,重者可向病侧腹部、会阴及大腿内侧放射。

66、Methods Among the psychotherapies for acute lumbago and dorsalgia, the methods of relaxed and hypnotic suggestive therapies were searched. ─── 方法对心理治疗中的放松术和暗示催眠术治疗急性腰背疼痛的方法进行了探讨。

67、The root is used as medicine for impotency, neurasthenia, and lumbago. ─── 根为无力,神经衰弱和腰痛被用作药。

68、Have the symptom such as occurrence lumbago only, the diagnose of detailed examination ability of doctor of classics specialized subject. ─── 只有出现腰痛等症状,经专科医生的详细检查才能确诊。

69、Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of massage and traditional treatment methods on acute simple lumbago ─── 急性单纯性腰痛的矫形手法治疗与传统疗法疗效观察

70、A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden. ─── 因腰部风湿病发作得很厉害,使他无法做园子里的工作。

71、asthenic lumbago and abdominalgia ─── 伤堕

72、qi-stagnant lumbago ─── 气腰痛

73、In China, some surveys show that "almost one in a family five suffers from lumbago". ─── 在中国,有学者作过调查,发现“五口之家,常有一腰痛。”

74、Function: Increasing the function of immunity,effective to the wet heat symptom of chronic nephritis, such as edema, lumbago, proteinuria, haematuria. ─── 功能与主治:请利湿热,解毒消肿。用于慢性肾炎之湿热症,症见:浮肿,腰痛,尿蛋白,血尿,舌苔黄腻等。

75、Keywords Posterier branch of lumbar nerves;Lumbago and scelalgia;Block; ─── 关键词脊神经后支;腰腿痛;阻滞;

76、A thing to sit on is improper, also can cause lumbago likewise. ─── 坐具不合适,同样也可以引起腰痛。

77、Bathroom door cannot develop bed, meeting waist carries ache on the back (foot of lumbago of drift painful head, strong waist, strong base is painful) . ─── 厕所门不可冲床位,会腰背酸痛(冲头痛头、冲腰腰痛、冲脚脚痛)。

78、Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Different Methods of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Acute Lumbago ─── 不同针灸法治疗急性腰痛疗效观察

79、Influence of Massage on the Muscle Current Value to Those who are Suffering Lumbago and Leg Ache ─── 按摩对腰腿痛患者的肌时值影响

80、The commonnest symptom is lumbago, aching edge rachis diffuses outwards, nightly when awaking with early morning apparent, daytime is reduced. ─── 最常见的症状是腰痛,疼痛沿脊柱向外扩散,夜间和清晨醒来时明显,日间减轻。

81、It is mainly suitable for tightening and fastening of waist, has adjuvant treatment to lumbar muscle degeneration, lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion and rheumatic lumbago. ─── 主要适用于患者腰部的束紧与固定,对腰肌劳损、腰椎间盘突出、风湿性腰痛起到辅助治疗的作用,同时还有健美收腹的作用;

82、The Villarreal star is suffering from lumbago that flared up overnight, but it is hoped this precautional measure will be enough to ensure his fitness for the big match. ─── 比利亚雷亚尔的球星一夜之间腰部疼痛,但球队希望保守的训练方式能令他有足够的状态迎接首战。

83、In addition, the disease of immune system respect, if rigidity sex rachitis also is,cause the cause with the common comparison of the lumbago below black prime of life. ─── 此外,免疫系统方面的疾病,如强直性脊柱炎等也是导致青壮年下腰痛的比较常见的原因。

84、lumbago with blood stasis; stony stranguria ─── 沥血腰痛

85、Keywords pricking blood therapy;protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disci;drugs for treating lumbago; ─── 刺血疗法;腰椎间盘突出症;腰痛灵;

86、Their main clinicai features were lumbago, fever and pathologic leanness. ─── 临床主要特点为腰痛、发热、消瘦,既往泌尿系感染和结石病史;

87、Deficiency of Qi and Blood, menstrual discomfort, agitation, sleeplessness, leucorrhea, pale-complexion, lumbago and menopausal embarrassing syndrome etc. ─── 气血两虚、小腹胀痛、心烦失眠、白带赤带、面色疮白、腰膝酸软、阴虚盗汗及更年期出现之不适症状。

88、The basis is the pathogeny, ill, of pathological changes property and degree different, clinical on can show all sorts of lumbago, be like blunt (bilge) painful, pang, angina, ache. ─── 根据病因、病位、病变性质和程度的不同,临床上可表现出各种腰痛,如钝(胀)痛、剧痛、绞痛、酸痛等。

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