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09-21 投稿


magenta 发音

英:[m??d?ent?]  美:[m??d?ent?]

英:  美:

magenta 中文意思翻译





magenta 网络释义

n. 品红;洋红;红色苯胺染料adj. 洋红色的;品红色的n. (Magenta)人名;(意)马真塔

magenta 词性/词形变化,magenta变形


magenta 短语词组

1、Battle of Magenta ─── [网络] 马晋塔战役;洋红战役

2、magenta studio ─── 洋红工作室

3、magenta potion ─── 洋红药水

4、Boulevard de Magenta ─── 洋红大道

5、magenta pink ─── [网络] 粉苯

6、light magenta ─── 浅洋红

7、magenta rose ─── 品红玫瑰色

8、magenta educational supplies ─── 洋红教育用品

9、magenta acid ─── [化] 品红酸

10、acid magenta ─── [医] 酸性品红

11、Magenta Petrel ─── 洋红海燕

12、Magenta-throated Woodstar ─── 品红-高温木星

13、magenta tongue ─── [医] 洋红舌

14、magenta 0 ─── 洋红0

15、crimson-magenta ─── [网络] 深红洋红

magenta 相似词语短语

1、agents ─── n.媒介;[法][贸易]代理人;药剂(agent的复数)

2、agential ─── adj.代理人的;代理商的

3、tangental ─── 切向的

4、momenta ─── n.动量(momentum的复数);力量;动向;要素

5、ramenta ─── 拉门塔

6、misagents ─── 错配剂

7、magmata ─── n.沉淀物;乳浆剂(magma的复数)

8、magentas ─── n.品红;洋红;红色苯胺染料;adj.洋红色的;品红色的;n.(Magenta)(意)马真塔(人名)

9、menta ─── n.薄荷;n.(Menta)人名;(意、西)门塔

magenta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pale magenta tone creates or carves the pathway through which soul can be anchored into any field. ─── 因为浅洋红音调创造或绘制了灵魂可以锚定进任何能量场的路径。

2、We do not know how many adjustments, but magenta value, the value that you want to reduce the need for additional. ─── 我们不知需调度众众,但是必定品赤值需减众,青值需补充。

3、Process colour printing: A form of multi-colour printing in which only four definite colours, viz.: yellow, magenta, cyan and black are used. ─── 四色彩印:是多色印刷的一种。它限定使用黄,洋红,青蓝和黑四种颜色。

4、Subtractive Process: Photographic process that uses one or more subtractive primary colors i.e., cyan, magenta, and yellow, to control red, green, and blue light. ─── 减色法照明:这种技术主要应用在现有的光源下进行室外拍摄。通过使用大张档光板,柔光布,或吊灯,使光线从被摄主体移走,目的是增加光比。有时候称为“负补光。”

5、In process colour printing, different compositions of the three colours yellow, magenta and cyan form different degree of greyness which are replaced by corresponding percentage of black screen dots. ─── 在四色彩印中,用不同百分率的黑色网点代替不同份量的灰度;即是代替不同份量的黄、红和青蓝的组合。

6、In process colour printing, they are: magenta, yellow and cyan. They are called subtractive primary colours because each of these colour will absorb or subtract one third of the colours in the white light. ─── 在彩印方面,它们是:洋红,黄及青蓝。它们被称为减色法原色是因为它们每个颜色会吸收或减去白光内的三分之一色光。

7、For the same reason air information is printed in magenta ─── 出于同样的原因,航空资料采用品红色印刷。

8、magenta 0 ─── 副品红

9、For example, a line drawn on a cyan destination will appear as magenta. ─── 例如,在青色目标上绘制的线将显示为洋红色。

10、Three-colour process: Process work using the yellow, magenta and cyan without black. ─── 三色彩印:用黄,洋红及青蓝而不加黑的彩色印刷方法。

11、Characterization of Latex Magenta Couplers ─── 乳液聚合型品红成色剂的应用性能

12、Secondary colours: Colour produced by mixing two primary colours. For example: orange, violet and green in art; red (magenta plus yellow), blue (cyan plus magenta ) and green (yellow pous cyan ) in printing. ─── 二次色:由两个原色混合而成的颜色。例如:美术方面的橙,紫和绿色;印刷方面的红(洋红加黄), 蓝(青蓝加洋红)和绿(黄加青蓝)。

13、Magenta is a Professor of Art at Arizona State University teaching both graduate and undergraduate studio courses in new media concepts. ─── 买杰塔是亚利桑那州立大学的一位艺术教授,她教导大学生演播课程时提出了新媒体概念。

