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09-21 投稿


kowtow 发音

英:[?ka??ta?]  美:[?ka??ta?]

英:  美:

kowtow 中文意思翻译




kowtow 短语词组

1、kotow kowtow ─── 磕头

kowtow 词性/词形变化,kowtow变形


kowtow 相似词语短语

1、kowtowed ─── vi.叩头;卑躬屈膝;n.叩头

2、to tow ─── 拖

3、kowtowing ─── vi.叩头;卑躬屈膝;n.叩头

4、kowtows ─── vi.叩头;卑躬屈膝;n.叩头

5、cowtown ─── 牛仔城

6、to kowtow ─── 叩头

7、cow town ─── 养牛区中之小镇(用作牛市场的市镇)

8、kowtower ─── 高塔

9、kow-tow ─── vi.叩头;卑躬屈膝;n.叩头

kowtow 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I refuse to kowtow to anyone. ─── 我决不屈从任何人。

2、"Under pressure from all sides, Jin Rong bowed to Qin Zhong. But Baoyu would not be satisfied with anything less than a full kowtow." ─── "金荣强不得,只得与秦钟作了揖.宝玉还不依,偏定要磕头."

3、2. Slowly, Grandmother Chen raised her head and looked around, whereupon the " acolyte " tugged at Xiangzi to make him kowtow. ─── 慢慢的,陈二奶奶抬起头来,点着头看了看大家;“童儿”扯了扯祥子,教他赶紧磕头。

4、The ding of new century is about to kowtow noisy. ─── 新世纪的钟声即将叩响了。

5、After the usher had been given twenty strokes she had to return to kowtow to Xifeng. ─── "那人身不由己,已拖出去挨了二十大板,还要进来叩谢."

6、to kowtow to those who attend the funeral service of one's parent with one's forehead touching the ground ─── 稽颡

7、kneel down and kowtow at once ─── 纳头便拜

8、But it had served the bank well enough since 1992, when the takeover of Midland in the UK meant HSBC had to kowtow to local rules. ─── 但自1992年以来,这种结构在汇丰发挥了良好的效用。当时,汇丰为了收购英国的米德兰银行(Midland),不得不向当地法规低头。

9、"I carried him in me for ten months and raised him to manhood," grumbled Mrs. Fang."Now that he's taken a wife, don't I deserve a kowtow from the two of them? ─── 方老太太道:“我十月怀胎养大了他,到现在娶了媳妇,受他们两个头都不该么?

10、When the head of the giant software corporation refused to kowtow to the swami, he was promptly transformed into a little bug。 ─── 当这个软件巨头公司的老板拒绝象神像磕头时,他马上被变作了一只小虫子。

11、human beings learned for the first time how to bow, grovel, kneel, and kowtow. ─── 所谓四大文明古国,大家通常觉得系人类文明进化。

12、He's a brave man. I'm sure he will not kowtow to the enemy. ─── 他是一个勇敢的人,我相信他不会向敌人卑躬屈膝的。

13、On the road,there are a lot of kowtowed people with protective tools around their hands and knees,They are from the remote area and will kowtow to their destination-Lhasa. ─── 在各地通往拉萨的大道上,人们不时地见到信徒们从遥远的故乡开始,手戴护具,膝着护膝,前身挂一毛皮衣物,尘灰覆面,沿着道路,不惧千难万苦,三步一磕,直至拉萨朝佛。

14、One day, I caught the one and bowed insects, I asked my mother why it will kowtow, mother Huyanyuese said: "You Cacak information on the library to know. ─── 有一天,我捉到了一只磕头虫,我问妈妈它为什么会磕头,妈妈和颜悦色地说:“你去图书室查查资料就知道了。”

15、Just to kowtow to the Chinese and pander to their sentiment, the Australian Government unilaterally announced its withdrawal. ─── 澳大利亚政府向中国磕头,迎合中国的情绪,单方面宣布退出。