14、"Some of the flowers I added are magenta. " I said. ─── 我说,“放在面里的花,有的是紫红颜色的。”

15、Four-colour process Colour printing with the three subtractive primary colours (yellow, magenta, cyan)plus black.Also called Full colour printing, Process colour printing. ─── 四色彩印用三个减色法原色(黄、洋红、青蓝)加上黑色的彩色印刷。

16、Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis,having magenta,white,or magenta-spotted flowers. ─── 兰兰属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的花朵。

17、Colour separation: Separating full colour into the four process colours (yellow, magenta, cyan and black) by means of filters, resulting in four films used to make printing plates. ─── 分色:用滤色片把全部色彩分为四个彩印颜色(黄、洋红、青蓝和黑),造成四张制版用的菲林。

18、The subtractive primaries are cyan (a bluish green), magenta (a purplish pink), and yellow; ─── 减色法三原色是青绿色、品红(略带紫色的粉红色)和黄色;

19、magenta tongue ─── [医] 洋红舌

20、Submit color files at 300 dpi TIFF, PS, or EPS format. If selecting a file mode, use CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) or RGB (red, green, blue). ─── 上面这三个是针对如果你上传的图片是黑白图片说的吧?如果要上传彩色图片,是不是只遵循下面这条?

21、Magenta on the other hand, takes out green leaving only red and blue which we see as magenta. ─── 另一方面,紫色颜料吸收了绿光而只留下红光和蓝光,就使我们看见了紫色。

22、To demonstrate the stability of the magenta layer when the curve shape stabilizing addendum is added, tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings. ─── 为了证明品层的稳定性,加一种对曲线形状有稳定作用的化合物使老化实验与新鲜涂层进行比较。

23、cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with shell-pink shading and crinkled yellow lip with variegated magenta stripes ─── 叶子长方形发光,拱形白色花串带有贝壳粉色调,带褶的黄色唇瓣上有品红色带斑点的条

24、Magenta One of the subtractive primary colours . It is used in four- colour process printing . Also referred to as Process red. ─── 减法原色之一。是四色彩印所用的颜色。亦称四色红。

25、acid magenta ─── [医] 酸性品红

26、A lady with a magenta rinse turned to me and said: "Honey you are the wrong age and the wrong gender to have a Bunion-anatomy!" ─── 一位染了紫红色头发的妇女转过头来对我说:“宝贝,你来做姆囊切除术,真是生错了年龄,生错了性别!

27、The subtractive primaries(cyan,magenta and yellow)are the opposites,or complementaries,of the additive primaries of light. ─── 减去的提名候选人的预选会 (蓝绿色,红紫色和黄色的) 是添加剂提名候选人的预选会的相对事物或互补光。

28、cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with shell-pink shading and crinkled yellow lip with variegated magenta stripes. ─── 叶子长方形发光,拱形白色花串带有贝壳粉色调,带褶的黄色唇瓣上有品红色带斑点的条。

29、Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis, having magenta, white, or magenta-spotted flowers. ─── 兰花属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的花朵。

30、As a result, actual production sequence is used in the colors black, yellow, magenta and cyan. ─── 因此,本质出不销洋拔取的色序是暗、黄、品红、青。

31、In the business card printing and membership card making chromatology, yellow, magenta, cyan is referred to as a color; ─── 在制卡和会员卡制作色彩教洋,把黄、品赤、青 称为一次色;

32、Primary colours : In light, the primary colours are red, green and blue.In printing inks, the primary colours are magenta, cyan and yellow and blue. ─── 原色:光的原色是红绿和蓝。印刷油墨的原色是洋红,青蓝和黄。美术方面的原色是红,黄和蓝。

33、red (magenta plus yellow), blue (cyan plus magenta ) and green (yellow pous cyan ) in printing. ─── 印刷方面的红(洋红加黄), 蓝(青蓝加洋红)和绿(黄加青蓝)。

34、Largely oversaturated, particularly in the Magenta, Blue and Green colors, a very punchy look. ─── 基本上过饱和,特别是在洋红,蓝,绿三色,看起来非常强烈。

35、Keywords magenta fuchsine wastewater treatment treating process; ─── 品红染料;染料废水;治理工艺;

36、During Holi celebrants toss clouds of powdered pigments in shades of indigo, magenta, and saffron to celebrate the passion of Hindu god Krishna for his lover, Radha. ─── 在胡里节期间,司仪会抛洒由靛蓝,洋红和金黄等颜色的颜料粉末,以赞美印度教里的神克利须那对他的爱人拉德哈的热恋。

37、Three holes have been etched into the insulation layer (magenta color) above the transistor.These three holes will be filled with copper which will make up the connections to other transistors. ─── 在晶体管上面的绝缘材(品红色)上蚀刻出三个孔洞,并填充铜,以便和其它晶体管互连。

38、If you still don’t believe me, concentrate on the edges of the colored spirals.Where the green hits the magenta it looks bluer to me, and where the blue hits the orange it looks greener.Amazing. ─── 如果你还是不相信,就集中盯着条纹的边缘看,在我看来,蓝色接触到桃红的地方会显得更绿,真是惊人。

39、widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length ─── 一个广布的草本属,叶掌状,乳白色或粉色至红紫色花,花具多数长度不等的雄蕊

40、Working Magenta Plate ─── 处理洋红版

41、In CMYK model, magenta plus yellow produces red, cyan plus yellow makes green, and magenta plus cyan generates blue. ─── 在与CMYK模式产生黄色加上红色洋红、蓝加绿黄色作、洋红加蓝产生蓝色。

42、The selection of UV ink is crucial, in addition to meeting the ink itself quality index, but also and UV lamp wavelength match, try to choose standard hue of yellow, magenta, cyan ink. ─── UV油不朱的采取十不合关头,除了给满意油不朱本身的度度指标边,还务必与UV灯波长相成婚,只管即便拔取尺度色相的黄、品红、青不朱。

43、Then I add a little magenta, but not too much to make it cool - 15%, and then in this case, that looked too dark, so I added some white. ─── 再往后,我加了一些品红色,不过不多,使之冷一些——15%,在这个例子中看起来有些暗了,所以我家了一些白色。

44、Keywords Magenta azomethine dye;Photo-oxidation;Singlet oxygen;Superoxide anion; ─── 品红甲亚胺染料;光氧化;单线态氧;超氧离子;

45、The plate that prints magenta ink. ─── 中义印制洋红色墨的印版。

46、Magenta: Purplish color; complementary to green or the minus-green subtractive primary used in the three-color process. Magenta light results when red and blue light overlap. ─── 品红:略带紫的颜色;是绿色的补色或者三原色减色法处理中减去绿色。当红色和蓝色重叠时所产生品红色。

47、Transform angle, safety line color to green and magenta alternates between men and women. ─── 变更角度查察时,不乱全线两侧颜色在绿色与品白色之间瓜代改变。

48、In process colour printing, they are: magenta, yellow and cyan. ─── 在彩印方面,它们是:洋红,黄及青蓝。

49、Specifies individual channels in the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color space. This enumeration is used by the SetOutputChannel() methods. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

50、Its colors are green, magenta, orange and blue. ─── 它的颜色是绿色,品红色,橙色以及蓝色。

51、Color printed card transfers and membership card making Ribbon is divided into three separate color groups: yellow, magenta and cyan. ─── 不暗白冷不停印制卡和会员卡制息的色带分成不一个并立的色组:黄色、品红色和青色。

52、The magenta grass ripples in the wind like wheat. ─── 这些红色的小草随风摆动 就像地球上的麦田一样。

53、extraspectral magenta ─── 光谱外品红

54、magenta filter adjustment ─── 品红滤色片调节

55、Semidouble magenta red large frilled star. ─── 半重瓣大朵折边洋红色星形花。

56、Process colour printing A form of multi-colour printing in which only four definite colours, viz.: Yellow, magenta, cyan and black are used.See multi-colour printing. ─── 四色彩印是多色印刷的一种。它限定使用黄,洋红,青蓝和黑四种颜色。参阅多色印刷。

57、magenta acid ─── 品红酸

58、Process inks: Cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks as a set of four for process colour printing. ─── 四色墨:配制为一套,供四色彩印用的油墨,它们分别是青蓝,洋红,黄和黑。

59、magenta coupler ─── 品红成色剂

60、magenta P ─── 品红P

61、In order for the technique to function for the standardized process colors cyan, magenta and yellow as well, densitometers have color filters for the complementary colors. ─── 为使这项技术能应用于标准程序的青绿、品红以及黄色,光密度计有彩色滤光片处理互补色;

62、Some people might say that it's magenta and not pink. ─── 有些人可能说这是紫红色的,不是粉红色。

63、Simple subtractive, yellow, magenta, cyan adjustable out red, Orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple, and so on dozens of color. ─── 单一的色料不一原色,黄、品红、青可调配不入不黑、橙、黄、红、青、蓝、紫等几十栽颜色。

64、Four-colour process: Colour printing with the three subtractive primary colours (yellow,magenta,cyan)plus black .Also called Full colour printing,Process colour printing. ─── 四色彩印:用三个减色法原色(黄、洋红、青蓝)加上黑色的彩色印刷。