16、Maria: That is to say, those who are more liberal regard Kowtow as feudal. ─── 也就是说,那些更开放的父母认为磕头是封建的。

17、Perhaps we should teach the youth the difference between formal and informal communication without telling them to kowtow to seniors in society. ─── 也许我们应该教年轻人之间的差别,正式和非正式交流没有告诉他们向高年级的学生们在社会中。

18、Mrs. Lin took her daughter by one hand and Shousheng by the other, and ordered them to " kowtow." ─── 林大娘一手拉着林小姐,一手拉着寿生,就要他们“拜一拜”。

19、Acute pyelonephritis needs to be distinguished with acute cystitis, former divide outside bladder stimulates a symptom, still shiver, high fever and kidney area kowtow painful. ─── 急性肾盂肾炎需与急性膀胱炎区别,前者除有膀胱刺激症状外,还有寒战、高热和肾区叩痛。

20、Auntie Deborah, it is because of your thoughtfulness and kindness which brought our attention to mom's health condition. I kowtow at your feet. Thank you thank you thank you! ─── 狄波拉阿姨,你的慎重和好意才引起我们对妈妈病情的关注。我愿给你磕头,谢谢谢谢谢谢!

21、Song or General Stilwell who refused to kowtow and scrape before him, Jie got rid of them.He selected his ministers and commanders on a principle of loyalty and moral supineness. ─── 像宋子文、史迪威将军一类的优秀人才,不肯对他低三下四、奴颜卑声,唯命是从。

22、If he accepted his fate, then he should kowtow, ask Fourth Master to be his " foster father" and prepare to many that hag. ─── 假若打算认命,好吧,去磕头认干爹,而后等着娶那个臭妖怪。

23、He was sheltering at her stupendous mountain stronghold of Canossa, not far from Modena, and the Emperor had to climb there barefoot, in the depths of winter, to make his kowtow. ─── 教皇躲进了她那气势恢宏的山间城堡,它建在离摩德纳市不远的卡诺萨。皇帝不得不在隆冬季节赤脚攀上城堡,前去叩头谢罪。

24、When her daughter, all flushed and excited, rushed into the back room for a moment to report the good business, Mrs. Lin went to kowtow before the porcelain Kuanyin again. ─── 林大娘看见女儿兴冲冲地跑进来夸说一回,就爬到瓷观音面前磕了一回头。

25、According to local customs, he had to kowtow three times. ─── 按照乡俗,他得叩三个头。

26、a refusal to kowtow (to the government's wishes on this issue) ─── 拒绝屈从(於政府对这一问题的意旨).

27、Our office is very lax.As long as you come to work on time and always kowtow to the boss, you can get away with murder. ─── 我们办公室管得一点不严,只要你按时上班,对头头总是点头哈腰,那么你犯天大的错误也不会受到处罚。

28、He had no competence whatsoever because all he did was kowtow his way up the corporate ladder. ─── 他只靠拍马屁来升职,根本没有实力可言。

29、When you kowtow, hold an image of Buddha in your mind and imagine yourself as Him, then the kowtow rites will be more meaningful. ─── 叩首时要能冥想,默想着仙佛,然后把自己也当成是祂,这样叩首才有意义。

30、The first thing to do was to kowtow to the picture of Confucius, ─── 第一件事情就是先要拜孔子像

31、If some of you just kowtow to me three times without giving a single cent, I'll accept that too. ─── 一个子儿不拿,干给我磕三个头,我也接着。

32、Tomorrow I'll have Papa make you kneel three times and kowtow nine times before photographs of my grandparents as a penalty ─── 明天我教爸爸罚你对祖父祖母的照片三跪九叩首。

33、But if you Chinese dont wanna kowtow to us,we will treat you like how we treat Jap pigs. ─── 如果中国人不愿意对我们美国人磕头,我们将象对待日本猪那样对待你们.