65、Through the Red or magenta filter observation of this printed matter, because the filter absorbed a green light, so green dimidiate black(charred). ─── 堵住赤或品赤滤波片查察此印品,由于滤波片汲取了赤平,所以赤像元变黑。

66、In process colour printing, for example, the screen angles might be: 105 degree for cyan, 90 degree for yellow, 75 degree for magenta and 45 degree for black. ─── 四色彩印所用网角的一个例子:青蓝105度;黄色90度;洋红75度;黑色45度。

67、Similarly, you can render images that indicate the intensities of the magenta, yellow, and black channels. ─── 同样,可以呈现指示洋红色、黄色和黑色通道亮度的图像。

68、Determination of Deoxyribonucleic Acid with New Magenta by A Resonance Light - scattering Technique ─── 三甲基品红与脱氧核糖核酸作用的共振光散射光谱的研究

69、A stooped bearded figure appears garbed in the long caftan of an elder in Zion and a smoking cap with magenta tassels. ─── 出现了一个弯腰驼背、留着胡子的人。他身着锡安的长老所穿的那种长袍,头戴有着深红流苏的吸烟帽。

70、para magenta ─── 偶合品红

71、“They also might want to run non-traditional process mixes rather than CMYK, and substitute Rubine Red for Magenta, or Reflex Blue for Black. ─── “他们还可能要运行非传统的混合过程,而不是CMYK ,并取代宝红红色洋红,或反射蓝黑色。

72、Congo floor magenta ─── 刚果地板蛆

73、This exposes the aldehyde groups of deoxyribose.The tissue is then soaked in Schiff's reagent: the development of a magenta color indicates the location of DNA. ─── 从而暴露出脱氧核糖的醛基,然后将其放入Schiff’s试剂中,紫红色部分显示DNA的存在部位。

74、echo #color message -- echos a message above your character's head in the specified color (white, green, red, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta). Omitting color makes it white. ─── 在你的人物头顶以特定颜色(白、绿、红、蓝、青、黄、洋红)显示一条信息,默认颜色为白色。

75、She wore a sort of magenta dress. ─── 她穿着一件洋红色外套。

76、The method was tested on 12 samples-gray,cyan,magenta and yellow-at three mid-tone contrasts on two scanners. ─── 在两台扫描仪上分别选取三个不同的色调反差条件对灰、青、品、黄共12个颗粒样片进行了测试。

77、Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis, having magenta, white, or magenta - spotted flowers. ─── 兰兰属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的花朵

78、widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length. ─── 一个广布的草本属,叶掌状,乳白色或粉色至红紫色花,花具多数长度不等的雄蕊。

79、Exploration from the abnormal fading phenomenon of the magenta solution ─── 品红溶液异常褪色现象引发的探究

80、It is therefore vital to have become extremely overprinter alignment, as any of the misregister, such as magenta or blue-white are spreading. ─── 因此套印差准酿成极为给紧,因为任何的套印禁绝,如洋红或青色均会波及不黑色的不天方。

81、Pint Magenta and Cyan together and evaluate the resulting purple tones against the color key. ─── 如果这个橙色偏黄了,减少黄色油墨;

82、The cyan, yellow and magenta toners each have their own fuser behavior assignments. ─── 在青色,黄色和洋红色碳粉都有自己的定影行为转让。

83、This is knotted in emerald green, lovat, magenta and rose-red. ─── 以鲜绿色、杂绿色、紫红色和玫瑰红结织。

84、magenta contact screen ─── 品红接触网目片

85、The magenta and green version of the same hierarchy, if there is no separation of experience, this way is often easy to confuse. ─── 而品赤版和青版,条理都不对不众,如果操纵分色的教训,用这个办法不常便当搞混。

86、Magenta Petrel ─── n. 红圆尾鹱

87、Magenta One of the subtractive primary colours.It is used in four-colour process printing.Also referred to as Process red. ─── 减法原色之一。是四色彩印所用的颜色。亦称四色红。

88、First, four continuous-tone color separation negatives for cyan, magenta, yellow and black printer are made respectively via a scanner or process camera; then, screening is done via an enlarger and four screened positives are produced. ─── 先用扫描仪或制版照相机分色,得青蓝、洋红、 黄及黑版用的四张连续色调分色负片。然后用放大机或制版照相机上网,分别制成四张网点正片。

89、CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (black), and the color model describes a formula for creating other colors by mixing pigments of these colors in varying amounts. ─── 主张与CMYK蓝、洋红、黄色和重点(黑)描述一个公式的颜色模式造成其他颜色的颜料混合这些颜色不同数额。

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