34、Slowly, Grandmother Chen raised her head and looked around, whereupon the "acolyte" tugged at Xiangzi to make him kowtow. ─── 慢慢的,陈二奶奶抬起头来,点着头看了看大家; “童儿”扯了扯祥子,教他赶紧磕头。

35、"Look, here's my plan. On the twenty-seventh, the old man's birthday, you come and kowtow three tames to him. ─── 你看,我这么想:赶二十七老头子生日那天,你去给他磕三个头。

36、Zhuji people burn pine smoke kowtow to the gods, prayers read, easy to play sharp bamboo shuttle to the axillary stabbed cattle. ─── 主祭人烧松烟向天神磕头、念祷词后,便于挥锋利的竹梭向牛腋猛刺。

37、To visit friends and family at any time to do a good job in preparation for ceremonial kowtow, the last hurdle before the big banquet guests. ─── 要对来拜访的亲朋好友随时做好磕头作揖的准备,最后一关便是大摆筵席宴请宾客。

38、They giggle and sloppily kowtow three times, kneeling on strips of paper so there trousers and dresses won't get dirty, and then they close their eyes and pray, sometimes aloud. ─── 到近几年跟自己相处多年深有感情的外公上坟的时候,我都是跪在地上老老实实的磕头了,算是敬上孝心。

39、Kowtow pine waist, buttocks can not stand, the body charged with the focus between the legs. ─── 屈膝松腰,臀部不可凸出,身体重心落于两腿之间。

40、All departments must honor kowtow, or a link to take care of ill, development projects were ordered stopped on the loss. ─── 所有的部门,都要烧香磕头,否则,一个环节照顾不周,开发项目被勒令停工,损失可就大了。

41、(3) is local body ask forring often has a side or area of two side kidney kowtows attack painful, in kowtow when attacking, visible patient dodges suddenly wait for expression and painful expression. ─── (3)局部体征 常有一侧或两侧肾区叩击痛,在叩击时,可见患者突然躲闪等表现及痛苦表情。

42、Tenderness of horn of the backbone that do not have costal region and kidney area kowtow painful; ─── 无肋脊角压痛及肾区叩痛;

43、Auntie Deborah, it is because of your thoughtfulness and kindness which brought our attention to mom's health condition. I kowtow at your feet. Thank you thank you thank you!!! ─── 狄波拉阿姨,你的慎重和好意才引起我们对妈妈病情的关注。我愿给你磕头,谢谢谢谢谢谢!

44、Zhang Ting grateful to the Department of Justice, and his wife Shaohuan to kowtow to identify the parents. ─── 张有廷对邵家感激不尽,磕头认邵焕夫妇为父母。

45、"When at last the others prevailed on her to stop, Daiyu made her kowtow to her grandmother. " ─── "一时众人慢慢解劝住了,黛玉方拜见了外祖母."

46、The women kowtow outside of Jokhang temple. ─── 大昭寺门口磕长头的女人。

47、She has a wide influence there with millions of believers. Even politicians go and call on her. Some of them go so far as to kowtow to her. ─── 台湾有个尼姑叫澄严法师,她的影响力在台湾非常大,有几百万信徒,政治人物都要去拜访她,有的还向她磕头。

48、"In fact, there's no need for you to come yourself the day after tomorrow. You can kowtow to me now, if that will make you feel better." ─── "你后日也不必来,你要心中不安,你今日就给我磕了头去."

49、They wear frazzled clothes and kowtow to you with a bowl or a box in their hand. ─── 他们穿着破烂,手里拿着一只碗或盒子朝你磕头。

50、" is kind to ask " :" If hit a bell,be kind to the person that ask, kowtow with small person small cry, kowtow with big person cry greatly, wait for its easy, use up its sound " next. ─── 一曰"善待问":"善待问者如撞钟,叩之以小者则小鸣,叩之以大者则大鸣,待其从容,然后尽其声"。"

51、The masters of practicing Qigong pause the guiding of Qi to kneel for three times and kowtow for nine times before the statue of grand Tathagata Buddha when his Qi reaches the top of head. ─── 练气的大师们,他们在导气运行中,当气运行到头顶脑海处时,都会暂时停下来对着大自在王的宝坐,三拜九叩后才再继续运转。

52、He's a brave man. I'm sure he will not kowtow to the enemy. ─── 他是一个勇敢的人,我相信他不会向敌人卑躬屈膝的。

53、Have you seen the people when they make a long kowtow? ─── 可可西里:见过磕长头的人吗?

54、perform the kowtow; perform the prostration ceremony ─── 行跪拜礼

55、They saw in it a willingness by the new left-of-centre government to kowtow to Beijing. ─── 他们认为这是中左翼的新政府有意向中国政府卑躬屈节。

56、After that, in turn Jingfo to the temple to burn incense and kowtow fell down, go to temple to see operas, Shuahou. ─── 尔后,轮流到庙会烧香敬佛,叩头跪拜,逛庙会,看唱戏,耍猴。

57、make a kowtow to sb.; give sb. a kowtow ─── 给某人磕头

58、I'm not going to kowtow to a mere nobody like him. ─── 我不想给他这样的无名小卒磕头。

59、before she could kowtow the old lady threw both arms around her. ─── "方欲拜见时,早被他外祖母一把搂入怀中"

60、The patient that abdomen expands, the echo that kowtow board fact person, with disease of and so on of Yu of blood of stagnation of the circulation of vital energy card is much; ─── 腹部膨胀的病人,叩之回声板实者,以气滞血瘀之类病证为多;

61、When the head of the giant software corporation refused to kowtow to the swami, he was promptly transformed into a little bug. ─── 当这个软件巨头公司的老板拒绝象神像磕头时,他马上被变作了一只小虫子。

62、Have you seen the people when they make a long kowtow? Their faces and hands are all dirty, but their hearts are clean. ─── 可可西里:见过磕长头的人吗?他们的脸和手都很脏,可是心灵却很干净。

63、The onlookers were unable to express their shock and disapproval.Ah Ch'ou was more rash and asked his mother and father, "Why don't Eldest Uncle and Eldest Aunt kneel down and kowtow?" ─── 傍观的人说不出心里惊骇和反对,阿丑嘴快,问父亲母亲道:“大伯伯大娘为什么不跪下去拜?”

64、a novel for the stage requires courage, vision and a spirit that refuses to kowtow to the original author. ─── 一本小说搬上舞台需要勇气、见识以及拒绝向原作者卑躬屈膝的精神。

65、Then, the official from the Court of State Ceremonial will lead the all the officials present to kneel down and kowtow in front of the emperor. ─── 至保和殿,皇帝降舆,应礼部尚书奏请到中和殿升座,鸿胪寺官引导典礼中执事的各级官员行三跪九叩礼。

66、Who knows how many days I have left to live-. -hic- So if you both kowtow in my presence, I can set my mind at ease! ─── 呃,知道我还有几天活,呃,你们就在我面前拜一拜,我也放心!

67、Her commencement-visit's motto is less kowtow, more criticism. ─── 她对第一个出访国的的建议是少磕头,多批评(少栽花,多栽刺?)

68、In accordance with custom, the Venerable Master Kao Was the first to kowtow to the ancestral shrine, after which he retired from the hall. ─── 依旧是由老太爷开始向祖宗叩头。 老太爷叩了头就进房去了。

69、Forced to bow his head in the ritual kowtow, he kept trying to raise it. ─── 在被迫低头行通常的那种磕头礼后,他总是努力再抬起头来。

70、The children kneel on the ground to express their sentiments for the volunteers.As they kowtow, tears of gratitude and nostalgia come flooding out. ─── 垂手可得美味的炸素料,却是育幼院童难得的享受,品尝美食的同时,孩子感受到的更是那一份如同父母亲对子女的爱。

71、Some Chinese argue that, now their country is strong, it no longer needs to kowtow to American power. ─── 一些中国人说,现在他们国家强大了,无需再对美国马首是瞻。

72、In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), Emperor Wudi Liu Xiu once ordered Dong Xuan, a county magistrate of Luoyang, to kowtow to his sister and apologize for some alleged wrong he had committed. ─── 东汉时,汉光武帝刘秀姐姐的家奴杀了人,洛阳县令董宣依法处死了凶手。刘秀偏信姐姐的一面之词,下令把董宣处死。

73、Fourth Master Liu was gratified by the number of people who came to kowtow and congratulate him, and his elation increased with the arrival of many old friends to wish him a happy birthday. ─── 刘四爷很满意有这么多人来给他磕头祝寿。 更足以自傲的是许多老朋友也赶着来贺喜。

74、Shed tears of Blood and kowtow on the ground ─── 泣血稽颡

75、In only a few days time, the blog click on the article of more than 246,400 people have, reply 516, the majority of netizens "to the teachers, students kneel kowtow" is questioned. ─── 短短几天的时间里,该博客文章点击量已超过246400人次,回帖516条,多数网友对“学生跪下给老师们磕头”的行为表示质疑。

76、Monthly eye for an eye 15, and the troupe would like to make portraits of the main actors, and wood were put on Gentiana, fruit-like offerings, incense and kowtow. ─── 每月初一、十五,戏班的主要演员们还要给画像、木头人摆上麻花、果子之类的供品,焚香叩头。

77、They are, it is said, less likely to enforce the OECD rules or to kowtow to foreigners. ─── 据说香港和澳门不能执行OECD法规或者屈服于外国。

78、You will own If you kowtow. ─── 磕头了给他们给点儿。

79、Pure and clear visit grave with New Year's Eve, cut grass Pei soil to fix the whole grave, toast to kowtow toward the late lament in token of banister. ─── 清明和除夕上坟,割草培土修整坟墓,向故人敬酒跪拜以表示哀悼。

80、Later people will burn some increase at home or in temples and kowtow to show respect to their ancestors or pray to the holy spirits for their families good health in the coming year. ─── 于是人们在家或祠堂焚上香叩拜先人或祈求诸神保佑家人来年身体健康。

81、kowtow on knees ─── 膜拜

82、Yes, everything's ready for the wedding, dowry and all-all you want now is for your future son-in-law to come and kowtow to you ─── 办喜事,垫箱钱,什么都办好在那里,就等女儿女婿来磕头。

83、Now Chueh-hsin entered the family hall just in time to join his two brothers and his three male cousins lining up to kowtow to the gods of Heaven and Earth. ─── 他来得正好,便领着觉民、觉慧、觉英、觉群、觉世五个兄弟排成次序行了礼。

84、Take one half when them by kowtow in succession - kowtow - the sound that kowtow gives be frightened. ─── 当他们走到一半时便被一声声叩-叩-叩的声音给吓住了。

85、The uproar caused "all students to teachers kowtow knees," Yang photos from September 4 to 1, entitled "Crazy English Li Yang set up bases in Baotou," the blog article. ─── 引起轩然大波的“全体学生跪下给老师们磕头”照片出自李阳9月4的一篇题为“李阳疯狂英语包头基地成立”的博客文章。

86、He had no competence whatsoever because all he did was kowtow his way up the corporate ladder. ─── 他只靠拍马屁来升职,根本没有实力可言。

87、Not even on the twenty-eighth was he going to kowtow to anyone, and who dared touch him! ─── 二十八也不去磕头,看谁怎样得了祥子!

88、Because her son and daughter-in-law had failed to kowtow to her, Mrs. Fang had not given them any jewelry.After she had seen them out, she returned to her room and grumbled to her husband. ─── 方老太太因为儿子媳妇没对自己叩头,首饰也没给他们,送她出了门,回房向遯翁叽咕。

89、All the servants had to kowtow to the emperor when he entered the room. ─── 皇帝进房间时,所有的仆人都得向他叩首。

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